Demon King Dad

: The second year story 045, return

It was already two weeks before returning to Fengchusha City. Principal Campa did not reserve a good seat for the idiot, and after a long journey, his clothes had already become tattered. Although he took a bath by the water source in the forest before getting on the magic train to wash away the blood on the clothes and the blood on the heart. But still can't stop the fact that his outfit is getting worn out.

But there is one difference. The heart that hung around his waist showed no signs of decay after more than ten days of journey. Except that the blood stopped flowing, everything was as fresh as it was just peeled off, and there was almost a slight smell of blood. This has to make idiots feel amazing.


Bread holding the idiot's hand, returning to the familiar environment again made her seem very happy. This little girl walked forward happily, if it weren't for an idiot to pull her, I'm afraid she would fall accidentally.

"Be careful."

Little Bread's footsteps were too fast, and the idiot pulled and pulled her back. Bread turned her head, two emerald green eyes were full of smiles, she opened her mouth ah ah ooh, making words of inexplicable meaning, and her little finger pointed at the white tower right in front of her.

"Congratulations, go home smoothly!"

An Mie laughed: "Then where should we go next? Should we go back to your broken house first? Or should we go for business first?"

Idiots are still habitually silent. He looked at the college that had been away for nearly two months, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and stepped into the gate of the school...

"Hey! Have you heard? That genius from the Goodsey family!"

"What's the matter? What's the matter?!"

As soon as he stepped into school, the idiot found that the surroundings were obviously different from the past. It should be summer vacation at this moment, but the students are all gathered around the school, gathered in groups of three or five. Especially those students in the lower grades, everyone's face is full of expectation and envy, and they don't know what they are talking about.

"It's the Master Dyer Goodsay! His mission is completed! That's a B-level mission! And the content of the mission is not simple, it turns out to be hunting three heads and three-level monsters!"

"Level three? Three heads! No way? He... he should be about the same age as us, all of whom are elementary students? How could... be so strong?!"

"Hey, can't guess? Others are geniuses! I followed my dad to watch the hunt that day, it was really an excitement! The three monsters were very strong, and they injured several weak soldiers. It's easy. The private mercenaries surrounded the three-tier and three-tier of the three monsters, and they were ready to send people up to hunt. But the Patriarch of the Goodsey family, the current Duke, is not easy, even Only let Master Goodsay go up alone, and with a sword, kill those three monsters abruptly!"


"Surprised? To tell you the truth, no matter how exciting you can imagine it, there is absolutely no thrilling thrilling experience at that time! That was a B-level mission, B-level! In the past, only people from the higher ministry could perform it! The scene was really a one-off. Thrilling, I sweated for Master Goodsey several times! But Master Goodsey was so comfortable, holding a sword as if he was playing around! I saw him with a sword in the east, a sword in the west, and a sword on the left. The sword, the sword on the right, killed those three monsters in a busy corner without even the strength to parry!"

"Master Goodsey...Master Goodsey is okay! Are you really okay?!"

"Of course it's okay! Where are those three beasts of Master Goodsey's opponent? They were killed in an instant. After the end, Master Goodsey just sweated a little and gasped for a few times, but did not suffer any injuries. I am afraid that since the creation of Divine Grace, no one has ever been able to break the record of Dylaw Goodsea’s first B-level mission of the fighting system without being injured!"

The students are making noise again. Unlimited expectations flashed in the eyes of some female students. They fantasize about a handsome young hero, holding a family heirloom sword inlaid with Goodsey's family crest, standing tall with a smile on the corners of their mouths in front of three terrifying monsters. The fantasy of girls always carries a lot of romantic elements, and the faces of these female students immediately began to flush.

Strong strength, distinguished background, arrogant personality, coupled with Dai Lao's natural handsome face. These have undoubtedly become the most lethal aphrodisiac in the girl's fantasy. Some girls who had known Dai Lau began to fantasize about how they could meet the genius. Some girls who didn't know before began to listen to each other, hoping to get closer to the Prince Charming in their hearts. But they don’t need to inquire about it, because soon, a piece of news spread through the academy——

In order to celebrate Master Dylaw Goodsea’s very beautiful task, a celebration ball will be held in the grand hall of the college tonight! Anyone can participate!

Upon hearing this news, the girls all showed joy. They rushed back to their dormitory, picked the most beautiful evening gown, put on the most attractive lipstick and cosmetics. Of course, those male students are by no means inferior. This is a good opportunity to favor the Goodsey family. Whether the relationship is close or far, being able to get closer to such a genius is as if it is a more stable life on the road in the future. The best way!




The sky slowly turned gray. It seems that it is about to rain.

The people around were laughing and making noise, and quickly rushed back to their dormitory. Among them, only the idiot was pulling the bread, walking quietly as if completely isolated from the outside world.

"Ah~~~~ Huh?"

Bun looked at the smiles on other people's faces, and then at the idiot's face that would never smile. Does she feel strange? Why is this person who is pulling himself always with such a cold face when everyone else is smiling?

Little Bread didn't know, and she couldn't ask questions. The little girl took the idiot's hand and stumbled forward. Of course her footsteps cannot be fast, but no matter how slow she walks, the person holding her hand by her side always keeps the same speed as her.

The sky is about to rain. But there was no anxiety in the hand holding her. It seems that no matter how much the outside world changes, no matter how violent the storm is, this hand will not force her to go fast, but will only lead her to walk in the wind and rain together.

"! Wow~~~~!"

For some reason, the little girl suddenly smiled and hugged the idiot's thigh. When the idiot stopped and looked at her, she also raised her head, and looked at the black pupils with those eyes without a hint.


She opened her hands and smiled. The intention expressed by this action is obvious, even if you don’t say it, it’s also obvious...


The idiot bent down, picked up the little girl, and let her sit on her neck. The little bread that finally climbed up embraced the idiot's forehead with his excited hands, and his two little feet kept dangling. After shaking twice, she put her face on the idiot's hair and screamed.

"...Sit down, don't fall."

The idiot reached out his hand and gently held the bun. Just when he was helpless for the little **** his head and wanted to continue walking forward, a figure stood in front of him——

The first princess of the Bucks Empire, Walnut.

Today's walnut wears a white cloak, and under the cloak is a set of pale yellow princess dresses. Next to her, there were two girls of the same age. When they came out of a school building talking and laughing together, they happened to stand in front of an idiot.


The idiot was silent for a moment, and began to bypass the walnut, trying to walk past.

"Stop! Why don't you say hello when you see me!"

Walnut was a little surprised when she first saw this idiot who hadn't seen him for two months and met again. But soon, she noticed the disrespect of the other party and immediately stopped drinking.

The idiot didn't want to cause trouble, then turned his head and answered slowly.

"Hello, princess."

Walnut was akimbo, feeling very comfortable with the idiot's low voice at this moment. She looked at the big cloth bag on the idiot's waist and immediately said, "What is this?"


"Task?" Walnut thought for a while, and then woke up, "Oh! It's the D-level quest you are going to do, is it the heart of the first-level monster named Weimen that you killed?"

Walnut didn't mean it when he said these things. She just talked casually to confirm it. But when the words "D-level mission" and "first-level monster" came out of her mouth, the two female companions beside her couldn't help but snickered.

They are preparing to participate in the Dai Lao ball. Because Dai Lao’s image is too tall, the tasks they deal with are too difficult, so that these girls can't help but take the dusty servants, dirty and messy beggars in front of them. The handsome boy made a comparison.

And the result of this comparison is enough to cause them to laugh and despise.

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