Demon King Dad

: The third year story 014, psychological warfare

The action of lifting your foot on the wooden box you made is generally followed by three follow-up actions. One is to put the other foot up, and then just lie down. Second, to turn around and leave the seat from the other side of the wooden box. And the third...

It is to step on the edge of the wooden box, wait until the next foot is lifted, and can directly use the power of stepping on the edge to jump out, and play the fastest acceleration time!

This is a trap, this person is just waiting for himself to make noises because of crawling, or sneak out when he sneaks to the right corner to spy, and hunt himself.

The idiot pressed his body lower. He already knew exactly what kind of enemy he was facing. If you use the words of Annihilation, it is an opponent who is calm and cunning. However, when the man touched the back of his head and walked back with an awkward look, an extra reminder jumped into his mind!

Tools used for aftercare? And these tools... This bandage man only lets one person move, but the person next to him has no objection? From this point of view, the scope of the explosion will not be very extensive, and the damage will even be so small that these people have time to deal with the aftermath?

At this moment, the idiot has fully confirmed the range of damage that the explosion can cause. It was a small explosion, and it was impossible to destroy this castle. But just when he secretly nodded for his own speculation, Dian Mie opened his eyes and sneered--

"Boy, do you think you won this round of wits? Hey, look at that guy. According to me, you won't be the winner."

The idiot looked down and saw that the bandaged man lowered his foot and made two extremely slight hums. After thinking for a while, he just had some thoughts of gaining the upper hand, and the ruined smoke disappeared...


(Hmph, didn’t you get the bait? But ah, you didn’t get the bait. It was the first step to drive yourself to a dead end.)

The bandage man suddenly raised his head and looked at his own half of the storage room and all the bottomless, dark vents.

(You don’t act to prove that you can see me. Since you can see me, there will never be you in the ventilation duct of the half of the storage room. So, where are you now? You can see me. The vents are counted... there are only six in total. And you, in one of the six places, peeping at me secretly, right?)

A veiled smile rose from the corner of the bandage man's mouth. Except for himself, I am afraid that he will never know what he is smiling at this moment.

(So ​​next... let me see, what kind of person you are!)

"Train, is there a mirror here?"


The train froze for a moment. After looking around the storage room, it pointed to the corner of the room where there were some glass that seemed to be assembled in the future.

"Boss, what do you want a mirror for?"

"Hey, nothing."

The bandage man stopped talking, because he already knew something through this little question and answer.

(Friend, you are a gentleman. Are you not? The ventilation pipe is still blowing? But the wind from the six vents has not changed at all. This proves that when you hear me say mirror, you Did not make any move at all!)

(Don’t you care? No, you can’t care. Because if you have a mirror, I might secretly arrange the mirror to be placed in every corner, and then use the reflection to find your trace. But you did not transfer, which just proves, You have a good view of the mirrors in the room, and by identifying that these are just glass, you can judge that there is no need to move at all.)

(Among men and women, who cares more about the mirror? What a pity, it turns out that it is men. Women may use mirrors more often, but men will look at themselves in front of the mirror and pay attention. What exactly do these mirrors illuminate. And judging from the size of these pipes where you are...

(Humph, calling you a young gentleman shouldn't be an exaggeration, right?)


"Boy, it's not good. It looks like that guy has already guessed your physical characteristics~~~! Human psychology is really an interesting thing, and many seemingly inadvertent actions often reveal their true identity! Out of caution , You carefully observed all corners of the storage room before drawing his attention, but this kind of caution happened to expose you as a ‘smelly boy’!"

The idiot held his arms and closed his eyes slightly. The air in the ventilation duct was still flowing, and the strong wind drum took away the body temperature of his body, and some frost began to condense on the inner wall of the ventilation duct...

"So, what are you going to do now?"

How to do…………?

The idiot thought. After a thought, he opened his eyes again, and this time, there was no darkness in his pupils, no focus!

Yes, there is only the purest void.


The wind blowing from the ventilation pipe suddenly changed!

Although this change is extremely small, for the bandage man who has reached the "bulbar" level, it is as violent as a slight spring breeze suddenly turned into a storm! He raised his head with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Because he knew that he had already won this chessboard contest, and what was left was the changes in the wind from the vents to judge where the child was!




However, the bandage man stopped at the moment he was about to make a move.

Nothing else, just because the choke point of the wind has moved to the center of the entire storage room! There, there are fork roads that lead to various branch pipes, and there are even vent pipes that extend up one floor!

In an instant, the tight movement of the bandage man suddenly relaxed. He sat on the wooden box in a loose posture again, a twitching sneer from the corner of his mouth under the bandage.

Now, he can be sure that the little boy is there. But the problem is, he instinctively couldn't attack it! It's not because of how good the location the opponent occupies, nor is it because of fear that he will run away or his own strength is invincible!

It's psychological.

The bandage man used psychological tactics to guess the identity of the idiot. Now, because of this psychological blind spot, he also exposed the place he wanted to attack with the bomb-

Central Hall!

Man is actually a very strange creature. He is always bound by various psychology. Especially when a person tries to lie, various external conditions will cause various subtle changes to the liar's psychology, so that the listener can detect the lie. Even, can detect the truth behind the lie.

The place of battle was indeed the Central Hall, where the banquet was being held. This is what the resistance organizations most want to hide. But the more concealed, the more people will instinctively avoid him when something that can mark the "center" suddenly appears.

When humans do not want to have any entanglements with the things they want to hide, they will try their best to draw a line with those things. But in this way, it will make people judge some small connections hidden in this person and those things.

This is the human psychology!


Back to normal.

Only with the hesitation of the bandage man in a short period of time, an instinctive "draw the line", the boy in the ventilation duct has left the gathering point with the goal he wants, and sneaked into the intricate pipeline again.

The bandage man raised his head and looked at the maze-like pipes above his head. How does it feel to be spied? Are you angry? Very unwilling? Would it be very humiliating for a child to simply perceive what he wants to hide?

"Hey Hey……"

Do not. On the contrary, the man... laughed instead.

(so good……)

"Hey Hey……"

(What a wonderful game! It's been a long time... It's been a long time... I haven't even played such a wonderful chess for too long! Life is alive, what else can compare to playing such a wonderful game, guessing each other Chess path, what about a better life with a chess game that constrains each other?)

The bandage man gradually laughed, and the men next to him who didn't understand what was going on looked at him with strange eyes. Especially the train, came up and asked: "Boss, what are you laughing at?"

The bandage man smiled. After he calmed down for a while, he raised his hand and patted the train on the shoulder—

"Everyone, what do you think of Trete?"

The train didn’t understand why the bandage man suddenly mentioned this person’s name. After thinking about it, he said, “Deputy Captain Cui Te is a strong man, regardless of scheming and strength. If...if the deputy captain is now If you are still alive...I'm afraid you can reach the level of the acetabular bone..."

"Haha, maybe." The bandage man retracted his hand, raised his head, and laughed, "Cui Te is indeed very strong. Among the opponents who played chess with me in the past, he was often the only one who could deal with me. But you know, before he died Before we lost, what was the winning percentage between me and him?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"99 wins and 0 losses."

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