Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 106: ,Confused

The bloodthirsty will never have peace.

Although this is a saying to warn militants. But starting today, this sentence will have a more real meaning.

In the silent night, everything has become very deep.

Although the time that has just passed is only two hours, for those who are immersed in tonight’s rainy night, the past two hours may be longer than two days and two nights.

In the hands of the idiot, Dim Mi was holding a dagger.

If he wants to leave, then he can leave this ghost place immediately.

However, he did not take a step.

There are too many puzzles in this area, and these existences that have the blood of the demon but make Dimki feel too weird cannot be said to be safe.

Where do they come from?

What is their root?

With this sword's knowledge, they even said that they had never seen such a half-human, half-devil thing, which has clearly explained the hidden problems in it.

The wound, slowly stopped the pain.

The idiot straightened up and let out a deep breath. He stepped forward, jumped onto the roof, and began to step into the depths of this civilian area again. And this time, he appeared to be more careful and more cautious than before.


Still did not stop.

In the dark night, there is no reflective material.

This is quite unfavorable for idiots who cannot use magic blood for night vision. This also made him take every step more carefully than before. After losing sight, his hearing and touch, every sense organ became more sensitive and alert.


Stepping on the puddle, there was a sound in front.

It was the sound of fighting, and occasionally a few gunshots, accompanied by some inhuman howls.

After these sounds sounded for a while, they returned to tranquility again. Hidden into the darkness again, holding his breath and waiting for the next contact...

The idiot came to a roof, leaning on the chimney, squatting under the shadow in the shadow.

The black pupils are slowly adapting to the darkness, working hard to integrate themselves into the world that belongs to him.

At this moment, the devil leaning here is no longer a demon emperor, but just the most humble, sewer rat that can give full play to all his senses to experience the surroundings. Watch out for everything...


look up.

The bullet... across the sideburns.

The guided bullet that cut a few strands of hair disappeared into the night sky.

Looking down again, a few wailing sounds came from below.

A member of the blood clan fell to the ground, blood constantly pouring from his broken throat. And the girl, who was holding his throat at this moment, seemed to have some blood stains on the corner of her mouth under the veil, raised her hand and raised the silver gun barrel in her hand.

In the darkness, the other pupils that flashed began to quickly withdraw from the girl's front. But on the contrary, a pair of eyes were protruding from the encirclement, and he threw directly at the girl

The trigger was pulled without hesitation.

The tongue of fire pushed the ammunition, ejecting the guided bullet, directly into the eyes that came.

Suddenly, the bullet penetrated the center of the eyebrows, coming in and out...

Yes, the bullet penetrated the past.

Throughout the past.

In the reflection of the girl's blood-red pupils, the body of the man with a thin figure was scattered at this moment, like a cloud of...dense fog?

The girl lifted the gun in her hand and shot again at the dense fog. The bang sounded through both ears, and the bullet with the tongue of fire pierced through the air and rain, pulling out a series of gorgeous fire marks, stab the thin man

However, the body of the thin man was completely misty. The bullet pierced the mist, and the mist...pounced on the girl and enveloped her.


In the blood-red mist, a pair of illusory hands stretched out and stuck the girl's neck firmly. Deep finger marks appeared on her head and neck. The girl's eyes looked at the sky involuntarily, lifted her foot, and kicked heavily towards the dense fog in front of her

This guess, of course, was empty. Taking advantage of this moment, the blood mist began to condense behind the girl again, and once again became the thin man. His lower body hasn't recovered yet, but the sharp fangs have been opened, spotting the girl's neck, and biting it down fiercely...

The girl raised her elbow, and hit the thin man's head, who was biting her neck. Perhaps, the man was drinking at the moment, not paying attention. After he noticed it, his whole body turned into blood fog again, losing control of the girl. The girl also took this opportunity to escape and escaped into a surrounding alley.

The idiot's eyes still couldn't adapt well to the total darkness in front of him. However, he still couldn't see clearly that the girl had entered the alley next to his location. After a little thought, he got up and turned his head...

The masked girl with double ponytails, but already quietly, stood in front of him...


The opponent came too fast... The fast idiot didn’t even have time to make the slightest resistance.

The sharp teeth pierced the idiot's skin indestructively, and he could feel that the blood in his body was being madly pulled away from his body and into the little cherry mouth.


The first sound that echoed in the idiot's mind was this thought.

At this point, he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the hair of the girl who was biting his neck, firmly grasped one of her ponytails, and pulled hard.

The girl opened her mouth and was torn away by the idiot. She turned in a circle in the air, pulled out the dagger around her waist extremely smoothly, and stabbed the idiot's wrist.

The idiot let go, and the girl turned around in the air like a smart wild cat, and landed safely. After that, she raised her head and looked at the idiot. The corners of her mouth under the veil opened slightly, bloodshot dripping along her sharp teeth...

"Finally, you still can't hold on anymore"

A cold voice sounded, and bright red pupils began to appear again on the roof of the surrounding forehead.

The thin man stood behind the girl with a smile on his face. Judging from the expression he looked at the girl, his face was full of respect.

The idiot held his shoulders, blood pouring from between his fingers.

Fortunately, the injury from just being bitten was not as serious as thought. He exhaled, stood up straight, held the sword again, and faced the enemy in front of him.

The girl with two pony tails slanted her eyes and stared at the idiot coldly. After a while, she slowly turned around and said a few words beside the thin man. After the thin man nodded slightly, he skipped the girl and stood in front of the idiot.

The **** the roof turned her back to the idiot again.

Tonight, this figure has been chased by the idiot for a long time. But now she seems to be leaving again.

The idiot stared at this charming figure, her black pupils staring slightly in trance. It wasn't until she took the blood races to jump down from the roof and disappear into the dark night that his wits seemed to recover from that figure...

"Are you obsessed with our ‘Mother’?"

The thin man spread his hands, and an evil smile hung over his mouth unscrupulously.

The idiot exhaled and let go of the hand covering his shoulder.

The thin man continued to look at the idiot in front of him, and smiled: "You know, what did the Virgin say to me just now?"

All around, there was only the sound of rain.

"Her old man told me that you have a strong smell of my clan. If you want, I am afraid you can become a very good member of the blood clan."

"Although, I am not very clear why, as an ordinary human, you have such a strong atmosphere of my race, but there is no denying that you have a lot of potential. Your potential makes Our Lady have a little love for you, And nostalgia."

The thin man spread his hands, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile: "Come, join my clan. Soon you will understand what a precious treasure my clan can give you. If you want to, I believe The Virgin will be willing to personally reaffirm the power to rebirth you. Let you become a powerful blood under one person and above ten thousand people. You can have the supreme status and enjoy being feared and feared by everyone, but you have to awe, worship, and envy. Life."

The idiot stared at the smiling blood family member with fangs at the corner of his mouth. After taking a few breaths, his sword holding hand slowly lifted up...

The tip of the sword pointed to the roof under his feet. Faced in silence.

The thin man who used to be smiling, now the sincere smile on his face slowly dimmed.

He shook his head and took out the "Covenant Ordinance" in his arms. Slowly, this unremarkable book began to open automatically, and the pages in it also flew out, like a protection, surrounding him.

The rain slapped on the pages of the book.

But they didn't break the pages, or even moisten them.

The pages of the book slowly rotated, and these seemingly soft objects did not seem to have any lethal power.

The thin man helped his monocle and slowly took a step...


The black light runs through the night sky.

The sword has penetrated the man's body without a doubt. Go in and out.

After several battles, idiots have already understood the fighting methods of these immortal people. Although they will not die, they will also lose the ability to move if their heads are seen.

Therefore, this sword pierced the man's neck directly, and prepared the first blow to end the battle.

………………………… The blood-red mist, scattered.

With a triumphant smile on the face of the thin man, the neck that was penetrated by the long black blade began to slowly mist.

In an instant, the body of the thin man, including his clothes, turned into a thick blood-red mist. Those pieces of paper that seemed to be soft immediately wrapped the dense fog and turned into the form of a hungry wolf, opened his mouth, and bit at the idiot's sword holding arm.

At the moment of the moment, the idiot stepped back, and in the splashing rain, the Dim Mi in his hand had been pierced once again, and immediately penetrated the hungry wolf's eyebrow again. But after the sword pierced, the pages of the book rose again, mixed with the dense mist and turned into a flying bird, instantly leaping behind the idiot, and extending his claws.


The idiot quickly returned to defense, blocking the scratching of those two sharp claws with the sword grid. With this shock, the idiot rushed forward, jumped off the roof, and hid in the alley.

"Do you want to hide? The useless members of our blood clan only need to smell and taste the breath of blood, even if you hide in the end of the world, we can dig you out completely"

The pages of the book were separated, and the thick blood-red fog reverted to a human form, and his slightly ethereal body made him look even less substantial. This member of the blood clan looked at the street below with a triumphant smile, his scarlet pupils stared at every piece of darkness in it, and sneered.

"Ordinary humans are so powerless in front of our blood. The reason why you can kill my child is largely due to his carelessness and your luck. But in the face of my ability, your luck is No effect. Your struggle can only delay your death a little bit. But the result is the same."

The idiot leaned against the wall and took a breath. After thinking for a while, he immediately ran towards the depths of the alley. After the thin man on the roof glanced slightly, his body immediately turned into smoke, and he quickly rushed to one of the alleys, hanging firmly upside down under an arch.


Idiot's footsteps, stop suddenly.

He looked at the thin man hanging upside down under the arch in front of him, bowed his head slightly, and the sword in his hand was immediately caught under his armpit. And the thin man didn’t care, he swooped down from mid-air, opened his hands that had turned into claws, and grabbed the idiot’s head.

The storm of summer was rolled up.

The black Jian Mang completely wrapped the idiot like a protective circle, and in an instant, it pierced the thin man into a lot of holes.

However, a drop of blood was not splashed out of the thin man whose body was completely destroyed. He allowed the summer storm to swept through his body, and allowed the blood-red thick fog on his body to spread out, scattered and unconventional.

Xia Lan, there is always time to stop...

At the moment when the storm stopped, the thick **** fog that had been blown away instantly merged behind the idiot. The grinning face lifted up the claws that had been wrapped in the pages of the book with a triumphant and contemptuous mockery. Severely, grabbing the idiot's back...


The blade of the Dark Destruction once again resisted the opponent's attack. The idiot rushed forward, and after turning around in a circle, he faced the blood member again.

Unkillable... already troublesome enough.

Now, one more missed?

Even Xia Lan, who can be called the most perfect defense of all the known sword skills of the idiot, was in vain before the strange ability of this blood clan?

what should I do now……


No... Although the relationship is stride, it is very suitable for charging and trapping, not easy to be hit. But in the face of this opponent who couldn't be cut with weapons at all, he could only maintain self-protection if he used his romance in time.

What's more, romance is extremely exhausting. With my current body, I am afraid that I will fall due to fatigue in less than twice. In the end, I am afraid it will be the end of being killed.

So... what should I do now?

In the face of this unkillable, unbeatable thing...

What should I do...

(Hey, don’t you like to use my power? Then don’t use it~~~ Actually, you know, your so-called six swords are useless at all? But if you use my power, even if it is Open the fourth prison, let your body turn into a thick mist, then you can also fight against each other as equals)

(I have already said that I will not help you this time. If you die, then I will find another host. If you don’t want to die, then you can obediently use my power and let my power flow through your body. Let my magic blood infiltrate each of your blood vessels)

(If you don't want to die, just give up the useless human swordsmanship, completely, throw into my arms hahahahaha)

Hiding in the alley, drenched in the rain.

In the dark, the idiot silently stared at the thin man on the roof over there looking around, thinking...


The girl with double pony tails, leading the lower blood races with red pupils behind her, strutting down the night streets.

At night, she is the queen of the city.

As long as there is no sunshine, she can do whatever she wants.

Now, the girl came to the district chief's office again. The pretty face under the veil slightly looked at this rain-shrouded floor. After a while, she led the blood clan members into it.

"Our Lady."

"Our Lady."

The lower kinsmen inside stood on both sides, bowing their heads to the red-eyed girl.

They aspire to be a real high-level blood family, rather than the current low-level blood family that can only **** blood but does not have any special abilities.

They are just ordinary civilians in this civilian area, but since they have become this immortal existence, it is even more natural to want to climb up.

Therefore, they are submissive.

They respectfully serve their "mother". I hope to get the blood of the gift, so that Viscount Nasfindo, become an existence with supreme power

The briskly walking girl, accompanied by the low-level blood, came to the lounge next to the district mayor's office.

The concealed door slightly frowned the girl's brows. Pushing open the door, a naked Luo was completely bleeding, with a long mouth and fangs, and the ugly appearance of a low-level blood with a dry body immediately appeared in front of her. Let this girl's ruby ​​pupils show a little disgust.

"Throw him out. Don't give him blood. Let the sun after dawn punish him."

The two lower kinsmen nodded, stepped forward and pulled the **** members, and dragged them out.

After that, the girl's ruddy gaze shifted to Smila on the bed. The bright red lips under the veil moved slightly and walked up.


The girl stretched out her hand and stroked Smila's pale cheek. After lightly touching, she reached out and removed the cannula from Smila's arm. Lift her body. Afterwards, the girl tore off Smila's shoulders, looking at her neck that had been bitten several times, and slowly opened her mouth...

The sharp fangs began to move closer to Smyra's neck...

With just one bite, this woman will no longer be so lucky.

Her destiny also ended...


The girl's teeth were hanging in the air, unable to bite.

She hesitated, and finally raised her head slightly, looking at the wounds on the woman's neck.

That was the mouth of the previous blood clan. Among them, there is naturally the guy who has been decapitated.

A little disgusting color appeared on the girl's face. She frowned and turned her face away. The veil slowly pulled down.

She is very picky about "food". Such pickiness made her unable to tolerate herself biting this woman's neck.

She let go of her hand and let Smila lie down on the bed again. Then he waved his hand and said, "Where is Amboffett? Haven't come back yet?"

The lower kinsmen glanced at each other and said: "His Royal Highness, Master Ambofitt, he likes to have fun. It is estimated that he is still playing with that poor soldier."

"........................This is not a good habit."

The girl said slowly.

"It will be bright in a few hours. Although we can do more or less activities on this kind of rainy day, the restrictions are too great. In this case..."

After thinking for a while... the girl raised her head again and said--

"I, go and deal with that person myself. Then... my revenge is complete."


Yes, it is revenge.

Everything done here comes from revenge

The fetters of blood will be washed away with blood.

My nightmare that has been haunting me for a long time will disappear.

As long as... that man is dead.

As long as he is dead, as long as the man who wears armor and is entangled by his "child" outside, bringing himself all these disasters is dead

Then everything... will end...

The girl touched the dagger around her waist and walked straight out of the room. Her revenge action was coming to an end. As long as you can carry the huge army of blood behind you, you can bring these warriors who have basic thinking abilities and will not die, let alone perish. Want to kill that man...

It's really easy

Under the rain, the girl shook her bright ponytail and walked into the rain step by step. Except for the few people who stayed behind to watch the office, nearly a hundred members of the kinship in the entire Dracula district came out of every corner one after another.

There are children and old people among them. There are men and women.

It doesn't matter what status they had before. Now, their eyes are always the same color.

With evil,

With a sneer, follow their Virgin and move forward...

The patter of rain, pouring.


Patter... patter... patter...

The idiot closed his eyes and tried to listen to any sound coming from his ears.

Footsteps, crushing puddles...

The idiot flashed aside, but a paw wrapped in a piece of paper was immediately pierced from the wall behind him

The paw attack that broke through the wall failed, and what followed was the idiot with a sword to split the paw in two. The pages of the book shattered, and the thick blood-red mist gushed out. However, the broken pages re-covered the thick red fog, wrapped up, and blasted directly to the front of the idiot.

At the moment of the moment, the idiot immediately raised the Dian Mie in his hand, and only heard a loud bang, and his fist hit Dian Mie's sword heavily. With the power of this punch, the idiot's body quickly backed away, turning around and running without thinking about it.

"Want to leave? Human, I haven't shown you all my abilities yet."

The pages of the book unfolded, once again shrouded in the thick blood-red fog that was originally invisible, but now it turned into the appearance of a bat. This huge bat hovered in the rain for a while and immediately swooped towards the idiot below. Come down. Open your mouth, the fangs in your mouth bite the idiot's head unscrupulously

The situation...really bad.

This kind of thing that is impossible to cut without any entity, how to deal with it? In addition to avoiding, is there any way he can survive from the hands of this blood family?


Own, only by relying on the power of this sword and mobilizing strength, can this blood clan be killed?

With a lifted sword, the bat's body was torn apart.

But in the fragmentation of these pages, the thick red mist inside did not hesitate to pounce behind the idiot. He turned into that thin man again, as if he was playing with an idiot, and he was slow to kill.

Just like a cat catching a mouse, a hunter will always have a little desire to play with the prey he gets.

"Well~~~ Which part of your body should you get rid of first? It's rare to meet such a strong fighter. Your tyranny and tenacity are beyond my expectations."

The blood mist condensed into a human shape again, he pushed his misty eyes, sneered, and said--

"Do you want to remove one of your legs first so that you can no longer run around like this? Or do you want to cut off one of your arms so that you can no longer wield that dangerous sword?"

He looked up and down the idiot. The line of sight seemed to be looking at the fish that was already on the cutting board, letting it kill.

But in fact, the current situation of the idiot seems to be no different from the fish on the chopping board. Sooner or later, his physical strength will be exhausted by this mist. At that time...

........................ Damn, is there no way?

Can you kill him, or a way to subdue him?

What is it going to do to split this man's life and cause harm to his undead and inaccessible body...?

What can I do...?

The idiot was silent...

Thinking is also running fast in my mind.

Unable to rely on Dim Mie, he began to review all the concepts in his mind about the four swords before the six swords at an extremely fast speed. And see clearly any kind of swordsmanship among those complex and diverse sword moves.

But... no matter how you look at it, it seems that only despair is waiting for the idiot.

No matter how you change the four swords in front, their essence is to use the blade to cause direct trauma to the opponent's body. From this alone, you can know that none of the four swords you know can deal with this member of the blood clan.

Can't deal with...

The situation seems to have been forced to despair.

Even with the sharpest blade, it is impossible to cut the soft air. For this thick fog, everything...seems to be doomed...


Wait a minute... things... seem a little weird?

Come on, think about it carefully...think about it...think about everything you have learned...don't waste any bit of it, try your best to win all the information in your mind...

The sword... keeps the wind...

But the fog can flow along the wind.

This theory is so familiar, familiar and even idiots can recite

What kind of imagination is this and the sword intent of that sword? That sword...

Except for the unknown sixth sword, the only last sword left in my mind


The darkness of the right hand has been retracted into the wrist at this moment.

The idiot stood up straight, it seemed to have been swaying, and his footsteps became unstable.

The thin man in the air looked at such an unsuspecting idiot, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became thicker. He began to dive down again. The right hand turned into a thick mist and stretched. After many pieces of paper were wrapped, it turned into a big knife, slashing fiercely at the idiot's left shoulder.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the speed of thin men is very fast.

But in the eyes of this person who seems to have completely given up on defense, what has everything in this world become like?

The rain in the air began to slow down.

The speed of their decline becomes slower and slower.

The patter of rain that originally resounded in my ears, at this moment, there is no such consistency. It became a pop--pop----pop----this kind of sound.

The passage of time began to slow...

The rain began to hover in the air.

Every drop of water began to reflect the figure of an idiot. Reflecting his dark and fearless pupils...

The big knife of the thin man fell.

At this moment, the idiot took a step forward, clenched his right hand, and closed his eyes.




Did not draw the sword.

There is no black light flashing.

Everything is as if nothing happened before, without any changes.

The big knife above the idiot's head is still falling, aiming at the idiot's shoulder

The blade..................stayed on the shoulder of the idiot.

The reason for staying here was a hurricane not eating where it came from.

This hurricane as sharp as a sharp blade swept across the body of the thin man abruptly, and shook his body that he had originally wanted to pounce off his whole person, and followed the hurricane to the side Nuo.

"Huh? What did you do?"

After the sudden hurricane, the thin man immediately began to touch every part of his body. The conclusion that can be drawn is that he has no problems at all, no injuries, and no resistance. Everything is the same

Faced with the yelling of the thin man, the idiot is truly suffering.

After all... the fifth sword hasn't been trained yet.

In terms of speed, this sword still couldn't reach the ability to kill the enemy at the super speed in the picture album, and this sword didn't seem to cause much damage to him.

"It seems that you are really dangerous. I changed my mind. I want to kill you now. Completely wipe the horror you can bring to our family from this world... Let me taste you The blood... taste how delicious it is."

The thin man lifted his eyes on his face. Along with the blood red mist emanating from his body, he rushed towards the idiot.

At this moment, the idiot seems to be completely at a loss. He even gave up resistance, but stood here blankly, letting this thin man appear behind him, his two paws turned from the mist into entities and grabbed his shoulders, and the mouth opened, revealing the inside. The sharp white fangs bit towards the idiot's neck...

Teeth, pierced the throat.

The idiot who stood still, seemed to have been subdued by this blood.

The bloodthirsty "half man and half demon" frantically sucked the delicious blood flowing out of it. Swallow them. Perhaps, because the smell is so similar, the thin man drank so much without hesitation.



One hand, but at this moment, pressed his Tianling Gai.

And the owner of this hand is no one else. Is it an idiot who should have been subdued by him at this moment, who should be dying?

The power in the fingers began to increase.

As if the palm of his hand had a mighty force, he firmly pressed the thin man's head on his shoulder and prevented him from pulling out his teeth. When the thin man saw that the idiot had done this step, he immediately opened his mouth to **** in. He must knock him down as soon as possible, let him become a corpse, and become a blood soldier who only knows how to obey orders.

"Suck ...... ohh ohh ----------------"

The idiot's fingers were inserted into the eyes of the thin man.

Before the wasting man’s wishful thinking started, he had already encountered perhaps the most serious injury he had suffered in this life.

Close by, there is absolutely no reason for an idiot not to let the monster drinking his own blood not pay a small price. Just raising his hand, he immediately grabbed the two blood-red pupils in his hand, and suddenly pulled out the pupils without the blood-red pupils from the sockets, just like all normal people crying, and began to overflow with blood. Then the injured owner began to shout loudly, hoping to use the pain to relieve the pressure in his eyes.

It is a pity that the hand pressing his head is still pressing tightly at this moment.

Want to drink blood? It's easy. But if you want to get out of here, it's not that easy.


With a muffled grunt, the idiot raised the Dark Destruction dagger in his hand, went directly behind him, and pierced the thin man's back. But this time, the thin man did not immediately turn into smoke to escape. The dagger didn't enter the handle. After pulling it out, the wounded heart immediately sprayed out a pillar of blood and splashed it on the wall next to it.

"Goo... let go... I..."

Fangs are the lifeblood of blood.

When this fang is pierced into the mouth of a prey, it often means that the battle is over.

At this time, as a member of the blood clan, where can I take precautions? Counterattack again?

It's time for a good meal.

When enjoying food, one's own ability will naturally be greatly reduced.

The thin man desperately tried to lift his head from the idiot's shoulder. But no matter how hard he struggles, he can't do this. Now he finally panicked and began to nervous. The paws began to scratch on the shoulders of the idiot, struggling hard, but the idiot did not hesitate to raise his other hand, and in turn pressed the thin man. Afterwards, he took out the dark, aimed at the face of the blood clan, fiercely, inserted in...

"Ooo, ooo ooo, ooo hum ----------"

The screams of the thin man began to echo in this rainy night sky.

The sword inserted into his face was turned by the idiot. The blood and brain plasma mixed with each other and flowed out from all parts of the skull.

The idiot squeezed the sword and flipped it gently. After making the sound of bone rubbing, he finally pulled the sword out again.


Finally, the thin man who had lost his sight "escaped" from the idiot's hands in horror. He stepped back a few steps, kept touching his face with both hands, and yelled in his mouth--

"My eyes, my face, my eyes, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh————————"

The screams penetrated the night sky.

The thin man could not accept his current appearance and the feeling of losing his light. He raised his hands tremblingly, trying to stroke his unrecognizable face again. However, when he raised his hands and touched his face, he was surprised to find...

Where is my finger...?


The upper half of his face............

Where is it?




Dim off, return to the sheath.

After shaking for a few laps, the blood clan member finally slowly knelt on the ground and fell to the ground.

Blood was constantly pouring from the upper mouth with the upper half of his face cut off. The blood dyed the already clean ground red again, and the red rainwater flowed into the side of the idiot and into the sewers on both sides...

He exhaled.

After tearing off a piece of cloth, cover the wound on the shoulder.

It was a fluke to survive this time. Falling leaves has never been able to complete.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if you continue to investigate with your current body, the result may really become very dangerous. For your own good, let's... retreat first.

Holding the wound on his neck, the idiot turned around and walked in the direction of the exit.

He was walking in a hurry, hoping to quickly cross the bridge separating him from the outside world.

But at this moment, alone...

An idiot chased him four times tonight, but no one was able to chase him. Now, he finally appeared in front of him.

Double ponytail, miniskirt. A pair of black waterproof stockings did not get any wetness even in the rain.

The girl’s eyes flashed red, and her pupils reflected the figure of an idiot. After a moment of silence...

She raised the left hand with the bracelet and gently...

Pulling down the veil on the face... V

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