Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 115 Goddess Meliteli bless me! (Book friends, please vote for me at the end of the month!)

The third floor of the tower.

A bonfire was burning in the center of the room, crackling faintly, lulling people to sleep.

The fragrant mist swirled around the hemispherical wall, and quietly slipped out through the small crack of the balcony wooden door.


Alin stepped into the bathtub.

The water in the bathtub was heated slightly by Igni.

The moment his body entered the water, the slightly hot water wrapped him, and all the pores on his body opened slightly.


Alin closed his eyes and couldn't help moaning in comfort.

The scenes that happened today emerged from his mind.

Swamp witch, Jingguan, rock troll, essence, grass trial, ritual, mist and...

The Wolf School's Demon Hunting Corps.

The Demon Hunting Corps is the boldest operation of Alin after entering the demon hunter world.

After all.

How can I allow others to sleep soundly beside my bed?

No matter which superior, it is difficult to tolerate the division of their rights, especially the division of armed forces.

Once the deal is proposed but not successful.

Alin is likely to become a thorn in the eyes of the chief.

If he encounters a monster that he cannot defeat, he still has a chance to escape. If he is rejected by the chief, he may have to leave Kaer Morhen.

But he has to gamble!

Alin sighed.

Since the enemy is the king and the wizard, the defense of Kaer Morhen is likely to be a combination of the army and the wizard, and then rely on sneak attacks to gain advantages.

If the goal is to exterminate the demon hunters as in the background of the game, then the defense time is likely to be winter.

The demon hunters of the Wolf School will return to Kaer Morhen when winter comes.

Drinking all night and relaxing vigilance...

It's really... It's hard not to be wiped out!

Thinking of the demon hunter who didn't even know how to use Alder this afternoon and fled in the face of the enemy, Alin sighed again.

"The organization and discipline of the Wolf School are too poor!"

"In the current state, even if there is no sneak attack, the regular army will be divided and defeated, and will definitely lose."

"We must establish a disciplined armed force."

He reaffirmed his thoughts.

"Fortunately, the chief agreed with my suggestion."

"Even more fortunately, the Demon Hunting Notes has a main quest because of this."

What kind of mission will the Demon Hunting Corps be... He is looking forward to it.

With a slight movement of his mind, the old pages of the book unfolded in his mind.

[Ding! The main quest: The beginning of the Demon Hunting Corps (Invite demon hunters to join the Corps 0/3) has been activated, do you accept it? ”】

[Task Reward: Demon Hunting Corps]

Of course I accept it!

The moment I accepted it, an ancient and vast horn suddenly sounded in my mind.

Then came the heavy sound of horse hooves and the chopping of axes.

The thick smell of blood filled the air.

It made my blood boil, and I wanted to pick up my sword and mount my horse to charge back and forth.

Before Aylin, who was lying in the bathtub, could react, the strange vision suddenly appeared and disappeared.

This...this, accepting a main task with such a big style.

Aylin immediately sat up straight and became serious.

He seemed to have underestimated this task.

The text in the task bar remained unchanged, but at the top of the Demon Hunting Notes, in addition to the characters, items, and monster illustrations, there was another label.

"Legion! "

Alin instinctively read the voice and opened it quickly.

[Legion name: Unnamed]

[Level: First Level]

[Members: 0/5]

The back half of the legion panel was covered by a thick black fog, and it should be unlocked after completing the main task.

Looking at the black and red icon that was different from other labels and seemed to be burned by the flames of war.

Alin suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his understanding of the Demon Hunting Notes.

The previous exaggerated special effects and unique icon styles all indicate that the legion's demon hunting is the main line of the Demon Hunting Notes.


"I have actually been using the Demon Hunting Notes wrong? "

Alin muttered, and then shook his head.

He had to be recognized by the leader of the faction to unlock the main line, which was something he could not do before the mountain trial.

However, to solve the crisis of the destruction of the Wolf School, he had to take the path of forming a faction.

Unlocking the main line of the Legion was just a matter of time.

After thinking it through, his anticipation for the new unlocking function rose instantly.

The auxiliary functions were so powerful.

What kind of improvement would the "Legion" bring to him and the Wolf School?

"Three members have completed the task, and it happened that Hughes, Bonte and Fred would go to find them tomorrow morning. ”

After making the arrangements, Ailin gradually recovered from the shock and joy brought by the new function.

Only then did he realize that the water had become a little cold.

"Hua La~"

He came out of the bathtub and cast an Igni sign.

"Zi La~"

The surface moisture on the body with clear muscle lines was quickly evaporated by the heat.

While putting on the silk nightgown, he used the heart essence of four ghouls and the heart essence of the swamp witch with his mind.

[Attributes: Strength 26 (+1), Agility 24 (+2), Constitution 31, Perception 18, Mysticism 30]

The heart essence of four ghouls increased Ailin's strength by one point.

The four heart essences of the swamp witch increased his agility by two points.

Although not much, the subtle increase in the sense of power is refreshing.

After all, it is a small monster, so you can't ask for too much.

However, the swamp witch of such a high level has the same improved attributes as ordinary monsters, which makes Ailin feel that he has been cheated by the middleman, the Demon Hunter's Notes.

Unfortunately, he only has one essence formula, the water ghost heart, and he can't control the monster's heart from being dug out after the battle.

"It's probably because the evaluation in the character panel is not high enough." Ailin thought.

Then he set his sights on the treasure chests he harvested today.

[Treasure chest: Swamp Witch's treasure chest *5, Water Ghost's treasure chest *5,]

"They are all monsters, so I won't go to the apprentice dormitory specifically."

[Ding! Water Ghost's treasure chest *5 opened]

As soon as the voice fell, five white lights flashed.

Ailin's heart suddenly twitched.

[Ding! Obtained: Rotten meat *5]

"Rotten meat is also useful! Rotten meat is also useful"

"Just consider it as a probability pad! Just consider it as a probability pad!"

He closed his eyes to comfort himself and continued to open the treasure chest.

[Ding! Ghoul's treasure chest*3 opened]

Three more white lights flashed.

[Ding! Obtain: Rotten meat*3]

This time, Ailin did not continue to open.

"Eight consecutive times of opening boxes, each time is white, isn't it a little too much?"

Although this probability is not impossible, Ailin just feels that something seems to be wrong.

This is a kind of intuition.

His opening state tonight is not normal

"Could it be an illusion?"

"Or should I go to the apprentice dormitory to open it tomorrow?"

Thinking about it, Ailin's pupils suddenly trembled, and a possibility appeared in his mind.

Could it be...

Because the evil god is watching me?

It's not impossible. There is indeed a plot in the original book that a person was cursed because he offended the gods.

The power of fate is unclear with the gods.

This is really the most terrible curse for him!

The more Ai thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible, but how to solve this situation.

It will take at least a month to go to the palace of the righteous god...


The righteous god?

Ailin quickly walked to the wooden table and picked up the amulet of the goddess Meliteli.

Because he was worried that the amulet would be ineffective due to water, Ailin placed it on the table before taking a bath.

He quickly put on the amulet, and the barely perceptible discomfort seemed to disappear instantly.

"It works!"

Ailin's eyes lit up.

[Ding! The treasure chest of the swamp witch*5 is opened]




The first one to pay gold!

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Thanks to the book friend "73hqbhn" for the reward.

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