Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 110, aftershocks

110, aftershocks

The idiot carried apricots on his back and carefully slid down the steep mountain wall. After the earthquake, the mountain walls were so soft that they would slide almost every step they took, making it almost impossible to step down.

Finally, it finally reached the foot of the mountain. The sight in front of me is even more speechless.

The towering city walls collapsed, and the gorgeous buildings inside were all in ruins without exception. The streets have been buried in the gravel, and the Cathedral of Our Lady in the very center of the Iron City is now in bad condition. The towering cross has been drooped. At this moment, the solemnity and splendor of the past shattered into ugly glass and destroyed candlesticks.

"Aunt, see...what?"

Walnut followed closely behind the idiot, and glanced over those walking in the ruins. Everyone's body is covered with dust, and their faces and bodies are all wounds. Some people were even bleeding, lying in the ruins.

However, they are lucky.

Because between the broken bricks, a rotten arm was dug out by the rescue team formed by the people here. Under the deep gravel and mud, buried corpses were one after another that couldn't even grieve.

Walnut did not answer Xing's question. She originally thought she could survive any devastating disaster. But watching those helpless people sitting beside the ruins in a daze, watching the corpses being dug out from the ruins and the smell of corpses in the air, she could say nothing.

Stepping into the city, the eyes of the people around raised up, and after a glance at the idiot, they lowered their heads again.

"In such a situation, one's power is useless at all."

The idiot swept across the miserable situation before his eyes and said slowly.

The movement of Xing's arm around the idiot's neck became tighter. Although Walnut didn't want to admit it, she couldn't help but nodded and walked up.

"Originally I thought...we people can be helpful...but we can't do anything for such a big disaster...such a big city, so many people...just an idiot, how may……"

Xiao Bread pulled the idiot's clothes and hid behind her, looking at the surrounding environment. When she saw a six or seven-year-old girl who had obviously not eaten for several days, she squatted there with yellow and thin face, she thought about it, and immediately took off her backpack and took out the dry food. Walnut knew immediately when he saw it. Anyway, she doesn't like eating her own food. Therefore, the two smiled at each other and immediately walked up.

The idiot was observing the surroundings, and when he noticed, the two men were already there. And the bread has already handed out the dry food...

"Cannot be recovered"

The idiot suddenly yelled, stepped forward, and grabbed the food in Walnut's hand. Unfortunately, the food in the bread's hands was still in the hands of the child...

"What are you nervous about? It's not eating your food, why can't you have a little sympathy?"

Walnut pulled **** the wrist that was grasped by the idiot, but the scene in front of her immediately made her stunned for an instant.



"There is food"

"For me to eat"

"I'm so hungry, give me something to eat"

"Sympathize with me, I haven't eaten anything for seven days"

"For me to eat————"

At the moment when the child grabbed the dry food and ate, many victims appeared like ghosts from nowhere. They stared with yellow eyes and stretched out scrawny fingers, rushing from all directions. There was hunger, thirst and animality on their faces. At first they were walking, but as some refugees behind began to run, the refugees in front rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Little Bread was terrified. She quickly took out all the food from her backpack and sprinkled it on the heads of those people. A small part of the victims immediately stretched out their hands to grab the dry food, but more victims still flocked to the idiots, the animalism in their eyes was enough to make people feel scared.

Walnut was also frightened. In astonishment, her backpack was grabbed by a disaster victim, her body tilted, and her backpack was torn away. She watched the victims constantly scrambling for her backpack, and even fought for a small piece of bread, breaking their heads. After a few pieces of cakes were so beautiful, the hungry victims once again turned their eyes on the walnuts and small bread, and rushed towards them.

"Take it for me"

Walnut was scared, she hurriedly guarded the bread, and yelled in horror: "No, it's gone, you don't pester us anymore"

"Lying to eat, handing over what was eaten to eat and eat————"

The two victims finally rushed to the front. But before they reached out to the walnut and bread, a sword had already opened a hole in their palm.


Holding the bloodshot sword, there is no human color in the idiot's pupils. Everyone looked at the sword and the red light flashing on the hilt. After a while, these victims finally retreated like beasts that encountered flames.

Walnut still had lingering fears, pulling on the idiot's clothes, shaking. The idiot slowly put away the sword and looked down at the bread and walnuts that were acting randomly. Seeing the stern look of the idiot, the two girls immediately lowered their heads, not even the slightest distinction.

"You promised me that you would obey my orders when you go out."

Walnut lowered his head, only promised a few days ago, but once he sees someone encountering difficulties, he just reflexes to do good things indiscriminately. As a result, it became more and more helpful.

"From now on, I'll give you another chance. If you dare not act according to my orders, you can do it yourself."

Walnut was taken aback, raised his head, his face was extremely surprised. After hesitating for a while, she finally gritted her teeth, nodded helplessly, and agreed.

This time, the idiot was satisfied. He continued to carry the apricot, leading the way. The icy winter breeze blew and rolled up his clothes, looking like a demon rising from hell.

"Hey, come on over there. Someone is crushed down here. Come and save people."

Suddenly, a shout came from the other side of the ruins. Walnut looked up, and saw a large group of people surrounded by a large building in front of the idiot's right. Among them, several priests dressed up were constantly calling. As they shouted, people kept rushing over with a spade.

Walnut stepped forward and pulled the idiot's clothes. She looked at the shouts over there, and she hesitated.

Regarding the situation there, the idiot continued to move forward as if he hadn't seen it. On the other side, many people kept digging. After digging out a cave, they immediately took wood to support it.

"Hold on and don't be nervous, don't worry about the goddess we will save you out will guard you"

A priest got into the pit and shouted at the crushed person. The people inside were crying, and kept stretching their hands out. The pastor smiled, folded his body immediately, and shouted outside—

"Still alive to get water..."


I haven't had time to say the rest.

The wooden pile used as the support broke instantly, and the bricks and tiles above poured down in an instant, pressing the priest to the bottom.

The scene in front of them stunned everyone around them. They opened their mouths, but before they were surprised, a tremor came from their feet——


The earth shook.

The people around felt the shaking around, yelled, and immediately fled around. The idiot took the lead in squatting down, and the walnuts and buns behind him immediately followed suit, without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, don't leave, come here, come and help."

Suddenly, a shout came from the ruins. The idiot raised his head, and saw a priest who was about thirty-five or sixty years old still standing beside the ruins in the shaking. His hands desperately blocked a cement board that was about to fall, and his footsteps were shaking. Blue veins burst into his hands, and the sweat on his forehead fell like raindrops. Under the concrete slab, there is the rubble that the priest was crushed just now.

The shaking of the aftershocks continued, and the surrounding houses that were barely able to stand once again ushered in a devastating fall. When the vibration stopped, there was a rumbling sound of collapse. It sounds like the sky is rolling in, and people around are scared to flee with their heads. Not to mention saving people in the past. Even the priests who were standing there are now holding their heads and fled to the open area. .

"Come on... I'm fast... I'm going to support... can't hold it..."

The middle-aged priest turned around and put his back against the cement board. His gaze swept around desperately, and soon, his gaze focused on the head of the closest idiot.

" me...hurry still has to save..."

The priest's voice was almost pleading, and the heavier and heavier slabs pressed him to his knees. But for all this, the idiot didn't even look at it, straightened up, and walked calmly in front of the priest who was struggling on the death line.

Looking at the figure of the idiot going away, the priest was truly desperate. His knees were firmly pressed on the rubble, and now, he was almost like a human pillar, barely holding it. But as his waist gets lower and lower, his time shouldn't be much.

"Come here... come here... Goddess of mercy... May you have mercy on my dirty soul..."


The slate collapsed. He pressed it down on the priest who could no longer support it...

…………………………Press down……?

The priest closed his eyes and waited for death to come. But what he never thought was that he was not dead yet?

He opened his eyes and looked at his hands. After a moment, he turned his head and looked at the slate behind him. I saw a young girl taking his place, becoming the pillar of this slate.


Walnut gritted his teeth and pressed hard against the slate behind. But her strength is too small to prevent the huge stone slab from being pressed down. She also knelt on top of the rubble and used that thin shoulder to bear the last support beam, her eyes staring at the idiot.

(If you want to drive me away... I'll leave)

The huge weight made Walnut unable to breathe. She could not speak, and when she spoke, she would be crushed behind her back.

(But I still can't stand it... I can't stand your indifference)

Walnut began to cough, and with every cough she made, the stone behind her was pressed down again. She supported her hands on the ground, bearing the weight with the strength of her whole body.

(If you say... let, stay with you, and leave from your side, you can only make one choice... I still... I still can't save myself)

(You idiot...I'm...but a are a dead knight...don't even think...command me)

Walnut gritted his teeth and made up his mind. She gave it up. Even after this action, she must bear the consequences of returning to the wind and blowing the sand, and from now on, she will never see the idiot again. She has no complaints or regrets because of anything else, just because she has been exposed to light. Abandoned, but she has not abandoned the light

"Come and save people"

Walnut no longer looked at the idiot, but with all his last effort, he shouted out loud. When the priest saw this, he immediately turned around and also used his back to bear the weight. But the people around have already ran away, where is there anyone? The two closed their eyes, and they could only use the last strength to support them.

Hearing Walnut's cry, the apricot behind the idiot became nervous. She kept shaking her head, reaching out her hand and groping, shouting: "Aunt, aunt? What's wrong? What's the matter? Uncle, what's the matter? Aunt, she...Aunt in the end...?"

The idiot didn't answer, he just looked indifferently at the walnut that he had nothing to do to find the dead, and slowly turned around.

He has already stated that when he travels, everything about Walnut must obey his instructions. But now, she violated her orders one after another. Such people who always like to ask for trouble, even if they die, are purely asking for trouble. and so……

"Come here——————————"

Slate, pressed down.

At the moment when the two of them were about to be pressed into meat sauce, a strong hand appeared in time, abruptly pushing it up. Walnut panted and raised his head. Through the moonlight, what I saw was the idiot's eyes that were more intense than the night. And the little bread, the little hand that came out in time...

"Ah oooo"

Bun reached out his hand and touched Walnut's face, then immediately folded his palms and patted his feet. In an instant, a road map emerged, and a pillar of soil quickly extended from the ruins to support the stone slab. But the slate was really too big, and the little bread didn't dare to extract too much land, so as not to press the two people who were still buried under the ruins deeper into the ground. So just the moment it was supported, the soil pillar cracked.

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