Demon King Dad

: The third year story 051, the happy life of genius

Li, eight years old. Location, in a room in Ash City, the capital of the Black Dragon Empire.

"Hee hee, amazing, amazing!"

"Lee, are you done with your homework?! What are you laughing at when it's okay!"

"My father! Come and see, my father, look, as long as I put my hand in the bucket, the water will freeze~~~!"


"Huh? Father, what's wrong with you?"

"Good boy!"

"My, you are holding me like this...I am a little out of breath..."

"My dear boy! Thanks to the princess for her care, it is finally here when our family makes a fortune!"

"The kid, his father, what are you talking about? Drinking again? Put down the wine glass. You bought and drank all the money in the house! Hurry up, get me a job!"

"Ignorant woman!"




"My dear son! Leave her alone. You don't even know how much you are loved by God! Work? Do I still need to go to work? The legend passed by our family is finally coming true. I will soon be able to get rid of this ghost place. , Go to live in the rich area, and then become a nobleman... No, become the father of the nobleman! Hahaha, good son, my good son!"




Li, ten years old. Location, performance field.

"The victory is divided! The winner, Lee Jompson Todd!"

"Senior, thank you for your advice."

(Extend your hand.)


"Huh? Senior?"

"Bah! Cheating!!"

"Milan! What are you doing!"

"Mr. Instructor, this person is clearly cheating! Why should he be judged to win? He is just relying on the power of the monster in his body!"


"Milan, I want you to apologize to your younger brother immediately."

"Why should I apologize? Instructor, why don't you let everyone comment! What is better about this person than us? Just because he has a monster in his body, he has become a noble abruptly? Everyone, who doesn't know This person’s father is so drunk every day, and he stays in the brothel on weekdays? As a noble like the son of this person, I feel sick!"

"That's right! What kind of strong, but it is through the monsters in the body. Is he really stronger than us in terms of strength?"

"What genius, he is actually a mediocre! After removing the Bing Difang, what is left of him? What a shame."

"Don't tell me, this kind of person is so-called born to be favored by God. It doesn't take much effort to stand on top of those of us who work hard. What else can you say?"

"You guys all shut up to me! Li is a Viscount, a level higher than most of you who only have a Baron! Li, don't take these words to heart, they are just jealous..."



"Well, I know, thank the instructor for your concern."




Li, thirteen years old. street.

"Hit, hit me fiercely! Hahaha! Disable this trash to me! Hahahaha! It's cool, I didn't expect, didn't you think you were pretty cruel three years ago? Boy, why are you now? The sheep that can’t fight back? Use your ice power? No? That’s good, then I’ll hit you until you use it!"

"Big brother, this kid really seems to have become a waste. It seems that the adults are right, his ice power is really diminishing year by year. We can't use it for being beaten like this, it seems that it really disappeared!"

"Huh! Brat, do you know now? After the power of ice is gone, your mother is a scumbag. Look, you were called a genius three years ago, but now? No more power. After that, the instructor who used to take care of you now doesn't even look at you directly. Your dead dad also hugs the wine jar and mixes with the brothel every day, exhausting the family properties that your Royal Highness has given you. You have the ability to give me cruel? Come, hit me? Hit me? Hahahahaha!"




Li, sixteen years old. Home.

"I'm back~~~! Uh...give me wine!"

"My father, you are back."

"Give me wine."

"There is no wine at home, my father."

"No wine? You can also give me money."

"My father, there is no spare money at home..."

"Damn brat!"


"Smelly boy, is this the tone of talking to your father? You, I, I have been working hard outside for the past two years. Facing my father who has not seen me for two years, you are in this tone? You unfilial son, rebellious son! Useless Waste!"


"Huh? What are you doing?...Playing chess? Are you playing chess with yourself? I babble! Something that is not promising, and I don't want to think about who inherited the Ice Emperor Teeth to you, you are so **** power. Lost it to me? You are fine. If you have time, don't try to find a way to retrieve the power of Bingdiya, but instead play this useless chess skill here? Don't forget! You still have the status of a Viscount! I Still the Viscount’s Lao!"

"Yes... Father is big..."

"Then throw these chess to me!"



"No touch! Get out for me, think carefully about the power of Bingdiya, and then get me back!"

"...Yes, my father."

"Damn, brat, you can't be honest without fighting."




Li, twenty years old. cemetery. rainstorm.

"Unfortunately, his mother died so young..."

"Because of overwork? I thought I was born with a genius, but I didn't expect it to be a flash in the pan. What a poor woman."

"Actually, I blame her for being bad. After seeing her son have the ability, she started to show off to others. Ah, I'm not saying bad things about dead people. Actually, my relationship with her is pretty good. Yes, we often talk together."

"Who said no? We are very sorry for the mother and son. He has no money in his family, and his father is missing again, or the coffin and cemetery I borrowed from him to buy."

"Ah, the coffin is here. Look, it's him. The kid who was called a genius ten years ago has now become a mediocre kid who only knows how to play chess all day."

"Oh? It's really the same as in the legend! Uh... those ice blue eyes are really scary. Will the monster in his body still stay there? He won't suddenly lose control and give Ashes Will the city bring destruction?"

"Relax, although his eyes are still blue, he has never used the power of ice again in the past ten years. He is useless. Okay, let's go and salute. I will pay when I go home later. Going to see an opera. This nasty rain is so humid."

"Forbearance, now it is the dead. You will go to the opera later? What kind of repertoire?"

"Stupid Versailles."

"Oh? That famous comedy? That's great, how about we go together too?"

"No problem! My husband is the dean of the theater, so just go back and talk to him later."

"Shh, here comes."


"This...this is!!!"

"Oh my God, something that goes against the will of God!"

"Lee Jampson Todd! Didn't I give you money to buy a coffin? Although the money is small, at least you can buy a coffin with a slightly lower quality! But...this...what is this!"

"Ice coffin?! This is an ice coffin! It's really an ice coffin made entirely of ice! My God... This is the power of a devil, Li! You demon! Father, he is a demon!!!"


"Ice coffin... my goodness, her mother's appearance is still the same as before she was alive... so beautiful and so touching... no, no, this is a fact that shouldn't happen, it's against the laws of nature! Li, you have to give Give the gods an explanation, and immediately break this ice coffin to pieces, and put your mother's body in the orthodox wooden coffin!"

"...Ladies and gentlemen. If you feel that coming to my mother's funeral is a waste of time, I'm here to send you a greeting."

"You...! You stubborn evil beast! Woo...! Good... so cold... how come? How come it is so cold?"

"It's snowing...?! It's snowing——!!! It's still July, and it's snowing!"

"Run away! This monster is awake! Run away! Run away!"

(After ten minutes, silence.)

"...Mother. My son will not be able to do anything for you in his life. You like flowers. At this moment, the ever-fading ice flower that blooms on your graveyard is just like your incompetent son. The only gift I will give you in my life."




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