Demon King Dad

Chapter 91: , The continuation of the nightmare... or the beginning?

091, the continuation of the nightmare... or the beginning?

Nothing more...

The idiot put away the sword and exhaled the breath in his chest.

The fourth sword alone is so complicated, how can the fifth sword be imagined so easily? In fact, compared to the predecessors, I have already broken through the limit a lot. Fifth Sword, when I want to understand later, let's talk about it.

Looking up at the sky, the fire sun had just protruded from the cliff side, and it had become so hot. It seems that today's work is not so easy.

Put away the sword and re-mounted the platform. When she opened the door, Mili had already walked out of her room. After seeing the idiot, she immediately smiled in horror, and walked towards the stove over there in three steps and two steps.

"Well, Your Majesty, this is your lunch today. I hope you enjoy it."

Mi Li handed a packaging box to the idiot's hand, smiling, her face seemed full of expectation.

"That...if you can...can you please give me a comment after the tasting? I still have a little confidence in the taste... the slave girl."

The idiot took the box and nodded. At this time, the little bread over there also got up and yawned. Mi Li immediately stepped forward, pulled up the fence that blocked his vision, and helped the bun inside to change into pajamas.

"Ah woo~~~~"

"Okay, princess. Didn't you make an appointment with your friend to play today? Please hurry up, don't be late."

"Ah woo"

The bread jumped out of the bed and got dressed in twos or twos. Mi Li took a small bag and handed it to her, and said, "There are fifty Sulas in it, save some flowers."

Little Bread nodded and took the wallet first. She grabbed a piece of cheese-coated bread from the table, held it in her mouth, waved at the idiot by the door, and rushed out.


But, at this time, the idiot suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Uh? Uh?"

Bread turned his head, and the big emerald eyes looked at the idiot, and there were obviously many questions in it. The idiot was taken aback for a while, stretched out his left hand, gently covering his head...


Some fragments remain in my mind...

Can't remember...just like that dream...Can't remember...

"…………………………Be careful."

After a while, the idiot finally let go of Bread's arm. After Xiao Bread tilted his head and stared at the idiot for a while, his eyes were finally narrowed with a smile, and he nodded heavily and rushed out.

"Your Majesty...what's wrong with you?"

Mi Li walked over and asked worriedly.

".....................It's okay."

The idiot shook his head, the fragments in his mind had disappeared. After exhaling, he turned his head and glanced at the calendar on the wall, then jumped off the platform of the tree house and walked out of the woods.

Mi Li looked at the departed idiot, and after thinking about it, she felt that there was really no need to worry about anything. At this time, Tolan had also walked over. He looked at the leaving idiot, walked into the tree house, and said, "What's the matter?"

"......No, nothing. Lord Tolan."

Mi Li sighed, walked to the calendar, reached out to pinch the front piece of paper, and gently tore it off.

Tolan looked at the torn calendar, smiled, and said, "Then, I'm going to take care of my flowers. Give me the garbage."

After that, Tolan stretched out his hand, took the calendar in Mili's hand, and opened it for a glance.

July 20.

And now, the time displayed on the calendar is--






As in the previous days, the idiot was sitting by the freezer, doing his own work. Occasionally someone braved the heat to come over and buy some ice products, and he would move symbolically. Collect money and get change.

Fortunately, he always keeps his head down, and the black hair covers his forehead, so that the customers cannot see his eyes. Avoid the opponent being scared away for no reason.


A reckless maid rushed out of the drugstore nearby and fell to the ground with a snap. The medicine bag in his hand flew out and fell to the ground. Just when the idiot turned his head and decided to leave it alone, a voice came from the side.

"Beautiful lady, please be careful."

Turning his head, it was not a person who appeared in front of him, but a carriage. Protruding his head from the carriage was the current patriarch of the Goodsey family, Duke Dara Goodsey.

The maid blushed when she looked at Dai Lao's mature and handsome face. She quickly picked up the medicine packet and repeatedly apologized to Dai Lao, regretting that her fall prevented the carriage from moving.

"Hahaha, don't mind, beautiful lady."

Dai Lao got out of the car, helped the maid personally, and said--

"It doesn't matter if I stop for a while. But if you are accidentally hit by a carriage, then I will feel more heartache. Is there any injury? Does it matter?"

The maid held her knees, but still shook her head. Dai Lao smiled, pointed back at his carriage, and said, "Miss, if you don't mind, I might as well see you off, how about?"

"This... how embarrassing..."

"Nothing to be embarrassed. Please."

In recent years, Dai Lau has not only become more handsome, but also more mature and more manly. The maid couldn't help but began to fall in love, and the only reaction was to answer "yes" and walked up.

All this, idiots are just watching. He kept seeing the maid getting in the car, and then Dai Lao turned his attention to him.

"You are... Oh, I just remember now, I haven't asked your name at all."

Dai Lao sneered and continued--

"Before, didn't you make you the eighth knight? ... Heh, it seems that the news that you didn't report is true. It's really regrettable. On the contrary, people like you have such a high self-esteem and can only say It's the tragedy of the Bucks Empire."

The idiot stared at the man until he finished. After Dai Lau had said everything, he turned his head and continued to sell his cold drinks.

The carriage passed in front of him, rolled up the hot sand, and threw it on the idiot's face.

The idiot stood blankly without any reaction. It was not until the next customer came over that he roughly wiped the dust off his face and got up to buy a cold drink.

"Huh~~~ This person is really scary. That kind of aura."

Krauzer got out of nowhere. While looking at the carriage that was going away, he took a Sura from his arms and handed it to the idiot.

"Hey, meet again. Here is a refreshing one, one that is thick, big, and delicious."

The idiot glanced at Krause in front of him. He was still wearing the magician robe and carrying a broken magic box. The idiot took the Sura and beckoned him three Inel, then took a pop of ice from the freezer and handed it to him.

"Hey, who is that person? Why does he look so strong? To be honest, he just stopped here just now, I didn't dare to lean over? Well, this person is really strong, it seems to be radiating all over the body. With a unique "king style"."

The idiot watched this guy tear open the package and lick the popsicle. After a long time, he said slowly—

"Darao Goodsey. The current patriarch of the Goodsey family. The wind blows one of the two dukes in Sand."

"What? That person... That person actually wears Lau? Goodsay?"

Krauzer was surprised, turned his gaze again, looked at the street that was nowhere to be seen, and said--

"I always thought that Duke Goodsay was an old man before... I didn't expect to be so young."

The idiot was too lazy to explain the whole story to him in detail, but said coldly: "You, why, are you here."

"Ah, me."

Krause smiled, raised the magic box in his hand, and said: "Originally, I was under house arrest under your majesty's anger. But later Princess Apricot was all right? Not only was it all right, but she became so strong. When your Majesty was happy, an amnesty came and released many of us. At that time, I was smart. I told your Majesty that in order to congratulate Princess Apricot on her recovery, I would perform some magic for the princess as me So I went to talk to your Majesty. Who expected your Majesty to order me to wear this suit to perform on stage, which is considered a celebration. Isn’t that? Not only did I regain my freedom, I also got a lot of rewards~~~"

Krauzer's expression looked very excited, which is no wonder, after all, he suddenly recovered from a life of poverty and became an idler who does not need to worry about food and drink for the time being. This may be considered huge to him. Happiness.

The idiot only asked one sentence, and after getting the answer he wanted, he didn't keep asking. Krause also didn't ask the idiot to speak in front of him. He had popsicles in his mouth, looked at the idiot with a smile, and stood under the umbrella to avoid the sun. After the ice pop in his mouth was almost eaten, he patted his magician robe and smiled—

"Yes, brother..."

"Who is your big brother."

"Ah... well, idiot buddy. Although I don't have to be so nervous these days, there is more money to make, right? So, I want you to do me a favor."


"Oh, don’t think about it so complicated. The magic show is a large-scale magic show. Listen to me. The day after tomorrow, there will be a swimming competition in the wind and sand. Originally, the host of this swimming competition wanted to I want to celebrate for my son. But when he heard about my superb performance in front of His Majesty, he immediately asked me to change his game into a magic show. But you see, in just a few days, I It’s impossible for one person to do it. So, I need a lot of manpower to help. You are one of the few people I know I met in the wind and the sand. How about? Can you help me?"


Mobile games (10,000 cracked versions): Plants vs. Zombies, Need for Speed ​​14, The King of Fighters 2011, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, Dinosaur Kombat, Pet Kingdom 5, Dungeons and Warriors, Cross Fire...U

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