Demon Hunter

Book 6. Chapter 37.9

“Number one!” Su was shocked. Dr. Rochester’s words were like a switch, instantly unlocking all of his memories. Right now, those nightmarish memories that tormented him endlessly throughout his younger years returned to his mind, and they were incredibly clear. Right now, the scenes that had troubled him already all had answers. It was a perspective produced from gazing out of the breeding tank, moreover not through eyes, but rather through perception abilities to ‘see’, because at that time, Su still didn’t have eyes.

Su had previously entered the base he was being raised in, and he also saw the three experimental bodies’ breeding tanks. The scenes in his memories belonged to experimental subject number three, but his memories weren’t completely real.

“I am number one?” Su asked with a bitter smile.

“Correct. Even though you already evolved to a completely different life form than what was planned, your fundamental characteristics wouldn’t change. There were two original intentions for creating you, one was to produce a perfect life form, the second was to create someone who could destroy the apostles.”

This was another piece of information that left Su shocked. However, number one or number three, this was something Su actually already had an answer to. Even when he was just an aggregate of a few dozen cells, he already began to develop his own consciousness. He was always observing numbers two and three, because they were merely Su’s backup experimental bodies, which was why the tests and modifications they experienced were far fewer than experimental subject number one, the suffering they endured also far less than Su. That was why from the moment Su was conscious, he always envied the two experimental subjects, especially number three. That was why in the nightmarish memories, Su turned himself into number three. All of his memories, were from number three’s perspective.

What was a perfect life form? This was perhaps something that would never get an answer. However, at least the second objective of the project was reached, which was that Su and the two apostles indeed reached a point where they couldn’t coexist in this world, even though the reason for hatred and the experimental body’s instincts had no connection.

After a deep breath, Su already calmed himself down. “Doctor, your distinguished self is also an apostle, so you are naturally also a target of my destruction.”

Rochester released a heavy sigh once again, helplessly saying, “I’ve already said that not every apostle’s objective is the same. I am different from Serendela and Fitzdurk. You are my creation, and even though you escaped from the base in the sudden war, I will always view you as my child, you are also the perfect embodiment of my dreams of many years. On my body, the will of this world has always existed, and it has suppressed my instincts, while the other two truly awakened their apostle instincts. As for the human race, do you feel like original humans could survive in today’s environment? Humans need to evolve, and only then can they adapt to the present environment, and this ultimate destination of evolution is not something we can control. Strictly speaking, do you feel like ability users can still be considered humans? Their genes are already greatly different from the olden era human genome, can already be considered two completely different species. In the end, since you feel like apostles are the enemies of humans, then what about yourself? You, who is also an ultra life form, what kind of standpoint will you face the human race with?”

This was a question that couldn't be avoided, something even Su himself had thought about for a long time. Ultra life forms, inherently speaking, were the enemies of ordinary existences.

Dr. Rochester didn’t give Su any breathing room, instead throwing out another fatal question. “Also, my child, you actually don’t understand the nature and relationship between the apostles. However, since you already evolved to the point where you can threaten apostles, then you should already know about the existence of ultra life forms’ instincts. Then, since you wish to wipe out the apostles, how can you guarantee that your will in this world will always exist? When your instincts completely awaken, your existence itself, for this planet, will also be a disaster. Whether it is one or many ultra life forms, for the human race, it actually makes no difference.”

Su had no way to respond to this. Even though his instincts were silent, that didn’t mean they disappeared. Su could clearly feel that his instincts were currently becoming more and more powerful with each day, as he grew stronger, this process completely irreversible, he couldn’t suppress the power even if he wanted to. Meanwhile, after experiencing a rebirth, Su also knew that suicide was completely meaningless, his instincts would instead welcome this process. After ending his own life, Su would still regenerate, and at that time, his instincts would rule over everything, the will of this world completely disappearing. This was to say, the one killed would only be Su, and not his body.

Moreover, Su knew that the day would come when his instincts would rule over everything. In reality, towards this body that could evolve endlessly, his instincts were the true master. The fella named Su, was only a host the will of the world forcefully inserted.

After remaining silent for an entire minute, only then did Su raise his head. With a smile, he said, “These issues are things I have already thought about a long time ago. It is very likely that I have no way of dealing with them, but it is something that will happen very far into the future. I do not wish to save the entire human race, what I wish for is very simple, just wishing for the few special people to live properly. However, the apostles have continuously refused to give us even this bit of space. This planet, for you all, is a prison. If you want to live, you need to wipe out all life on this planet, because this is an attack on the will of the world that has trapped you all here.”

“That is Serendela and Fitzdurk’s plan, it is not my plan.” Rochester said slowly. “Leaving this place should be another plan, and there is no need to wipe out this planet. Moreover, the apostles aren’t the ultimate mystery. Why did we appear here? Why did the will of the world produce this war, from this imprison us on this planet? This is the answer that we need to find. I believe that when we find the plan, there will not be a need to wipe out this planet for us to leave this place.”

Su looked at the biological solvent all around him in this mountain belly. He slowly spread his hands, ten fingertips starting to extend long and sharp fingernails, turning into incomparably sharp blades. His voice also became cold and indifferent, his green pupils gradually becoming deep.

“Rochester, there is no need to say any more. The process of searching for an answer wouldn’t be that simple. The thing in this mountain belly, one day in the future, will develop its own life and intelligence, become an unprecedented giant existence. Just the energy needed for its birth has already drained the planet’s core to critical levels. Serendela and the others only wish to wipe out the planet’s surface, while you, wish to directly destroy the entire planet!”

Rochester suddenly laughed, his loud voice gathering into a crazy gale, continuously ringing through the mountain belly. “Haha, worthy of being my most perfect creation, able to deduce my ultimate goal from just this low level biological solvent, your analysis capability can already compare to the ‘brain’. However, Su, apostles aren’t the ultimate secret.”

“Then, I will ask one last question. Why did you create me? For you apostles, another ultra life form is completely meaningless. Even if you wish to destroy the other apostles, there is no need to create another perfect life, as you yourself is already enough.” Su asked.

This time, Rochester became quiet, and then he spoke in a rare serious tone. “The creator of this project isn’t me. You’ve underestimated the human race’s desire for power and authority. In fact, even before the war, humans had already carried out several decades of genetic improvement experiments, trying to create a superhuman soldier. Moreover, the fella who founded this project was even more so a rare lunatic and genius, in theory, he was already extremely close to success, speaking precisely, he was only 1% off. Of course, this final 1% of deviation decided that he wouldn’t obtain anything, to the extent where he wouldn’t even receive a cell aggregate. However, for some reason, at that time, I still decided to accept this project, moreover made it a success. All the way until you successfully escaped, I still didn’t dare believe if I succeeded. However, when I see the present you, I can confirm that the experiment is already a half success. However, back then, if it wasn’t because ‘one’ took up most of our attention, there was no way you would have escaped.”

“What is ‘one’?” Su asked another question.

“Just now, I already answered the last question.” Rochester wasn’t willing to speak anymore.

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