Chapter 131 Sprites! King of Hell [second more]

In the seminary, the gods and the god Mowa were facing each other.

Suddenly, they rose into the sky at the same time, this is a decisive battle in the sky.

“I dominate the Maha Hell. It’s been a long time since I had a hearty battle. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

Sprite moved his body, his voice was slightly excited.

“Really? I’m afraid you have to explain here today.”

The god Mowa was about 250 cm tall, tall and straight, with a low and sonorous voice, and slowly took off the dark broad sword behind him, which was 200 cm long.

“Explain here? No… it doesn’t exist.”

The sprite weapons were not used, he was wrapped in a strong black air, and his honor was not seen, so he hooked his finger towards God Mowa and motioned for him to come.


Upon seeing this, God Mowa exploded, and there was no energy boiling out, but he was like a sacred mountain covering the heaven and the earth, teleporting to the front of the moon in one step, and the epee flowed in a striped path, pressing the heaven and the earth. The sword smashed at the head.

No chaos in the face of danger, with a bang, the blackness of the whole body skyrocketed several times, and the tyrant was in a mess. The entire right arm soared into a hideous giant, and his fist rushed up like the gluttonous glutton that swallowed everything.


The two violently collided, like a nine-day divine thunder exploding, and the clouds had already been shaken away. Under the fist of the fist, the body of God Mowa was staggered, but it was immediately stabilized. Trampled on the void, holding swords in both hands, the light in his eyes was terrifying, a thick blood burst from the body, and the hair was dancing wildly. If he strikes the ground with this sword, he can divide a planet like the earth in half.


Upon seeing this, the sparrow made a gesture with both hands in front of him, and the black energy in its palms boiled, and then the energy in the palms of both palms merged and blasted towards the sword that pressed the sky and the earth in front of him.

The mighty power of Yan’s hand is so powerful that it violently directly blasted the heavy sword that Mowa divine light energy circulated and even the people.


The spirit seemed to be boiling, and followed, holding a pitch-black energy sphere in the palm of his right hand, and patted it towards the head of God Mowa.

With a clang, God Mowa reacted swiftly, resisted by the heavy sword, and then flew down again, his face changed slightly. I saw the dark energy sphere overwhelming the sky blasting at him.

This kind of power made him have to burst out with all his strength, and his whole body vacated a strong blood that could not be dissipated. The whole person swelled in a circle, trampled on the void and rushed up, dancing wildly, and the epee roared fiercely. Shattered pitch-black energy balls in the middle.

Rumble! !

The two collided together again in the next instant, straddling the sky, violently colliding, from below, those who were not strong enough could not even be seen. Some people can only see a black light and blood light colliding together like two flashes of lightning. The entire sky was turbulent, as if it could not bear the aftermath of the collision between the two and turned over.

This battle is far more than just over the Theological Seminary. The battle is getting fiercer. Their battlefield is already over the entire purple starfish.

In this kind of god-level battle, the thunderous roar above the impacting purple sea star was like a thunder explosion, and the entire planet was trembling slightly. It is conceivable that this is a battle at what level.

Finally, the Federal Headquarters directly used the Black Sky Super Radar and Super Satellite to display the scenes of the two battles on the screens of Zihaixing and other software platforms.

This kind of horrible duel, even though they were watched through the screen, people were deeply shocked, and they were really afraid that they would collide from the screen.

On the sky.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Yan’s attack methods are simple and rude, holding two pitch-black energy balls in the palms of both hands, slamming them on the giant sword of God Mowa crazily. Even if God Mowa’s attack power was unmatched, he couldn’t break the energy ball in his palm. God Mowa displayed everything he had learned in front of the 魉, but he couldn’t break the pitch-black energy ball in his hand. He felt that the other party seemed to be just “playing” with him, and he hadn’t shown his true ability yet.

God Mowa didn’t want to believe that the other party hadn’t gone all out, and the offensive was even more fierce. He displayed the eighteenth style of the epee with one hand to the fullest, unprecedented peak, unprecedented seriousness.

“You just have this strength?”

Although the performance was crazy, it was actually not the case. Suddenly, the two balls in the palms of both hands suddenly doubled, and one palm blasted out, hitting the heavy sword cut by God Mowa, leaving him without stagnation. Fly out.

“Cough cough cough!!”

The blood and gas in the body of God Mowa who was impacted in flying across was disordered, his muscles split, bones cracked, his internal organs were severely traumatized, he was coughing up blood, and his heart was terrified. Is he really that unbearable? The opponent’s blow is no longer enough.


Mowa appeared behind the god Mowa in Hengfei, his left hand grabbed the back of his head, his right hand made a punch, and a punch hit his back.


The punch this time pierced directly through his back.

“I’ve played enough, so you go to hell too! I will rule there.”


Through the right hand of God Mowa, violent energy burst out.


God Mowa uttered a scream that tore through the sky, and the whole person was evaporated into the world.

“Ha ha!”

He chuckled, then turned into a cloud of black air and disappeared.

His smile, reminiscent of what he said just now, really scared countless people. The ruler of hell? Does hell really exist? Do people really go to hell after death? Then how can he come up?

Countless people have doubts at this moment.

After getting the Dimensional Stone, Guiwuchang returned to the main battleship of the space station to enjoy the battle between the goddess and the god Mowa.

Now that the battle is over, it’s time to go to Zihui Star. Then there is Zitengxing.

As for when he would receive the task of the General Federation, he didn’t care at all.

After he settled down, if he didn’t receive the mission from the General Federation, he planned to conquer the woman in his dream.

Regardless of you, my own business is the most important thing.

“Lord, shall we go to Zihui Star or Ziteng Star first?” The captain came up to ask for instructions.

Guiwuchang leaned on the sofa, thought for a while, and finally chose to go to Ziteng Star first and harvest the Wisteria Star first. “Let’s set off Ziteng Star first!”

“Yes!” The captain left in response.

The battleship flew out of the space battle and directly opened the super wormhole and left.

Only the forces of the General Federation can open a super wormhole outside the space station.

The impermanence of ghosts has long been logged in the archives of the General Federation and has been conveyed to various places.

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