Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 113: , Flower and Snow

Flower and snow

The kettle in the room was still bubbling, and the slightly sultry air occupied all of this small room.

Lancer sat on a small bench, leaning against the bed. Because I was tired, I closed my eyes and tried to rest as soon as possible.


Suddenly, a soft sound awakened the man in his sleep. He hurriedly opened his eyes, and saw his wife on the bed clutching her heart, her face in pain, and hurriedly stood up and held her hand.


The beauty on the bed was pale, and there was no trace of blood on her lips. Her right hand was held, and her left hand was pressed tightly on her chest, seemingly painful.

"Yueming? How is it? Does it hurt? Tell me honestly, does it really hurt?"

Lancer looked at his wife anxiously, reached out and brushed the muddy water on her hair, and kissed the back of her hand.

Yue Mingqiang gritted his teeth and silently endured this pain that could not be understood by outsiders. I don't know how long the pain took, and the look on her face improved slightly, and the frowning brows slowly relaxed.

"I...nothing...makes you...worry..."

The voice was weak, so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Hearing this faint voice, Lancer was almost more anxious and helpless. He can't do anything now, so he can only silently wait beside his wife, holding her hand tightly, becoming her eternal support...

"It's me... useless... hurt you..."

Lancer lowered his head, tears gradually began to flow in his unwilling eyes. In response, Yueming smiled. She took her hand out of her grasp, gently placed it on Lancer's head, and stroked it.

"You didn't... hurt me... didn't..."

"But I see you in such pain, but I can't do anything for you"

Lancer gritted his teeth and held each other reproachfully with his nails almost embedded in the flesh.

The sick beauty on the bed seemed unable to say anything. She can only smile like this, hoping to use her smile to relieve the pain and suffering in her husband's heart.

"I'm useless... If I'm more useful... If my determination can be more thorough, you will never suffer this kind of pain. Maybe I can cure you soon, soon... soon "

A touch of loneliness flashed in Yueming's eyes, and her lips opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something. However, she hesitated for a while, and finally smiled and said--

"We... are husband and wife... don't say this... words that make me... sad... self-blaming..."

Lancer lowered his head, the regret and pain in his heart hurt him. He has been patient since before, and endured to love his wife and people in the world like a priest. Even now, he kept telling himself that as a priest, he should not be filled with despair and regret, nor should he be occupied with sadness and greed.

Yeah...that was before.

Before, he had never thought that he was not that great. It turns out that the so-called benevolent lover is so painful

He can't do...

Ask him to face Yueming’s pain with a smile under the current situation, and then turn his head to face other people with a gentle smile. He can’t do it...

He completely...cannot do it


Suddenly, Lancer shook off Yueming's hand stroking his hair and turned around.


"You lie down quietly for a while, I will pour you water."

Lancer came to the stove and looked at the kettle that had already started to bubble. At this moment, the forgiveness and kindness of past priests disappeared from his eyes. On the contrary, there was more coldness and cruelty.

Pretending to pour water, Lancer sneaked over to the overcoat placed in the corner. He looked at the pockets of the coat with his cold and determined gaze. He glanced back at Yueming and saw that she closed her eyes. When she seemed groggy, he immediately reached out and touched the coat.

A pair of shark-tooth knives appeared in the palm of his hand.

Lancer looked at the two short knives. The carvings on the scabbard were made when he was a blacksmith. He didn't need to draw a knife. He seemed to be able to feel the bursts of blades in the scabbard. chill.

After a little hesitation, Lancer stuffed these two short knives into his pockets, and patted them strictly, as if... he had made some determination.


At this moment, Yueming behind him made another noise. Blue was taken aback, turned around and came to her side.

"what happened?"

Sit down and gently stroke his wife's hand. Only this time, Lancer found that he had misunderstood.

She fell asleep.

Just in her sleep, she was calling him softly, even in the dream, she was still all her...


Lancer raised his hand and gently stroked his wife's thin but still beautiful face. He has made up his mind, I am afraid that this road must be followed. And her wife, she seems to have noticed something in her sleep? Tears have overflowed from her eyes...

"Peony...lily vanilla...bears a flower..."

Suddenly, Yueming's confusing dream talk just now began to become regular. Although there were still some jumping words, this nursery rhyme still drifted into Lancer's heart slowly.

——Peony, white and big, cloves, fragrant. The wind blows down, returns to the place, one flower, three petals——

Lancer lowered his head, and his hand touching his wife's face seemed to tremble at this moment.

This nursery rhyme echoed in his heart, echoing constantly. Later, he couldn't help but blurt out, and read it out loudly following his wife's dream.

Peony, peony, gypsophila...

Various flower names were read from his mouth, filling in the incomplete part of his wife's dreams. This kind of sympathy continued until the night was deep, so deep that the sky had even begun to reveal the whiteness of the fish, and Yueming's dreams gradually disappeared. And he... also slowly, stood up.

"Yueming, forgive me."

Lancer squeezed the cross hanging from his neck. This cross is more mottled, the silver paint on the surface has fallen more than half, and the black iron pillar inside looks a bit stern and terrifying.

After apologizing to his wife for an unknown meaning, Lancer turned around without looking back, walked out of this stuffy, small, but almost all his room, and headed to the cold reality outside...

The feeling of lying in bed and not being able to move is really uncomfortable. Although idiots have tried this taste before, it feels the same no matter how many times they try.

Lying does not mean that you can rest. It's not about physical pain. Rather, he was referring to the fact that he could hardly move a finger, which prevented him from responding to danger. This is where he is most uncomfortable.

(Human kid, are you in a hurry? Hope I can get you back as soon as possible? Hahahaha)

If you can do it, hurry up. )

(Hey, it's a pity, this time you made your body a little too bad, so it will take some time to repair it. Well, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, work slowly, let's do it slowly? How about? Hahahaha)

The idiot can't ask it to do anything about Dim Mi The character of this sword is like this, there is no reason at all.

However, in spite of this, the idiot still forcibly supported his body and slowly sat up from the bed.


At this time, the small bread came in from outside carrying a pot of porridge. Seeing the idiot sitting on the bed, the little girl ran over quickly. It seemed that she wanted to press the idiot on the bed and take a good rest. But when she was in a hurry, the unknown object with a layer of red oil floating in the pot in her hand rushed directly in front of the idiot's forehead. With the spicy taste, the stimulating idiot almost fainted again.

"Put it aside and eat it yourself."

The idiot frowned and said in a commanding tone. Bun was taken aback, looked at the bowl of red porridge in his hand, and after shrugging his shoulders, he put it aside for a while, no matter what.

The body hurts.

Unexpected pain.

The idiot struggled to get out of the bed, slowly loosening the bandages on his hands, circle by circle. Then he stood up.


Xiao Bao was watching. Although this little girl had reached the rebellious period, she could see that at this critical moment, the worry in her eyes was still very deep. Seeing this look, the idiot felt that he could get better faster, so he raised his head and exhaled.


The idiot stretched his body to familiarize his brain with the many pains in his body. Although these pains were severe, they weren't to the point where the idiot couldn't bear it. But if you want to fight, it is definitely impossible. But if you just walk around, there should be no problem.


The bun came up, pulled an idiot's arm, and put it on his shoulder. This little girl seemed to want to help her family. The idiot looked at her thin and thin body and tried her best to stand up straight, not to put too much force on her shoulders. The little girl didn't notice anything, she was still stubbornly carrying the idiot, step by step, and staggered forward.

Today's weather looks a bit gloomy, and the dust-like smoke covers the entire sky, making the world look a little gray.

With the help of the bread, the idiot walked out of the hotel. But seeing this kind of weather naturally did nothing to help his desire to breathe fresh air.


At this time, a whole row of orc soldiers seemed to be messy from there, but they ran slowly and orderly. These soldiers stared at every passerby around them, the sharp axes and long swords in their hands had been unsheathed, and they seemed to be in a state of fighting at any time. A

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