Demon King Dad

: The second year story 043, the price of happiness

"He is very careful in handling things, because he can't judge that I won't find a way to escape during the more than a month from my arrival until today's sacrifice. I believe he must have done the same thing in the previous years, but Some children must have successfully escaped. What's more, I came from Fengchusha City, and I came to deal with the monster after receiving the task."

"He is very careful. He doesn't know how strong I am when I have the courage to take over the task of killing Beasts. Although it is really an exaggeration for a child to kill Beasts, there are really people within the divine grace. Can do this."

"Darao Goodsay. This person, when I was the same age, killed three first-level monsters with one person. Only one month away from the festival, and the whole village is blocked, if you don’t put your children At this juncture when the sacrifice would be slaughtered, I suddenly appeared with bread and must have become the last straw for the village chief. Therefore, he agitated me and said that I could not complete the task. In order to arouse me , Take the initiative to take the task of challenging Weimen."

Dimie laughed loudly: "That's right! If you change to other children of your age, I am afraid that you really can't stand the village chief's fierce general. Especially when that face frowned and didn't even look at it. When you shake your hand and say that you can’t do it, I believe many people... even adults can’t stand it, and want to stand up and say that you can? When that happens, he will be able to throw you at the monster smoothly. In front of you. If you win, then this village is missing a patron saint to bless the source of food. But if that monster wins, you also become a sacrifice to protect their village through the year. No matter what So, it’s all good for this village. Hehehe, let others go to life and death, and hide in the dark to pretend to be weak and take advantage. This village chief is also pretty good~~~ "


"That's right! I guessed the real reason why you killed the village chief's house! Would you like to hear it? You are dirty, mean, nasty, at the expense of others, and you can use anyone at the expense of anyone in order to survive. thought?"

The idiot walked downhill, stretched out his hand, and touched the chain of his arms...

"Oh! I almost forgot, you guy doesn't have the concept of derogatory terms at all. This is the most normal life for you! Then I'll say it! You killed Marlene because only at midnight If she finds her father's body before 12 o'clock, she will definitely yell. The villagers wake up, you will be outnumbered, and you will lose everything. You killed the woman and the other two children, and you were worried that they would get up in the middle of the night and have some accident. I Believe that you will never allow this "accidental possibility" to exist. Rather than worry about it, it is better to kill it. Right?"

"The other thing is, you will never allow any hidden threats that can be judged. If you let go of that family, then who can guarantee that in the future the girl and two little boys will not ask you to settle accounts? Revenge? The heart can always be buried in the deepest part of my heart. Maybe ten or twenty years later, that little girl will reappear in front of you, and when she speaks sweetly to you, she pierces your heart from behind. At that time, even if she knew her father was a personal trafficker, and she knew that he was killed by you this time was purely deserved, but she might not be able to stop her determination to kill you. Am I right? Hahahahaha! Interesting, it's so interesting!"

The handcuffs fell to the ground, the shackles left, and the clothes were taken off. Today's idiot is once again free from the burden. His steps moved forward, little by little, little by little acceleration! His speed is getting faster and faster, and the Dark Destruction Longsword in his right hand once again reveals its complete appearance. Braving the skyrocketing flames, scorching air waves, and the danger of death at any time, he rushed into this battlefield left for him to complete his mission——

D-level mission!


In the village, in the fire.

The first-level monster, Weimen, the **** of harvest, stands in it. It flapped its wings, breathed out a faint green smoke, a pair of turquoise eyes staring at the people running around below, and shouted—

"Damn human beings, dare to resist me! Have you forgotten who gave you a good harvest of food? Remember who gave you the strength to help you build the village?!"

As soon as he stepped on his foot, a man holding a fork was trampled into meat sauce. Weimen lowered his head and said angrily: "I have been asleep for 300 years. For 300 years, I have lived a life without a fight! But But you found it! Twelve years ago, you male creatures gathered together and came here, awakened me and prayed to me for the happiness and happiness of life! We concluded a deal, but what I got was your deception And conceal?!"

Weak humans are running around, unable to resist the power of this bat. The fire is raging, and it will sweep every corner of the village in an instant.

"I bless your farmland harvest so that you will not be bothered by food every year. You people were all lowly males without female attachments twelve years ago, but I used my power to confuse the women who were abducted by you. They think you are the best males in the world! You are weak and have no power to bind chickens. You want to be strong, but you are not willing to work hard, lazy and full of lust. You want to get money by selling other kinds of people. And wealth, but there is not enough power. Therefore, I once again bless you, so that each of you can reach the intermediate level of searing skills without training!"

"And my request is so insignificant. I only need your admiration and your respect! You bring the child who is stuffed between my teeth every year! Of course a child cannot satisfy me, but all I need is you. Respect! But this year, your insatiable greed finally aroused my anger, and even tried to perfuse me with a rotten male corpse!"

The bat opened his mouth, and a mouthful of thick green phlegm was instantly spit on the heads of the villagers. These people were enveloped in liquid and immediately began to cough, scratching their throats with both hands, until they scratched their blood vessels.

"I'm fed up with your greed, and fed up with your shamelessness! I have given you too much, and your demands are increasing every year! Let’s talk about it, how many times have you changed female spouses? You use me to give Your power will force the females who are welcomed by others to come to this village. Then use my power to confuse those females and make them fall in love with you completely! In order to sell the kidnapped babies for a good price, you just Send me the disabled or seriously ill babies that are left over from the sale!"

"According to the contract, I cannot be faulty with the babies you send. Do you think that you can sit back and relax? Then you can enjoy my blessings forever? Now, I declare the contract terminated! And as you who broke the contract first, I must accept my anger over the past 12 years!"

Another bit of poisonous sputum, more village names let out painful howls and collapsed to the ground. This monster was completely dominated by anger. It not only slaughtered the villagers who deceived it, but even the strange women who had just woke up from the confusion and were surprised why they appeared in such a place.

The children who were awakened by the noise and crying stretched out their hands, trying to hug their mother. But now, their mother no longer knows them. Some of them are even more panicked and surprised at the child called their "mother" next to them! The mothers fled. They left behind their forgotten children and fled. Before those children could enjoy the taste of being abandoned, the green poisonous sputum fell from the sky. They grabbed their throats, their faces twisted and screamed. mom. Shouting and shouting, these children won't move anymore...

Crazy occupies this small village that used to be quiet a month ago. Those villagers had no power in the first place. After being recovered by Weimen, they immediately returned to their original weakness and nasty. They left their children behind, threw away their "tools for venting desire", and ran up the mountain yelling. Some of them even started to cry, crying and accusing them.

"It's not me! I...I did nothing wrong! It was them...I was forced to do this by them!"

"It's the village chief! All of this was thought of by the village chief! Also, I have only such a wife from the beginning, and I haven't changed it!"

"You lie! You trade faster than anyone else! Every time there is something beautiful in the new arrivals, you will sneak into the place where they are held at night, and then confuse them before doing things! Don't pull me, you... You are the one who deserves to die! Don't pull me!"

"Damn bastard! You two get out of here! How can I die in this place? I haven't enjoyed it yet, I haven't been the emperor's dream yet! You guys die for me, all go and feed that one Bat! As long as I live, I will be able to inherit your legacy and live on for you!"

The fire burned into the mountains and forests. But in front of this "first-level monster", can anyone escape?

"Want to escape? No, I can feel the breath of each of you, and can detect the sound of each of you breathing! You can't escape, you absolutely can't escape! Die, with the last kindness, I will grant you the most peaceful death!"

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