Chapter 170 What Psychology? [Second more]

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At this moment, Qu Yiqiu was not worried anymore. She saw the wanted photo, smirking in her heart, and seeing Guiwuchang coming back, she said: “Xiaochang, you are back! Let them see if you killed it. People, it’s not a good person at all, it’s just the same name.”

Listening to her, the official staff of the Yunming Empire focused on Guiwuchang again. Among them, the woman with a bumpy figure stood up and said, “You are Mr. Guiwuchang?”

Gui Wuchang nodded and said, “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s okay, maybe we really recognized the wrong person, and I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.” She said that she bowed slightly to Qu Yiqiu.

Qu Yiqiu smiled: “It’s okay, just figure it out now.”

“Then we will leave, I’m really sorry.”

After a utterance, the group of people left.

Looking at the back of them leaving, the corners of Guiwuchang’s mouth showed a faint cold color. Heart said: “Be nosy and kill you all in the future.”

“Have you eaten?!” Qu Yiqiu walked up and asked.

Gui Wuchang said: “Not yet!”

I’ve been searching with Chu Mengxue for more than two hours and haven’t found a suitable base.

“Sister makes it for you, and the food has already been bought.” Qu Yiqiu smiled. My daughter had an accident. After hearing the impermanence of ghosts, there was reincarnation. She didn’t feel much sadness in her heart, and prayed in her heart that she could find a good family in her next life.

“Need help?!” Gui Wuchang laughed.

“No, just wait and eat.”

Qu Yiqiu felt that it was not bad to maintain such a relationship with him, and said with a smile.

Gui Wuchang said, “Okay, Sister Qiu, you don’t have to be so tired. Go find a babysitter tomorrow. The price is not important, the kind that is obedient.”

“It’s just cooking. You won’t be able to come back often in the future. Why do you want a nanny?” Qu Yiqiu shook his head.

Guiwuchang said: “That’s why I’m looking for a babysitter, so you won’t be bored, don’t feel bad about the credit coin. To me, this credit coin is just a number.”

This is true. The credit currency will indeed be a string of numbers for him in the future.

Listening to what he said, Qu Yiqiu was very moved. Now she is the only one left. If the ghost is impermanent, she will leave here. She really doesn’t know how to live it, and said: “Thank you, Xiao Chang, I will do it. It’s dinner.”

After that, she walked away with red eyes.

Guiwuchang shook his head, still tangled in his heart, so he got on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

It was almost 10 o’clock after dinner was made and eaten. Guiwuchang was leaning on the sofa in the lobby on the second floor to watch the news. All he was watching was news about certain mountain ranges.

It is a good choice to choose a mountain with many brutal beasts.

Savage beasts are a kind of creatures with no intelligence. If they provoke them, or appear in front of them, they will definitely kill you, so it will be easier to get the blood moon.

There are two things that worry him. The brutal beast’s killing intent is not counted, so it will be more painful. Second, even if the brutal beast’s killing intent can get a little less blood moon, there is no problem, at least it can be obtained.

“Damn system, took away my dimensional stone.”

Guiwuchang showed a cold color. If the Dimensional Stone is still there, after absorbing it, I believe that he can get a lot of blood and moon energy. Before leaving, he will not leave him with anything, it is really to put him to death.

“The demon lord system is it! I am looking forward to who the host you choose is, what kind of mentality you will be when I trample his head on the ground and rub it.” Guiwuchang’s bloody eyes are cold.

The light is off and Qu Yiqiu is still in the bathroom.

He wants to lead his blood demon mercenary group to the top and become a fearsome existence that the heavens and the world have heard.

Relying on his own efforts to have such a pursuit, Guiwuchang feels passionate in his heart. Unlike before, no matter how powerful he is, he can’t feel a surge of blood in his heart.

At this moment, Qu Yiqiu walked out of the bathroom and said, “Why don’t you turn on the light?”

Then she turned on the light.

“What are you looking at?!” She sat next to Guiwuchang, wiping her wet hair, like a lilac in water, with a faint fragrance lingering on the tip of her nose.

She was wearing a low-collar pajamas, and she seemed to have no underwear. She was used to it. She didn’t think there was anything in front of Guiwuchang, nor did she deliberately seduce him.

Gui Wuchang said: “Look at which mountain is dangerous, and go to which one tomorrow.”

“Be careful, if… if you have an accident, your sister, I really don’t know how to face life.” She joked.

“I won’t die.” Gui Wuchang said without any doubt: “Anyone will die, but I will not.”

“It’s fine if it doesn’t.” Qu Yiqiu didn’t say much, listening to his unquestionable words, he felt relieved.

“Sister Qiu! If one day someone I can’t beat uses you to threaten me, I might not save you. I can’t die, even if I die, I have to fulfill my promise and revenge.” Ghost impermanence Turning to look at her, “Do you feel lost in your heart?”

Unexpectedly, Qu Yiqiu smiled and said: “I don’t worry if I have you, I’m really afraid that you will run out of it recklessly.” She didn’t smile at all, she smiled from the bottom of her heart. Inner laughter.

Gui Wuchang said: “You are really optimistic, don’t worry! I will try my best not to let you have any accidents. I will take care of you for the rest of your life.”

This woman was very pitiful. Her husband died shortly after her daughter made her voice. Now her daughter is gone. Who told her to be kind to herself, otherwise he wouldn’t bother to deal with this kind of thing, even if you take off your clothes and kneel in front of him begging for shelter, he will take a look and then kick aside.

This is the causal cycle! Perhaps impermanence is now the only support point in her heart. If impermanence is gone, she may not survive. Alone, what reason does she have to live?

Maybe she can find another man, with her looks, this is not difficult at all, and if you beckon, there may be countless animals coming to the door. Besides, if she was really that kind of woman, she would not have been single for more than ten years, nor would it be so hard.

Hearing that, Qu Yiqiu smiled and said: “That’s OK, I’ll leave it to you for the rest of my sister’s life.”

“It’s eleven o’clock, I’ll go to bed first.”

She suddenly kissed Guiwuchang boldly on the cheek, and then ran back to the room in a panic.

Seeing her plump back, Gui Wuchang shook his head. She has been alone for more than ten years. This woman really makes him admire her conservativeness. Now she is at her age like a wolf, she must be very lonely and empty, right? !

Find her a boyfriend?

When he was just angry with this idea, he was entangled again, and first asked if she would agree, if she did?

He couldn’t accept that the woman who had been taking care of him for more than three months had been tainted by another man.

“Oh, what is my psychology? How come I have such a psychology?” Gui Wuchang shook his head and lit a cigarette.

“Hehe, Xiaoxue knows what the owner’s psychology is.”

At this time, Xiaoxue’s voice came: “Master, you are too selfish. Although you have no feelings for her, you can’t stand her being tainted by other men. But you are afraid that she will be tortured by emptiness and loneliness. If You really don’t want her to be tainted by other men. It’s actually very simple. You can feed her empty heart for more than ten years when you have time. Then you won’t lose a piece of meat. She doesn’t want much, just I want you to feed her.”

What Xiaoxue said is also unreasonable.

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