Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 39: , Count down 24 hours

"Huh, a bunch of useless things."

At this moment, it was Richard Fatty who spoke first. He directly picked up a new set of playing cards, unpacked it, and started to check it--

"Are you still going to wait? Sorry, I don't plan to wait. One of you has only a little more than 23 hours left. I don't want to be dragged by you."

After hearing these words, Quilin threw the card in her hand and shouted: "What do you mean, fat man? Now is the time for us to work together. What do you say about backing?"

"Ha, work together?"

Richard showed a negative smile, sorted out the cards in his hand, and said: "Okay, we work together to kill you directly from the beginning, how about?"


Quilen gritted his teeth, but Richard grunted, re-stuffed the card in his hand into the box, and began to examine the next one.

Ken Yin also clapped his hands at this time, and laughed: "Okay, okay, anyway, there will be problems with playing and not playing, so it's better to play. I think, instead of blaming each other, it is better to sacrifice your life and gamble on this. Once, how?"

Having said that, the man smiled slightly, without any fear at all, his tone was authentic——

"After all... No matter what, it's fair to spend your life betting on this money, isn't it?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you. No one can deny the current situation, and no one thinks that there is a better way than playing games.

There is a blizzard outside, even if you risk rushing in, what will be waiting for you 24 hours later is probably an explosion. Besides, who knows who will win in the end of this game and who can't escape death?

After all... it's possible to live and leave with money... but six out of seven.

Thinking of this, everyone began to quiet down gradually. Everyone here is a person who has experienced big storms, and everyone has a different concept of life and death from ordinary people. If you want to survive, you have to play this game and... to win

The idiot checked the pokers one by one at the end of everyone, and after the checks were completed, they put the pokers back into the box and put them in place.

After that, the card is selected. Everyone began to pick one out of the six checked decks. After the lottery, everyone chose the first poker to check, and started to deal one by one.

Everyone draws cards from the deck.

Everyone feels very slowly.

These poker cards are like invitations to hell. Everyone takes the cards in their hands very carefully, and is very careful not to let others see them.

Finally, a set of 54 cards of poker has been distributed. Everyone holds 7 cards in their hands. After that, Li turned over the remaining five cards one by one so that everyone could see clearly.

10 of spades

Hearts 2, 6

Plum 2, 6, Q

After everyone could see clearly, Li put these cards together with the remaining six sets of playing cards, threw them into the fireplace aside, and burned them.


Everyone... became silent.

"So, who will come first?"

The idiot pressed the playing cards in his hand, and his expression was cold.

Seven people look at me, I look at you, no one speaks first. They fumbled for the cards in their hands, looked at the ring that symbolized wealth and death, and fell silent for a while.

The blizzard outside... is still blowing.

Violent, without any intention of stopping.

The 24-hour countdown to fate has already begun, who can descend alive?

In other words, who...will ruin his life abruptly in this Diamond Villa and become a stepping stone to others' wealth?

In the shadows, "that person"... smiling happily...


"Now, young master, what's wrong with you?"

In the cave, the bread is still writing something. Tolan next to him was very strange, not knowing what he should do now.

"Don't disturb me, I'm thinking. 》

Bread raised the sign without hesitation, and stopped Tolan's question. Tolan found a boring one, so he could only shut his mouth and obediently leaned on the side of the mountain wall.

It was very quiet all around.

However, it should be. After all, this is not a good place, but a mass grave.

Tolan's gaze passed over the bones, thinking for a moment. He imagined what these animals looked like before they were alive, and imagined how they would make noise with each other and play with each other. It seemed that as long as he imagined it in this way, he could hear the harmonious atmosphere emanating from the animals.


Tolan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Although he had no breathing, the cold breath entering his lungs still made him feel refreshed.

However, this is really a weird feeling... I am obviously dead, but I can still experience the refreshing surroundings.

Tolan unbuttoned his chest slightly, revealing a little chest. He pressed his palm on the black skull cross on his chest, looking at the "seal" that contrasted sharply with his snow-white skin, and he was a little sad and confused.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at the little bread that was still looking down over there, his fists, and slowly squeezed...

If this is a slow-moving seal... then you must send the young master to the master before you are completely sealed... betting on the reputation of the death knight, you must not let the master feel any sadness because of the young master . This is my own responsibility and my own responsibility

The little bread over there didn't know the firm belief in Tolan's heart at the moment, she just kept calculating what. However, it is clear that this calculation has encountered a bottleneck, and there is no way to turn it around somewhere in the mind.

Can't solve...

Damn it, why can't it be solved?

Is there a mistake in your calculation method? Where is the deviation?

The bun threw away the bones and looked at the entire calculation formula written in front of him. She patted her head and gritted her teeth.

Could it be said that the answers contained in it are far beyond the scope of one's own knowledge? Or do you mean that you will be completely wrong? This is actually a very simple matter, purely because I misinterpreted its meaning?


Bun shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, planning to let himself rest first. She exhaled, her emerald-colored pupils looked at the flares emitting light in mid-air, thinking...


However, at this moment, Xiao Bread suddenly looked at the top of the bare cave as if she had discovered something, and thought about it. After that, her gaze immediately shifted to the bones, looking at the black marks on the bones.

Put out your tongue, spit on your fingers, feel the coldness and humidity in the air...

After confirming all this, Little Bread's originally calm expression immediately became flustered. She rushed to Toran, caught her directly in front of the rock wall, and began to scream loudly.


"What's the matter? Young master? Don't worry, take your time."

Tolan couldn't figure out the situation, and he was a little panicked when he saw that Bun was so anxious. At this time, Xiao Bian remembered that he could not speak at all, and quickly drew out the writing card, brushing a few lines of words——

"Study the puzzle on the stone tablet immediately"

Tolan tilted his head for a moment and said, "Master, are there any puzzles on the stele? That... even if there are, we can think about it slowly. You don't need to be so anxious."

Little Bread shook her head quickly, only then did she notice how troublesome it was that she couldn't speak. No way, only to continue writing on the writing board.

"We don't have so much time at most, our life is only 24 hours."


Tolan was stunned for a moment, and for a while, the second monk was puzzled by XiaoBang's words. He smiled and said, "Master, you are more worried. Although it is bad to be trapped here, we will also be starved to death. But anyway, our luggage is still here, and emergency food is there. We will still be starving within 24 hours."


Little Bread wrote anxiously, her handwriting has become very scribbled.

"There are only 24 hours because at most another 24 hours, this cave will become a big steamer, sister Tolan, you may be fine...but I will definitely be burned to death"

At this moment, Tolan could no longer maintain a smile on his face. He looked at the bun in surprise, and after a while, he asked—

"Within 24 hours? Is this... what's going on?"

"Because it is humid, cold and air flowing, but there are no icicles, no spider webs, and no creatures like lichens under the top of the cave. There is such a low temperature in a cave with air and water vapor. What is the only possible reason for being so dry? 》

"Small animals like geothermal spiders can rebuild their webs in 24 hours. But now the ceiling is so clean. This fully shows that not long before we came here, there was already a geothermal eruption here, which can be seen from the black spots on the bones, which are pure burned spots."

"Up to 24 hours. If I don’t want to escape alive, I will definitely be made into a charcoal barbecue chicken within 24 hours."

The analysis of the bread made Tolan's spirit suddenly tense. He looked at the bones on the ground. It was true that those black spots were not burned out by the high temperature, but what else? No wonder he feels that the bones here are slightly crispy. Was it because of the repeated transpiration of high temperature for a long time? V

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