Demon Lord Priest II

Chapter 516: Violating the Law of Morality (Part 2)

(For the convenience of everyone, I put the last chapters of the third chapter of the third part of the devil priest and the brave girl that were originally in the little devil here)

This is definitely not just Ulysses' fantasy. In fact, with the thirteen doses of crystal magic medicine as the source, white light is extending from his back and shoulders, and it seems to be about to take shape.

Even in his mind, a number of unusually unhealthy contents such as abusive methods, lewd **** methods, etc., have unknowingly appeared. The supreme **** is above, he has never learned this kind of thing.

And the abnormal state is not limited to this. After coming to this world, the black light wings seemed to be bound and suddenly spread wildly behind Ulysses. Although it seems that it is still in the form of a single wing for some reason, the length and the power condensed on it are far more than a hundred times in the past, as if this single wing is enough to bring complete destruction to the entire world.

At the same time, countless tiny black lines extended from Ulysses' body, covering almost everything he could see. Where the black line had been cut, everything was disintegrated into shattered pieces. But those fragments are still being cut and cut again, as if everything here is going to be turned into a state of "zero".

In the end, the Demon King's Sword Abyss, who had been with Ulysses and had fought countless battles with him, suddenly returned to him. But not the immature form, but the final form he saw at the end of the fourth road.

"The third form, the abyss of sin." This is the third sword form of the abyss's sin recorded in the book of the devil. If the first type of Dark Scar is a concentrated release of energy, and the second type of Conviction Scar is a close linear cut, then this third type represents absolute power, unique in the sky and the world, and even the world will be chopped to pieces strength.

No matter what is standing in front of you, whether it is the sky, the earth, the world, or even a **** who surpasses the world, in front of this sword, in front of this sword named after the abyss of sin, it will all be smashed. Unlimited power, this is the true face of the abyss's sin - the sword of destruction.

"..." Faced with these powers that are completely indescribable by common sense, they should belong to Ulysses. No matter what, the "magic" power that seems to be closer to "ordinary" seems to be stunned.

After all, even the most powerful healing magic, like the "Hand of Miracles" to ordinary people, is really insignificant in front of these powers.

So there is no suspense, the path that Ulysses chose was smashed cleanly.

Invasion, pollution, evil, desire, destruction, the unique sword in heaven and earth, the pride that never bows its head, the loneliness of the end of all things, the boundaries between reality and illusion become blurred. The path that was originally chosen was completely fragmented, and the other paths he gave up were almost firmly connected to him, and there was no way to separate them.

Fate no longer has a fixed direction at this moment, or has foreshadowed this outcome from the time they were shown to Ulysses. What he needed was not to choose anything from the beginning, because the origins of the paths presented to him would not be so passively waiting for him to choose at all.

Even though the Demon Lords who represent the origin of these roads no longer exist anywhere, there are only traces of their existence left on these roads. But even a trace is too powerful for Ulysses.

These forces are so willful, so unique, so extraordinary. This is the power of the Demon King, which is high enough to fight against the "One God".

I don't know whether it's lucky or unfortunate, Ulysses is the carrier chosen by these forces together. It seemed that these powers were unanimous in their determination that, within their perceptible range, there was no more suitable candidate to be the "Demon Lord" than Ulysses.

Ulysses wanted to faint, but in this dark sea of ​​chaos, he didn't even have the freedom to lose consciousness. Everything was so clearly displayed in front of him, and when he was connected by different forces, he knew better than anyone, and knew better than anyone, what direction he had taken.

Although he didn't know what went wrong, he clearly knew what he was connected to.

The first path—the path of angels that heralds the fallen morning light, comes from the special fighting spirit he cultivated—the light of fallen angels, the power of Lucifer, the powerful demon king who was once known as the morning star in legends. On that road, he saw the archangel who fell from the sky for nine days and nine nights, and fell into the deepest darkness. He was one of the strongest demon kings.

The second path - the dark path that heralds the end of all things, that is the path that the master of the power of death's **** walks from the power he feels when he is infinitely close to death. The Terminator who walks in the world, the Demon King of Death who harvests life and soul, is the master of that road.

The third path - the path that heralds love and joy, the path full of desires, is the path that Aya once told him that the other demon king likes. The Demon Lord named Belda, who uses infinite love and endless desire as his source of strength, is the most special Demon Lord.

The fourth way - the golden devil floating in the dark sea, that is the creator of Aya, the origin of the realm of infinite desire, the projection of the strongest devil Astaroth. The final form of the abyss convicted sin was also presented in front of him for the first time. That is enough to split the world and sever the world with one blow.

The fifth way - the only incomprehensible way, seems to be a choice from his own past. At the end of that road, in Mira Village, was the book he got, the remnant with incredible power. Its power can be said to be the weakest, but it is the most suitable for him. When he touches it, it is like seeing something that he misses very much. And this is the only way to find the priest closest to his ideal.

However, there is no way out now. Because whether he likes it or not, he has been chosen, chosen all paths. In fact, when these paths were presented to him, he had no choice.

This is against the law of morality, and it is the pressure of the willful demon kings. The path he chose seems to have made the traces left by these demon kings so angry that they ran away uncontrollably.

Everything is irreversible, or in other words, everything has just begun. After accepting all the information conveyed by the road that was too large to be understood by the current Ulysses, Ulysses finally lost consciousness as he wished-for him, it was too violent, just It's like stuffing a hundred roast ducks into one loaf.


After an unknown amount of time, in the deepest corner of the collapsed and buried underground cave, Ulysses slowly opened his eyes.

His consciousness is very chaotic. In fact, it is a miracle that he can still wake up now. The four Demon King's Roads who came to the Overlord and bowed to him did not show any tenderness to him, and almost all the information that needed to be inherited was stuffed into his mind.

That huge amount of information, even just one of them, is enough to burst the minds of the most powerful races in the world. But Ulysses seemed to be special, and he did take the whole message. Although he couldn't understand it, even though he couldn't remember it, all of those things were indeed contained in his memory—even if most of them were buried in the deepest part of the sea of ​​memory.

And the part that he understood and recognized in that short period of time was left in an exact form, and was immediately discovered by Ulysses.

"The Book of the Demon King?" Ulysses looked at the black book floating in front of him, and found many new contents on the pages.

You found your way, the darkness beckoned you, and you responded to the voice of darkness. From this moment on, you truly have the right to use the Book of Demons. Your authority has surpassed the current Book Demon Envoy, which means that you have begun to move forward on the road of the real Demon King.

Under the control of dark creatures, you now have the absolute right to freely dominate low-level dark creatures. Just look at them with your eyes, and give orders to them, and they will absolutely execute your orders. This ability also applies to dark creatures you create.

The second form of the abyss of sin, the power of the abyss of sin has limited its own power because it has to cooperate with your own strength, but now you can conditionally lift that restriction and sacrifice the flesh and blood of the enemy , using the hidden power of the Abyssal Conviction.

Dark Rune Control, you can now try to learn the mysterious rune from the original darkness to expand your abilities. Runes from the First Darkness possess great power, use them with care.

The torture style of the dark witch, the lewd **** of the son of prayer, the dark secret ritual that greatly increases one's own strength in a short period of time, there are sequelae after use...

"That means, has my Demon Lord level increased again?" Ulysses didn't know what kind of expression he should show after seeing a lot of new content in the Book of Demon Lords.

What happened just now? Ulysses tried to recall what happened in that dark ocean not long ago, but for some reason, the memory of that time had completely turned into some fragmented pieces, and there was no way to remember it completely. (Because of being treated too violently...)

However, there is only one thing he can be sure of, that he is indeed one step closer to the Dark Demon Lord that Aya was looking forward to.

However, what is even more strange is that his path to priesthood, which has been getting farther and farther, seems to have made new progress.

"Benevolent and good God of radiance, I am here to pray to you, to make a wish to you, please stretch out your hand. Human blood is blood, flesh is flesh, and bone is bone, repair them with your strength Well—Silver's Healing Hand."

In the sound of Ulysses' prayers, a silver-white brilliance flashed, but it was not the big hand as expected, but a small silver hand that looked like a kitten's claws.

But no matter how small or weak the effect is, this is indeed the legendary magic "Silver's Healing Hand".


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