Demon God

Chapter 4: Immortal golden body

Xiao Han sank his heart on the terrace to practice the pattern depicted on that parchment. That's three simple actions. Xiao Han repeated over and over again. Repeatedly.

Under the moonlight, I saw a wave that was almost undetectable. With Xiao Han's body movement, he quickly rolled under Xiao Han's skin.

That was a breath. With this tone, Xiao Han resisted stiffly and did not know how many beatings.

Long time ...

"Hoo ~~~~" Xiao Han exhaled a long breath and stopped practicing, sweating on his forehead.

"Even though I already know that this is just a superficial beating, but I must also be diligent and not slacken. I will save my life before I fail." Xiao Han said to himself. Eyes fluttered into the deep night sky above his head.

The bright and full moon is full of beautiful fairy-tale appearance, and the starry stars are flickering with a little bit of gold, which outlines a mysterious and magnificent moonlight star glow.

Xiao Xiaohan's gaze became nebula-like, "So many stars, I don't know if one of them is the earth ..."

When Xiao Han was wondering, suddenly, a strong voice exploded on the peak like a thunderous thunder, and Hong Zhong Daluo was spreading far away. The air was terribly plentiful. "All living targets Get out! "

Immediately after the chanting, Xiao Han saw several statures of tigers and dragons, and stepped into the open space below the hanging feet.

I am a few young men!

Xiao Xiao saw one of the men, his eyebrows were like swords, and the court was full. He was about seventeen or eight years old, and he carried a long sword. The whole man was very powerful, sharp, and had the power to devour nothingness and cut everything. His eyes swept across everything, leaving nothing to show, showing great pride and ambition.

Suddenly, Xiao Han's murderous move in his heart! The irresistible hatred and anger burned and boiled thoroughly, which made Xiao Han's eyes burst into flames, his fists squeezed tightly, and the nails were deeply embedded into the palm skin.

"It's him!"

This young man, just three years ago, was a genius introductory disciple who smashed ‘Live Target Xiao Han’!

Xue Jianfeng!

At the beginning, this "Xue Jianfeng" had been in use for several months, and it had already "refined the bones", reached the peak of the "refined bones realm", tried a little strength, and smashed the "live target Xiao Han"!

Although Xiao Han said that the original Xiao Han was dead, now it is Xiao Han who passed through the earth. But now Xiao Han inherits the body and memories and emotions of the previous Xiao Han. For him, Xue Jianfeng is the enemy who killed him!

I do n’t want to wear it together!

Intense hatred and murderousness, writhing between Xiao Han's chest!

At this moment, Xiao Han can't wait to rush forward to tear Xue Jianfeng! But he has no power!

No power! !! !! !!

Faced with the enemy who killed himself, he has no strength to avenge him!

"Hate !!!" Xiao Han was burned within five!

剑 At this moment, Xue Jianfeng has already been promoted from an entry disciple to an outside disciple, and even an inside disciple. His whole body momentum is more magnificent than three years ago! I do n’t know how many times! Compared with him, Xiao Han is like an ant!

"Live targets, all of them come down." A man standing beside Xue Jianfeng was nine feet tall, imposing and mountainous, and full of gas. It seemed that he could shatter a person's eardrums casually.

Soon, the live targets living in this hanging foot building went downstairs, timid and timid, standing in regular rows.

Xiao Han also got dressed and went downstairs, standing among the live targets, lowering his head deeply, holding his fists firmly, his nails had pierced the palm skin, the joints were pale, and the blood was dripping!

"Cousin, you have just become an introductory disciple, and you need to work hard and practice hard. That 'Fuling Xigu Dan' can only maintain its medicinal properties for three days. You have to practice it more. Strike your bones and temper your body. Strive for a successful burst of bones in these three days. Now you pick a few strong live targets to go back and practice well. "The screaming nine-footed brave man, a ten to his side. Said the teenager.

It turned out that the disciples came to pick live targets and go back to practice.

The live targets are all sincere and fearful, but they dare not speak much, otherwise they may be killed directly.

Soon after, the teenager eagerly screened five more burly targets. Xiao Han was lucky and was not selected.

"Okay, Brother Bai, the live target has been picked, let's return quickly. The younger brother also has a sword technique that needs to be enlightened and can't delay too much time." Xue Jianfeng looked cold and indifferent.

"Well, Brother Xue, let's go immediately." The nine-foot man smiled. "You are now a peerless genius of my ancestral door, and have been vigorously cultivated by your ancestor. Don't you dare to delay your practice as a brother. Let's go."

After speaking, these people left the area with five live targets.

Suddenly, Xue Jianfeng stopped and stared directly at Xiao Han in the crowd!

Xiao Han jumped in his heart, his teeth clenched.

"Oh, it's you?" Xue Jianfeng smiled suddenly, "I remember you. When I was a disciple, when my practice reached" Bone Refining ", I took a living target to test boxing. It was you. I remember very well at that time I blasted your rattan armor and killed you. I never expected that you were alive. Very, very good, your life is very hard. "

Xiao Wenyan said, Xiao Han shivered tremblingly, hate skyward, murderous, but he had no strength, he could only whisper. "It's your uncle who shows mercy."

"Well, you must hate me very much. But it's nothing. You are a living target. You are born to be cheap and beaten. And I am a proud man in martial arts. Our levels of life are different. You are an ant, and I am Lion. "Xue Jianfeng carried both hands. "It doesn't matter if you hate me. The ants hate the lion. This is a joke. Well, now that you've picked up a life, you'll be beaten in peace and good luck, and you won't be killed. You can also be assigned to Liangtian cattle. This life has passed. "

After speaking, Xue Jianfeng went away.

寒 Xiao Han stared deeply at Xue Jianfeng's back, his heart dripping with blood, "Different levels of life? God sees you poorly! If Xiao Han could one day have the power, I must revenge! I must pinch you in an inch!"

There was such an upheaval, and the live targets all gathered in groups to whisper. Xiao Han returned to his own stilted building without a word.

I stand on the terrace, Xiao Han's mood is surging and ups and downs, it is difficult to calm down for a long time. The murder in the chest is still running away, the eyes are red, and all kinds of resentments are coming.

"I Xiao Han watched the killing enemies openly, provoking and insulting face to face, but did not have the power to retaliate. It is really self-defeating! No! I must report to Xiao Han, I am not willing to Xiao Han! Power! I must have power!"

Xiao Han almost wanted to growl and let out the anger in his heart, which was almost subconscious. Xiao Han unknowingly began to practice the three movements on the parchment again.

Tong Gai, because this is the only way that Xiao Han can practice, he desires strength and desires to practice, but he unconsciously exercises these three actions.

Xiao Xiao was practicing in grief and indignation, suddenly, his heart moved inexplicably.

"Huh?" Xiao Han moved stiffly, his face showing a painful expression. "Fuck, it's time for heart pain again."

心脏 In the two months since Xiao Han returned from that town, at this time of the night, the heart will be cramped. It's just that the time of pain every day is getting shorter and shorter. Last night, Xiao Han only hurt for one minute.

However, at this moment, Xiao Han's heart only moved a few times, but it was not as painful as usual.

"It hurt for a minute last night, and it really doesn't hurt tonight? That's great! This distressed problem entangled me for two full months, it should be over." Xiao Han waited for a few minutes, still I didn't notice the pain, but I felt a joy.

When Xiao Han's tight heart slowly let go, suddenly ...

Xiao Han only felt that the heart was hot, and then he felt a mysterious heat flow that penetrated to the center of his heart! Seems to be in my heart!

"Ah ?!" Xiao Han jumped almost in shock. "How is this going?"

Xiao Xiaoxun covered his heart, his eyes couldn't help looking around, and he was nervous and panicked. "What's going on? It seems that something has come to my heart ..." Xiao Han was furious immediately. "Thief, God! Death, God! You let Lao Tzu pass through a living target, and it is already in me. Dead. Now, want to play with me again ?! "

After a long while, Xiao Han looked down uneasily and stared down at the heart, leaving no traces, and his body did not feel the slightest discomfort. He was slightly relieved. But he was 100% sure that something strange had gotten into his heart. This thing is tangible, it seems to be beating with the beating of his heart.

To be precise, when two months ago, in the town, the first time the heart felt painful, Xiao Han felt that something had forcibly penetrated into his heart, and at this moment, it seemed that the thing was completely and completely Your heart is fused!

"Darkness!" Xiao Han cursed secretly. Immediately, he deliberately took a sigh of relief, causing the heart to slow down for a while, then letting his mind go to feel it. Xiao Han noticed that no matter how slow the heart beats, the inexplicable things in the heart trembled in accordance with the unique rhythm.

Xiao Han lingered for a long time, still unable to find a solution, had to give up. Immediately began to practice those three movements again.

Suddenly practicing, suddenly, Xiao Han's heart moved again inexplicably at a high speed, and a slight buzzing sound came out!

Xiao Xiaohan was stagnate like clay sculpture. His eyes were wide and his body was motionless.

"Crush ..."

Xiao Han uttered a crisp sound in his heart, and there was a taste of breaking away from the seal and lifting the seal.

After a short while, Xiao Han's heart sang and sang in his heart.

next moment……

"Puff puff!"

Weird things happen!

In the heart of Xiao Han, countless lights and shadows even sprayed out!

Colorful, strange and strange, like the inexhaustible radiance, walking through the house, it is extremely gorgeous. The air is turbulent, the atmosphere is peaceful.

"Oh! What the **** is this ?!" Xiao Han was completely deterred, like being in a dreamy ocean world!

Soon after, quaint runes appeared, and everything went wild, walking around.

What happened now is completely beyond Xiao Han's cognition. Xiao Han subconsciously reached out and grabbed a rune that passed by his eyes. But caught a void.

He seemed to understand one thing ... the sound he heard and everything he saw seemed to be an illusion, not an entity, but a kind of mental fluctuation, which affected his brain area and created a mirage. Illusion.

I do n’t know how long it has been, all the magical light, light and shadow, runes, all united. With a bang, it exploded densely, like a round light cocoon like an eggshell. Suspended in front of Xiao Han.

Feeling that these visions did not seem to cause harm to himself, Xiao Han's courage increased. He carefully counted the number of cocoons floating in front of his eyes. There were a total of 100, divided into 10 rows neatly. Qi is listed, each row is no more and less, there are 10 each.

"This ... what is this ... unbelievable ... unbelievable ..." Xiao Han took a few steps forward, tentatively reached out, and touched one of the light cocoons, but it was like touching the air without touching any real sense. .

"Illusion ... Mirage ... Everything, all illusion ..."

at this time……


A light cocoon was broken.

Xiao Han was frightened to take a few steps back, and at a glance, it was among the 100 light cocoons, in the bottom row, the first light cocoon from the left, suddenly exploded.

The next moment, the exploded light cocoons twisted a few times, and the interweaving of the radiance revealed a pattern!

He is a naked man, posing in a strange pose. On the transparent body, there are red rays walking around.

"What? !!!" Xiao Han saw this pattern, his head exploded when he hummed, and he blurted out. "This ... isn't this the pattern on my parchment?"

There are three pictures on the parchment paper that Xiao Han picked up, depicting three naked men with strange shapes. The first pattern is exactly the same as the pattern that bursts out in front of this light cocoon!

I was at the mouth of Xiao Han's shock, the bottom row of light cocoons, and the second light cocoon from the left was broken again. A second pattern appears. Still a naked man. The second pattern on the parchment paper that is distinct and Xiao Han is generally the same!

After that, the third light cocoon exploded to form the third pattern, which happened to be the third image on the parchment.

"Grumping ..." Xiao Han swallowed a spit subconsciously.

"噗 ~~~~"

"噗 ~~~~"

"噗 ~~~~"

Uh ...

The row of light cocoons shattered continuously. Each light cocoon is broken, and a pattern must be revealed. All are naked men, each posing in their own shape, and the red light in the body is uncertain.

Among the 100 light cocoons ~ ~ After the bottom 10 rows are broken, 10 patterns are formed, and the remaining light cocoons will no longer break.

图案 10 patterns represent 10 actions. Every action seems to be intertwined, integrated and inseparable. It is simply a complete set of actions, broken down into 10 parts.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Xiao Han just felt thrilled and moved his heart. "Does ... this ... is it a set of exercises? On the parchment paper I picked up, there were only the first three actions, which were indeed disability Articles, and now I see, but ... it is complete ... "

Xiao Hanfu reached the heart, the heart moved at will, and began to practice from the first action. For the first three movements, Xiao Han didn't know how many times he practiced in the past two years. He could practice them with his eyes closed. When he started the fourth movement, it was slightly jerky, but because of the first three movements, Xiao Han also quickly learned the fourth action.

Fifth action, sixth action ...

憋 While practicing these movements, Xiao Han took a sigh of relief, letting this breath follow the red light in those naked men's bodies on the pattern.

萧 After Xiao Han drilled ten moves, a heart-feeling, thrilling pleasurable feeling burst into his heart, and the next moment, a silk-like heat, was born in the body!

This hot air went under Xiao Han's bruised skin left by the Qi Shi today. Xiao Han immediately felt a coolness, and the swelling and pain there disappeared.

At the same time, an inexplicable will passed to Xiao Han's brain area ...

"Immortal Golden Body"

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