Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 30: , Shipping items

Shipping items

The idiot was not in the mood to listen to her humming, but quickly scanned this small locker room. Then immediately locked the target

There is a basket specially used for changing clothes. After seeing this basket, the idiot even squatted over and searched in this basket.

Silk scarf? Hmm... this is her weapon, of course something to be washed clean. The idiot took out one of them, put it under his nose and smelled it...

There is no smell. In other words, are these silk scarves not for personal use?

Take out the silk scarf and set it aside, and the idiot starts to check again. In a moment, he took out a white coat Xingli wore during the day.

So, is there anything worth noting on this dress? Like the smell of skin care lotion, traces, and other things that can make people research skin care products?


Damn it, it's really clean, it's not even a little dirty.

The idiot shook his head, put his clothes aside, and continued to search. He doesn't believe that anyone who uses skin care products or cosmetics will definitely have some marks on their clothes. According to what they know, some women even use medicine to fragrant the clothes they wear, so that when they wear clothes, they also let them condition their skin.

The idiot searched quickly, thinking about his previous actions in Sennag, it must be nothing more than that. ............ Sennag, Crystal Ice Republic......

The idiot's thoughts have gone slightly apart, but what he is looking for is also suddenly appearing in front of his eyes at this moment.

A pair of white underwear.

Found...finally found

The scent of all kinds of cosmetics used by the user will definitely be stained on this kind of underwear. Now, the idiot does not expect Xingli to use external brand cosmetics, because according to various signs, she is likely to use homemade If you want to study the ingredients, you need to study thoroughly

Holding these tight and thin underwear, the idiot's right eye immediately turned scarlet

He improves the magic blood in his body, so that his various senses can become more sensitive, especially... his sense of smell

After using the magic blood to improve his sense of smell, the idiot immediately put the underwear under his nose and sniffed forcefully. Explore the smell and carefully distinguish the secrets that may be contained in it

Hmm...lilacs...bluegrass...with a little mint. Ok? What's this smell? This scent... seems to be ancient wormwood? What else? The fragrance of sweet grapes? No no... This seems to be the taste of the grapes after fermentation... The pure wine juice? Xing Li... What kind of skin care products does she use to maintain her skin?

The idiot sniffed hard. The longer he smelled it, the more he was surprised that there seemed to be a variety of flavors, all kinds of charming fragrances, which made people feel mysterious and unpredictable. But maybe it was because he smelled too devoted, even if the door beside him opened, he didn't realize it.

Xingli was wrapped in a white bath towel.

The drops of water slowly slid down her long golden hair, and a faint reddish appeared on the face that had just been bathed, and the fair skin looked more hydrated and shiny under the light.


She lowered her head and looked at the idiot squatting in front of her. I also watched him holding his underwear and sniffing. For a while, she didn't have any reaction, just stared blankly.

The strong steam gushing out made the idiot wake up suddenly. The red in his right eye disappeared, he turned his head and saw Xing Li.

After that, he calmly nodded at Xingli, took out a pair of newly bought underwear that he had prepared a long time ago from his arms, and put it aside. After that, he tucked Xingli's underwear into his arms, nodded to Xingli again, turned around, and prepared to leave...


When Xingli took a step forward with a smile on his face, and stepped on the silk scarf that was thrown on the ground by the idiot, the silk scarf immediately resembled a resurrected viper. It instantly lifted up, forming a handful in mid-air. The hammer, heavily...bumped on the back of the idiot...


"What? This kid is watching you take a shower?"

No matter what, it seems that as long as Quilin is involved, it will be publicized. In her room, Xing Li kept pointing her fingers up, beckoning her sister not to be so loud. The idiot now is **** with a pink ribbon and sitting on the floor.

"It's not a peek at me taking a bath. Sister, don't talk nonsense."

Quilin’s face was full of anger. The teacher stepped forward and grabbed the idiot’s collar and said loudly: "Hey boy, what do you mean? Is it fun to watch Xiao Xingli take a bath? What kind of perverted interest is this? Even if you take a peek at the bath, it’s more normal to take a peek at me, right? But my student, are you like those men? It really disappoints me.”

"Sister~~~~ Stop arguing with your father."

Xing Li smiled and tried to dissuade her sister from being normal. Quite easily calmed down. She sat aside and sulked. She was still muttering something, "Is a 30-year-old woman completely unattractive?" "Are young men not willing to peek?" "All men are scumbags" and so on, one after another.

Xing Li glanced at her sister helplessly, and then she took up her blond hair with drops of water on it and clamped it with a golden hairpin to prevent it from mopping the floor. After that, she squatted in front of the idiot with a gentle smile.

"Can you tell me your purpose?"

The idiot glanced at Xingli, turned his head, and made a posture of life and death. After all, this is a good opportunity to make money. The head can be broken, the blood can flow, but the opportunity to make money must not be lost

"Most he wants to know how you take care of your skin, right?"

However, the idiot didn't say anything, but Quirin, who had no scheming, just said a word and announced the idiot's secret.

"During the day, he kept asking me about your secrets to skin care. Cut, I’m so weird, little idiot, why don’t you ask me about the secrets of care? I have a complete set of skin care concepts. I don't have any ideas, just like a little guy who just washes his face casually?"

Xingli ignored the latter words at all. Just a little bit of thinking, the extremely smart employer guessed the idiot's mind. She smiled slightly and said--

"Mr. Xiaobai, you... just feel that it is so uncomfortable to owe me money. Do you want to get rid of the shadow of debt earlier?"

Xingli stood up, exhaled, and said--

"Well, too. It's not that I don't understand the feeling of owing a lot of debts to others, and I don't know when they will come to kill me. After all, I am also a businessman, and I have had poor capital turnover."

"However, if you use this method to listen to my secrets, I might not have done anything to you, but now it may become an additional interest charge. Is that okay?"

The idiot lowered his head without answering. I don't know if he continues to remain silent or is afraid of Xing Li's words.

"Haha, this kid doesn't care at all, right?"

Quirine took out a can of alcoholic beverage from Xingli's refrigerator, opened it, and took a sip with his head up. Seeing this scene, Xingli immediately expressed dissatisfaction, walked over to open her refrigerator, and said, "Sister, do you use my refrigerator as a storage room again?"

"Goo...ha...what does it matter? Your refrigerator is almost useless anyway. I haven't seen what you put in it, what's the big deal?"

Seeing Qui Lin's leisurely and contented look, Xing Li shook his head greatly, expressing a sigh. After thinking for a while, she suddenly turned her head, squatted in front of the idiot again, and said--

"Mr. Xiaobai, you are anxious to pay me back, aren't you?"

The idiot didn't need to be silent anymore, so he nodded.

"That's it~~~ So now, I have a job here and I hope you can finish it. After it's finished, I will pay you 1,000 Sura, how about it?"

The idiot lowered his head, calculated a little, and said, "I owe you thirty-one thousand four hundred sura. You, only let me deduct one thousand sura...?"

"No way, after all, the cost of this job is about this price. Don't worry, this is an easy task to solve. You think you can make a thousand sura easily, how good?"

What task. "

"Give me something."

Xingli smiled and continued to say——

"I have something to send to the capital of the Crystal Ice Republic, Lava City. Give it to a customer. Simply put, it is an express trip. But because the things that need to be shipped are too important, I don’t feel relieved. Let bounty hunters, rangers, or mercenaries transport them. And you, someone I trust very much. So, can you please send me this trip?"

It took a long time from the wind to blow the sand to the capital of the Crystal Ice Republic..."

"Ah, of course I know. Although the construction of the magic train has been improved a lot in recent years, it still takes more than a month for the round trip. But please rest assured, when you transport, I also count you as working. The monthly salary will never be less than you. In addition, I will give you another thousand sura. And, given the length of this journey, I will also provide you with travel funds. Let you go on this journey with confidence."

Am I alone. "A

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