Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 105, the blood train

105, blood train

The idiot stepped aside and let the person who came out of the toilet come out. At the moment he passed by, this long-haired girl with plain glasses immediately attracted his attention.

The girl still wears a red headscarf on her head. Wrist guards are also worn on both wrists. She also saw an idiot, and for the boy who passed her by, she also watched. The two stood at the door of the toilet for a while, staring at each other.

She... should have noticed too.

He noticed that the boy in front of him was the man with the little girl in the library that day. The two took advantage of the moment when they were looking at each other carefully again. After only a second, the two turned their heads, back to back, and separated.

Idiots don't know what the turban girl thinks. How an idiot thinks, Dim Mie is also uncommitted. This is just a very brief encounter, and then, respectively...


Suddenly, an impossible thing appeared outside the car window. It was two human bodies broken in two. It was night at this time, but under the clear moonlight, the corpse that fell backwards was abnormal. Clear

Some people in the carriage looking at the scenery outside were stunned at this moment. But their surprise hadn't even turned into screams, but the corpse that had swept backwards suddenly exploded at this moment, like an arrow on a bowstring, and all shot at the car window. .

Time has no room for idiot thinking. He quickly got down on the ground. Almost at the moment he lay down, countless broken glass sounded. Those passengers who originally sat in front of the window and watched the scenery happily did not wait to scream, their heads and bodies had been penetrated by the needle of flesh and blood. It was just a moment, all the train windows facing the corpse side Being shot through, blood and death, at this moment, completely filled the carriage.


Finally, the screams rose, and the survivors in the carriage clutched their blood-stained hands, looked at the corpse who had lost their lives without knowing anything, and screamed in horror. The originally clean floor was immediately stained red with blood, and some people's bodies were smashed by these blood needles, and their bodies were lying on the ground with incomplete bones.

The idiot raised his head, facing the misery in the car, without saying a word. Behind him, the turban girl also slowly straightened up at this moment, with no expression on her dull face. After the two looked at each other again for a second, the girl in the turban immediately turned around, rushed to the people who were injured by the blood nails, and tore off her sleeves to help them wrap them up. The idiot immediately jumped up and rushed straight to the car ahead.

Bread... Bread... Bread...

The car door was violently knocked open, and in the several cars passing by, the casualties were no less than those in the back car. The ground was full of wounded people. Some people smashed out of the box door in pain, clutching their arms that had been broken by blood nails and screamed and ran out. The idiot didn't have time to pay attention to these people. He pushed open the door to the dining car and greeted...

It was the surprised, dull expressions of everyone inside.

The dining car was not attacked. Little Bread lay on the window, staring behind the glass in horror. Others also stood blankly, at a loss.


With a cry, the bun turned his head. After seeing the idiot, she finally couldn't bear the panic in her heart, so she cried out. Then he threw himself into the arms of the idiot. When the idiot saw that the bun was okay, the rock hanging in his heart was finally put down. He pressed the bread's head hard and put his arms around her small body, as if he was afraid that she would leave him again.

The magic train was still moving forward, and the blood falling from the carriage had stained the rear track red. After a while, the train palm finally ran over from the front. After seeing that this car was not attacked, he was taken aback for a while and immediately ran to the back car. A few minutes later, he ran back again and said loudly, "Is there a doctor here? Is there a doctor we need a doctor urgently"

The horrified expression on the palm of the car has fully explained the seriousness of the matter. Walnut froze for a while, and immediately took the palm of the car's hand and said, "What's the matter?"

"What's going on? I don't know what's going on. Are you a doctor? Or a nurse? Know medical knowledge?"

Walnut froze for a moment, shook her head in frustration, and let go. The palm of the car was anxious, and he was about to rush forward after shaking off the walnut's hand. But at this time, a slightly immature voice suddenly sounded from there. The idiot looked in the direction of the sound, and the figure greeted him, even his jet-black pupils could not help but expand.

"I am a nun, and I still know how to use medical treatment."

The blind nun wearing a headscarf slowly stood up. There is worry on her face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth has now turned into worry.

Looking at the nun, the idiot couldn't help but moved the bread back to protect it. At the same time, he had secretly pulled out the dark and hid it in his sleeve. When the nun's face turned to his side, his mood became even more tense, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

The big devil...Sasha.

This once made idiots fall into extreme fear and possessed a pair of demons capable of destroying a small town in an instant. Although it has been two years now, the town of Tubbs two years ago was only a moment away. Ten thousand lives disappeared in a blink of an eye. . This... is the demon in a fully awakened state... Sequence 21, the power of the great demon?

As Sasha took a step forward, the idiot couldn't help taking a step back. He pulled the bread and quietly stepped aside. When the little nun passed by in front of him, he couldn't even stop breathing. Fortunately, the little nun just followed the palm of the car like an amnesty to the rear. She did not stop or respond to the idiot beside her. It seems...she probably didn't notice herself.

It wasn't until the nun left the carriage and went to the back that the idiot breathed a sigh of relief and retracted the tightly pinched Dimie back into his arm.

"Idiot, what's the matter? Behind... Behind the end..."

Walnut held her hand nervously and walked over. The idiot stopped her wanting to go back, and shook her head gently. Walnut was a little puzzled at first, but after seeing the idiot's serious eyes, her feet softened and she sat down next to her.

"This is really the end of the world..."

As Apricot's guardian knights, the two big men saw their bodies explode in the air, and the blood spikes pierced the carriage behind them, their bodies stiffened. They put their hands on their chests and kept praying. Xing, who was their leader, was also lying in his seat now, pale and silent.

The train was advancing along the track, and the howls and screams echoed along its way.

The whole train is like a hell, with broken limbs and blood everywhere, and the smell of death is full of smell, enough to make anyone crazy and desperate.

Due to its remote location and no humans, the train had to go to the temporary base outside the Iron City at full speed. During this time, the idiot kept guarding the bread in the room, guarding everything. Walnut and Xing, the aunts and nieces, hugged and stayed in their room, guarded by the two guardian knights. Waiting for the arrival of the closer and closer destination...

However, in this hell, there are still people willing to come forward. The strength of the little nun's vertical stone has become a miracle in this train at this moment. She worked tirelessly to shuttle between carriages, constantly using her strength to rescue those injured. For this nun who kept her eyes closed and encouraged everyone with a gentle smile, people began to feel a little hope in hell, and the title of "Blind Saint" was also spread in this carriage.

But besides her, there is another person who is constantly busy.

The girl with a turban on her head did not use any vertical stone power. She still uses traditional scalpels and various drugs. She swiftly helped the wounded to sew up the wound, deal with congestion, and use different amounts of herbal medicine according to the situation of the wounded. Although compared to the nun who quickly healed with vertical stone power, her speed was indeed much slower. However, the stability of the wounds treated by her is not inferior to that of the blind saint.

Finally, on the night of the third day, the train finally reached the end of the journey. The Copper Mine Town, located in the frontline base supporting the Iron City, originally thought that a large number of rescues would come, but what they never thought was that it was such a blood-stained train that came here. After the train stopped, various rescues immediately followed. Make the already busy copper mining town even more chaotic and unbearable.

The idiot pulled the bun and slowly got out of the car. He couldn't help those wailing and miserable conditions, and didn't want to help. After all, this trip has begun to exceed his estimates. Not only Walnut, but the appearance of the two apricots, even the big demon he had been worried about, who would never easily obey orders, appeared here?


(Hehe, human boy, I can detect the fear and fear in your heart. Why, did the subordinate who appeared suddenly show his hand in front of you, so you are so surprised?)

The idiot shook his head and looked at Sasha who got off there. Her body was covered with blood spots, but everyone knew that this was the blood that she was stained to save people. But in the eyes of an idiot, this nun covered in blood is the best portrayal of her.

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