Chapter 301 Royal Dragon Tianshan

Gui Wuchang opened a portal, allowing Yue Wuguang to enter.

Upon seeing this, Yue Wuguang strode into the portal and came to the lobby on the first floor of the villa.

“elder brother.”

Yue Wuguang was so excited that she threw herself into Guiwuchang’s arms, and the Ability God who was watching was stunned.

Gui Wuchang patted him on the shoulder, everything is silent.

Yue Wuguang was like a child, staying in Guiwuchang’s arms for a long time before leaving.

“Xiaobing, add a few dishes to lunch today. I want to get drunk with Wuguang and Ability God.”

The four girls are already busy for lunch in the kitchen. After hearing the voice of impermanence, Liang Bing replied: “Okay.”

“Brother, look, body, this is my body. Since I was born and wisely, I have always dreamed of a free physical body. Today I finally realized it, thank you brother.” Yue Wuguang couldn’t hide his emotions.

People who have never experienced his loneliness will not know what his mood is now.

“Second brother, the road behind is still long, we are going to step through the nine heavens of the ancient gods.” Ability God patted Yue Wuguang on the shoulder, haha ​​laughed.

“That’s not it, as long as the three of us are together, the gods will block the killing of the gods, and the Buddha will block the killing of the Buddha.” Yue Wuguang smiled brilliantly.

Don’t look at him being coquettish, he smiled brilliantly.

Gui Wuchang nodded, “I will leave tomorrow and go to the place where the Tongtian Ladder descends.”


The three were chatting, talking and laughing, time passed without knowing it, and a table of hearty dishes was ready.

Finally, after a long drink, the time in the system space is already late at night

Tonight, Ability God and Yue Wuguang are living in the remaining two vacant rooms on the second floor.

In the early morning of the next day, after eating breakfast early, Guiwuchang left the system space and began to travel across the long river of time.

Within three days of the system space, Guiwuchang left the long river of time and returned to the primordial space.

At this time, Yue Wuguang and Ability God appeared.

Ability God said: “Brother, it’s only two months before Tongtian Ladder emerges. The journey will take nearly two months. Let’s trigger it quickly.”

Gui Wuchang nodded, and under the leadership of Ability God, the three crossed at full speed in the primordial space.

Crossing across the primordial space at the speed of the three people’s leaping space, the journey will take almost two months, which shows the vastness of the primordial space.

Nearly two Yue rushed on the road at full speed, and the three Guiwuchang descended outside the sky track boundary.

The place where the Tongtian Ladder is present in this world is the Yulong Tianshan Mountain in the Heavenly Rail Realm.

When they arrived outside the sky rail boundary, the three of them crossed the boundary wall and rushed directly to their destination-Yulong Tianshan.

The Celestial Orbit Realm is the world in which the Celestial Orbit Clan lives.

The Celestial Orbit Clan ranks twentieth on the Ten Thousand Clan List, and its energy cannot be underestimated.

But in front of the Guiwuchang trio, it is really not worth mentioning, any one of the trio has the ability to destroy this tribe.

Yulong Tianshan is shrouded in clouds and mists, haze and misty, and the mountain is magnificent, like a giant dragon hovering with its head high, wanting to go away from the sky, so it is called the Yulong Tianshan.

The three people of Guiwuchang stand proudly on a mountain, looking at the distant Tianshan Yulong Tianshan.

In all directions, one spacecraft after another flew towards Yulong Tianshan, and finally landed on the Tianshan platform.

Every time the Heavenly Ladder appears, not only the ten thousand races will be present, but also other tyrannical races will be present.

The last time the Tongtian ladder appeared, it has been nine hundred million years ago.

At that time, the strong man who came from the human race fell inexplicably after climbing down the ladder.

Then there were so many things.

“Brother, do you want Xi to take action now, suppress the audience, and wait for the ladder to start?” Ability God showed a cruel expression, hehe smiled.

“Yes! Just slap Yulong Tianshan directly with a slap.” Gui Wuchang smiled lightly.

For life, the impermanence of ghosts is as small as an ant.

“Well, eldest brother and second elder brother, look at me, I’m going to level it.”

Ability God’s expression was slightly crazy.

Guiwuchang nodded, “Go, let them see what kind of power is called power.”

“Don’t make them so painful.” Yue Wuguang showed a bright smile.

Ability God nodded and couldn’t wait. He wanted to show how terrifying his combat power was, so he flew out and stood proudly on the outer sky of Yulong Tianshan.


There was no extra words at all, Ability God actually directly manifested the Law Body, and suddenly the heavens and the earth shook, the sky collapsed, and the world trembled.

A human dragon body, stepped through the sky upright, the terrifying slashing aura swept away, and the void was fragile like a mirror, shattering.

Under the Dragon Slashing Body Law Body, the entire Tianshan Yulong Tianshan was collapsing, and a billowing mudslide swept across all directions.

Under such a terrifying aura of slashing the gods, some of the weaker gods, directly suppressed, trembled with fear and could not move.

A giant human dragon stands proudly on the broken firmament, and is submerged by endless gray light. His stalwart figure reveals the supreme will of the heavens.

“Ats, tremble, horror, desperate, God is here to destroy you, destroy you unreasonably.”

Ability God made a sound that shattered the world, causing countless people to die tragically on the spot, directly exploding to death.

“Damn! Renlong, which race does this god belong to? I have never heard of the human dragon clan or the dragon clan!”

“Why does he want to destroy us? We have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the near future. We really want to be so cruel and inhuman. What does he think he is? Is he a beast?”

“You stupid, people have the ability to decide everything. Maybe I’m not happy this time. I wanted to kill a few waves of creatures to relieve our anger. We were out of luck and we were selected.”

“When you die, you are still spraying manure with your mouth, you are a rubbish.”

“Who said I would die? You idiots, prepare to be all extinct!” The god chuckled and sacrificed a forbidden void seal. After crushing it, it didn’t enter the chaos and left.

“This rubbish has even the Tao Forbidden Void Seal?”


The Yulong Tianshan mountain is rolling and collapsing, but all the stronger gods are flying into the sky, while flying, while talking and swearing in horror.

At this time, with the heavenly slashing aura, only the gods can move. The gods below the gods or even the weaker ones can’t even move half of the body, and their faces are desperate and fearful waiting for death. , Screaming for help in the release.

Including the gods of the Yantian clan, as well as the strongest deity are also on the run. They felt a great crisis of life and death. This is definitely not a joke, it is a real sense of death.

The Dharmakaya in the sky is really terrifying to make life unable to resist the slightest thought, it is too huge.

Such a Law Bodies, which are many times larger than the Yantian Clan’s strongest deity’s Law Bodies, will be crushed every minute.

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