Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 143: , Honest Dim

After the accounts were settled, in the words of an idiot, there was one less pure ignorant girl in this world, but one more cunning beauty. However, this situation is normal for this world. Anyway, women will gradually mature from a girl. And it's often men who make them mature, isn't it?

Mia held her clothes, put it in the wooden house, and said goodbye to the idiot with a smile, without the slightest nostalgia in her tone. After that, the girl grabbed the scissors and walked to the bullpen with the basket on her back. After she came out again, the basket on her back had been transferred to the back of Chili who came out at the same time. And she went to the pepper garden over there and went to work in the farm.

"Master, can we leave now?"

Toran turned to his side, and his clothes were completely stripped by Mia. Fortunately, Mia gave him a piece of torn clothes to cover it. But the shabby clothes still showed him two shoulders, which made Tolan feel uncomfortable.

The idiot nodded and glanced at Tolan and the dragon-turned honey pear. After thinking about it, he turned around and walked over to the cows that were walking alone on the pasture.

Chili, now leisurely eating grass.

She looks relaxed and comfortable, just like an ordinary cow.

However, the idiot could still see a touch of firmness and forgiveness that belonged to the angels from her big face.

"......You, come with me."

The idiot came to the cow and held out his hand.

The cow turned his head away and looked at the idiot. After that, she showed a simple smile, and then shook her head.

"Maybe... No. Although I don't hate you as a demon, but I also have an ordinary girl to guard."

Chili, chewing the grass in his mouth, after swallowing, turned his head to look at the dense chili garden, and said--

"Xiao Mia is still a girl. It is very hard for an ordinary girl to take care of her sister in this world and maintain the ranch. I know, maybe I did something I shouldn’t do, but I still want to be like this silently Guard her."


The idiot stopped talking, but the cow turned around, smiled at the idiot again, and said: "Don't be like this. Although I can't go with you, I believe that the love and justice you firmly believe in can be resolved. There is a three-epoch contradiction between the two clans of the gods and demons. I believe that if it were you, it would definitely be possible."

"I have confidence in you, you have to come on~~"

Amidst the cow's encouragement, the little baby on her back cried out. The idiot sighed slightly and stepped forward to hug the baby girl. The cow also stood up and sat on the ground, holding the little girl with her hooves.

"...It seems that you really have a lot of things that you can't put down."

Said the idiot.

The cow coaxed the little baby girl in his arms and smiled and said, "Yes, as an angel, I still feel that I am not quite qualified. I used to not understand the battle plans of those brothers and sisters, and often kept things Mess up. Every one of my brothers and sisters is very popular with me. But I think even if I am so useless, I should be able to find some things I can do here. Oh~~oh~~Little Be good, don’t cry or cry~~~~"

Looking at the cow coaxing her baby like this, listening to the clinking sound of her limbs moving. At this point, the idiot finally closed his eyes, exhaled again, and turned around...

"Then take care."

"Yeah. Take care~~~ Although I can't be with you. But, if you have any difficulties in the future, please let me know if you encounter a situation that requires combat strength, you can come to me. I'm on standby anytime. Don't look at me like this, you should know it too? My strength is very strong. Maybe I can't help you plan something, but if it's a pure fight, how about I still have a little confidence? Good~~~Good~~~ Are you hungry? Come, drink grandma~~~~"

The cow put the baby on his house and let her drink.

At this moment, she is happy.

Although ordinary, but for the dream language family of this angel, perhaps this is happiness.

Accompanied by this crisp clinking sound, the blue sky once again became as clean as it had been washed, and there was no white cloud in the distance.

The idiot turned around, listening to the crisp jingle, and walking towards Mili and Toran over there. But at this moment...

"Huh? Little boy, drink? What's the matter? Don't drink? Hmm...Is it uncomfortable because of this position? Really...No way.

A burst of milky white light came from behind.

This burst of light is really too warm, and even it is full of a touch of sweetness.

The idiot was taken aback and turned his head. But what caught his eyes was...

The cow is gone.

Instead, there was a naked girl sitting on the grass with her back to him.

She has long black hair, but her skin is as white as snow.

She smiled slightly, holding the little baby girl in her hands and placing her on her chest. When these soft arms hugged the little guy and the little mouth touched the soft chest, the little girl’s crying slowly stopped...

"Hey, don’t rush to drink. There are a lot of them~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

A soft singing voice radiated from the girl's throat.

The bull ears on top of her head swayed slightly.

On her hip, a black and white oxtail dangled.

And on the ankles of the red luo's slender legs, two golden bells contrasted her white skin like snow...

The idiot looked at the back of this unknown girl. Silent.

Then he exhaled again and turned around.

(How? I didn’t lie~~~ Human kid, don’t you go and look at her face, look at her front? Don’t you want to know the ultimate reason why your predecessors are crazy about it?)

This time, the idiot believed the sword, and he did not lie.

But what if there is no lying?

Listening to the slightly childish singing in the ears and the constant clinking noises, the idiot took the bun, went straight to Mili and put it on her back.

"Let's go."

The idiot patted Mili, and after Xiao Bread and Tolan were both riding on, Mili spread its wings.

"We, go home."

The black dragon **** its wings.

The violent wind swelled with the flapping of the dragon's wings.

After a month of cultivation, under the clear sky and the crisp sound of bells...

The lord of the demons, flew into the sky... V

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