Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 97: , Walnut Trail

Walnut Trail

In the rain, people were holding umbrellas, covering their mouths, looking at the half of the human body left on the bridge.

The members of the security team hurried over and covered the half of the human body with a piece of cloth. At the same time, they began to urge the pedestrians around to leave, pulling up the cordon.

The idiot stood in the crowd, looking at the scene there with cold eyes, watching the two armored soldiers hurriedly leave with half of the corpse, only a large group of people around continued to gather.

Both sides of the bridge began to whisper about the situation here.

(Really an interesting way of death~~~ Just a little imagination, I seem to be able to experience the kind of fear and helplessness this person faces when death comes a little bit. Well, it’s really interesting, don’t you think so Human iǎzi~~~)

The idiot was silent, and when all the work here was over and the bridge was allowed to pass again, he walked slowly across the bridge and came to Smila's wooden house.

The rain is still watering.

From the sky, watering this cold world.

The idiot endured the pouring rain, listening to the patter of the umbrella.

Is it due to the unusual weather recently? The sky that was supposed to be extremely clear, now it looks so dark...

Smila's house.

The idiot reached out and gently pushed her room big

It opened with a creak...

If the idiot thinks he has remembered correctly, when he left the house yesterday, he was well locked up.

But now, Da is opening again...just the same as when he came here yesterday.

It is a good phenomenon that the road does not pick up and the household is not closed at night. Perhaps for the poor, there is nothing to steal, so even too lazy to lock it makes sense.

However, when a curfew is imposed on this kind of night and a large number of murders have occurred, it would be too much for another night to stay closed. What's more, Smila's conservative style of acting is impossible to allow her room to open.

The idiot thought for a while, and immediately stepped into the room. But what you see right now is...

In the room, Ling

The quilt on the quilt was slumped randomly, not sorted, nor folded up.

Things on the cabinet on the side fell casually, and it seemed that the owner accidentally touched it.

However, one thing is extremely abnormal.

The photo frame...falls to the ground.

The glass above has shattered, and the photos inside fall out of the frame very randomly and fall aside.

When the idiot noticed this, he immediately walked to the side, stretched out his hand, and stroked the board...

Very cold.

At the very least, no one is lying on it for two or three hours.

Looking at all this, the idiot breathed out slowly, turned around, walked out of the room, and came into the rain outside. He opened his umbrella again, looking at the clean ground that had been washed by rain, and was silent...thinking...



Today, the idiot returned to the tree house early. His early reply made the mermaids humming a little strange. Especially Ah Jiu, she swam to the edge of the fish tank, grabbed it, and yelled timidly.

Bread was also very curious. She looked at the idiot, raised the sign and asked what happened. The idiot shook his head and didn't answer anything. iǎ bread knows that since the idiot is unwilling to answer himself, it means that the matter is definitely beyond Ba Ba's control.

Otherwise, he would never think of himself here without hiding.

And when things are beyond Ba Ba's control, what he needs to do becomes simpler. That is, absolutely not acting in accordance with the requirements of Ba Ba...

There is any self-assertion, self-talking action appears

Ke Luo, who was on the side, was a little puzzled, wondering why the originally quiet and harmonious atmosphere in the room suddenly became so weird? She gently pulled the clothes of bread, and said, "Hey, what's the matter?"

Bread shook his head, thought about it, smiled, hugged Ke Luo, and took her to sit down again.

The idiot walked to the side, lay down, and closed his eyes. It seems...I want to get a good night's sleep.

"Your scumbag is too wasteful, right? It's just after noon, you are going to bed again?"

Bread hehe smiled, and quickly pulled Ke Luo, two people stood in the other corner to play, trying not to disturb the idiot. Let him be quiet and sleep a little longer.

But at this moment...

Boom, boom boom boom

Before, there was a loud knocking sound. This made the idiot who wanted to have a good night’s sleep and raised his feet, had to open his eyes again, climb up from the top, and look at the big

Outside, who is it?

From that knock, it seemed that there was not much information.

This rapid knocking sound seemed familiar, but it was absolutely different from any previous knocking sound.

The idiot got up and opened

Standing outside, it was Campa, the principal of the Royal Academy of Divine Grace, who had been soaked in rain.

The rain outside was crackling.

Campa stared coldly at the idiot in front of him, as if he was examining a prisoner, staring at him closely.

The idiot also raised his head, his pitch-black pupils looked straight at the old man's slightly tired eyes. Watching the rain roll down the headmaster's hair, it fell to the ground with his breath that hadn't had time to calm down.

In the room, Ke Luo covered his mouth. I was extremely shocked that the highest commander of the academy would appear here. What kind of thing can make a principal come to the house of a handyman? Could it be that……

"Bread, we missed class for so much time... even the principal shocked us... we might be persuaded to leave"

Kolo was worried.

But bread knows that she must be worried about the wrong place.

Now, bread just gently held Ke Luo's hand and waited slowly...

Wait, the answer from this principal...

Or problem.

Campa glanced into the tree house, as if looking for something. After not seeing anything, the coldness on his face faded a little, and it became plain again.

"I need you to find someone."

The idiot stood in front and didn't mean to let Campa outside enter his home from the rain. But Campa didn't seem to mind this at all, just standing in his mouth, drenched in the rain, slowly said——

"The eldest princess is missing. I hope you can find her."

"Princess Walnut is missing? Uuuuu-"

When he heard the news at first, Ke Luo couldn't help but yelled out, but Ivan covered her mouth in time to prevent her from yelling. It was so easy, she threw away Xiao Bread's hand and said in surprise——

"Bread, why is the eldest princess missing? The principal does not look for the security team, but instead comes to look for your idiot scumbag? What is the logic?"


Bread smiled, not eager to explain, but continued to listen.

The idiot raised his head slightly, looked at the principal, and was silent.

Campa knew that he hadn't finished speaking yet, so he sighed and continued--

"It happened three days ago. The nv servant who had taken care of the eldest princess suddenly discovered in the morning that it was not the princess who was sleeping in the princess's room, but an nv servant who was wearing a princess costume and seemed to have fallen asleep with anemia. I asked again. The staff on duty in the castle at night knew that an nv servant once came out of the princess's room, and then his whereabouts were unknown."

"It can be seen that the eldest princess left the castle without authorization. At present, no one knows where she is or what she is doing. In this regard, His Majesty has secretly issued a search order, hoping to find the eldest princess as soon as possible. "

"And you, I hope, you can join the search."

Walnut is missing, this is a big deal. No wonder martial law has begun in the city in the past two days, and a curfew has begun. Originally thought it was caused by this continuous killing, but now it seems that a deeper reason has finally appeared.

Facing the idiot who was still silent, Campa didn't mean to get his answer. The principal took a deep breath again, and after simply saying everything he wanted to say, he turned around, raised his umbrella again, and turned around...

"How much is Fengchusha's blood inventory?"

Suddenly, the idiot said such a sentence.

Campa's footsteps stopped, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at the idiot.

not much. Declining year by year. "

After that, the idiot never said anything. Seeing that the idiot had no doubts, Campa finally shook his head and walked into the raging storm.


The sound of the wind, the rain, circling back and forth in the air, pounce on any building that you want to pounce on, soaking it in your own face

The idiot stood in front, with his hands behind his back, his dark pupils stared at the rain forest and the rain. His eyes were very calm, and he didn't seem to be affected by this incident at all. Even if iǎ bread asked softly, it was only taken by him without any answer.

After a long time, the idiot turned around and came to the side again.

He continued to lie down in his clothes and closed his eyes. Started to sleep as if nothing happened. At the moment, Ke Luo next to him was full of doubts, and he wanted to know what happened. As for the bread, I just made up a reason to paste her casually. Although Ke Luo didn't believe in the horrible reasons, she also knew that it seemed impossible to know the answer directly from the bread. A

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