Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 024, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eating monster (18)

024, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (18)

Close the door, and the idiot stood in front of the door stupidly. Xing Li stood beside the idiot, looking at her. After a while, she exhaled and said, "Forget it, something like this happened early this morning, and I am very tired. Let's go to breakfast first? Princess, how about you?"

Walnut clutched his chest and took a step back. Since leaving the wind and blowing sand, her mental state has been unstable. It looks really bad.

"I... I went back to my room to sleep..."

Walnut grabbed her skirt and rushed towards the door with her head down. The idiot did not stop him, and let her leave. There was only a bang, and the door to the next room was immediately closed heavily. Since then, there has been no sound.

"......Hey, Mr. Xiaobai. The princess is... okay?"

Xing Li was a little worried. She held each other's hands, put them on her chest, looked at the wall next to her with care, and continued--

"Since the princess was fainted by me at noon yesterday, she hasn't eaten anything for almost a day. Is this... okay?"

"………………rest assured."

The idiot replied coldly, took Little Bread's hand, and walked out of the door of the room.

"She won't be hungry."

Not hungry...

For Walnut, who has been completely rejected by the sun, she really will not be starved.

In the dark room, the only thing that accompanied her was not hunger, but a kind of hunger and thirst that made her hate...

Who killed Wes?


How did it kill?


"I...really a sinner..."

Sitting in the corner of the room, Walnut covered his face. She couldn't forget the incident that appeared in front of her when she opened the door last night.

At that time... was she dead?

When she was lying motionless in front of her room, was she alive... or dead?

Must be... still alive...

Was there a strangle mark on her neck at that time?

Can't remember...

At that time, I even thought it was just a dream...a nightmare...

In the dream, pig blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. When he heard a soft "pop" outside the door, he opened the door in a daze. Then, I saw Weiss lying in front of his room with his back to him...

At that time... I really thought... it was just a dream

In the dream, Walnut no longer feels guilty about his behavior. She even felt that she just lowered her head dullly and looked at the girl at her feet.

From her body...the smell of blood came.

Under the bright red stimulus and temptation, the walnut in the dream slowly bends down and lifts up the young girl who does not know the life or death. Smelling the irritating and seductive smell in her nose, she opened her mouth without resistance in her dream, and gently "kissed" her throat...

"The one who hung her on the hook... it's me..."

"The one who killed her...I was also..."

"Marquis Vivienne Goodsay... Miss Strong... I killed both of them... All... I... did it by myself..."

For the whole day, Walnut dared not sleep. She missed the rich taste at the corner of her mouth, but she was also afraid of the comfortable feeling. She was afraid that she would have a nightmare...During the nightmare, she would vaguely stand up again, grab the target, and speak to the opponent. If this kind of thing happens twice, she feels that she is really not far from the day when she goes crazy...

Can't sleep... Absolutely... Can't sleep...

No matter how sleepy you are, no matter how tired you are, Walnut, you can never sleep. absolute……


The long-term mental tension, lack of self-confidence, and all kinds of pressure have already caused Walnut's spirit to be riddled with. The more she wanted to stay awake, the more intense drowsiness would invade her mind.

In the end, she even held the skull and bones next to her in her hands, hoping to frighten herself and keep herself calm.


The Sandman finally invaded her.

In this violent storm raging, the day is like night at noon, Walnut closed his eyes again and fell into that endless nightmare...


The seemingly peaceful day passed.

All day today, Krause, who is the center of the event, never performed on stage once.

It can be seen that he also suffered a great blow. After knowing that there was a murderer on the ship, his face was always full of sadness. Without any spirit.

After the idiot finished lunch, the sea breeze was blowing in the bow of the ship. He didn't return to the ship until dinner time. Just as he headed to deck B, the door of room A-13 in front of him suddenly opened, and the innocent Krause walked out of the door.

After seeing the idiot, he stunned suddenly, then, with an awkward smile, he left by the door. The idiot watched him go down the deck and to the door of the room.

The body of Wes was still lying inside, covered with a white cloth. However, judging from the wet position of the white cloth, it was obviously moved. The idiot thought for a while, walked in, and opened the white cloth. The corpse that had been simply deconstructed appeared again in front of the idiot.

The corpse was naked, nothing unusual. After thinking about it, the idiot noticed the clothes that had been taken off next to him. He walked over and began to look through these clothes carefully.

Everything on the clothes looks nothing unusual, the large patches of blood at the neckline are the color of blood stains. However, when the idiot turned over and found Weis's skirt, he discovered a somewhat strange phenomenon.

Between the nightdress and the outer skirt, there is a bright red mark about the size of a palm. But weirdly, the idiot looked at Weis's thighs again. Both of her thighs were smooth and there were no signs of injury. And it shouldn't be caused by blood from the neck. In that case, the blood stain should be connected to the top. But here is a single piece of bright red, without other traces of continuity.

After thinking for a while, the idiot felt that he really couldn't get an answer. After shaking his head, he folded his clothes again and pulled up the white cloth. Walked out of the room.


The restaurant on deck B has no music and no candlelight that can be considered romantic.

The only thing there was lightning from the sea level outside the window.

The white light tearing through the sky unbridled intimidating everyone here. Even though this dinner is so delicious, no one is in the mood to taste it, and just keep their heads bored, hoping to finish the dinner as soon as possible.

"The violent storm, the disappeared nobleman, the girl whose blood was drawn away..."

Halfway through the meal, Xing Li's hand suddenly stopped. She tilted her head and seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, she spoke and continued.

"These... seem to be a story."

The bun was chewing on his unpalatable dry food. Hearing Xingli's story, he raised his head quickly, his eyes flickering and waiting.

The idiot glanced at her, then continued to chew the food in his mouth.

"I wonder if you have ever read it? A book called "Legend of the Demon Sea"?"

After thinking about it, the idiot shook his head.

"When I first saw this book, I thought it was just a random novel. Although it is convenient to pass the time, it has no practical value. A lot of the content in it is also absurd."

In the restaurant where no one was talking, Xing Li's voice was almost as if it were installed with a loudspeaker. Some people still bow their heads to eat, while others raise their heads worriedly and look here.

"What's the specific story? This "Legend of the Demon Sea."

Ou Ge is speaking. He raised his fork and said loudly.

After Xingli thought for a while, she let go of her voice and slowly said, "That is a story about the protagonist named George driving a sea boat across the world. The age in the story happened hundreds of years ago, in the form of a diary Describes a lot of incredible things."

"For example, the protagonist once hunted a giant sea beast that swallowed an island one by one in the sea for ten days and ten nights. When he was about to chase the giant beast, he suddenly saw a lot of creatures with female human upper bodies and fish-tailed lower bodies. ."

"In addition, there are huge vortices in the depths of the ocean, swallowing passing ships. There are so many bubbles floating on the surface of the sea, and even the lightest feathers can't float."

"Of course, among these, there is a rumor about ghost ships, but it is the most strange and inexplicable."

Xing Li's voice became lighter and lighter, and in the end, she said almost under pressure. Her voice matched the candlelight that was still slightly felt, but it seemed even more eerie and terrifying.

"That ghost ship...what's the matter?"

Captain Edward swallowed, and the middle-aged uncle's voice began to tremble.

"That story is actually like this..."

"Middle-aged George is still fascinated by the mysterious sea. But due to bankruptcy, his ship and sailors are gone. However, he still pooled a sum of money to go on a sea trip."

"He met with a few of his companions and got on the ship at the port. I remember the name of that ship very well because it is the same as the name of the ship we are currently on."

"Our Lady...Mary."


As soon as Xing Li's voice fell, the eerie atmosphere seemed to be contagious, permeating the restaurant. Some diners couldn't even stand the atmosphere, and left the seats one after another, leaving the **** restaurant as soon as possible.

"Same name as my...boat...?"

Xing Li nodded: "So, when I first saw the name of the ship, I felt very familiar. But what happened next made me unbelievable. I'm afraid there are really too many coincidences.

"On the first night when the ship left the port, everything seemed to be fine. The conditions on the ship were very ordinary, and all the tourists were having fun. That night, the sea was very foggy. I don’t know if the captain was concerned about it. The sea was too familiar, so I left the shore. But just the morning after the carnival..."

"George found out that one of his friends had disappeared. No matter how he looked, he even turned the entire ship over, but no matter where he was, he couldn't find his friend."

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