Demon King Dad

: The Third Year Story 036, the Tenth Knights

The sturdy man smiled, pointed at the big yellow dog of the little girl, and shook the measuring cup in his hand: "I believe you also know where we are now? We have no way. Someone must do the experiment. But we If it can reduce unnecessary casualties, try to reduce it as much as possible. Your dog is also poisoned, so it’s better to use it for experimentation than to experiment on our own.”

The strong man said this, and the other royal guards immediately nodded in agreement.

"No! You have to bully my little one, I don't want it! Little, you run away quickly, never be caught by this strange uncle!"

The big yellow dog roared, but it didn't mean to leave. As time passed, the patience of the strong man was obviously consumed by the fear of death. Now he didn't even bother to pester it any more, and went straight up to press the yellow dog and opened its mouth.

How can the power of a yellow dog be comparable to a real royal guard? This man is a knight. In the little girl's screaming and crying, he opened the yellow dog's mouth very easily and poured the 30 milliliters of liquid into it.

"Little! Little! You... you big villain! Little! Are you okay? Little!"

The yellow dog slumped on the ground, and because the man opened its mouth forcibly, it slumped on the ground, breathing heavily. The little girl kept pushing her dog beside her, tears in her eyes.

"Don't blame me, if we are lucky, I will buy ten puppies for you after we go out."

The man stepped back and stared at the yellow dog with the others, waiting for its response.

The yellow dog... panted. Its body kept trembling, and its stomach was violently up and down. In this ice cave, this dog's life has become everyone's hope! Everyone is watching it, seeing its results, it is birth...

Still dead.

"Please live... please live... please live...!"

Quilin next to her nervously closed her eyes, shook her hands, knelt on the ground and began to pray. But if she opened her eyes and took a look now, she might have noticed a very incomprehensible fact——

In front of her, the idiot who was supposed to be poisoned, not only didn't pay attention to the big yellow dog, but watched the bandage man sitting on the Ice Throne with all his heart. Among the jet-black pupils, the bandage man seemed to care about the big yellow dog's reaction, and his body leaned forward a little.

"Woo...oooo...! Barking! Barking!"

Finally, the fact that gave everyone a sigh of relief finally appeared! After a painful struggle, the big yellow dog finally stood up again! It was wagging its tail and sticking out its tongue, and the little girl with double ponytails wiped away the tears from her face and hugged her dog happily, "Wow! Wow!" cheered.


The string that was tense just now finally relaxes at this moment. The royal guards clutched their chests and exhaled. Especially the strong man, he apologized to the little girl again after he was relieved.


"Bad guy! Don't let you get close to the little one! Bad guy!"

The little girl yelled vigilantly, and the sturdy man stopped saying anything, turned around and walked towards the ice table. The other royal guards who were going to get the liquid saw him coming, because he was the hero who saved everyone, so they all made way for him.

The strong man picked up a container again and adjusted the liquid according to the recipe just now. He smiled, raised the glass to everyone, and after making a toast, he raised his head and drank the liquid.

The crowd applauded, and the strong man smiled and turned the glass upside down, after indicating that the others could continue, put down the glass. But just when he was about to leave the ice table and the others were about to approach...

"Little! What's wrong with you, little? Don't scare me! Little! Little!!!"

The sudden change made everyone look back immediately! I saw that the big yellow dog who was still alive just now suddenly became painful! The little girl hugged its neck and kept touching its back! With only a "vomit" sound, the dog suddenly vomited! And the liquid it was forced to drink just now was also vomited out without a drop!

In an instant, everyone's complexion changed. Especially, the strong man. He just froze for less than two seconds, and the next moment, a scream came from his throat.

He screamed, clutching his stomach and screaming. Bleeding began to flow in his mouth, and he started to roll on the ground with his feet unsteady! The cry of pain reverberated in the ice cellar, and everyone here was heartbroken!

Thirty seconds...

Only thirty seconds later, the brawny man lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and stopped moving.

"Oh, now one option has been removed. It has become one of 24."

The dead giant undoubtedly gave those royal guards who had some doubts a resounding slap in the face! Now, it is estimated that no one will doubt the truth or falsehood of this bandage man. It was under this premise that a figure suddenly appeared behind the little girl who was still holding the frail big yellow dog.

"Luo! Don't do stupid things!"

Vincent waved the force gun in his hand and shouted.

"I don't do stupid things."

Luo kicked the little girl away, reached out to grab the big yellow dog, and walked to the ice table in a few steps, and poured a glass of the prepared liquid into the yellow dog's mouth involuntarily. Then, his hands pressed the yellow dog's upper and lower jaws so that it could no longer spit out the liquid.

The little girl rubbed her sore **** and ran over crying. But as soon as she ran closer, Luo, who was good at moving, came behind her in an instant. Holding the yellow dog by the throat with one hand and the dagger in the other, he pressed the little girl's neck.

"I don't know how you got in here, but if you don't want to die, just stay with me. If you annoy me, the next test is probably you."

The little girl dared not move. Under the threat of the dagger, she held back her tears, curled her hands on her chest, and nodded silently. She raised her head, just like everyone else, once again focused her gaze on the yellow dog. Waiting for the answer...

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes.

After a full five minutes, even if you want to vomit, some of the fluid must be absorbed by the stomach. Finally, Luo let go and took three steps back extremely quickly. The little girl jumped up again, hugged her big yellow dog, and wept.

Yellow dog...

Struggling to get up.

It stuck out its tongue and licked the little girl's cheek gently...




It succeeded.

Finally, it succeeded!

This time, everyone finally relaxed completely. And that assassin also retracted the dagger, pulled up his cloak to wrap his body. At this moment, when those eyes looked at the little girl again, there was no more coldness and coldness in them, but a hint of apology. However, maybe this person is not good at expressing his feelings. He didn't say anything, but went straight to the ice table and made arrangements.

Everyone saw it, and he poured out 10 ml of blue liquid. He swallowed his saliva, raised his head and drank the 23 ml of liquid. After wiping your lips, put the glass back on the ice table...

"Little brother, you just... said you want to use me to do experiments, right?"

Suddenly, the little girl who was crying for her pet dog suddenly spoke! Moreover, her voice seemed very clear, without the slightest mess and sorrow!

what happened……?

what on earth is it? !

Everyone, including Luo who had already drunk the "antidote", once again turned their attention to the 12-year-old girl. I saw her smiling, smiling very brightly. Beside her, the big yellow dog, who was obviously dying just now, stood up vigorously! It lowered its head, and the liquid was spit out from its mouth again.


"Luo! Luo!!!"

Luo who drank the "antidote" suddenly covered his mouth. Just like the giant man just now, his mouth started to bleed! Vincent was obviously familiar with Luo and immediately stepped forward to support him. However, his concerns have always been of no avail. The assassin stretched out his hand tremblingly, his eyes lost. It didn't take long before his hand dropped weakly, lying in Vincent's arms, never moving...

A feeling colder than the ice cellar swept the hearts of everyone here. The little girl was still smiling, and the big yellow dog next to her also began to change after Luo's death. Its back split open, and five sharp barbs grew from it. The teeth in the mouth began to deform and turned into a meniscus double-edged knife spreading from the mouth! Its limbs and calves were also cracked, and something like a small jet came out of it. The little girl stepped on the ladder extending from the belly of the big yellow head, raised her leg, and sat on the dog. "The seat vacated behind the back spike.

"The Elementary Department of Science and Technology Department... Wendy. I should have thought about why you, as a science and technology department, brought such a dog here. It turns out... This is basically a dog-like appearance, modified by your hands. Power weapon!"

Vincent put down his friend's body, pinched the force gun, and slowly stood up. Wendy, who is also a science and technology student, smiled slightly, patted the big yellow dog with his left hand and said, "What? Big brother? Do you want to avenge your friend?"

The audience held their breath, and these people didn't know what they should do now. According to common sense, the adult had to deal with a little girl, and everyone should step forward to dissuade it. But the problem is that this little girl just killed a friend of this man! In today's dilemma, everyone has to choose silence and watch the development of things.

"You...are a member of the Tenth Knights... the Hermit Knights?"

Quilin in the dark was startled and asked in a low voice: "Hidden Current Knights? Tenth Knights? Isn't our Knights only nine?"

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