Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 74: , Mental illness and exhibitionism

The curtain of the stage opened, and at that moment, the whole scene was a sensation

Quelin looked at the enthusiastic audience under the stage, and suddenly became a little nervous. But after touching the "smiling face" of the idiot, she still forced herself to be quiet, calm, and watch the changes.

"Ah, Xingli? Rooney answer. I'm very glad you can come to this invitation meeting. I believe the Rooney family will be able to find a perfect son-in-law in this election."

Quirine was so nervous that she couldn't say a word, and she looked a little dull when she faced the idiot.

"......Xing Li?"


"Xingli? Rooney replied."

"Huh? Yes, call me, call me, yes"

The idiot is a little strange, why does Xingli feel a little unsettled today?

However, as the host, he still wants to maintain this event.

"Xingli, as the second child of the Rooney family, how do you feel about this recruitment? Will you be nervous?"

"When...Of course not. How could I be nervous? Hahaha, I...I can' nervous"

"...... Then, do you have anything to say about your sister, Miss Quirin?"

"I want to say... What I want to say is... Ah I want to say, you must take care of my sister."

Quirine squeezed her fist and waved in the air. At this moment, those onlookers also felt a little sad. Seeing that she was a little messed up, Quirin quickly maintained Xingli's smile and stood awkwardly.

The idiot frowned, then he opened his hands and said, "Next, let's welcome Miss Quirine Rooney on the stage"

The idiot's voice was high and loud, but those people didn't come to see Quilin. So this time, almost no one applauded, and everyone stared at the "Xing Li" on the stage. At the same time, she also commented on her.

"Look at you, Miss Xingli's chest...seems to be bigger?"

"Is it true that the second lady wears a booster bra for us?"

"Oh, Miss Xingli, I love you"

These people didn't understand Quilin's feelings at all, and they actually didn't have to be considerate, they just needed to show their respect to the "Xing Li" on the stage. But when Quirin heard this, the smile she could barely hold could collapse at any time. Her brows slowly frowned, and her hands began to gradually condense a layer of frost.

"Quilin Rooney answer Miss?"

The idiot screamed again, and felt depressed when she saw that Quirin had not come out. Why does Rooney have to ask everyone in the house?

In desperation, the idiot could only walk to the curtain and said: "Miss Quilin Rooney, please come out and help this invitation. Miss Quilin?"

Quilin, who was on the stage, saw the idiot walking towards the backstage, and was shocked to know that now Xingli was stripped and thrown in the backstage. If this scene was seen by the idiot...

Thinking about it this way, Quilin's mind immediately appeared in a dirty and messy room, with Xingli naked and sleepy like a baby. Then, the unmarried young idiot appeared beside her...

"Hold on"

Quilin was startled and rushed forward and stopped in front of the idiot.


"Ah... I mean, my sister is not feeling well now, so she... that... is a little nervous, can you come out later?"

Small nervous? This is not enough. The main task of this plan is to confuse the audiovisual. If she is absent, the effect may be much smaller.

The idiot shook his head and whispered, "No matter how nervous you are. This time the invitation for your sister is held for your sister. If she doesn't appear, what counts?"

After all, the idiot insisted on going in.

Seeing that Quilin couldn't hold on any longer, under tension, she immediately grabbed the idiot's shoulder, dragged her back while preempting her to enter the backstage, and screamed again.

"Oh sister, why are you...not wearing clothes?"

This cry instantly pulled the nerves of those onlookers. Although Quilin's personality is not very good, no one can deny her beauty and figure. Such a beauty... is in the background now, without clothes?

The idiot's footsteps also stopped instantly. He frowned slightly and said, "Miss Quirin, although I know you are nervous, no matter how nervous you are, you can't take it off."

Quilin next to her was haha, her heart beating violently.

"Xingli, please go and let Sister Ling put on her clothes. It's offensive."

"Hurt...what is it? There is no one in the don't allow my sister to run naked to relieve pressure?"

As soon as Quirine spoke, she hurriedly covered her mouth. She can't wait to get rid of herself right now, what is naked running to relieve pressure? Isn't it the time to increase your public image? Why would I raise such a bad topic instead?

"You mean...your sister...likes to run naked?"

This really surprised the idiot. After knowing Quilin for so many years, it was the first time that he knew that his teacher had this kind of interest. Even the little bread next to her was the same. She opened her mouth wide, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with her mouth wide open.

"Yes... Yeah, do you have an opinion? As a modern young man, do you like to use tinted glasses to look at a situation where a leftover girl who has not been married for many years does extreme things because of too much pressure? Or, you are A person with emotional cleanliness?"

"Ah... I just didn't expect..."

The idiot apologized slightly for the suspicion he had just made. But the matter still couldn't end that way. He patted the head of the bun and said, "Go, call Mrs. Quirin, let her come out as soon as possible."

"Wait, she is my sister, I'll call it"

Quirine was excited, and immediately stopped the bun and rushed into the backstage. She hid behind a large pile of debris and secretly glanced in the direction of the stage. Very good, the small bread has slightly lifted the opening cloth to check the situation. Seeing this, she quickly took off her wig, pulled her upper body clothes onto her shoulders, moved away the obstacles in front of her, and exposed her shoulders and a head in front of the bun.

"Hey what do you mean? You want me to go out? I don't want to go out, what can you do with me?"

Bun looked at the strapless Quilin over there, and quickly retracted her head and nodded to the idiot. The idiot frowned and motioned for her to investigate again.

When Quirine saw Bun put her head in again, she couldn't help covering her face. She lowered her head, put on her wig, pulled up her clothes, pretending to be pushed and fell out of the pile of buildings, and said: "Sister streaking doesn't solve the problem. You need to face everyone face-to-face like you... You are like this..."

In an instant, two flying knives rose from the ground. When Bun's attention was focused on the flying knives, Quilin immediately took off her wig, took off her clothes, and made a very proud expression.

"You care about me? I'm not old, but I do a lot of things? I just like being naked. What do you want? I love being naked. Nudity is art. You haven't seen those famous paintings, all of which are naked. Does it? This shows that only nakedness can remove the pressure on modern people, and only nakedness can completely relax oneself. I even love nakedness too much. I even want to go out naked and run directly."

God, what on earth am I talking about?

Hearing these words, the idiot sighed helplessly, patted Little Bread's head, and said, "Go tell the teacher, if she really hopes so, I can hold a **** art exhibition for her."

Little Bread nodded and agreed, and got his head into the curtain: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~"


"Silly beep?"

"Use words."


Little Bread pulled the opening cloth, just in time, seeing the sisters pulling each other behind a row of obstacles. Xingli stood up and said with a worried expression: "Sister, please don't be like this, okay? Although I know you are nervous, but nervousness does not solve the problem."

The next moment, Xing Li was toppled, and the naked Quilin stood up and hummed: "Go tell everyone that I won't be on stage today because the **** outside are all just looking at my naked body. I don't want to be so rubbish. Man, I bet that nine out of ten people in that group are already secretly in charge."

Quirin's voice was very loud. Hearing these words, the idiot immediately turned his head, and saw that many men in the crowd nearby suddenly looked embarrassed and bowed their heads.

"Sister, okay, you don’t have to attend. Are you? You don’t want to see people? Okay, then I’ll tell them you won’t show up, okay?"

As Quirin said, she looked at the place where Xingli was hiding. To be honest, Xing Li is too far away from her position now, under the gaze of Xiao Bread’s eyes, she can hardly do anything.

After hearing these words, after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Bao hurriedly raised his placard and yelled loudly at the same time—

"Is Mr. Quilin suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Want to undress in a pinch? That's a disease, it needs to be cured. 》

When Quirine saw this line of words, she almost broke her teeth. She quickly put on her hair and took off her clothes, and said, "How can my sister be mentally ill?"

"Sister Xingli, why are you **** too?" 》

"Ah? Sister, how can you just take it off like this, why do you force me to take it off too"

Quirine squatted down nervously, and she hated her to shoot her head continuously. Because of this sentence, the already turbulent crowd outside became even more manic. Some even wanted to rush to the stage and set off the curtain with the determination to die. Up

Little Bread yelled again, and raised the sign in his hand—

"Sister Xingli, you are very calm. Sister Quilin is so anxious that she strips off your clothes. Isn't it a disease? 》

That's right, Xing Li is extremely calm, it is impossible to do anything that is too emotional. Thinking about it this way, Quilin couldn’t help but hold back her tears, put on her wig, took off her clothes, and said, “Sister, may be really crazy...Shall we go to the hospital for treatment? Don’t worry, Xingli will always be there. By your side..."

"I'm not sick, I'm not crazy, hahaha, I'm not sick la la la la la la la la la~~~~"

At this point, Quirine had completely collapsed. She has already begun to give up on herself and become messy.

What should we do now? Quirine Rooney replied, Rooney replied that the eldest daughter of Rooney's family is now not only a thirty-year-old virgin, but also a mentally ill, streaking? And all of this... was she caused it herself? ? ?

"Sister... I... I will handcuff you here first... After this recruitment meeting is over... I will accompany you to see a doctor... Your disease will definitely be cured... Definitely... Woo..."

This is not a pretense, Quilin really cried. She pulled up her clothes, put on a wig, and walked out with tears after the dust was raised behind the obstacle.

Now, what can she say? She turned herself into a mental illness, streaking crazy, what can she say?

When we went to the stage again, the audience was silent. Bun took Quilin's hand to express strong comfort. Even the idiot now showed a look of regret and sighed.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Because this happened to Xingli's sister, please allow this invitation to end. If possible, we will definitely hold it again after her sister's condition eases. Then, everyone, please go back."

Removed Mike, the idiot pulled down the smile mask on his face, and said to "Xing Li" who was already crying so hard that he said, "Okay, let's take the teacher to the hospital quickly. If you are sick, you must be treated early. If your sister Become a fool in the future, that would be troublesome."

Quirine was anxious and raised her hand at her student as a punch. What kind of student is this? Would curse his teacher as a fool? Wouldn't you pick up some nice words?

The idiot only Dao Xingli was in a bad mood, so she didn't evade, letting her punch her in the stomach. Anyway, it's not painful. However, at this time...

"Ahhhhhhh? I have become mentally ill? This is really good for the eyes, and the evil is rewarded."

When Quirine heard this, the fire in her heart immediately rose. who is it? Who is so gloating?

But when she turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound, her eyes were immediately stunned.

The crowd stepped aside, and appeared outside the stage was an eighteen-year-old girl who was surrounded by many soldiers. The girl wears some floral decorations on her head, but her eyes look very aggressive. The so-called comers are not good and the good ones don't come. After thinking about it, the idiot immediately shrinks back and intends to escape. But Quirine grabbed his wrist first and pulled him in front of him.

"Xingli? Rooney replied. Your sister is really self-conscious. Since she is crazy, why don't you let me observe more? Even though she is crazy, that hateful face and slim figure shouldn't change. Right? Why not take it out and show it to everyone?"

After the idiot pondered for a while, he turned to look at "Xing Li" next to him, and said, "Who is she."

Others may not know, but Quilin remembers clearly that this girl is not someone else, she is the match of the Count Celia's family that she killed a few days ago, Xia Ye Celia’s sister, Fan Hua Sai. Leah obviously... this girl is now avenging her brother

"How do you want...? Your Majesty should have already spoken for us."

Fanhua snorted and said: "Yes, it is indeed too humble. For your majesty's face, we can't really seek revenge from your Rooney family. But...but this hatred...this anger , Do you think it will disappear like this?"

The girl looked young, but the aura that radiated from her body was not small. Look at the ring on her fingers and the earrings on her ears...should be a stoneman. In this regard, the idiot is naturally more vigilant and does not speak.

"My brother Xiaye... used to be such a cheerful person, but since being'beaten' by your sister, now his whole person has changed and he has become more feminine than before. Actually... he even told me that he didn't hate you at all, but he still wanted to thank you? Your sister caused irreparable damage to our family. Now my brother refuses to even look at me straight. Tiandu stayed with the men who came to comfort him, my pay me a brother"

The corners of Quilin's mouth twitched. At this time, the idiot turned his head and said, "I'm sorry, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. Can I leave?"

"Don't leave... I mean... you can help me."

The idiot looked unhappy, he was not in the mood to pay attention to such things. But Quirin's hand was very tight, and he couldn't forcefully refuse the Rooney family. Therefore, I can only stay here.

"What do you want?"

Quirine said.

"Oh, how? So far, I only thought of making your sister embarrassed. Let your Rooney answer the family, make a big ugly. Anyway, your sister, the leftover girl named Quilin is the shame of your Rooney family, right? A ten-year-old woman who is not wanted, is there all day pretending to be tender, dressed up as if she is in her early twenties to seduce men everywhere. Let her make a little bit of a fool, presumably she can also support the past?"


"Huh, I want to fight? But, it's almost too late. What do you think I am talking to you here? Is it just to fight with you?"

The idiot looked up, his eyes quickly swept back. I saw that the sponsor was now leading a lot of people, rushing to the entrance and exit of the backstage eagerly. In an instant, the dozen people pushed open the door and rushed in.

" three-eight"

Quirine was extremely angry, but before she decided what to do, the idiot rushed to the backstage first, and casually tore off the heavy curtain. V

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