Demon King Dad

: The third year story 041, the spark in the dark

"It's not easy."

He stretched out his hand and sneered.

"The waste genius made the motion of looking around when the yellow dog of the little girl named Wendy was drinking medicine. If he was really the owner of this game, then he shouldn't have this at all. Action. I thought, only I noticed this~~~"

Li propped his head, looked at Dai Lao who was breathing hard, and laughed contemptuously.

Impressive! The guards around suddenly woke up! They began to lower their heads to think, carefully recalling everything that had just happened. That's right, because Wendy was too weak at the time, so everyone's attention was focused on her. But now think about it carefully, the bandage man played by Dai Lao did have such an act of looking around!

"That's it." Wendy shook his head, and an innocent smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. "If the person sitting on the throne was really the organizer of this game, then he should have known the deployment. Whether the formula is correct or not. And this look of the probe just exposed the fact that Master Dai Lao under the bandage did not know the formula at all, and wanted to know the result."

Dai Lao's complexion was green and white, he gritted his teeth, looking bitterly at the idiot standing in front of him, still keeping calm and indifferent, and snorted.

Walnut seemed to understand Wendy's explanation. She pulled Quilin next to her, but she didn't expect that Quilin was also convulsed, and she seemed to be unable to turn her mind. She thought for a while, and immediately shouted at the idiot in front of her: "Idiot! But... but this is not right? You can see that the bandage just now was played by Goodsay on such a small condition?"


Li, who was on the throne, smiled with great interest. He looked down at the walnut below and nodded slightly.

"Really interesting princess. But you are right. Such conditions alone are not enough. There are actually many conditions for this child to see through my plan completely."

"First of all, the first point is my reminder to you.... Hello, don’t show such an expression, okay? I did give you a reminder. 25 choices, 24 participants. Don’t you have none at all? Have you thought about it, why did you choose one more?"

Someone in the crowd thought about it and whispered: "It's not because you want to kill us all..."

"No. You won't all be killed."

Li lifted his legs and leaned comfortably on the throne: "It seems that you have few choices. The correct number is always one, and the wrong number will always be more than yours. But think about it, Among 25 numbers, what is the chance of guessing incorrectly 24 times in a row? The numbers are lower than you think, with only a 4% probability. That is to say, this kind of game must be played 25 times before a complete game can happen. Circumstances of extinction."

"Then the question now comes. Since there is a high probability that this game will end with your victory in the end, why did the host at the time, that is, Master Dai Lao, provide it? Why did he announce it? Even after this unfortunate situation is 1 in 25, can you still know the real antidote formula?"

After everyone thought about it for a while, some who immediately figured it out couldn't help but raised their heads at the same time, looking at Dai Lao in the middle of the field!

"Hehe, now, the mystery is uncovered. At this time, the child naturally noticed the'host' who showed unnatural probe behavior just now, after he finally found out that the Dai Lao I prepared was actually a fake , I immediately began to think about where the real Dylau Goodsey is. Now just assume that if the real Dylau has also been poisoned by the same poison and must be eager to find an antidote..."

"Hehe, then make a weird move, announce 25 reference numbers, and vigorously encourage you to kill each other's bandages. Of course, you will become the most suspicious person. Because even if it is really unfortunate that you have not guessed it, the scene is still He will leave a correct answer. After you all sleep peacefully, he walks down freely, prepares the antidote, and drinks it."

After the explanation, all the puzzles are solved. Some guards who hadn't figured it out in time finally figured it out after repeated explanations by others. But they figured it out. Everyone's eyes were focused on the young man in the field who held the black long blade, never said a word from beginning to end, and stared at the throne.

This child...he thought of so much with his own power alone...? ! Who is he... on earth? ? ? ! ! !

In a low voice of surprise, the idiot raised his sword and pointed at Li above. After Li just smiled, his eyes turned to Dai Lao behind the idiot, and the corner of his mouth showed a light smile——

"Master Goodsey, in fact, your acting skills are pretty good, and your intelligence is also excellent. I also played the game between us very happily. But it's really hard work. I want to help you shape ice under the soles of your feet. Brackets make you taller. And I want to try not to stand up so that your people can't judge my normal height. Hahaha, it's really interesting. Although, these games are just like appetizers."

Dai Lao touched the bloodshot at the corner of his mouth. He raised his head and looked at the idiot standing in front of the throne, holding a black long sword and not fearing at all. Seeing that this idiot, who is usually invisible, could see through his identity in an instant, and was able to force Li out, I felt an incomparable atmosphere for a while.



Dai Lao shook off his subordinates who wanted to support him, pulled out the saber from the opponent's waist, rushed to a position farther ahead than the idiot, and pointed at Li on the throne.

"I warn you,'Ice Emperor Tooth.' Hurry up and give me the antidote! Otherwise, everyone here can tear you to pieces at once!"


Dai Lau's threats only resulted in a long laugh from Li.

"Have you forgotten the game between us? You play as me, instigating these people to find the real antidote within 25 choices within two hours without revealing their identity. In other words, as long as you His instigation is perfect enough to get the final antidote to get rid of the methamphetamine in your body. Isn’t it? Now that you have failed, why can you cheekily ask me for the antidote?"

Not only the other royal guards, but even the guards of the Goodsay family are all looking at Dai Lao. Maybe they still can’t believe that they are so loyal to protect the Lord, but the real goal of this young master is Use their lives to experiment!

Dai Lao also noticed the changes in the eyes of the people behind him. This kind of fear and this kind of surprise made his heart even more angry and anxious! He secretly glanced at the idiot behind him, and saw that Walnut and Quilin were already standing behind him! Because he successfully saw through Li's strategy just now, this man won the respect of everyone! This gap...this shame...this...angry! ! !

"Bing Diya! I want your life!!!"

Holding the sword, Dai Lao rushed to the Ice Throne again! Li just looked at him with a smile, and when he was about to walk in, he stretched his fingers and an ice thorn plunged directly into Dai Lao's shoulder, banging him down again.

"Okay, little guy. Let's leave this genius alone. The game with you is really interesting. And I'm also surprised that I can't manipulate the methamphetamine in your body? Are you not poisoned? Why? Why are you? No poisoning?"

The idiot held Dimie, straddled Dai Lao who was clutching his shoulders, crying out in pain. He walked up the stairs step by step and approached the throne. With every step he took, the original crystal ice surface was contaminated with black in an instant. This may be just an illusion, but it is so realistic.


The chill began to overflow.

Li who did not get an answer finally put away the sneer on his face.

The blood-colored pupils on the hilt of the sword expand, and with every step of the idiot, it will laugh with excitement.

"Hey hey, this man is very funny. He kidnapped this girl and made you angry enough to enter the first prison voluntarily? Come on, tonight will be very pleasant. In every way... it will make you feel extremely happy----!!!"

In an instant, the lamp above the throne was swallowed by darkness. The entire circus tent was shrouded in darkness. For most people here, darkness means that they will not be able to move, and being out of sight adds to their sense of fear. However, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Because in the next moment, people will see two reds and two blues twinkling in the darkness. These four rays of light interlaced in the darkness, and the sound of weapon impact is endless! Sparks were shining, and taking advantage of the starlight at that moment, people witnessed a battle that was likely to far exceed their imagination!

That's not a child...

Under the sparks, the shadow that appeared appeared to be a demon.

That's not alone...

In the ice sky dancing, what appeared... is an ice beast with sharp teeth.

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