Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 042

Ah. I am very interested in thinking of it! "

In the mansion, Charlton took a sip of the wine glass. Looking at Einstein and Sandou who left the company outside the window, Charlton smiled knowingly again, seeing both of them with terrible faces.

"Do you want a glass? This wine tastes really good." The bald man handed over a glass of wine, but a male servant beside him refused with a smile. He was standing in front of the window with his hands on his back. The cold eyes under the "smile" were staring at the two who left. He didn't even look at the wine glass that Charlton handed over.

"It's cool. These two guys feel uncomfortable looking at them. If you can kill these two guys quietly this time, you will breathe a sigh of ill will for me!"

Charlton put down his wine glass, sat in his seat alone and slowly tasted.

"Hahaha" After these two guys die, I will copy their homes! That guy Einstein usually likes to spend money, he shouldn't have much savings. But Wang Dalufu should have a lot, hehehe, those two guys always talk about each other, watching me copy their family history this time. "

The maid looked at him, and turned around after the two figures left their sight. The cold eyes under the mask looked at Charlton silently, after thirty seconds of silence."

"What does Hegate's death have to do with you."

Charlton was drinking with a sudden shock and began to cough violently. He put down his wine glass and looked at the male servant in front of him. After a while, he laughed again

"Heh, why did you suddenly talk about this?"

The maid did not answer,

But his eyes were still staring at this person. Staring at this person who is so familiar with Hegate and so clear.

Oh, forget it, it's nothing to tell you. "

Maybe it’s because the male servant has completely gained Charlton’s trust. He picked up the wine glass, shook it, and said, "Yes, I killed that girl. Twenty years ago, I personally killed that country girl. The body is separated and thrown away."


Outside the window, a muffled thunder flashed. And the male servant still looked indifferently."

"Ah, think about it now, that girl's taste is really good. At that time, these two **** always pointed at me and the current Majesty's behavior, and they were so annoying. So I made an idea and got his sister. Come, let your majesty enjoy it."

With this, Charlton raised his head and humbled the ceiling. With a smile on his mouth, nostalgia in his eyes

"At that time, your Majesty was really pure, and he couldn't even start with the tightly tied little girl. It took me a lot of effort to help his Majesty put his "Holy Body." Tucked into the body of that soil bun girl. Think about it, it's really hard. "

Charlton touched his chin and continued to smile

"That. The resistance of the country girl was really fierce. But soon, Your Majesty understood what to do. After two slaps, the girl Lixuan was honest. Haha. It's really interesting. The girl kept crying after she stopped struggling. It’s said that women have the most tears, I see, that’s right!"

"Your Majesty is happy to play, and I also played with it. The country buns have poor skills, but fortunately they are tight enough underneath. And they have a pumpkin scent when they dry. Well, that tastes really good. Then I think about it, me and Your Majesty must have been lingering on the soil bun girl because of this smell, for a week."

Charlton recalled. But soon, his aftertaste became a sigh."

"But, it's a pity" the girl doesn't know current affairs. You know, how many people in this world want to be your majesty's woman? She has not only become, but also the first woman of His Majesty. What a glory this is! But, she actually wanted to escape? Therefore, the country dumplings just can't make it to the table, no matter how long they have been, they are still a dumpling. "

Outside the window, the thunder of thunder continued.

The gloomy sky was shrouded in dense darkness.

The maid listened, silently.

He watched the person in front of him narrate in detail how to dismember Hegate and how to throw away the broken limbs. He also listened to this person describing the sorrow that Einstein and Sandou showed after they discovered Hegate's body. Then, laugh.

"Huh? Are you leaving now?"

The servant closed his eyes and opened. He opened the door, stepped out slowly, and melted into the darkness in this corridor without any lighting,

"It's really interesting, isn't it?"

Walking on the quiet streets, the blood pupils exude a scarlet color.

The idiot was silent and went on.

"The inferiority of human beings is really impressive. No matter in any age, the incompetent will always be jealous of the capable. In order to be afraid of others to squeeze themselves down, in order to protect their own interests, they are always thinking about how to frame others so that others will not It’s better. Sometimes, even when I’m not good at all, I do this kind of thing."

"At the same time, human inferiority is accompanied by human stupidity. But then again, if I were a hostile country to the Kingdom of Death, I am afraid I would like that Charlton and the current king very much. If it is their adversary, I will definitely not let them die. Instead, I will let them live well. Enjoy more life! It’s just old, but not. So, their stupidity gives me a kind of The urge to kill them."

The Annihilation was chattering there, but the idiot was a little annoyed. He glanced at his right arm and said slowly in his heart

"Isn't his behavior just what you want."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, human kid." The blood pupils dilated, and he laughed, "Evil and stupidity are two different things. Although I am a demons, I only approve of evil, not stupidity."

"Any ruler should know that maintaining the loyalty of the subjects is actually a very important thing. Let's not talk about trying to make them work for themselves. This kind of self-destructive thing is even more impossible."

"It's a pity, human kid. All previous boarders before you have more or less committed this problem. Especially human males."

"After possessing me and possessing the supreme power and power, many of them will start to think of women, thinking that women in the world, regardless of race, should belong to them."

"This is not wrong, and I support it. But they are so stupid to compete with their subordinates for women? And some even attack their wives and sisters."

The idiot closed his eyes and walked silently.

"Such stupidity and arrogance eventually led to destruction. Your former host was even more stupid and sealed me for a thousand years. Hey, once in a while, I even wondered if I would never choose humans or even male creatures. Where is my host? I didn't expect that I chose you?"

"Speaking of which, human boy. Will you make such a stupid mistake? Will you struggle with women?,, oh, I was wrong. You can be quiet when facing beautiful girls naked For the guys, this question itself is my stupidity


The idiot didn't speak again, no one was chatting in the dark, and he became bored again. After it was silent for about a minute, it began to retaliate.

"By the way, human kid, speaking of women, I have a question for you. Although I am not opposed to your promiscuity, nor do I object to your sowing everywhere. In other words, I fully support your actions. But Why do you seem to have no interest in women’s nudity? Seriously, your calmness when facing that red-haired girl surprised me. I believe that 99% of men can’t help but rush in that situation Go up and let it out."


"Cut, habitual silence? Well, you should also know what habitual silence means to you? Do you want to hear me nagging? Still want to hear me sing? I remember, there was a depraved one The elf female was chosen by me to board. She sings really well. Would you like to hear me repeat it?"

The idiot took a breath, then, exhaling, he slowly raised his head, looked ahead, and took a step forward.

Only a woman's body is a weapon. "

"Hehe, what do you mean by finally opening the chatterbox?"

"Even the strongest person. There are ears that can die under a woman's body and become a ghost of unjust death."


"Once, such an incident happened in Sennag. A very strong bandit group occupied the whole street and charged protection fees. If anyone refused to accept it, they would smash, burn, kill and looting."

"An ordinary family refused to pay, and both parents were killed by the boss of the bandit group. At that time, their daughter escaped because of hiding in the water tank."

"That girl is very weak and has no power. She has no chance of winning against a powerful bandit group. In addition, the bandit group has colluded with the mayor of Sennag, not to mention the strength of the bandit leader itself, just He was accompanied by many younger brothers when he entered and exited.

It is impossible to take revenge. "

"Hehe, it's really difficult. Then? What did that little girl do?"

Only she, went the other way. "

"She became a prostitute. She began to laugh in the wind. Because of her appearance and good service, she soon gained a small reputation. The robber boss heard about it, so he recruited her and wanted to play with her."

"Hahaha! I see, it must be that girl who hid the dagger, and then after entering, she killed the boss while he was unprepared?"

Only stone"

"The bandit regiment is very tightly guarded. Before being sent to the boss's room, the girl was ordered to take off all her clothes, not even a pair of socks. Someone checked her hair carefully, for fear of what was hidden in her hair. Needle. She was put in after the examination was over."

"So? How did she succeed?"

She knew that she couldn't beat that boss. Even if you really sneak a weapon in, you may not be able to successfully kill the opponent in the fight, but you may lose your life. "

"So, she came up with a foolproof method."

"what way?"

"Smear the poison in your body."

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