Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 140: First Arrival in Ban Ade

Chapter 140 First visit to Ban Ade

After staying overnight in the inn in the village of Kell, Arlin and his companions set off on their journey.

It is worth mentioning that before they went down the mountain, the school had already prepared four good horses for them in the village's large stable.

Two bay, one black and one white mares are gentle and suitable for novices to ride.

The market price of such high-quality horses is at least two hundred Auren.

According to Vesemir, these horses were personally selected by the chief.

"Choose quickly, divide the horses, and we will set off."

Vesemir saw several demon hunters touching and chatting curiously, and he couldn't help interrupting them.

Although the next village with an inn was not far away and there were horses for transportation, several young demon hunters, including Arlin, had never ridden horses.

Therefore, taking into account the time spent on learning riding skills on the road, if they didn't want to spend the night in the wild, they had to speed up.

Under the push of Hughes and the others, Ailin first selected the pure black mare and named her "Radish".


"What a weird name?"

Vesemir couldn't help complaining when he heard it.

"This means that my horse is immortal. As long as I whistle, it can cross thousands of mountains and rivers to come to me."

Ailin became interested and made a joke.

Vesemir rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"Radish, isn't it a vegetable? And it has this meaning?" Hughes was eager to take this name.

However, after being glared at by Vesemir, he struggled for a moment and felt that it was not appropriate, so he named his horse "Cabbage".

He thought that since they were all vegetables, the effect should not be much different.

After hearing the naming styles of the two, Bont and Fred looked at each other and named their mounts "Red Date" and "Oatmeal".

The pure red one was "Red Date", and the one with white spots was "Oatmeal".

Although Vesemir was a little speechless, he didn't say much. After talking about some riding skills, he set off with a few people.

On the way to Ban Ade, Vesemir was in a hurry to investigate the king's attitude towards the Wolf School.

When passing by some villages, he only took some simple tasks and killed some water ghosts and ghouls along the way.

However, even if he was in a hurry, Vesemir always followed the habit of training traveling apprentices, and told the four new demon hunters about tracking, common and uncommon monsters, and some basic curse removal methods along the way.

During this time, Aylin also used the record points to upgrade Hughes, Bont and Fred's Quen and Igni signs to LV2.


Although Aylin used the demon hunting skills more than once on the way and jokingly invited Vesemir to join the legion, it didn't work in the end.

So he could only put this aside and wait for a chance to try again in the future.

Along the way.

Aylin noticed that the attitude of the villagers passing through the village towards the demon hunters was that the closer they got to Ban Ade, the more distant and fearful they became.

Fortunately, there was no aggressive rejection as in the previous life game and the original book.

However, even so, Aylin still felt that the mood of several demon hunters, including Vesemir, was much lower.

This was no wonder.

Even if demon hunters had to receive payment for their work, they still had to risk their lives.

Which demon hunter wanted to return from hunting demons covered in blood and sweat, but to see the disgusted and disgusted eyes of the client?

This made him sigh and once again raised his vigilance.

Obviously, the enemy's malice was already obvious.

The wizards of Ban Ade must have had a share in these malice, but it was unknown how much the king was involved.


Ban Ade is located at the foot of the Blue Mountains. It is one of the two largest cities in Kaedwen, and the other is the capital of the kingdom, Ard Kale.

The city is mainly engaged in mining, but it is famous for Ban Ade College.

It took ten days for Vesemir to finally bring Aylin and the others to the city.

However, because they arrived a little early, the city gate was not open yet.

So the five people could only lead the horses and stand in the queue patiently waiting for the city gate to open.

What relieved Aylin was that except for some people around, they saw them hiding outside.

Although the others frowned, they did not show any special performance.


"Mutant monster stay away from me..."

A scolding came from the queue next to him, but Vesemir did not respond.

The man was immediately covered by his companions.

Ailin's sharp senses as a demon hunter heard the man admonishing:

"You are crazy, they are demon hunters! Aren't you afraid that those lunatics will kill you with one sword?"

"What are you afraid of?" The man shook off his companion's hand, looked provocatively in Ailin's direction, and shouted, "This is Ban Ade, with so many wizards here, can you still tolerate these mutant monsters?"

The man's companion smiled and bowed to Vesemir, then lowered his voice and whispered in the man's ear:

"What's the use of wizards? Even the king can't do anything to them!"

"A dozen days ago, I sent a batch of silk cloth to Ade Kalai, and saw two demon hunters kill more than a dozen guards on the street with my own eyes."

"The blood dyed the whole street red."

When the man heard this, he immediately shrank his neck, took a few steps back, and grabbed his companion's sleeve.


"You...are you telling the truth? Two demon hunters? A dozen guards were killed?"

"Then... what about the king? Doesn't the king have any reaction?"

The companion glanced sideways at Aylin and the others, sighed, and said softly:

"I was so scared that I ran away, but I heard from a friend of a friend of a nephew of a trusted servant of a palace noble that the two demon hunters were released the next day."


Another exclamation.

The man glanced at Aylin and the others in horror, immediately dragged his companions, bumped into several passers-by in a panic, and fled quickly in a state of embarrassment.

Probably fear of revenge from the witchers.

Aelin could hear them so clearly, and Vesemir naturally listened to all their words.

Although there was no expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard anything, his fists on his sides were clenched tightly.

Apparently the mood was not as calm as it seemed.

"Ai Lin, what were those two people talking quietly about just now?"

Hughes glanced at Vesemir's face, handed the reins to Bont, and quietly ran over and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just talking about some scum among the demon hunters!"

Vesemir glanced at Hughes and answered for Aylin.

Seeing that the master witcher was in a bad mood, Hughes didn't dare to ask any more questions. He shrank his head and ran to Bont again.

This meeting gift from Ben Ad is not a good one!

Aylin sighed inwardly, having a premonition that a lot of unpleasant things would happen to Ben Ad and his party.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise of cursing and whipping behind him.

He followed the sound.

Several wizards wearing black robes came, followed by a dozen knights wearing black unicorn capes with yellow background. They seemed to be escorting a prison car.


The sound of wheels rolling over the stone road gradually came closer.

The blue cat pupils dilated slightly, and he discovered...

What was locked in the prison car was a group of elves with pointed ears and long hair.

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