Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 113, recruiting the strong

113, recruit the strong

Unconsciously, the time has come to the middle of the night. As the temperature gets lower and lower, after the moonlight is covered by the clouds, no matter how urgent it is to save people, it must stop at this moment.

The idiot took down the tent behind him, found a remote corner of the refugee housing area next to the church, and settled down. He quickly set up the tent, opened it, and fixed the four corners. When he was setting up the tent, the walnut next to him could only be looked at with some restraint, sometimes showing some embarrassment.

In an instant, the tent was set up. The idiot clapped his hands and turned around, just in time to see Walnut's blushing face. When Walnut noticed that the idiot looked at her, she couldn't help but lower her head, looking embarrassed.

Her tent was robbed by refugees.

So now, the only thing the four idiots have is this small tent.

"I...I'll explain in advance, although...Although I just...that...a bit gaffe..."

Walnut blushed, and began to regret the intimacy of hugging the idiot from behind without thinking about it. She forgot that there were so many people around at the time, and it was really bad for them to see herself so embarrassed.

Twitching, Walnut squeezed his hands in front of him, and said, "But...this doesn't mean...I...that...agree with"

When Walnut was incoherent, the idiot had already stepped forward and grabbed her hand. Walnut shook, and his heart beats wildly for the next moment, but the idiot pulled her into the tent, and then sent Xiao Xing into it. Afterwards, he took out a large cloak from the backpack behind Little Bread, put it on him, put on his hat, shrank, and sat in front of the tent curtain door.

The excitement in Walnut's heart immediately cooled down with the idiot's move. She looked at the tent, no longer knowing whether she felt more relieved or regretted. Ok? regret? No, no, how can I regret it? This is absolutely unacceptable. No ceremony has been held. How... how can you say regret? Yes, definitely rest assured, definitely rest assured

In order to prevent herself from thinking about it again, Walnut immediately hypnotized herself and forced herself to believe that this was definitely not a pity. But when she was lying in the tent with her apricot in her arms, she immediately began to regret her stubbornness. She shrank her head into the sleeping bag and stopped talking.

After looking at the idiot, Bun also got into the tent. She smiled and pulled Xing to make her lie down. Afterwards, she took out the blanket from her backpack and wrapped both of them. Apricot didn't know what was happening at first, but she didn't realize what was happening until Bun hugged her and lay down on her skin. But now she can't tolerate her to say rejection, the little bread is already close to her face, he takes a big breath and closes his eyes.

The commotion in the tent lasted for a while, and soon returned to tranquility.

The idiot leaned back in his cloak. The fatigue of the day did make him a little tired. After carefully examining the surrounding environment, he finally lowered his head and closed his eyes. But at this moment...


He raised his head again. What I saw before my eyes was the turban girl who was one step ahead. She stood in front of the idiot.

The girl in the turban was holding gauze and ointment in her hands, with some blood stains on her body, she seemed to have just returned after emergency treatment of the injured. She tilted her head, her expressionless face directed at the idiot. This situation continued until the priest named Lancer walked over before stopping.

"Ah, you have worked hard."

Lancer held the cross on his chest and leaned slightly toward the turban girl. The turban girl also nodded politely at him, and left with the medical supplies. Lancer kept watching the girl leave, then walked to the idiot and squatted down.

"Although it's late, but... are you free now?"

After a moment, the idiot nodded.

Lancer smiled. He didn't pay attention to it. He turned over his monastic uniform and sat on the ground in front of the idiot. He held the cross on his chest, nodded and recited a hymn, and then said: "My child, you are not like a person from the Iron City. I asked some people and they said they saw you coming from the mountain side today. In other words... You guys, came over the mountain and came in?"

The idiot responded in silence. He looked at Lancer's eyes carefully, and the sincerity and expectation that appeared in them were not artificial. After observing for a while, he finally took out the mission brief from his arms and handed it over.

Lancer took the task brief and opened it. In an instant, the expectation on his face turned into complete joy. He put the idiot on the shoulders and said cheerfully: "You... are you a rescuer sent by the Bucks Empire? So... so you can Come in, should the large forces come in soon? Are we saved?"

Giving others hope is not something idiots are good at. What he is better at is to destroy other people's expectations.

"Do not."

The idiot’s voice is still as calm as usual, and the tone of voice has not changed the slightest—

"The rescue team, all died. In a short time, no one will come in."

Lancer was stunned for a while holding the brief description of the task. It wasn't until two minutes later that the corners of his mouth twitched, nodded, prevarication.

"Oh... so... then... I... got it..."

Lancer lowered his head, frowned, and muttered to himself: "What should I do now...what should I do? It has been half a month since the earthquake, and the best rescue time has passed. Even in the ruins. There are still people alive, and now they have reached their limit. But now...the rescue team still can't get in...huh? Can't get in?"

Lancer grabbed the idiot's shoulder again and said loudly, "How did you get in? Can we go out the same way?"

Regarding Lancer's proposal, the idiot gently patted his hand and shook his head slowly.

"How many survivors are there now."

"Well... Steel City has a population of 150,000, but now the number of people confirmed dead and missing is nearly 100,000. The number of people stationed in the church area should be less than 50,000."

"Fifty thousand people can't get out." The idiot raised his head and said calmly, "The road that came in was very rugged. By now, the vertical stone strength that maintained the road should have dissipated. Unless you can find a large number of stone verticals to help, Otherwise, it is impossible to build a road to the outside world."

Lancer let out a breath and lowered his head helplessly. He hugged his head, grabbed his hair, thinking desperately about the current situation. There is no way to wait for rescue, and independent rescue will not have much effect. Food and water are already stretched. If rescue is not available within one or two days...Even if this city is a religious city that believes in religion, there is no guarantee that riots will not occur.

" should not have enough medical resources now...the doctors are not enough...this time...this time...if Yueying is here...well...what am I thinking about now? How to do how to do?"

Lancer murmured to himself, the idiot saw Lancer finished asking, and took the initiative to speak——

"You're done asking. Now, it's my turn to ask."

Lancer said, "Huh?" At first he thought the idiot was asking about the disaster, so he didn't think much.

"Who was the woman with a headscarf and glasses just now."

Lancer thought for a while, and finally remembered the girl who didn't say a word. He was a little strange, but didn't think too much, and said directly: "Glasses? You must be glasses? That girl was a few days earlier than you. She was indifferent to others. Asked her name, she said nothing. Later, I saw her talking with pen and paper, so there should be some problems with her throat. For the convenience of addressing, we see that she always wears glasses, we call her Glasses."

"She said that she was a tourist traveling up the mountain. After the earthquake, she was buried in the mountain. After the earthquake, she finally escaped and went all the way to Steel City. After seeing that the situation here was very bad, she took the initiative to ask for medical care. After coming out, she is very good at medical treatment and her level is very good."

So... did she come in for this reason...

Dimie sneered and said--

(Human kid, are you interested in exposing her lies? Just say that she is actually one of the bandits, and now she is just trying to be a spy?)

Of course the stupid idea of ​​the Die Die does not attract idiots' interest. He didn't pursue this woman much. Now, the problem he cares most has finally come--

"So, among you, has anyone like this ever appeared."

The idiot took out the photo, pointed at the mysterious figure wearing a suspected lock robe, and handed it to Lancer.

Lancer took it, frowned and looked at the photo carefully. After tilting his head for a while, he finally shook his head and sighed.

"I'm sorry. Now when we encounter natural disasters, many people have no place to live. They just lie down in cloaks and find any place. Many cloaks have patterns on them, and I can't remember whether I have seen them. Up."

The idiot closed his eyes, and ten seconds later, he slowly opened it. He retracted the photo, nodded at Lancer, and stopped asking.

"By the way, young man, since you are a member of the rescue team and are so strong... Then, you must know martial arts, right?"

The idiot is silent, it is the default.

"Great, if this is the case, can you please come and help from tomorrow?"

Lancer said eagerly: "There are about 500 or 600 bandits in the mountains near the Iron City. In the past few days, they have come down to harass us and rob us. Although we fought against the crowds, we scared them back several times. After trying a few times, I finally know the nature of our external power and the inside, so we have begun to act unscrupulously. Can you help us resist them? Now that time has passed so long, the chance of survival under the rubble is already very low. So I need everything. Rescue work has been turned into defense work and persisted until a large force comes to rescue us"

"…………………………50 thousand people, can't deal with five hundred?"

The idiot asked coldly.

"Ah, although there are so many survivors, there are many old and weak women and children, even adult men, either injured and falling down, or immersed in the pain of losing their family members. And many of them don’t know martial arts. For those bandits who know martial arts, it is basically hitting rocks with pebbles. As you can see, everyone has no morale. To meet the enemy with this situation, there is only a dead end."

Lancer held the idiot's hand tightly and said--

"So, I hope you can help the remaining soldiers of the Steel City have gathered together, headed by a Sergeant named Felwood. You will report to that Sergeant to form our defense force tomorrow. ,how about it?"

In front of Lancer's passionate eyes, the idiot couldn't refuse. In fact, he didn't have to refuse, anyway, the purpose of coming here was to search for the lock robe member. It was always good to be able to walk around. And if you agree, it doesn't mean that the idiot will comply. This kind of agreement has no binding power for him at all, and even if he doesn't comply, he won't feel any guilt.

Finally, the words are over. Lancer shook the idiot's hand again, and went back excited and excited. The idiot watched his back gradually go away, and some people who had been listening in around him also gathered in groups at this time.

"………………………………what's up."

One of those people, a slightly older middle-aged man, looked at the idiot and said with some worry: "Child, do you...know martial arts?"

"………………………………what's up."

Another young man with a broken arm said, "Brother, you actually promised something remarkable. Do you know who the leader of the bandit is? That is the notorious'Blood Tumbler', Thunderhoof? The group led by Kajal is not a bandit at all, but an autonomous army"

Blood-red tumbler-Thunderhoof? Kajal. The name idiot once saw it on the task bulletin board of Fengchusha. An extremely dangerous person of task level A. With the strength of the quintessence level, he has hundreds of grievances under his hand. He was once a general of a small country in the east. After that country was broken, he went into exile and became a bandit. Unexpectedly, I would encounter it here.

"That group of bandits is extremely cruel. They almost kill people when they see them and **** women when they see them. They have come a few times before, and they don’t know how many women have been taken away. You see, my arm was at that time Chopped off."

Listening to the ferocity of the bandits, everyone around nodded and sighed. Seeing that the idiot was silent, everyone thought he was also afraid, and they all said--

"My friend, you are really unfortunate. We admit that Father Lancer has a good heart, but he has now reached the point where he can get enough of a person who knows martial arts. It's like last time, he even combined two people who were just getting started. Those with forged body strength pulled into the defensive team, and as a result, they were killed as soon as they went into battle. This is really...cough..."

"Not really. We know that the priest wants to help everyone to make up for the sad things in his family. But this way, it won't help at all. In this way, even Miss Moon Shadow in the Spirit of Heaven will definitely not agree."

The idiot raised his head, and the name Moon Shadow had just been vomited from Lancer's mouth. After thinking for a while, he decided to ask clearly what was inside.

"This Moon Shadow, who is it."

"Yueying? Oh, you came from the wind and sand, so I don't know. Yueying? Green is actually the priest's current wife and the sister of Mrs. Yueming. Both of their sisters have high medical skills and have a good heart. "

"It's a pity... God won't bless good people... Four years ago, Miss Yueying was stabbed several times in the stomach by that murderous thunder hoof in order to regain her sister Yueming from the bandits four years ago. , At a young age, just...cough, only eighteen years old, just like that..."

"At that time, Miss Yueming cried a lot... I remember that from that time, the cold war began to appear in the priest's house."

"Hey, can you say this? This is the priest's family affair."

"What does it matter? Anyway, everyone knows these things, and the priest didn’t say anything. From that time on, Miss Yueming started arguing with the priest every day. Miss Yueming blamed the priest for not protecting her sister. At first it was silently endured, but then they started to sneer. Just because they were always quarreling, two years ago, the priest's 12-year-old daughter finally couldn't bear it and ran away from home."

"Ah... the priest and his wife at that time were really pitiful. They searched day and night, but they couldn't find it. At first, they quarreled about their daughter. But then they started to realize it, right? It was her own quarrel that caused her daughter to run away from home. So the two were reconciled."

"Cut, reconcile? You look at reconciliation, but who knows the details? I heard that the priest seems to have been in contact with an unknown young girl recently. You said... the priest will not Have an affair?"

"Don’t talk nonsense about what you said before, but at this point, you must not talk about what kind of person the priest is, how can you betray Miss Yueming? And, you can find a more beautiful woman in this world than Miss Yueming Isn't it? Don't want such a good wife, but look for a second-class woman?"

"Well, I will not say, I will not say."

The idiot listened quietly. Regarding these Lancer's family affairs, Dimmie snorted neither thick nor weak——

(A boring soap opera. It's really because they can do such disgusting things. He's not too tired to panic?)

The idiot ignored Dim Die, but continued to listen. What these people say is undoubtedly how bad the situation is, how powerful the bandits are. After listening for a while, the idiot took the time to ask them about the locks of the robe. After getting a negative and uncertain answer, he didn't need to listen anymore. He pulled up his cloak and fell asleep.

If you have any questions, just wait until dawn tomorrow. Just put the walnuts here and wait till daylight to find out the news.


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