Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 246 The girl I met before

Riding on horseback from Bayerli Most.

Before noon, towering green mountains appeared in front of the group.

That is the remnant of the Mahakam Mountains, and it is also the most suitable part for human habitation.

Elland was built at the foot of the mountain.

This is a city that is not inferior to Ban Ade and Wengerburg.


Although the size and population of the city are not as good as the previous two cities, Elland is worse than other human cities in almost all other aspects.

For example, the smell.

Even though the group just entered the city, it was still located in the slums, the lower city.

The air was not filled with a foul odor.

But the faint fragrance of flowers and plants.

On both sides of the street.

Whether it is a shop or a house, it looks poor or expensive.

There are colorful flowers planted at the door and windowsill.

It’s just that the flowers placed at the door and windowsill of wealthy families are more expensive, mainly light pink carnations.

The poorer ones, on the other hand, mostly have wild flowers, with occasional pink carnations.

However, no matter what kind of flowers, you can see the owner's intentions.

Walking from the city gate, countless flowers decorate the whole of Elland like a magnificent flower city.

"I like this place."

Leading the horse on the clean and tidy streets, Mary took a deep breath and felt happy.

"Everyone loves Elland!"

Vesemir seemed to be in a good mood. After pulling the reins to respond to Mary, he looked at the young demon hunter who looked equally happy: "Don't you think so, Master Arlin?"

Arlin, who didn't need to avoid dirty excrement from time to time, naturally had no objection to this.


It's not just the smell and the clean and beautiful streets.

Even the mental outlook of the poor in the lower city of Elland is different from other cities.

From children to the elderly, almost every woman has flowers in her hair.

Although they are all wearing cheap gray linen, they look very clean.

Vitality, gentleness, confidence...

Compared to the dirty and indifferent people in other cities, they are completely different.

In addition.

He also noticed.

When the civilians of Elland saw them, they did not show any disgust or disgust.

On the contrary, many elderly people stopped what they were doing, put their right hands on their chests, and greeted them with their children beside them when they passed by.

Of course, they did not come forward to disturb them.

They just smiled and looked at them with gratitude, especially Vesemir, the leader.

"I like this city too!" Alin smiled and nodded.

"Hahaha~" Vesemir laughed heartily a few times, "Elland is indeed worthy of being liked."

"And you are lucky, we came at the right time."

"April is the time when the goddess Meliteli's favorite carnations are in full bloom, and it is also the most beautiful month of the year in Elland..."


"Wait a few days and it will be May Day..."

"May Day!" Mary's eyes lit up at once.

She pulled Erin's sleeve excitedly, smacking her lips:


"Erin! Erin!"

"It's May Day, the May Day of Elland!"

"The May Day here is the most famous in the north. It is said that the goddess Meliteli will appear on that day to bless..."

"I have wanted to come here for a long time, but Lady Vera never let me come out alone..."

Smelling the faint orange scent at the tip of her nose, Erin, whose sleeve was pulled, smiled helplessly:

"I know... I know... I will accompany you through May Day before we leave."

"Yeah!" Mary nodded vigorously, her big eyes blinking as if they could speak.

But suddenly she seemed to think of something.

Her cheeks flushed, and she loosened the sleeves of the young witcher in an instant.

Erin was curious about Mary's behavior, and suddenly noticed Vesemir's teasing smile, and then he suddenly remembered...

May Day is also called May Day, May Night...

The whole celebration takes place from the night of April 30th to the early morning of May 1st.

People burned fir trunks into a bonfire, performed sacrificial dances around the bonfire, and prayed to the gods for a good harvest and the reproduction of their offspring.

Of course.

Praying to the gods for a good harvest is the business of middle-aged and elderly people.

And the reproduction of offspring naturally falls on the young people.

On this day, under the witness of fire and gods, they will express their love to the person they like and seek happiness...

In a very unrestrained way...

Recalling the description of May Day in the original book, Arlin's body stiffened unnoticeably.

He glared at the old and frivolous Vesemir, pretending to chat with Mary as if nothing had happened, while leading the horse forward.

Mary obviously remembered the activities of May Day.

Her fair cheeks blushed with shame, and she continued Arlin's words in a low voice.

If Arlin was not a witcher, Mary's voice would hardly be heard.

The witcher master was glared at by Arlin without respect, but he didn't care.

He watched the two little people chatting with interest, and the arc of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

The warm breeze brought the fragrance of flowers, and children were playing on the street.

Vesemir took a deep breath of the intoxicating fragrance and sighed softly:

"It's great to be young!"


The belief in the goddess Meliteli is one of the oldest beliefs and the most widely spread at that time.

Its origins can be traced back to ancient times before human civilization.

Almost every race that existed before humans, as well as primitive human nations that lived as nomads, would worship such a goddess.

This is derived from human beings’ primitive beliefs in fertility, love, farming, stoves in their homes, and pregnant women, and transformed this belief into various female images.

They govern fertility and reproduction, take care of farmers and gardeners, and bless lovers and couples.

These different beliefs slowly came together and blended with each other, and finally these gods merged into one, becoming the mother of all: Meriteri.

Therefore, for northerners, as long as there are girls, wives and mothers in this world, the goddess Meriteri will never lose faith.


Even though Ireland is already a city built on a mountain, the road itself has a slope.

Meriteli Temple is even in the cold back hill far away from the center of Elland city, and there are still many pedestrians coming and going.

Girls come to pray for marriage, women come to pray for fertility, old women come to pray for health...

Aylin even saw a pregnant woman with a big belly, who was at least six or seven months pregnant, coming in a carriage without a roof and covered with hay.

It was so pious that Aelin felt a little ridiculous.

"They are not afraid..."

Pulling the reins and joining Vesemir, Aelin couldn't help but secretly pointed at his belly and asked curiously.

"Be careful what you say!" The master demon hunter saw Aylin's posture and quickly motioned for him to put down his hands.

He cautiously raised his head and looked at the Queen before whispering:

"This road is said to have been blessed by the goddess..."

After hearing this, Ai Lin lowered his head and took a closer look at this ordinary mountain road, and then changed to the perspective of wolf emblem.

I found that except for a little more blue water element light spots in my sight, there was no other special place.

"Are you sure?" Aylin asked again in a low voice.

Vesemir knew that the witcher's eyes seemed to be able to see the magic of chaos. Seeing Aelin's appearance, he knew that he must have used his ability to see it.

But even so, he still nodded seriously with a serious face:

"I'm sure!"

"Why?" Aylin was surprised.

Vesemir looked at the ancient and solemn buildings in front of him, hidden among the trees, and said:

"The temple of the goddess Meriteri has been built for hundreds of years. I have never heard of any pregnant woman getting pregnant on this road."

The Master Demon Hunter stared into his blue eyes and solemnly emphasized:

"Not one!"

Aylin suddenly looked solemn.

At this time.

Several more pregnant women passed by him.

The young demon hunter thought for a while and then looked at the gravel-paved, seemingly ordinary ground.

Awe arises spontaneously.

After looking at Vesemir, Aylin said nothing and rode straight towards the temple.

When they almost rode to the entrance of the temple, all the people on horses and carriages came down one after another.

Aelin, Vesemir, Mary and the two little guys also followed the local customs and got off the horse.

But the next second, they discovered that a young girl, a pregnant woman, and an old woman walked into the temple gate.

The husband, the coachman and the sword-bearing attendant were either waiting at the door, or they turned around and left, feeling a little confused.

"Master Vesemir, are you sure we can go in without being kicked out?"

Aelin turned his head and looked at Vesemir.

This Meliteli Temple felt to him like the women's bathroom and women's changing room in his previous life.

The door is there, no one is blocking it.

But if you go in, you will be killed in society, and you might even be arrested as a pervert.

Even if it is known that Geralt once healed his injuries in the original book, who knows whether he could have entered it a hundred years ago?

Or do I need to find an acquaintance before going in?

Vesemir looked at the unguarded entrance to the temple and scratched his head:

"This...I don't know this either..."

Feeling Aylin's surprised gaze, Vesemir pressed his black wide-brimmed hat uncomfortably and defended:

"It's good that I come to Elland often, but the goddess Meriteri is the deity of all women, and the temple is so far away from the city of Elland?"

"I wouldn't come here if I had nothing to do!"

"Didn't Master Vesemir accept the commission of the goddess' sacrifice?" Mary asked curiously from the side.

"I accepted it..." Vesemir nodded, "But they are all in Elland or surrounding villages. No monster dares to invade the vicinity of the temple..."

Just as Vesemir and Aylin were discussing whether to find someone to ask about the rules of the temple...


A cold female voice suddenly sounded in the young demon hunter's mind.

Subconsciously look to the left.

A woman was standing at the door of the temple, next to the three marble statues of the goddess Meriteri: "Girl", "Pregnant Woman", and "Old Woman", looking at him with a smile.

She wears a simple gray dress and wraps her hair with gray linen, but it still does not damage the beauty of the woman.

Instead, it adds a touch of holiness, like a priest in a temple.

There were two women standing next to Vera, both dressed the same as her.

"Ms. Vera!"


Vesemir and Mary followed Aelin's gaze and shouted in surprise.

After Vera nodded to Vesemir and Mary, she looked at Aelin and asked strangely:

"Now that you're here, why don't you come in?"

Vesemir and Aylin looked at each other, then subconsciously looked at the coachman and guards waiting at the door.

The older woman next to Vera smiled kindly when she saw this:

"Ms. Meliteli is the mother of all things, not just the mother of women and the god..."

"Don't wait outside, come in, children!"

The woman didn't look very old, only in her twenties.

But the three words "children" spoken from her mouth were particularly contagious and not at all inconsistent.

Vesemir and Aylin looked at each other, and both led their horses into the temple tacitly.

After passing the statue of the goddess, Vera naturally walked to Aylin's side.

After carefully looking at him for a few times, as if observing his changes:

"Grown taller again..."

She said softly.

Vera's voice was very small.

If it weren't for being very close, Aylin's perception had reached 47, and he would definitely not hear it.

But what surprised him was that the sorceress's tone seemed to be both relieved and sad.

But before Arlin asked, Vera took the initiative to introduce the person who led the way.

"This is Ms. Nenneke, the priestess of the goddess Meliteli. She will help you arrange everything in the temple..."

"If you encounter any difficulties in the temple these days, you can ask her..."

The woman who spoke before turned back and smiled at Arlin.

"I'll trouble Ms. Nenneke in the next few days..."

Arlin nodded politely, but his heart was in turmoil.


In the original book, this young woman will become the future high priestess of the goddess Meliteli, and her influence and power in Elland far exceeds that of the prince's temple owner.


Not only that.

In the northern continent, the future Nenneke's status and influence in some aspects will even exceed that of the owner of this land-King Foltest of Temeria.

It is worth mentioning.

In the original book, Geralt had been healed here by Nenneke several times.

Nenneke also said that she watched Geralt grow up.

Perhaps in the near future, Arryn will have a chance to get an SSR from her?

"As for the other person, Arryn, you know her..."

A cold female voice interrupted Arryn's divergent thoughts.

"I know her?"

Arryn looked at the woman next to Nenneke curiously... or the girl...


After carefully identifying her, Arryn exclaimed when the girl turned back and smiled.

"Who is Lysa?" Mary's voice came from the side with some vigilance.

"Hmm?" Arryn looked at Mary in confusion, "Don't you know her? She is..."

The young demon hunter was about to reveal the girl's identity.

Suddenly, he remembered that Lysa's identity was a bit sensitive, and there were other people around, so he quickly made up:

"She... She is the girl we rescued on the road..."

Feeling that Mary's gaze seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

Arryn turned his eyes and saw Vesemir who was watching the show, and blurted out:

"You said so, Master Vesemir?"

Vesemir: "Hmm?"

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