Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 19: , The annual... that article

The bread held the sign in one hand, and the other hand directly held up the red unknown object and stuffed it into the innermost. There was a strong, spicy taste in the breath, irritating the noses of the other three people.

Mili sneezed next to him, and Tolan put a handkerchief on his nose and twitched a little.

However, an idiot is indeed an idiot after all. He squeezed his chin and picked up a little in the other hand

A piece of baguette, bit in his mouth, as if thinking about something.

The bread froze for a while, she turned over the sign in her hand, and continued to take a bite of the chili egg.

"What are you thinking about? Are you ready to work? 》

The idiot raised his head and looked at this girl. At this moment, she stuffed all the chili eggs in her hand into her mouth and kept chewing. Seeing all the red things on her lips, the idiot couldn't help but point to her lips. Mili knew it, and immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped it up for the princess.

"Master, what are you... thinking?" Tolan asked in confusion.

"Huhunnn" replaces the idiot, but the bread is getting rid of the handkerchief that Mili handed over, holding up the sign "What else can I think of?" Men of Ba Ba's age usually think of girls, right? Both Luo and Ke Luo said so. 》

"Your Majesty, don't really think about these things, do you?"

Mi Li still didn't get used to the conversation between men and women very much. She blushed and became a little bit shy.

The idiot glanced at the three present, and thought for a while again. But when the bread lowered his head and was about to write something, the idiot opened it suddenly. "I want a woman."

In an instant, the whole room was quiet...

The idiot stood up, turned around very coolly, and came to the window.

He raised his head, looked at the sky covered by layers of leaves, and touched the scum that grew slightly on his chin with confidence.

"Well, I'm already ten thousand this year. Anyway, I should have reached the age when I should start a family."

Under the gaze of the other three, the idiot walked to the dressing table used for bread and looked up and down in the mirror. Finally, he nodded with satisfaction.

"A mature man should be very feminine. Especially a handsome man like me. You should be able to attract many women by going outside."

With a click, the fork in Mi Li's hand fell to the ground. Tolan's face twitched a little, his eyes flustered. In comparison, the bread looks much calmer. After thinking about it, this little girl stood up, walked to the side of the idiot, took his arm, and raised a sign in front of the mirror, "Of course, Baba is the most handsome and scumbag man in the whole sad continent." You should be able to get a lot of women's love by walking around! 》

"Well, it really is."

With the bread's affirmation, the idiot showed his confidence even more. Immediately, he walked to his bed and dug out the piggy bank from it, opened it, and counted the coins inside.

There are still more than one thousand Sura in the family's savings, and it should be enough to use such a sum to soak women.

The idiot cleaned up these Suras and put them in his pocket. After that, he opened his cabinet again and started rummaging for clothes.

"Bread, Pear, Tolan. You can help me see which dress I wear will look more handsome."

There are not many clothes in the closet. The only good clothes that can be counted are mostly from walnuts, and they are all clothes from a few years ago. The idiot held these clothes and gestured in front of him, with a serious expression on his face, which seemed very real.

Mi Li couldn't say a word now, she looked panicked and didn't know what to do. At this time, after all, Tolan is still a little bit quicker to calm down. His mouth finally closed, and he forcibly held back, saying, "Well...Master, I think...this black one...may be more handsome."

The idiot nodded and put the other clothes aside, putting on this black coat. After taking a picture in the mirror left and right, he took the styling potion and wiped his hair, and pulled the hair in front of his eyes back to reveal his forehead.

After some care, the idiot did indeed seem toā was a lot of foolishness. His black hair stood directly behind his head. The black costume on his body was originally quite handsome, but it was abruptly embellished with sequins for the idiot, making it appear that the whole dress was flashing. of.

Then, the idiot doubled again on the bread dresser, and after looking at a pearl necklace that walnut gave to the bread, he thought about it. In the end, he put down the necklace after all, picked up the unused thrush pencil, and tickled it on both sides of his mouth.

It looked like a full smile with a sense of horror.

"Well, I look handsome when I smile.

The idiot turned his head, where was the slightest smile in those cold eyes? Looking at him will only make people feel the fear emanating from the depths of their hearts! Coupled with his current "pull style" outfit, which seems to make people want to laugh but can't laugh, it really makes people stand upright.


As their own chiefs, do Tolan and Mili dare to say that they are not handsome? The corners of the two men's mouth twitched, afraid to look at the idiot's horrible smiling face, immediately lowered their heads, and said in unison, "Handsome! So handsome! The master (Your Majesty) is really handsome than anyone else! There is nothing to say. !"

The idiot nodded, very satisfied. At the moment, he tidyed up the bow tie around his neck and "laughed" and said, "Go, go outside to promote it. Just say the earl, your idiot is going to have a birthday party C at the Royal Hotel tonight. Celebrating his twenty-five years old Birthday. At the same time, a beautiful woman will be selected as my countess. Hurry up and announce that the bigger the tone, the better, and it must make me beautiful.

If my birthday is not big enough today, it means that the two of you are not promoting enough. "

As the Devil Emperor"...especially the Devil Emperor who was "laughing" like this, Mili and Tolan were so frightened that their feet were almost soft. The two jumped up from their seats and rushed out of the room without saying a word. , To do publicity.

When Mili and Tolan left, the idiot also straightened their clothes, turned around, and after flashing his shiny teeth at the bread that was shaking his hand, they walked out with confidence.

The bread is sending off... "Always, always sending off.

She happily shook her hands until the idiot figure jumped down from the edge of the platform...


The smile on Bread's face instantly stiffened. She quickly ran to the edge of the platform, leaned on the edge of the plank, and looked down in horror.


Ba Ba is gone!

He... "..., he is really gone!

His own Ba Ba, dressed up like a ghost like that, then ran out without realizing it at all!

Bread raised his head and looked at the exit of the grove with horror. What should I do now? I originally thought it was Ba Ba and wanted to be funny, so I just pretended to cooperate. Unexpectedly...he actually ran out like this!

The tree mother's head drilled out of the tree trunk next to her. She looked at the bread in confusion, wondering what the mistress was thinking. Bread immediately put her hands on her shoulders when she saw Shuniang, and shook anxiously.

"Baba, he pretended to be huā foolishly to seduce girls! How to do? How to do? ! 》


The green-haired girl said she didn't know the situation. Bread knew that he couldn't get any rush just by being here, and immediately jumped off the platform. She pressed her skirt, raised her hand when she was about to land, and the strong wind rising from the ground supported her and let her land safely on the ground.

The matter was urgent, and the bread didn't care about tidying up his clothes, and immediately rushed out of the grove. She looked around, and just saw two male students talking and laughing towards each other, and immediately rushed up.

"Have you seen me? ! 》

Bread held the sign and looked anxious.

Suddenly, the two male students were shocked when they saw such a lovely girl with bread panting in front of them. The boy on the left blushed even more, not knowing what to say. Seeing that the two of them did not respond, Bread immediately turned over the sign "huā mad!" Did you see a huā idiot walking past here? ! 》

Ah, huā foolish? This "...I saw one. Going over there..., just "silly beep!" "

The bread thanked him, immediately put away the sign, pulled down the forge band on his hair and turned it into lightning, and rushed out. Only the two male students here were stunned looking at her extinct Qianyingpi, "I... I don't believe girls anymore! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...i...the two...the two of the two male students who had left Qian Yingpi's Qian Ying-pi's Qian Ying-the-going Qian Ying-pi's Qian Ying-Pie's Qian Ying-bi, who had left her...

The boy who had just blushed and had a heartbeat burst into tears and squatted on the ground. The boy next to him kept cursing the bread behind his back, while softly comforting the friend.

She rushed out of the academy and looked around at the bread, and soon she saw the idiot who was walking down the street and many people couldn't help but turn back. I saw the demon king wiping his belt with both hands, walking in front very smartly. But just when the bread was about to rush up and pull him back,

"Beauty, here comes a rose as beautiful as you."

The idiot stood beside a huā girl, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and said with a "laugh".

Bread" ""Can't go up" ""

Who is the guy in front? I don't know it! I don't have such a bad babble! Looking at him again, after taking the rose in the hands of the huā girl with such a flattering appearance, he bit it directly in his mouth.

"Beauty, I want to invite you to my dance party tonight. I don't know, would you like to come to enjoy your face?"

The idiot bit the rose, and gently scratched the chin of the young girl with her fingers. Obviously, some of the sequins on the idiot's body flashed blindly to the girl's eyes, and she immediately shrank back when she saw her.

"Cut fly"

The idiot snorted, a color of disdain on his face. Afterwards, he continued to hold huā and walked along the road. Along the way, he looked around, and from time to time he cast a wink at the passing girls, young girls, young women, etc., making everyone around him whispering to an idiot as if they were looking at a monster.

"Hey, what's the matter? Did the Master of the Forest of Gifts...take the wrong medicine?"

"I don't know. I heard that today is his birthday party? But..., I always feel a little sick..."

"Will you go to participate? Anyway, he accommodated us last year. I was also in the Forest of Gifts at that time. If you don't, don't give face, it's not good, right?"


Idiots go all the way, inviting young girls, young girls, young women, etc., to come to their birthday party. Regarding his shining attire, everyone seemed to be speechless.

The bread looked very embarrassed behind, God knows why Ba Ba turned out like this?

Now that I want to go out and call him, it makes people unable to shout. How to do this?

Just when the girl was hesitating, suddenly a figure passed by the corner in front! That's no one else, it's Ko Luo! She was holding a paper bag with freshly baked bread in her hand, and she was walking towards her residence. After seeing her, the idiot immediately took the rose from his mouth and walked up to meet her.

"Ah nnn my beautiful golden fairy. Is it a gift from heaven to meet you here?" The idiot said this phrase that made the bread chill all over, and then, without saying anything, he knelt on one knee at the sixteenth year. In front of the year-old Ke Luo, he raised the rose in his hand.

Silly beep! Baba! What are you doing? ! Who are you doing badly?" You would do it against your daughter’s friend! Beast,

. ! ! !

Those who are nervous about the bread are going crazy! She raised her right hand, and the ice ball emerging from her palm was about to shoot out! Yes, as long as the idiot makes any more aggressive actions, she will definitely shoot out!

Ke Luo holding the paper bag lowered his head and looked at the man he knew before him. After glancing at the rose in his right hand...

"Disgusting." After that, Ko Luo passed by the idiot, took the catwalk that still had the aristocratic style, shook the golden curly hair behind his head, and left.


The bread patted his chest and exhaled. Although she was very happy that Ke Luo did not hit the move. However, it doesn't feel good that my babble has become a "disgusting" thing in the mouth of a friend.

The key question is, what happened to Ba Ba? Why did it suddenly become like this? Also, what happened to the birthday party tonight? For so many years, let alone babble, I have never had a birthday party even once.

The bread is worrying. At the same time, he hesitated.

But she doesn't know." In another place, there was also a guy complaining to an idiot.

In his brain, the blood-red pupil was wide open at this time, and he did not understand the behavior of the idiot.

(Human kid" What's wrong with you? Actually, this one time makes me feel a little uncomfortable.)


The idiot "laughed" and continued to move forward. As he walked, he slowly walked towards the huā streets over there.

(Human kid! Stop playing silent! Say it!)

There was some fire in the dark, and it began to roar. The idiot may be a little unbearable by its yelling, and then he exhaled," he said impatiently (Is there anything wrong with what I did? As a normal man, I am already 10,000 people.

Even if my life tends to be infinite, it should be time to find a woman" to find a wife.)

(Uh...That's right... But, doesn't it feel like you?)

(Hum" Before, you persuaded me to find a woman, so happy.)

(This...this..., this is before! You at least give me some snacks, right? So sudden!)

There was vicissitudes in the idiot's eyes. He held a wall, shook his head sadly in his eyes, and said slowly (Actually...I figured it out. After living in the earl and then being captured, I finally understand. What fame, prestige, everything is so ethereal. In an instant, human beings can fall from heaven to hell, from life to death. Human life is so hurried and short, and timely enjoyment, of course, becomes a must Indispensable.)

The idiot raised his head, looked at the floating clouds in the sky with those vicissitudes of eyes, and continued to say (Before this, I was guarding anyone. I have never really had a happy day. But now it’s different, I decided To live for myself and make me really happy once. As a man, I want to have **** with a woman. You should know how long I held back and endured...)

While speaking, tears of sadness and grievance fell in the eyes of the idiot.

He cried... cried very sad.

However, these tears didn't seem to be able to touch the sword in his right hand. The red pupils on the sword seemed to be watching a play, looking at the idiot coldly.

(Well, the acting is very good. It's also very touching. But to me, it makes no sense for you to cheat, right?)

The dim incomprehension made the tears in the idiot's eyes flow down again. He got up angrily, walked directly into the red light district, and after seeing a woman from the wind and dust who was winking at him, he immediately stepped forward and hugged the other person in his arms.

"Oh, nnn customer, are you really anxious nn~ come here, come and sit in our shop?"

"Sweetheart, today is my birthday. Would you like to accompany me?" The idiot leaned over the smiling face and approached the Chinese woman. Although it was because of business, the woman seemed to be a little bit unable to deal with the idiot's current face, and instinctively took a step back.


"Okay, I've decided! You will be with me tonight. As long as you serve me well,

I will give you a double price! "

As the saying goes, having money can make the ghost push away.

Under the call of the double price, the woman immediately changed her restraint just now, wrapped her idiot's arm directly, and directly posted her twin peaks.

"Hate, Mr. Earl nnn, you are so generous~nn! You have to be gentle with others tonight nnn"

Hearing the sweet voice in the bread ears behind, she couldn't help but shiver. Even Dim Off, at this moment, he involuntarily tightened the chain.

On the contrary, it was an idiot, he laughed loudly. Then he touched his hair pretentiously, and walked forward with his head high.

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