Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 90: , The nightmare is coming

Nightmare is coming

She is a canary...

A canary who can only sing...

Even after being released by his brother, Dai Lao was just a symbol of disciplining himself, fighting and preaching? This kind of thing seems to have never been experienced. The people around...will always greet themselves with such a smile...

Who would dare to beat and scold the sister who was under the care of Duke Goodsay?

Even after the collapse of the family, the people around them are becoming more and more submissive to themselves. Does anyone dare to discipline themselves?



After the bread made a fuss for a while, finally stopped crying. It seems that the idiot's slap is really not good, and the healed scars are forgotten quickly, and the i girl climbed down again and took Ke Luo's hand.

"what happened? 》


Ke Luo was thinking about it and didn't notice i Bread for a while. After i Bread reminded her, she finally recovered and looked at her friend.

"go to bed"

On the big writing board, there are two big characters i bread big book. Ke Luo looked at the word, and after thinking about it for a moment, he turned around and glanced at the idiot who was also ready to sleep over there.

Bread, I... can I sleep here? That idiot scum... won't you say anything? "

Loan noticed the change in meaning in Ke Luo's words, and immediately smiled, without writing a word, pulling Ke Luo directly on the quilt and covering it. Afterwards, she smiled and hugged Ko Luo as if she was hugging a big doll.

At first, Ke Luo was a little unaccustomed to such intimate contact, but after a while, she was itchy by i Bread's fingers, and she began to feel a bit resentful, and she reached out and started to lun mould all over i Bread's body. The two inv kids laughed happily in the quilt, and the quilt was turned up and down by them.

Next to him, the idiot watched the situation quietly and shook his head. Afterwards, he extinguished the lights and returned everything to darkness. In this darkness, Mi Li spread her wings and entered the room from above her vine house. Everything is returned to the pitch black darkness...

After annoying for a while, the two of i Bread and Ke Luo finally quieted down slowly.

The quiet forest also slowly fell asleep at this moment...

For Ke Luo, I’ve never felt like this before, right? Maybe... no longer sleeping alone in a big, somewhat cold room, if there is someone beside you who can sleep peacefully together, it will be so relaxing, so reassuring...

This is a beautiful dream...

Tonight, it is destined to have a beautiful dream.

There is no panic in the dark night before, nor the sudden coldness.

Yes, only that kind of warmth...

And tranquility.

I don't know how long it took.

Perhaps, it was when the two inv children were all asleep.

Idiot, but slowly, opened his eyes.

These black eyes swept toward the shop next to them, looking at the two sleeping young boys. Afterwards, without knowing what the idiot thought of, he slowly walked down and came to the big men...

Open men.

Close men.

Under the moonless sky, the idiot stood there.

Those eyes darker than darkness penetrated the air and fell to the bushes swaying in the night wind, silent...


The smell of blood...

In this quiet the night that should have been a peaceful night, a discordant wind blew for no reason.

The stench-filled wind fluttered, following the fragrance of his own "food", and began to shuttle through the city.

"Food" did not come back.

The delicious blood of nv, full of sweet fragrance, even if you only drink one sip every day, it is enough to make the spirits glow

Today, the nv kid who can provide this smelly wind power has not come back...

This is like looking forward to a day's free luxury meal, when you have already waited hungry and hungry, you are told at the last minute that this free luxury meal has been cancelled?

How can this kind of thing be tolerated?

How can I tolerate

Even gods... will never allow such inhuman things... to happen to them, right?

The wind raised his head and sniffed around.

Suddenly in the air, it caught the familiar sweet smell

Ah~~~ This scent... I found it right there

There was a sneer at the corner of Feng's mouth. Its body began to dance again, turning into a shadow in the dark, rushing at the college in the dark at full speed

It wants to regain its own delicious meal. It is even more necessary to punish those who avoid their delicious meals. No matter who the other party is.

Do you think that these sweet blood can be taken away by you casually?

Pay the price...

No matter what your reasons are, but taking away the sin of your favorite young nv is enough to make all of you...

Died hundreds of times, a thousand times...

Million times

The cold wind blew into the academy and infiltrated this sacred place that should have been sleeping peacefully.

Following the smell of the air, the wind rushed towards the D campus, and then...

The i woodland appeared in front of it.

yīn The cold wind smiled...

Its teeth are already itching

This smelly yīn wind blew into the forest without hesitation, and then quickly blew the branch of a tree and looked over there...

tree house.

And the scent of that sweet princess i radiates from there~~~

yīn The cold wind opened his mouth and showed the two pointed fangs.

This is a gift from the "king". Although only a tiny drop of blood has given it such a powerful force

Using this gift, it found that it could kill the four strong men who doubted it so easily. This was simply impossible before

Ah...beautiful power...power that can make oneself omnipotent

Now...I am beautiful, haggard "food", your master...I am coming...

yīn wind, grinning grimly.

The grin made the woods tremble.

In the trembling of these woods, it began to blew up again, blowing towards...

That completely undefended tree house...


Suddenly, the cold and stench wind stopped

Yes, it stopped...

But what makes it stop is an inexplicable feeling

How does it feel...?

This...strong sense of oppression?

This oppressive feeling as if being closely watched by something in the dark...what is it?

The wind started to stop and began to look around. It hides itself in the branches, hoping to find the source of the great pressure on itself


where? ?

where? ? ?



Among the trees, on the terrace of the tree house, the roof...

No matter how Yin Feng searched with those scarlet eyes, he still couldn't find anything wrong.

Everything...looks extremely normal. The completely undefended tree house, the simple big men that can be opened easily by myself... everything looks extremely normal.

Is it...Is he worried?

The wind comforted herself...

Yes, maybe it was because I was about to taste the delicious blood of nv again, and I was a little moved.

That beautiful canary, her blood is so sweet that she has hallucinations? Haha, it's really interesting...

Yinfeng came to a conclusion. The conclusion is my own illusion.

After laughing for a while, this yīn wind showed his fangs again, and he left his hiding place confidently and flew to the tree house...

At that moment, a greater sense of oppression than before fell on this gust of wind.

This sense of oppression is so real, so terrifying and even strong enough to make this wind fall into the lawn for a while.

This feeling... this horrible feeling?

The wind is really hard to understand. Why, when facing this undefended tree house, has such a shuddering sense of horror?

Is there anything in there...?

Is there anything more terrifying than your own "king"?

There...what on earth is there that can shake oneself from the sky to the ground just by aura, without even showing up?

The cold wind was amazed...

But it is more surprising, and not only that.

At this moment, in the forest that originally seemed quiet and harmonious, blue eyes began to flash. After that, something that made this yīn wind unbelievable happened.

Some bones...

Some with weapons in their hands, with blue flames in their pupils, began to slowly walk towards them from the depths of the woods...


Was it the hallucinations caused by being overwhelmed by that momentum?

yīn The cold wind dare not stay here anymore.

It immediately turned around and rushed out of this mysterious forest without looking back.

However, it was not convinced.

As the self with the "highest strength", how could he just retreat like this?

Seeing that the sweet blood was right in front of him, but he... didn't even have the courage to rush in, so he retreated like this?

It is not reconciled...

It utters an angry howl

But no matter how unwilling and angry, it never had the guts to test the i woods again. With this kind of dissatisfaction in my heart, this yīn wind flushed his eyes, pounced on the teaching building next to him, opened the window and after witnessing the sleeping young girl inside, with endless anger, opened his own 獠tooth……

Tonight, there is no moon.

In this pure darkness, the blue flame in the forest began to slowly extinguish.

At least in this forest that is absolutely protected by that force, even the guests in their own territory are absolutely protected by themselves.


Even if anything can offend his territory...

In his field...

Hu? For? Not? For A

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