Demon King Dad

: The second year story 062, "Appreciation" death

"Hey! What are you doing? Why are you digging pits over there? I'm hungry!"

Since just now, the idiot has been digging holes next to the plants, and the spilled sand has even piled up two small mounds on both sides. [8.] Walnut was a little impatient. The hunger in her belly and the thirst in her throat made her irritable.

The idiot stood in this pit, which was about two meters long, and examined it carefully. He ignored Walnut's scolding, but calmly took out an opaque white plastic sheet from the bag. He buried the four corners of the plastic sheet around the bunker and compacted it with sand. Then I looked under the plastic sheet and made sure that there was a volume about one meter high and half a meter wide underneath, then he stretched his head out and clapped his hands.

Walnut came over and looked at the hole half-covered by the plastic sheet. It felt a little strange. What does this person want to do? Use this hole to catch beasts? If so, is this trap too crude?

"Hey, dwarf. What is this? Where is my tent?"

The idiot did not respond, but walked directly to the few dry plants, took out a book from the cyst, and looked at the plants while looking at them.

"...Hey! Let me ask you! My account..."

"If you don't want to die, just be quiet and keep your strength."

Suddenly, the idiot answered. His voice was cold and quiet. It doesn't sound like the slightest confusion or panic. It seems that now is not in the endless desert, but in the city of sand blowing everything.

But... Although it is very stable. But his voice sounded too cold...

Walnut couldn't help but shut her mouth. Instinctively, she realized that she seemed a bit too much. This person obviously protected and took care of himself, and now he said he would send himself home. But I just made so many demands in such a desolate place... It seems to be too much...

The idiot turned the book page by page, and he read it carefully. Under the clear moonlight, only the occasional wind and the sound of him turning the pages of the book echoed.

Walnut did know that he was going too far. But... But she couldn't stand such a quiet environment. Once she didn't speak, she would feel the coldness around her, the emptiness and cruelty of the desert. She needs to find someone to speak, so she can embolden herself. Even if you specifically say something irrational and make this person angry at yourself, it is better than continuing to sit quietly and face this uncivilized world...

"I said! What are you looking at!"

Finally, Walnut couldn't bear to be lonely, and shouted again.

Idiot heard? Doesn't seem to hear it either? I saw him slowly closing his eyes and closing the book.

"Hey, contrast, can this thing be eaten?"

Darkly sneered.

"......Yes. It has fruits on its roots. But unless it is boiled, it is highly toxic."

"Oh~~~! Then, these plants are useless to you, are they?"

"Do not."

Nothing is useless in the journey of survival. Even these sands can provide cover. Even these poisonous plants can tell an idiot the most basic fact-

There is water underground here.

The idiot took the bread again and opened the package. He put the kettle full of water and dry food aside, and took out a plastic film about the size of two palms and a plastic cup. Next, he scratched with his hand beside the plants, dug a small hole ten centimeters deep, placed the cup on the bottom of the small hole, put the plastic film on the top of the small hole, and compacted it with sand around it. Then I found a stone, placed it in the center of the plastic film, and made its lowest point converge just above the cup to form a cone.

After finishing all the preparations, it also indicates that tonight is over and ready to sleep. The idiot stood up and turned around, the walnut over there was still muttering and muttering. Seeing her as if she would not give up without giving the tent and food, the idiot thought about it, took off the strip of cloth used to tie the bun, and walked towards her.

"Dwarf, what are you doing? It's digging holes, reading books, and putting rocks. You're doing...Hey! You...what do you want to do?!"

Unexpectedly, the idiot grabbed Walnut's shoulder, pulled her back over, and pushed it down. The little princess was startled, and immediately started yelling, wanting to turn over for the first time. But how can she be as powerful as an idiot? Before she could turn over, her hands were pulled back by the idiot, and the strip of cloth was pulled tightly to a knot.

Now, Walnut panicked. In this uninhabited desert, there are only the idiot and himself, and now... he has pushed himself down and tied his hands? Could it be that... Could it be that! Is his animal heart really awakened? !

The young walnut may not know what the so-called "heart of the beast" actually means. But she once heard her father and king say that once a girl is over ten years old, she can no longer be alone with a boy. Because that would be very dangerous and would turn boys into beasts. Therefore, when she wanted to sleep with her two brothers for a while, the father and king resolutely disagreed.

Now, relying on the female instinct, she seems to be aware of some things, and realizes that this idiot is likely to "harm" herself.

In an instant, Walnut's feet were also tied. She was frightened, and she was afraid to speak, let alone speak. While lying down, she felt the idiot grab her leg and drag her to some place like a cargo. This feeling is just like when I first saw him! Horror...cold...

Idiot walking. He dragged the walnuts to the place where the bread was just put, and picked up the little girl. Then, he went straight to the deep hole and threw the walnut directly into it. After she screamed and slipped under the plastic sheet, he jumped in and filled the gap around the cloth with sand.

There was still some moonlight that was cut off in an instant, and under the plastic sheet, there was an invisible darkness. Walnut twisted her body, her fear in the darkness made her shrink up, her eyes widened, trying to see her surroundings clearly.

It didn't take long before she saw something.

What she can see is not the light coming in from outside, but a...

Blood red pupils.


Dimmie opened the blood pupil, and the red light radiated from it not only provided some light to this deep pit, but also added a sense of fear. The eye looked at the walnut carefully, and the corner of the eye seemed to contain a smile...yes, a scary thing, the kind of smile when playing with a dying prey!

"you you------!!!"

"Go to sleep."

By the light of the blood pupil, the idiot's face was painted blood. Those black eyes without emotion stared at her, and in an instant, Walnut even felt black snowflakes floating in the deep pit.

"You... let me go! Let go of me!"

"............ I bind you to be quiet."

The idiot didn't pay attention to the walnuts anymore, he held the little bread, leaned on the sand behind him, and closed his eyes.

"The daytime temperature in the desert is too high, so we will spend the next fourteen hours here. Waste of physical strength is a kind of death-seeking behavior. Talking is also a luxury to consume body water."

Xuetong sneered twice, and gradually closed his eyes. The inside of the pit became pitch black again...

The idiot's voice disappeared... the surroundings fell silent. Walnut stared, but he could no longer see any scenery. Except for the slow breathing from my ears, the whole world seems to be hidden in the endless darkness...


For a full fourteen hours, as the sun rises and radiates its power in the air, the walnut under the sand finally understands what a "desert" is.

Even through this layer of white opaque plastic cloth, the sand underneath it slowly began to heat up. The scene where the fireball ran across the sky even penetrated through the plastic cloth and was printed in Walnut's mind.

Enjoy the sand? Hunting? Is the so-called desert just a playground, a back garden where people can play at will?

The only real desert is quiet. It's not noisy at all, and even looks very plain. But its life-depriving sickle is never soft. It just looks at you quietly, allowing you to get dehydrated little by little on its territory, and blow out all the fire of life little by little, and finally...

It was reduced to another humble skeleton in its vast and tranquil desert.

But even such a crazy hot sun will do a good thing. He heats the sand and evaporates the few water in the ground. However, some of the water was blocked by the film and attached to the film. Gradually, the liquid on the film became more and more heavy. They converged at the tapered bottom of the film at an inclined angle, and waited until it became heavier...


Fall into the cup below.

The dude's fireball played with his boundless power. Finally, he finished his juggling and slowly sank into the western horizon. As the last rays of the scorching sun disappeared and the starry sky once again occupied the world of night, the plastic sheet was finally lifted.

Walnut lay on the ground, and she was dying by this cruel and ruthless natural play. If it weren't for an idiot to tie her hands and feet so that she could not move and save some energy, I am afraid she would have died.

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