Chapter 223 Leave [Second More]

“Are you sure this is your woman?”

Hearing that the insect king said that Liang Bing was his woman at such a juncture, Gui Wuchang looked indifferent.

The insect king showed a different color, does this man also know Liang Bing? But he was not weakened, and said: “Yes, she is my woman.”


When the voice fell, Gui Wuchang explored it with one hand, reaching the door of the insect king.

Chongwang’s face changed drastically, his body couldn’t move, he snapped, and watched the other party buckle his door.

“You are so courageous, even my woman dare to get involved.”

Gui Wuchang’s right hand stubbornly squinted the insect king’s face, and said coldly: “Do you know? Just because of your thoughts, your Zerg race has been ruined by my own hands.”

“You…what is your relationship with Liang Bing?”

The insect king’s heart shook, because the door was blocked by the ghost impermanence, unable to speak, and roared with his soul thoughts.

“What’s the relationship? You didn’t even recognize yourself, so you came to meddle with my woman?”

Guiwuchang’s hand slowly applied force, and the entire handsome and resolute face of the insect king was distorted, the facial bones were broken, and a clicking sound was made.

His soul and thought shock, in terms of ghost impermanence, seemed to be tickling him.

Lifting his left hand, he snorted, and pulled out one of his arms abruptly, and a bloody vortex slowly appeared next to him, and he threw the Insect King arm in his hand.

“Roar! Since it’s murderous to me, please have a good time!” The Insect King’s Soul Nian roared.

A face has long been stunned by the impermanence of ghosts, blood is splashing, and bones are broken.

“No hurry, for a strong person like you, I’m happy to cherish your head and limbs.”

Gui Wuchang had no expression on his face, and then pulled out his other arm with one hand, and threw him into the bloody whirlpool: “With this honor, you should be honored.”


A palm hit the insect king’s chest, and the sound of clicking came from his body. Under this palm, the soul was hit by a huge impact and almost collapsed. The insect king’s breath was weakened to the extreme.

Guiwuchang was cruel, and lifted him up high, snorted, his right leg was pulled out with one hand, and blood spurted wildly.

“Animal, there is a species that killed me.” The insect king yelled weakly. He knew that he would definitely die today. It was ridiculous to think about it. He was unrivaled bravely in front of a foreign race just now, but now he is like a human being. A little chicken is usually held in the palm.

“Not urgent.”

As Gui Wuchang said, he also pulled off his last foot and threw it into the bloody whirlpool beside him.

The insect king has become a bachelor.

“Before you die, let you see your glory.”

While Guiwuchang spoke, a volume of vision appeared behind him. It was a sea of ​​blood. At this moment, it fell into the limbs of the insect king, and then floated quietly on the sea of ​​blood.

“It is absolutely your honor to be able to leave your parts with me before death.” Gui Wuchang was expressionless, extremely cold, and with a click, he forcibly twisted the head of the insect king with one hand.

Such a strong person is not that fragile, as long as the soul is not destroyed, no matter what kind of damage the body encounters, it can be reorganized.

“You are a devil.”

Looking at the bloody seascape behind Guiwuchang, the insect king roared.

“Devil? What is a devil? What is a ghost? No matter what intelligent creatures, their nature is evil.” Gui Wuchang’s face was cold, slapped the insect king’s head, shattered his soul, and threw his head into the bloody vortex. .

The corpse of the insect king was finally evaporated from the world by ghost impermanence.

The five 80-level elders and the red-robed Loli didn’t dare to look at the atmosphere, and didn’t even dare to lift their heads.

Simo was also quiet for a while, and all the onlookers had been deterred by the blood-haired man’s methods.

Nuo Lun Ao Tian is also among them.

“Boy, are you done with your business!?”

The old man seemed to have been paying attention to him, and his voice came from his ears as soon as he killed the Insect King.

Guiwuchang said indifferently: “You are forcing me.”

He has already purchased the talisman in the distant underground world leading to the wormhole of the human world, and he can leave instantly at any time.

“Boy, in addition to Pluto, the Queen of the Underworld is the first person in the Great Underworld, and I can’t defy her orders.” The old man sighed.

Guiwuchang’s tone is always so indifferent: “You are forcing me to go on the opposite side of you. In the future, you will definitely regret the decision you made today.”

After finishing speaking, the running talisman disappeared instantly, leaving a sentence: “Since your great underworld can’t accommodate me, then I will pick up the broken human world, and when I come back, I will kill your great underworld to extinction. ”

The words he left behind were so cold.

He had no choice but to make such a choice.

“Boy, you…”

The old man was shocked. He couldn’t sit still. The world was broken in an instant. A huge gap broke out in the sky. The dazzling white light tilted down like a flood, and the night was instantly torn apart. A terrifying big hand came out of the world. The outside explorer came in, hit the underground world directly, fell with a bang, and his big hand sank into the underground world.


In the next second, there was a loud sound that shook the sky, the whole world was shaking, and the underground world fell apart in an instant, turned into a piece of debris, floating in a white universe.


The big hand that covered the sky slowly withdrew from the broken world, and then left the world.

The broken sky slowly closed, and the planet’s will was trembling.

The crowd in the four wilds have all bowed to the ground, their bodies crawling and shaking constantly. This is an uncontrollable action made by the body. The heart is shaken, and the world is shattered with one hand. What kind of person is this? Exist, so terrifying?

Although the sky was closed in a short time, there was still a white mark that could not be merged in a short time. It was a famous book. The energy left by the old man was too terrifying, and the planetary will of this planet could not be quickly obliterated.

Therefore, a white trace of the sky was left on the sky.

After the crowd on the mountain was silent for a while, they stood up and wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads. Those who can come here to watch the battle are the strong ones on one side. They didn’t talk too much, they were still calming their hearts, wondering what it was. What kind of existence can cause such terrible destruction.

“Damn it, he really ran into the human world.”

In a certain piece of mist, the old man was standing on the deck of a big dark ship, his face was extremely ugly, and the words left by the impermanence before leaving still echoed in his ears, how cold it was.

The old man thinks about it and thinks that what he has done is not unreasonable. Being in this world well, it is only because of his own personal grievances that he will be forced to ruin.

“Emperor Ming, Empress Ming, I really don’t know if your actions this time are wrong or right. For such a demon with a physique against the sky, if you say oppression, you oppress. Later, he will lead the human world to rise and kill. You are eating your own fruit. “The old man sighed.

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