Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 125, until the end of the world

125, until the end of the world

Even if this matter is resolved.

Walking in the thick fog, the idiot exhaled a long breath.

In any case, the threat of bandits has disappeared, and the next thing to deal with is the matter of those two people.

The snow is still floating.

Every step of the idiot seemed extremely heavy.

He is sleepy and tired.

In order to support the facade, using a lot of power in other places made him really tired. Now, he just wanted to fall down, get a good night's sleep, and put aside all his worries.

(Human kid, what are you going to do after finding your "savior" and "dream lover"?)

How to do?

What else can I do.

Dealing with the key organization and the big devil has become his only purpose in this steel city. Now that there are so many subordinates, even if you open up the ruins of the entire steel city, you must find those two

At this moment, the time has come to noon.

The fading sunlight finally dissipated the dense fog, revealing his face from the clouds. The snow stopped, the wind stopped, everything... stopped.

Refugee area

The bandits are helping clean up the ruins.

The fear and respect for idiots allowed them to do these things without complaint, and each one worked very hard.

Thanks to the help of those who know martial arts, many ruins were opened, and a lot of usable things were turned out from under the ruins. Among them, a large cellar was found under the original mansion of the lord, which stored a huge amount of emergency food. This is really a tonic for the food sources in the city.

"Hey there, gather all the corpses you can find and burn them, beware of the plague"

Commanded by Thunder Hood, even if this bandit was defeated by an idiot, he could not stop his majesty in the slightest. The refugees were trembling and doing manual labor, and no one dared to say a word. The originally disorderly refugee area was immediately twisted into a rope, and intense post-disaster restoration work was carried out.

Lei Ti saw a sixteen-year-old child carrying the corpse of an adult, walking towards the cremation pit behind the church with swaying steps. Seeing that the boy was about to fall, he immediately walked up and grabbed the body with one hand. Afterwards, he grabbed another corpse from another person, strode towards the burning pit, and threw the corpse in.

When he turned around, Thunder Hoof consciously or unconsciously saw Lancer lying on the bed inside through the damaged wall of the church. Beside him, Yueming, who took care of him carefully. She stroked her husband's forehead very gently, and gently pressed her hand on his bandaged chest. The two of them kept talking, and from time to time, Yueming showed a small smile.

Thunder hoof, witnessing all this. However, he didn't say anything or do anything. Now he is no longer the free war bear, but a pet chained by the devil. After watching for a while, he finally turned his head and left silently.

Such days continue.

After all, the Holy Eve Festival has also arrived.

In order to wait for the search results, the idiot did not return to the wind. It was today, the day of the Holy Eve Festival, that the idiot finally decided to give up and return to his station in the mountains. I am going to spend this day, and after this year, I will explain the matters of the Iron City and return to the wind and sand.

"Then your Majesty, your subordinates are going down."

Thunder hoof promised outside the tent, left, and went down the mountain. The idiot looked at the night and nodded too. When Thunderhoof left, he caught a glimpse of the glasses that had been hiding behind the tree. This girl has been wandering around here almost all the time, and it seems that she wants the idiot to leave immediately and has not changed.

After seeing the idiot staring at her, the glasses came out from behind the tree trunk. However, she didn't come up, and didn't say anything. Instead, she turned straight and left from the idiot's tent.

The night is...very thick.

With the moonlight faintly exposed from the clouds, you can see the white crystals floating in the sky.

Tonight... there will be a heavy snowfall.


The Iron City that was hit by the disaster can finally take a good rest today.

There are bonfires burning everywhere in the church area. The refugees were sitting in front of the tent, gathering together, discussing the rest of their lives, and crying because of their missing friends and family.

Thunder Hood was also sitting in the church area, sitting with his bandit men, drinking tea, eating food, and roasting the campfire. Occasionally looking up, Lancer was able to walk out together with Yueming's support and sympathize with the refugees. Congratulations for another year of peace. Every time he saw Yueming, who was full of happy smiles over there, Lei Ti stared at him for a long time. It wasn't until his men came to offer tea that he picked up the water cup and took a symbolic sip.

Nothing good.

He told himself that.

Therefore, he also laughed, and began to laugh loudly with his subordinates, discussing how to create a better and larger country under the devil’s hands.

Hearty talking and laughing, wandering in the church district. The nuns walked around, inspecting the wounds and listening to some people’s holy night prayers. The unscrupulous laughter of these bandits is naturally very disgusting.

Therefore, the nuns deliberately avoided them. Taking a detour is the most basic behavior.

However, in this normal behavior, there is a nun who turned a deaf ear to everything in front of her, and walked into the camp of bandits step by step.

"Hahaha good, I lost my drink"

With scarce supplies, the bandits still drank water instead of wine. One of them seemed too excited and drank the hot water in the bowl. Afterwards, he glanced at the little nun passing by from the corner of his eyes, immediately stretched out his hand and held the bowl over.

"Come on, Miss Sister, fill me up again"

Generally speaking, if a nun encounters such a request, she may be frightened to run away immediately or cry out for help. But this little nun, who was about fourteen or five years old, didn't pay attention to the fact that the bandit grabbed the corner of her skirt. She turned her head, her petite and cute face was filled with a smile, and then she nodded gently.

"Sure. But don't drink too much. Otherwise, your heart may hurt."

"How can drinking water be heart...Woo?"

The bandit turned pale suddenly, and his hand holding the corner of the little nun's skirt could not help but slowly let go. He clutched his chest and bent down uncomfortably.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

The bandits nearby rushed over and asked. After enduring it for a while, the bandit shook his head and said, "I don't know...what's going on... Maybe, it's too tired...Is it..."

"Then... shall we help you go back to rest first?"

"Then...thank you...I think it will be fine if you lie down for a while..."

The bandits helped their suddenly sick companion into the tent, and the little nun here, with her eyes still closed and a smile on her mouth, slowly walked past the bandits and walked towards...that church.

Thunder Hood was drinking water at the request of his companion. Suddenly, he noticed the little nun walking out of the bandit area. Originally, he didn't care too much, but when he noticed that the nun was walking with her eyes closed, his action of preparing to drink water suddenly stopped.

I saw the nun slowly passing by the bandit area, towards the church. After thinking about it for a while, Thunder Hood put down the water bowl, letting everyone follow him after he had used himself. The little nun didn't walk far, but stood directly at the door of the church, blocking Lancer and Yueming who were returning after the inspection.

When Yueming saw this little nun, although she didn't have the impression of having met, she nodded with a smile. But when Lancer saw her, the joy that was originally overflowing on his face turned into fear in an instant. He even couldn't help but step back, and his hands couldn't help but squeeze into fists.

"Have you considered it? Big brother."

The little nun, who was only fourteen years old, used a very inappropriate name to call Lancer, who is now almost forty. She smiled and continued--

"The time you requested has arrived. I believe you won't let Sasha down."

Yueming looked at Lancer suspiciously and said, "Lancer, do you know this little girl?"

Lancer's face was as gray as death, and his body was further backward. His eyes were confused and helpless, and he quickly said loudly: "No, I don't know you, you found the wrong person."

When the nun named Sasha heard Lancer's refusal, a trace of sadness appeared on her originally smiling face. She shook her head gently, and said: "Don't know me?...cough... I didn't expect that the seal would be so strong. I think back then, big brother, you were beaten by three feathered bastards, and you ended up miserably. Sealed. I found you with great difficulty, but you don't recognize me?"

Lancer was even more panicked. He tightly grasped Yueming's hand and said loudly: "I don't know that I am Lancer... the priest of this city. You... Don't mess around... I'll tell you. Don’t beg you... if you want to find your big brother, go elsewhere, I’m not your big brother, no."

Lancer's voice was loud. This person who had almost never screamed with such a scared voice suddenly yelled out like this, and the people around who were celebrating the Holy Eve Festival stopped eating, turned their heads, and looked over.

Sha Xia pursed her lips, the playfulness and cuteness between her eyebrows was added by her frown.

"It's too much, big brother... Sasha has been lonely all these years... Everyone is either sealed or forced to be reincarnated. Only Sasha is left alone, traveling in this world alone. Sasha walks from here. When I got there, I went back here from there. For so many years, Sasha has not known how many times he has traveled this continent, just to find everyone. But...but...Sasha finally found her brother, who instead ... refused to recognize Sasha...uuuu..."

Sasha raised her hand and began to wipe the corners of her eyes. Seeing her look like this, Yueming couldn't help but feel pitiful. She took Lancer's hand and asked, "Husband, do you really know him? Maybe... he is the sister your parents gave birth to after you lost your memory?"

Lancer gritted his teeth, just blindly denying. Yueming couldn't stand it, and lightly blamed Lancer, stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and held Sasha's hand.

"***, it doesn't matter. If you are really my husband's sister, then there is absolutely nothing wrong. Even if you are not, we will treat you as a sister. So don't cry, you know? "

Is it because of Yueming's comfort? Sasha's crying gradually stopped.

She raised her head, her face with closed eyes appeared in front of Yueming...

"Ah...I see."

A cold voice came from Sasha's mouth.

"This woman is the seal that binds the big brother, right?"

Yueming was stunned. At this time, a bandit hurried over and mumbled in the ears of thunder hoofs who were watching——

"Just now, Grinthai died and his heart burst."

It was precisely because of these words that Thunder Hood was taken aback and looked at the little girl over there who had just passed by Greentai. In front of her, there was Yueming's unprepared smiling face...

"In this case, you disappeared, and brother's seal also disappeared."

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and at the moment they were about to open, a tall person suddenly rushed out from the side, yelled "Quickly away", and pushed directly on Yueming's body. After Yueming staggered a few steps, she turned around in confusion, and what she saw was the reassuring and nostalgic eyes of Thunder Hood...

Huh... bang——————

Without the slightest warning, everything seemed so sudden.

The huge body burst into pieces, and blood splashed around.

Yueming's face was suddenly covered with a layer of hot blood, which was sticky and full of smell. However, it is so real and cruel...

Is this a dream?

no one knows.

Perhaps this is indeed a dream.

Moreover, it is a nightmare that will never wake up.


Seeing Thunderhoof's body suddenly exploded, the people around who had blood on their bodies immediately screamed. When the other bandits saw the leader being killed, they were filled with outrage and rushed towards Sasha over there. But Sasha only turned her head slightly, and the eyelashes covering her eyes slowly lifted up...

Exposed underneath, those bright ruby-like pupils, watching the bandits rushing.


Almost, the moment she opened her eyes, a white light appeared in front of the bandits. In the next instant, they lost consciousness. And the real reason for their loss of consciousness was because a huge fan-shaped light covered all the areas where the bandits were. From the eyes of the onlookers, when the light disappeared in a few seconds, the place covered by the light Only a long fan-shaped pit was left. And those bandits, at this moment, have completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

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