Demon King Dad

: The third year story 054, the dark god

"Damn human beings, dare to suffer so much pain on my newly reborn body! I want to kill you, I want to kill you!!!"

Bingdiya's right eye was still bleeding, but it was clear that the sword that the idiot had just made it did not cause fatal injuries. Although it seems to penetrate the head, maybe the key to this monster is... not in the head.

The idiot's body was deeply plunged into a crack, he gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on the monster in front of him for a while. The hand holding Dimie didn't loosen the slightest, as if he was waiting for the moment of counterattack at any time.

"Goo...what annoying eyes...what a strong body! Human boy, your body is so strong? Then, I want to see if you can really be strong enough to make me serious!"

Accompanied by Bingdiya's angry shout, the ice layer on the ice rock immediately began to solidify. Only in a moment, the limbs of the idiot were blocked by the ice and could not move.


The white gas exhaled from his mouth. The scarlet right eye also slowly returned to the previous black at this moment. But this can't make up for the pain caused by the loss of Bingdifang's right eye! It barked its teeth and stared at the human in front of it. Thinking about what methods should be used to torture him, so that his body and mind will all suffer a great deal!

So, what can be done?

What should I do? ............ Unpleasant eyes, this kind of eyes that seem to be numb to any pain... This kind of eyes that seem to never experience fear and despair... What can I do to make people with this kind of eyes painful? , Sinking into the inescapable coldness?

"Ah! Oooh!"

At this time, a childish cry came from the side. Bingdiya used the remaining left eye to move away, and saw a human baby girl with pink hair and emerald eyes, about three years old, crying in panic there. It was this look that made this monster's thinking, sort out an idea...

"Hehehe... so that's it... By the way, through the eyes of my previous host, I have also seen this situation. Human beings, for you, is that baby girl your fatal point?"

With a wave of the crampons, an icicle instantly condenses from the air. The sharp pointed head aimed at Quilin and the bread over there, and the breath of death began to diffuse in this cave.

The idiot's eyes... opened wide.

He originally seemed to no longer have feelings for anything, but now his face was filled with a color called fear. The arms enclosed in the ice began to bulge muscles, and his body was struggling forward! Seeing all this, the beast finally showed an excited and exaggerated laugh!

"Hahaha, be afraid! Be angry! Desperate! I want you to know what a huge mistake it is to start with me! Humans... are really fun. No matter how cold they are, they will have The feelings that made me overjoyed! I am happy to appreciate your feelings, appreciate your faces on the verge of collapse. Now, I tell you again. You! Just a human being. And I..."

"It's your demon."

The condensed ice spear shot out at this moment, and instantly...

Pierced Quilin, with bread's body.




Time tends to stop.

The time in the entire cave has become an endless pause.

Idiot looking at...

He watched the ice thorn pass through Quilin, who had rushed to protect it, and then through the little bread. Then, watching the ice thorn nailed to the icicle behind, it shattered.

The red liquid swayed in a spiral shape following the flight of the ice thorn. The blood moves very slowly, and the slow idiot can even see how each drop of blood is frozen from liquid to solid.

Breathing, stopped...

The heartbeat stopped............

Thinking, stopped..................

In the scarlet world, everything seems to have fallen into eternal silence...


No shouting, no struggling. With the fall of Quilin and Little Bread who were pierced through the body, the person enclosed in the ice seemed to have given up the struggle at the same time and collapsed. He lowered his head, and his long black hair covered his eyes, so that others could not see his expression.

Bingdi's teeth cracked open his mouth and smiled. It is satisfied, and the taste of revenge is always so wonderful! Well, now, it has completely destroyed the hope of this mankind and taken away his meaning of existence. Now he should have only despair left in his heart, only anger and grief. To kill people at this time means to let these negative feelings be engraved in that soul forever. What else can excite it more than this kind of thing?


Bingdifang raised his crampons and aimed a sharp claw at the idiot's head.

"In the name of the merciful ice demon, I will give you eternal sleep."

boom--------! ! !

The giant claws grabbed it, accompanied by the flying ice sky. Under this claw, there will no longer be any life. The humble mankind has only one way to die, because no one can compete with the powerful monsters! Yes, no one!

"Hahahahaha! Humble humans, humble and small humans! Hahahahaha!"

Bingdiya smiled, because of satisfaction, let its vigilance completely relax. Maybe it was too arrogant, but it didn't notice that the surrounding air began to change. It didn't even notice that the mist that should have set off its white fur, now... it was being swallowed by darkness bit by bit.


A slight sound came from the ice and rock. It was not a human voice, it was more like the voice of some other "thing". The ice particles shattered, and the Bingdi Fang slowly withdrew his claws. It wanted to appreciate it and see what the human being was stabbed by its own claws. In front of its ice pupil, the mist slowly dispersed...


Cluck cluck. It was the sound of the chain moving.

"you you……???!!!"

In the darkness, two red rays of light appeared side by side.

"...Impossible...This is absolutely...not..."

The black smoke separated, and a left hand had already pressed the tip of the beast's nose at some point. Through the darkness, what was reflected in the eyes of Ice Emperor Fang was a completely pitch-black devil's claw, and a demon whose eyes were all stained with scarlet...devil!


Warcraft also has dignity.

Especially after mastering the supreme power, Warcraft will begin to get used to the authority that this power brings to it.

Because of its power, it has the capital to despise humanity.

Because of its power, it can show its disdain for inferior creatures without pretense.

Just like humans, no one is interested in the life and death of ants under their feet, right?

The two forelimbs of Bingdiya stepped onto the ice surface, and it struggled to raise its head, hoping to throw off the human who was pressing its nose.

"Huh...damn...human beings——!!!"

It was the devil's claw that returned it. The child blessed by the darkness exhaled, but in an instant, the pitch-black blade was inserted into the nose of Bingdifang, and the idiot's body instantly fell, pressing the monster that was about to raise its head to the ground. , Plunged into the ice.

The ice particles are flying in the air.

The huge crack spreading on the broken ice surface extended to the foot of the malignant tumor. He stared blankly at what was happening in front of him. For him, was the scene in front of him too weird and too "impossible"?


There were still weird noises in the boy's throat. And on the wound that belonged to the Beast of Ice, some freezing that was absolutely impossible to appear was gradually produced. Those Bingjiang swords and Bingdifang completely froze together, firmly suppressing it, preventing it from moving.

"Woo! Damn...humans!!!"

Warcraft is struggling, and the boy is breathing.

The white mist produced by swallowing and vomiting surrounded his mouth. Of course Bingdiya couldn't be willing to fail like this. Especially... will never be willing to just one sword... just one sword! Just lifted oneself from the top, the one who beat himself must now lie in front of this human! It began to pull its nose back, ignoring the opening of the wound. The ice layer cracked and its nose was gradually cut in half.

"It doesn't matter...I can kill him...! It was just that I was too careless...As long as I deal with you seriously, you will never defeat me! Howling——————!"

With all his strength, red crystals flew out of the completely cut nose of this monster in the scattered ice sky. But it doesn't matter, because it has been out of the control of the sword and once again has the initiative in this battle!

"Human, you should feel lucky! You are the first monkey to let me attack with all my strength!"

The snowflakes condensed in the air were thicker, and the monster opened its mouth, and the coldness in the air began to gather in its mouth. No creature can escape the cold that it has sealed in the ice with all its strength, even the "thing" still locked in the ice and rock can't resist it!



As long as it spit out completely, I believe this ice cave will be frozen again.

Yes, as long as it can vomit, no one can get out of here alive.

as long as……

It spit out.


Black snowflakes fall from the top of the head.

Accompanied by the black snow coming, there was a soft moan like a summer worm.

The sound is not long, just a moment in time.

Then, Bingdiya, who was originally looking down, saw the zenith of the ice cave. In addition, he also saw his headless body and the human being standing silently on his shoulders with only one turn, holding the sword.


In my ears, I heard the sound of hitting the ground. The remaining eye of Bingdifang still looked at the ceiling, watched his body sway there, looked at the originally quiet neck, and suddenly sprayed out a fountain of blood. Finally, it saw those eyes...

The red pupils stared at it. At this last moment, this ice monster truly felt what was called fear and what was called...



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