Demon King Dad

: The third year story 045, the growth history of a good person

"So, don't you care?"

Xuetong opened a thin line, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his eyes.

"......I owe a lot of debts to the Rooney family."

In the orderly flow of people, a boy carrying a baby girl gradually came to a halt.

"Oh? So, are you going to manage?"

".................. under the condition of ensuring safety."

"Hehe, interesting. Let's do it. Digging pits little by little is not what I like to do."

The flow of people is still advancing, leading to the dry lake. However, I am afraid that no one has noticed that a little boy who was still in the crowd just now has disappeared...


Inside the tent, Quilin was holding a throwing knife in each hand, looking at the front warily. In front of her, sat a bald man with a huge tumor on his right forehead. This man wore a set of shiny armor that was completely different from other knights. Judging from his status, it was the commander of the Sixth Knights who was appointed at the beginning of this year——


The head of the team looked at Quilin, his eyes kept sweeping around her. Especially Quilin's chest and thighs are where he misses the most. He picked up a glass of water next to him, stood up, and handed it to Quilin.

"It must be very **** such a hot day? Come, answer Miss Rooney, drink a glass of water and quench your thirst."

Quirine snorted, stepped back two steps, and threw a knife on her chest. Seeing this scene, Tumor just smiled and drank the water in the cup. Put down the cup and smash your mouth. This person was still staring at Quilin, the unwiped water mark at the corner of his mouth revealed a little disgusting luster.

"Rooney, Quirin."

"Who allowed you to call my name!"

"Hahaha, what does it matter?" The tumor re-poured water from a jug next to it, swayed in front of Quilin as if showing off, and said, "It doesn't matter how intimately you call your fiancée. Right."


A throwing knife shot through the cancerous water cup, and broken glass and water splashed him all over. The malignant tumor was taken aback, and a flash of dissatisfaction flashed through the eyes that were still full of "interest".

"Who is your fiancée? Keep your mouth clean! Even if no one wants me, I will never marry a scum like you!"

"Huh... scum?" The tumor smashed the remaining glass in his hand, with a slightly twisted smile on the corner of his mouth, "Quilin, don't forget. When I proposed to your father two months ago, , Your father agreed with just one mouthful! Look, I am no longer the warden in the past. I am a knight! I am also the head of the Sixth Knights!"

The broken glass shards fell to the ground with a clattering sound.

"I am worthy of you... No, it should be said that if the Rooney family wants to rejuvenate, the only way to rejuvenate the Rooney family is to gain power through marriage, right? You, or the other in your family. And I am willing to marry you now, Let you no longer have to do hard work like the ordinary people outside, dig the mud, and safely be a young woman wearing gold and silver. Isn’t this the future you have been looking forward to? And you see, I still have I have not married yet, I am willing to give you my first time! You will have the most innocent husband and the most loyal servant to you. Think about it, what better condition is there?"

The malignant tumor spreads out his hands, and the remaining glass shards on his palm reflect a strange light.

Quilin pulled out a throwing knife again, she turned her head and glanced at the various exquisite glasses displayed in the tent, as well as the bottles with lots of water, and gritted her teeth——

"Tumor, I ask you, Fengchusha City should have issued a water levy order to other regions. According to my understanding, even if you are the leader of the Knights, it is impossible for you to master so many water resources at this very moment. Judging from His Majesty’s usual policy, the wages of digging workers are too low! Where did the price difference go!”

The malignant brows squeezed upward, and his eyes showed contemptuous colors: "Why do you pursue so much? As long as you marry me, the benefits are absolutely indispensable to you. Look at how beautiful you are, and the beauty is just like that. A painting. Did you know? When your father was in jail because of Treite’s incident twelve years ago, I often saw you come to visit your father. At that time, I was fascinated by your beauty. On..."

Twelve years ago, Quirine was only eight or nine years old. At that time, the malignant tumor was almost 30 years old. It's no wonder that after hearing these words, Quirine turned pale and secretly cursed "abnormal".

"Ah... you were beautiful at that time. You almost shed tears when you cared about your father. I still remember it very clearly... From then on, I started working hard, hoping to get ahead. Just to be able to one day Marry you home and take good care of you!"

"Look... now, you have become more beautiful... in my eyes you are so shining. And I, through my own efforts, became a knight, and I am still a strong man of pure spirit level. Enough to protect you! Ah... I love you, Quirine Rooney replied. I love you deeply..."

As he said, Tumor opened his hands and walked towards Quilin. Seeing the huge tumor gradually approaching, Quilin couldn't help feeling nauseous again. She threw out the throwing knife in her hand without hesitation, rubbing the malignant shoulder with the sharp blade, and flew out of the tent.

"Disgusting! I warn you that you are not allowed to come again! Also, immediately restore everyone's wages! Although wages are nothing in this situation, this morality cannot be destroyed!"

Tumor... was silent.

Those eyes slowly lowered, looking at the wound on the shoulder.

The wound was bleeding, and blood was pouring out. It feels... very painful and numb.

The man clutched the wound and let go. When the bright red on his palm was reflected in those eyes again, there was a slight tactfulness, and at this moment... all disappeared.

"Sure enough... is it because of my face...?"

Quilin was taken aback for a moment, and told her instinctively that she was in a dangerous situation now.

"Sure enough...Are you also despising my appearance?!"

" lunatic! I...I won't tell you anymore."

Quirine turned around and was about to set up the tent.

"Damn... I ask you! You don't accept me, is it because I am ugly?! Bitch!!!"

In an instant, the cancer moved. He rushed forward and grabbed Quilin's hand. Quilin was taken aback, and the throwing knife in her left hand shot backwards, but after the malignant tumor of the pure spirit level flashed easily, she grabbed her neck again and dragged her into the center of the tent!

"Why... why does everyone only look at my face? My heart is so beautiful, why everyone despises me only by looking at my face?! I am so much better than those who look good, I am Only with my own efforts can I get to this step!"

Because of this face, the malignant tumor that has never been married is always suppressed. Because it was too terrible, even a prostitute did not dare to take his business. Forty years of sexual depression made him finally unable to bear it when facing the beautiful Quelin, and began to tear her clothes. It was from this moment that he finally tasted his power as a strong man. Intuition tells him that he can completely suppress Quilin, who only has the level of refining the heart, and then do what he wants to do!

"You... let me go! You pervert! Bastard!"

"Why? I love you! I love you so much! Why do you refuse to ignore my face and look at my kind heart? Since I was young, I have always been the hardest one, I can do anything Finished better than others! During the period of guarding the prison, no prisoner dared to confront me! After becoming the commander of the knights, I worked for the welfare of my men! I am such a good person... Why do you just refuse to marry me? Even if you let me vent, you have to resist so much?!"

With a tear, Quilin's sweatpants were torn off. Quirin's complexion sank, and a layer of murderous intent filled the eyes that hadn't been conscious of murder. But before she took the time to take out the throwing knife, her hands were tightly controlled by the tumor, and her whole body was completely immobile.

Refining the heart against the pure spirit, in an upright contest, the winner will always favor the strong.

But on the other hand...

Certain unstable factors lurking in the shadows can always go against the wishes of the strong.

And the scarlet flames acted as a factor of instability at this moment, blazing from the corner of the tent.

"It's a fire! Your lord, it's a fire!"

In an instant, the entire tent was swallowed by flames. In this hot and dry winter, the flame seemed to have life, quickly swallowing anything that could be swallowed. The tent was lifted, and a knight rushed in in a panic, reporting the strength of the fire.

"…………Oh shit!"

Tumor looked around, and the flames had rolled toward him along the blanket on the ground. At the juncture of life and death, he immediately dropped Quirine and rushed out in a hurry.

Quilen, who was surrounded by flames, was breathing heavily, although she finally escaped the end of being "vented" by the cancer, but the surrounding flames made her feel more difficult to deal with. After hesitating for three seconds, the female teacher immediately picked up her trousers, trying to bite the bullet into the flames...

But behind her, the burning flames separated in an instant. With the advent of the dark blade, the cold and gloom instantly took away the heat and light of those flames. These fires... are escaping. They parted on both sides, and the flames that had just appeared to be very rampant were burning timidly and small...

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