Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 036, I will not lie to you

"Remember, you can't do anything extra than what I ordered. As long as you strictly follow my requirements, I promise you can squeeze into the first team of six."

After the idiot left this sentence, he turned and left and continued to deal with the next thing. On the other hand, Father Nan stood there blankly, holding the magic crystal card in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Steady win?

Father Nan thought about what the idiot said, and sat on the bench. He raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. After a while, he took the picture of his daughter from his arms and looked at it carefully.

This is his daughter...

That daughter who has been very strange to herself since some time.

Working outside for a long time, to make money for this family, the result can be obtained, but the wife and others ran away, and the daughter also ran away from home and no longer recognized herself...

As a life, you are really a loser... isn't it?

Nan's father tremblingly stretched out his hand and gently stroked the tied young woman in the photo, who passed out into a coma. Excited for a while, tears could not help but overflow...

Think about it carefully, when was the last time this daughter talked to herself?

The Holy Eve Festival two months ago? Or earlier?

She hasn't spoken to herself...

It's been a long time...I haven't called myself father...


A soft call came out from under the mask...

The rain fell.

This father bears the rain, holding the photo, shoulders, and slowly sobbing...

"My father-in-law!"

Suddenly, a voice came from there.

Father Nan raised his head and, through the drizzle, saw Mike running over quickly. Seeing this person, Nan's father immediately became nervous and put the photo into his arms.

"You... what do you mean?!"

"My father-in-law!"

Under the rain, Mike rushed to Father Nan and knelt down. He knocked his head heavily on the ground, and the sound of crying also came out of the mask.

"My father-in-law, I... I was wrong! I'm sorry... I'm real... Really... I'm so sorry!"

I'm afraid this is the first time that Father Nan can see Mike, an invincible person, kneeling in front of him. Right now, the rain has made the ground very muddy. And Mike just lay in the mud, kowtowing and crying loudly.

"I'm not a human! I **** it! I...I'm the most undesirable thing! I shouldn't treat Xiaoya like this... I really know... how wrong my previous actions were!"

Even the stupidest person would not believe that Mike would suddenly change his mind at this time. Father Nan was obviously hurt by Mike before, and now, he just sits in his seat coldly, despising this guy who has insulted him many times.

"You're wrong? I don't remember where you were wrong. Are you not good at it? And now, aren't you in the leading group? If I didn't calculate it should have scored 10 points this round, right? You have won! Old guys like me can only be eliminated. Why are you confessing to me?"

Mike pressed his head tightly in the mud, and while sobbing, he explained his current situation to his father. It was so easy that he explained everything. Father Nan also understood, and he couldn't help but glanced at the fool's room over there, feeling greatly relieved.

Finally...Finally, this beast finally failed to win! Hahaha...great...there is finally someone in this world who can restrain this brute!

After listening, Father Nan finally understood his current high position. He took out an umbrella from the room, held it on it, sat on the chair, and looked at Mike in the shower leisurely.

"Huh, just admit your mistake now? It's too late! You have nowhere to go, you are already lost! Now, you have to pay off the debt owed to my daughter in one lump sum! Hahaha, happy, happy! See you This blood-sucking demon is kneeling here now, and I can't tell you how happy! Hahahaha—!"

Mike continued to lie on his stomach, letting the rain beat on his body. He silently endured the insults and kicks of his father, without resisting at all.

Enough father scolded enough, kicked enough, and then looked at him contentedly. The middle-aged man snorted and said loudly: "Now, since you know that you are wrong, let me go! I don't want to see you again, and I don't want to hear your voice again!"

Having said that, Father Nan turned around and wanted to enter his room. But he didn't expect that Mike suddenly rushed up, hugged his leg, and called for help.

"Father-in-law! Please... I know I did something wrong before, please give me a chance! Please... Give me a chance to make up for the past!"

"Who is your father-in-law? You **** made me not enough?!"

"Yes, Father-in-law, I'm a bastard! I also know that I was sorry for a lot of things before! But... But even if you don't take it for my sake, please take it for Xiaoya's sake, OK?! "

"My daughter was deceived by you! It's too late for me to kill you!"

"No, no, no! Father-in-law, you are completely misunderstood! I am afraid you have always thought that Xiaoya is completely depraved, right? But...actually, she didn't! I admit...I took Xiaoya away for the first time... …But so far, I am the only man in Xiaoya’s life! She did not go to so-called promiscuity, she has been with me since the beginning!"

"so what?"

"So what?!" Mike raised his head, facing the muddy mask to his father, and said loudly, "Father-in-law! Maybe our relationship is not very good, but I want to make a solemn announcement to you One thing! Xiaoya and I really love each other...Although...I can't treat you so nicely because of Xiaoya...but...I really love your daughter!"

Mike's voice was trembling, full of sincerity and sincerity. But with these alone, it is impossible to impress Father Nan. He has been deceived enough, how could he be deceived again based on a few words of this person?

"Huh, really love her? If you really love her, do you still do things like this? You still let her touch drugs that shouldn't be touched?!"

"Yes... it's my fault... it's my negligence... But your father-in-law, you think, if I don't love her, why should I come to this muddy water? If I am not trying to save Xiaoya, I Why do you want to win the game? To put it bluntly, 10,000 Sura is a lot of money, but as the son of the Baron, I don’t mean that ten thousand Sura can be so attractive. ! Can I run here for ten thousand Sura and put my life in the hands of the kidnappers?"

Father Nan's movements paused for a while, and a little hesitation appeared in his eyes under the black mask. Mike hesitated when he saw Father Nan, and he hurriedly worked hard and said, "Don't worry! I assure you, Father-in-law! When this incident is over, I will go to the church to take the oath with Xiaoya! I want to marry her , Let her be a baroness! Then, I will spend my whole life treating her well! In addition to her, I will honor you well and take good care of our unborn child! I will get lost Know it, never again..."

"Wait, wait! You... what did you... just say?!"

Father Nan suddenly stopped Mike, his eyes widened and he grabbed Mike by the shoulder.

"What did you say?"

Mike's eyes looked confused. After thinking about it, he said, "I mean... I will marry Xiaoya and take care of you..."

"No, no, no! The last...the last sentence! You...what did you say?!" Father Nan's arm trembled, apparently hearing something that surprised him.

Mike thought about it again, and then said, "I mean...for our unborn...child?"


Difficult father grabbed Mike and roared loudly: "Child?! Xiaoya...Xiaoya she...she?!"

Mike let his father hold it and nodded, his eyes looked extremely sincere: "Yes, father-in-law. She has my child in her belly for four months. But... I remember she should be during the Holy Eve Did you go home? Why, didn't she tell you?"

Finally, Father Nan let go of Mike and collapsed on the bench. The dark night was splashed with rain water, poured directly on his body, got in from the mask, and embedded in his skin.

Raindrops rushed down in the early morning night sky.

The people hiding from the rain in the house listened to the stern voices.

The rain hit the mud, and pulled out a cry like a scream. The listener is bored, but can’t stop...

Will this rain stop?

Can the prisoners who don’t know where they are also able to see...hear...the silent drizzle?




"…………………………I'll help you."

I don't know how much time passed before Father Nan finally spoke. He looked at the kneeling man in front of him, a little helpless, but he seemed to nod in relief.


"I'll help you. Tell me, what can I do to help you. But don't try to lie to me. If your suggestion makes me unsatisfied, I can go back anytime."

Nan's father was still wary, he snorted, and took the insurance first.

"Ha ha ha, no problem, no problem! Father-in-law, how could I lie to you at this point?"

After receiving forgiveness from his difficult father, Mike finally smiled. He quickly stood up from the mud, and approached the "father-in-law" with a hippy smile, and said: "According to my observation, it rained suddenly just now, so the members of your group have not exchanged Su Pull, right? And, your father-in-law, there should be a Sura in the card."

Father Nan touched his pocket with the magic crystal card and nodded. At the same time, he became more vigilant.

"Yes. So, what do you want."

"Hehe, I don't want to be so bad. First, let me talk to Master Nan about the current situation."

"As of the 13th round just now, my score was 7 points. If I didn't score this round and the next, then I would be deducted 5 points. By the end of the 15th round, The blacksmith, the prince, and the broom star, who were originally at the bottom, can get 7 points. In this way, I will become a loser and accept the punishment that I don't know what it is."

Difficult father forgot, it is true. Afterwards, he continued to wait for Mike to finish.

"In this situation, if I want to win completely, it is impossible. However, even if I can't win, I don't want to be the last loser. So, I hope this game and wait In the fifteenth game, I can keep no points deducted, so that's it.

Father Nan frowned and said, "How do you keep it?"

"Hehe, it's very simple. Father-in-law, in this round and the next round, you first give me the Sura in your magic crystal card and let me go to register. Then, I will return the Sura to you. . In this way, I will not be deducted. And the one Sura in your hand remains unchanged, you can continue to work with your team members. In this way, after the fifteenth inning, my score will be the same Those three are the same, with 7 points. I just asked, although we said that the bottom four of us are going to be eliminated, afterwards, there will be a knockout match to determine the real loser. Father-in-law, I don’t expect you to free me from being eliminated, but as long as you can give me another chance, I...I will be satisfied."

Father Nan looked at the time and then at the scoring table in his hand. Then, his gaze glanced at Mike. But after thinking about it, he immediately noticed something was wrong, and quickly said, "No! I will give you a Sura, but if you return two of it when you return it to me, then I will deduct a point. , And you add one point? No way, no way! This is definitely not good!"

Mike lowered his head again and sobbed: "I know...I know my credit is very low! But my father-in-law, this time your operation is absolutely safe! Because, whether it is input or output, you will do it all by yourself. Done! My magic crystal card... has been handed over to you!"

After speaking, Mike put the card in his hand into Father Nan's hand, and then stood aside. On the other hand, Father Nan looked at the card in his hand in surprise, and then looked at the sincere Mike in front of him. He didn't know what to do for a while.

is it safe?

The input and output are all done by yourself...The magic crystal card is in your hands. Looks like... There should be no safer thing than this, right?

Finally, Father Nan reluctantly agreed after thinking about it, and unable to think of the shortcomings of this method. He took the card in Mike's hand and walked to the two cabins. Personally plug into the terminal. In order to prevent Mike from suddenly rushing into the first cabin to operate when he entered another cabin, Nanfu even opened the door and stared at Mike during the input and output process. However, Mike really did what he said, not moving, waiting obediently. It wasn't until Father Nan came out of the cabin and returned Mike's card to him that he took it with grateful hands. V

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