Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 076, the first confrontation

"I, will act."

The idiot watched the director silently. In the air that was supposed to be summer, some ice crystals that should never exist were slowly emerging.

The director did not expect that the idiot really felt that he was not embarrassed enough, and that he was really going to fight? However, he was not unprepared for this, so he withdrew his hand and sneered: "The official performance will start at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, and all the staff will arrive two hours in advance. Finish the meal before 5 o'clock, and then gather here. If you dare to be late, hum! Wait for the fine!"

After all, the director left the idiot and went to discuss with other actors about tomorrow's performance.


Starry night, above sea level.

Open the small door at the back of the stage, and what appears in front of you is a beautiful view of water and sky.

The sky full of stars is reflected in the water, it seems that there is no sea, and people are like being among the stars in the sky.

Only the sound of the rushing waves reminded me that this place is still the world...

The idiot was holding Bun by the hand. At this moment, Mili got a small boat from somewhere and rowed to the door. The idiot looked at her and was silent for about ten seconds before jumping off with a small bread.

The hull sank slightly, but then floated again. These restraints on the idiot made him consume a lot of energy in the sudden change just now, and the sweat soaked through his clothes. But these weights are really only for him alone and have no effect on foreign objects.

Receiving the idiot, Mi Li bit her lower lip and started rowing hard. She rowed very slowly, and, moreover, she rowed badly. It can be seen that she is not accustomed to rowing. After inserting the paddle into the water with her two thin arms, it took a lot of effort to move the water surface.

After a while, Mili's nose began to sweat. In the process, the idiot let go of the bun and stared at her closely. But after observing for a while, he finally reached out his hand--

"Give me the oar."

Mi Li panicked when she heard what an idiot said. She hurriedly rowed the oars harder, and at the same time said anxiously: "Female slave... Female slave can do it! Please sit down... Female slave can definitely...!"

The idiot did not give Mili a chance, but grabbed the oar. Mili, who had lost control of the boat, froze for a moment. After the idiot started rowing, she pulled her arms to the stern, lowered her head, and sobbed softly for her uselessness.

In fact, she was worried. The idiot took the oars not only for speed, but also for safety. In this vast ocean, holding an oar in your hand means controlling the boat. Of course, it is also safer for itself.


The oar pushed aside the sea of ​​broken stars and moved slowly to the shore. The quiet surroundings made time seem to freeze. This kind of serenity was even infected with the buns. She lay on the side of the boat, stretched her hand into the water, and let the cool water run over her wrist.

Starlight and moonlight complement each other, bringing a silvery white to the world. After sobbing a few times, Mi Li stopped crying. She raised her head boldly and looked at the idiot who was holding the oar and slowly paddling back. She secretly looked at the idiot's emotionless face, watching his movements, simple but powerful...

"His Majesty……"

After swallowing her saliva, Mili asked——

"Tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

The idiot did not answer, he just continued to row the boat.

"The female slave... The female slave can help your Majesty...! If it is just some simple decorations, the female slave should be able to do it in one night...!"

"……………………To shut up."

Mi Li's enthusiasm was only exchanged for a ruthless idiot. Mili was so surprised, sobbing again, and shrank. But soon she discovered that the oars on both hands had stopped paddling while the idiot was scolding herself. And his eyes, which looked at the bread, have already looked at the sea about five meters to the left of the ship.

The sea level in the distance is extremely prosperous, dotted with stars...

But in the sea that is so close at hand, the darkness and depth occupy everything.

over there……

In this quiet environment where you can almost hear your heartbeat...

Under the black sea like ink...

A green light...

But from the darkness, it came through.


Mi Li was taken aback, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand and forced to execute the idiot's "shut up" command. She quickly looked towards the right side of the boat, and saw that it was also about five meters away from the boat, and a green light was also faintly transmitted under the deep sea! And in the middle of these two lights is my own boat...

A small boat that can almost be ignored by the ocean waters.

Little Bread didn't seem to notice the green light five meters away, and still fiddled with the splash. Is it an illusion? As she continued to fiddle, the two green lights under the sea seemed to rise slightly. When the bun fiddled with the splash again, the idiot gently hugged her and pressed her hands. Little Bread was a little reluctant at first, but when she saw the two green lights in the sea, the dissatisfaction of this little girl also solidified into fear in an instant...

Boat, moor...

A small boat without any propelling force drifts with the wind in the sea breeze. The coastline, which was getting closer and closer, slowly moved away in front of the three of them, but only the two green rays under the sea surface were still like ghosts, clinging to the bottom of the boat...


The idiot's black pupils slowly spread.

This pair of eyes with no focal length, no pupils, and empty eyes began to feed back the green light below the ocean. In the misty sea breeze, he just looked under the sea surface like this, did not speak, did not move, just silently watched... watched...

……………………………… gurgling.

A bubble burst out of the dark sea, bulging and cracking beside the ship. Then, the two green lights in the sea began to slowly decline, and finally, they were finally covered by the pitch black and disappeared into the deep sea...

Puff through.

As the green light faded, Mi Li finally couldn't hold it, and collapsed on the boat. Her breathing was rapid, and her clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and she even looked a little collapsed.

The idiot's pupils gradually recovered. At this moment, he did not continue rowing, but sat on the boat, holding a small bread.


Are you afraid?

Fear is human self-protection consciousness.

Those who are afraid will know how to think and how to weigh their own weight in the environment.

People who don't fear anything can only be regarded as idiots, who will only challenge opponents who are far beyond their own abilities. People must learn to be afraid, learn to avoid and deal with dangers, because God gives you the ability to live better.

Fear is not a shame. It is a warning.

A warning that tells you that you are in danger now, you must tighten your nerves at any time, be vigilant, and avoid those dangers.

And the sewer rats are even more sacred to this warning, faithfully implementing every rule of nature, and have survived in this cruel world.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Mili finally couldn't help it, and cried. She kept muttering, seeking a support. When she saw the idiot sitting across from her, the tremor of her body eased slightly. If her Majesty can hug her and give her more comfort at this time...Of course, she also knows that this is completely for her. An extravagant hope.

Little Bread also saw the green light just now. When she was young, she seemed to have inherited the idiot's sensitivity very well. She looked wilted and depressed, and she did not dare to let go of her clothes for a moment. About half a minute later, the idiot took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, stroked the little girl's hair, and comforted her.

Three minutes later, the idiot raised the oar again and started rowing. This time, he rowed very fast, and the boat was breaking the waves on the sea. Soon, the boat slid back to the beach. At the moment when the bottom of the boat ran aground, the idiot finally exhaled in complete relaxation, stretched out his hand, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Human kid, it seems that you are scared?"

The blood pupil in the chain opened, with a mocking tone, smiling.

The idiot lowered his head and glanced at the blood pupil on his right arm. At this moment, the bun still clutched the idiot's clothes tightly, and refused to let go. The idiot hugged her, stroking her hair and back.


"Hahaha! I'm right? But it's okay. I didn't mean to laugh at you. It's normal to know that it's normal to be afraid. That's not a shame. I won't talk about what you are afraid of this time and then take it out everywhere Talking to others~~~"

The idiot still stroked Little Bread's back to make the little girl feel safer. He did not respond to the sarcasm of the dark, because on this beach, something more important attracted him.

"Oh~~! The prince of the beach tonight is me!"

"This kebab is good."

"Someone is dancing hula over there, let's go and see."

Compared to the quiet beach night seven days ago, the night before the celebration was so lively. People are everywhere on the east and west beaches at this moment, and many activities have already started in advance, attracting tourists to enjoy the carnival here.

"It's funny, isn't it?"

Anmie secretly glanced at these people coming and going, and smiled: "Now, I understand why the beach was so quiet seven days ago. However, we seem to have some more important questions to ask directly. Isn't it? Just ask the fisherman who was thrown into the sea like trash by the little olive princess during the day."

The idiot turned his head, and the old fisherman was sitting there respectfully during the day on the rocky beach slightly away from the lively coastline. Seeing this, the idiot immediately took a step, and before the mili behind could reflect, he rushed over.

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