Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 55: , The most unsullied loyalty

"Your Majesty... Your subordinate has lost his temper."

Dai Lao looked at Mu Du, regretting his misguided behavior of leaving without hearing the words. But Mu Du smiled, and the first reaction to his subordinates was to be vigilant rather than relaxed. Not only did he not blame him, but also praised him.

"Cousin? Is it really you?"

At this moment, Inselton, who followed Dai Lao into the ward, saw the man on the bed and screamed out in shock. He immediately rushed to the bed and looked at the man with black eyes on the bed at a loss.

"Why... how could this happen? After hearing the news of your injury, I couldn't believe my"

While speaking, Inselton held the man on the bed by the hand, knelt by the bed, and started crying. Dai Lao also came over at this time. After looking at the medical records, he shook his head and sighed.

"Dilao, this soldier... is your subordinate?"

Looking at the reaction of Dai Lao and Inselton, Mu Du was surprised that Dai Lao's men had such a powerful fighter? It really made him a little overwhelmed by the king.

However, Dai Lao did not take credit for it. He shook his head very regretfully, and said, "I'm sorry, your majesty, although this soldier is indeed a member of the Goodsea family in name, but because their family is sparsely populated, I have almost never used it again. This time I used him because of the strong recommendation of my subordinates, and I appointed him. I just didn’t expect...cough..."

Dai Lao regretted and shook his head. But at the same time, he was secretly winking Inselton, making the cousin cry a little bit more, and staged the most sad scene in the world.

"That's it, huh... Dai Lao, your subordinates have such talents, but you didn't realize until you lost them. This is really your big mistake. For the sacrifice of this soldier, you have to take some responsibilities. Come."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will follow suit."

While Mudu blamed Dai Lao, the soldier lying on the bed was struggling and wanted to get up. As soon as his mouth opened and closed, he wanted to speak even more. Inselton hurriedly leaned forward. After listening for a while, he turned his head and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty..."

He glanced at Dai Lao before continuing to say--

"He... has something to say to you directly."

Dai Lao's fists tightened, staring at this "powerful general" closely, and a little strange color appeared in his smiling eyes. But Mu Du didn't notice all of this, but walked directly up and put his ear to the soldier's mouth.

"Um... uh... I see."

After a while, Mu Du sighed and straightened up. He nodded to the soldier with great satisfaction. The soldier was also loyal and looked at Dai Lao.

"Dilao, this soldier doesn't want me to continue to scold you. He said that it is right for him to fight for the country, for me, and for you. Moreover, he did not insult his mission and successfully delayed those evil fire troops. Only then will I have the face to see you again. It can be seen that his loyalty to you really makes me a little envious."

Hearing Mu Du saying this, the strangeness in Dai Lao's eyes disappeared. He nodded to the person on the bed again, then came to the side of the bed, sat down, and gently held his hands to express gratitude.

"Well, since you made the decision to send troops, in fact, it really worked. Then the credit should indeed be counted on you. Dai Lao, you really made a great contribution, I I'm almost proud of you"

Hearing Mudu's praise, Dai Lao hurriedly knelt down and said, "No, no, no, I should feel ashamed that I didn't understand his strength until now, which caused him to fall to such an end. How can he monopolize his credit? Your Majesty? , Please reward him. For me, my subordinates are already ashamed."

The person on the bed opened his eyes again, revealing the color of expectation. Mu Du smiled and bent down again. After a while, he suddenly laughed, raised his head, and said: "The superiors and subordinates are so harmonious and so humble. This really makes me happy that my subordinates are so outstanding. What can't the Bucks Empire do? You all have gong, all gong"

"No, no, your Majesty, please leave it to him. His family has almost no status now. Please promote him to a knighthood and become an earl."

"Well, since you have such a strong request, Dai Lao, I will remember your concern for your subordinates. The Bucks are proud to have fighters like you."

Dai Lao smiled and expressed his apologies.

Mu Du smiled and took Xiaojin's hand, while using the joy of his subordinates to cover his sadness, he walked out of the room slowly. He wandered in front of Xie Huo's operating room again. After a long time, under the urging of those generals, he went to Yufeixue's main city to announce the end of the Dark Deer attack.

Mudu is gone.

In the ward, only Inselton, Dylaw, and Duzad Morrill lying on the bed were left.

At this moment, Duzad, who was unable to speak, was looking at Dai Lao expectantly with his enthusiastic eyes open. Those eyes were filled with neither resentment nor regret, but full of loyalty and determination.

And Dai Lau...

He smiled and stretched out his hand, gently patted the soldier's chest.

"Brother, my good soldier."

The smile in his eyes revealed regret and pity that would never have been possible before.

"Seriously, I have been in this officialdom for so many years. I have already thought I have seen through the darkness and cunning of human nature. Once upon a time, I even thought that there was no such thing as loyalty and dedication in this world. Everything, It's all about profit. Except for yourself, there is nothing in this world that you can trust."

Stroking the chest of the crippled soldier, Dai Lao's eyes were slightly soft. That smile is not cold and slightly treacherous.

"However, you have changed my outlook. In fact, you can take the credit alone, and he is indeed yours. But why did you insist on transferring him to me? My duke... Actually, there is no How many things have you done for you or your family..."

Inselton looked at his cousin and said without losing the opportunity: "Master, my cousin has always admired you, Master. He once dreamed of wanting to serve you..."

"You...what the **** is this?"

Dai Lao shook his head lightly and sighed. He stretched out his hand, stroked Duzad's black hair lightly, and looked at his eyes that always kept expectation and enthusiasm for himself, regretting.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you have such strength?... Well, because I always doubt the character of others, even if you show it like me, I might question your loyalty and other purpose. Well. Just like your cousin, if he hadn't grown up with me, I'm afraid I would never reuse him in my life. (Inselton is ashamed) And you, both strength and wisdom, courage and loyalty. People who want me to accept you...If it hadn’t happened, I’m afraid I wouldn’t accept you in this life."

Inselton on the side was stunned. He has become accustomed to seeing his young master face to face and behind his back. Use conspiracy and tricks to keep on top, ambitious and sincere. But it was the first time he saw that this young master was so kind to others

... But there is a reason for this.

Just ask, who in the world will be born and die for others? After the abolition of the strength that could rival a thousand people, he still followed the master in his heart without complaint, honor for the master's honor, and shame for the master's shame? If even such a person cannot be fully trusted, who else can be trusted that day?

Originally, Inselton wanted to use his cousin to improve his status in Dai Lao's heart. But now, he is also beginning to re-examine his view of Dai Lao as the master, and at the same time examine himself, and ask his inner loyalty.

"Relax to rest. I will never treat you badly. Others may think that you have become a useless person, but I will never do it. Starting today, you will be my most important staff."

"That... Master,'one','one'."

"none of them."

Listening to Dairau's sincere voice, Duzad's body on the bed trembled a little. Although he could not speak, tears of excitement were quietly shed in those black eyes...

"Take a good rest. When things here are over, we will go home. Return to the wind and sand."

De Lao smiled softly and stroked Duzad's hair lightly. At this moment, the golden sword on his waist exudes a soft light. Although this light was very weak and inconspicuous, it was impossible to arouse Dai Lao's attention. But this ray of light is there, gentle, exuding a touch of...a touch of warmth.


The dark deer attack is over.

According to the historical records of many countries, the Dark Deer Empire, which once bullied the surrounding small countries and couldn't raise its head, paid the most painful price for its actions after only three years of betrayal to obtain that vast land.

In the entire Dark Deer Empire, about 30% of the land was retaken by the Buck Empire, including the heavy city of Rome, the guarded cliffs of Insaidu, and the capital of the original Dark Deer Empire, a territorial sea, and Yufei as an important port. snow. The remaining 70% of the territory is divided by the remaining Twelve Allies. In terms of achievements, the Bucks Empire can be said to be the most profitable country among all countries.

After the battle on July 1st ended, the Bucks made some adjustments in Yufeixuecheng, and then took control of some small surrounding villages and towns, and began to return to Fengchuansha at the end of July. This triumphant division may not have anticipated the tail behind him. But then again, the tails of Walnut, Deviance, Zelens, and Bread are not so conspicuous. The only thing that Bianbao needs to worry about along the way is that Walnut can't bear to rush up. After all, she is always worried about her two brothers, especially Mudu, for fear that he will suddenly hate him and kill him and she is still unconscious. The evil fire.

moron? This person who once challenged 8,000 people with his own strength never appeared.

It was Duzad who was seriously injured, although he was paralyzed, but somehow he climbed back from the danger line. Although the scar on his face is still terrifying, the voice can finally be heard. Unfortunately, due to the injury of his vocal cords, his voice was very hoarse and it was no longer the same.

However, this does not prevent Dai Lao from visiting him frequently. During the visit, he occasionally chatted a few words, and Dai Lao increasingly discovered that this Pu Yu had his own unique understanding of many things. Many things were said to his liking.

This also made Dai Lao even more regretful that he had not seen this confidant earlier, and hated that he was so ignorant that he would send such a soldier to death for his own purposes.

In late August, the slow-moving buck army finally gradually rose in this autumn, and the summer heat was still strong and returned to the long-lost wind and sand. Returning to the territory of their hometown, the stag fighters cheered, reunited with their families and embraced. The towns that had already heard the news put on lights and festoons under the instructions of the queen, and the road to welcome the soldiers returning was full of flowers and applause.

And this queen, ignoring others' persuasion, just stood at the front gate of the castle. When he saw his husband holding his son and Xiao Xing who had woken up, he finally couldn't help but rushed up and hugged the two children.

The queen's gaffes have not been called indecent, and she has the name of demeanor. On the contrary, the queen was in tears, crying and hugging the photos of the two children, but it became the headline in the newspaper that night, making countless people shed their most sincere tears for the family love that was shown at this moment...


Next, is everything over? Are everyone happy when they start to discuss merits and deeds?

(End? What a joke? It's just the beginning now~~~ Human kid,'re at this point. All the bedding you have laid out are now in place. Is it time for you to close the net? I'll wait. For a moment, I waited from February to August now for half a year. Who has the patience to wait for you to play for half a year, just to deal with someone who can solve it with your hands. , For fun enough, who has the patience to watch the boring farce for half a year with you?)

(Come on, hurry up and close the Internet cafe, I can’t wait to wait hahahaha, it’s really interesting... I think it’s very interesting when I think of what you will do next. Come on... you scumbag, you This despicable, shameless bastard, hurry up and show the most exciting side of your plan, hurry up, show it)

(I am looking forward to it) V

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