Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 2 Chapter 4: wrong choice (below)

Valak from the ancient **** can use her demon-level knowledge to correctly remove the effects of the crystal charm left by Beluda on her body, while another victim, Ulysses, is not so Lucky.

After being blown away by Valak's huge magical power, he rotated in the air for an unknown number of degrees, and stopped in the air in a very awkward posture.

After choosing the path incorrectly (to be precise, being chosen), his ability has indeed achieved an unprecedented breakthrough. Like this, he can reach the state of free flight without any preparation, which is the ability obtained after the breakthrough.

Ulysses could feel the atmosphere cheering around him without the need to summon the black wings of the Fallen Angel's Light. The flow of magic power in the body is at least several times faster than before.

However, the truth is not always on the bright side. In contrast to this increased strength, the desire in his body is also more violent. After Valak touched the invisible switch, the legacy that the great Demon Lord Beluda left to Ulysses was no longer lonely.

"'s hot..." Ulysses, who was still in mid-air, breathed heavily, and an unusual scorching heat swept through his body. More transparent crystal aura emanated from him. If it wasn't for the surrounding area being blocked, I'm afraid there would have been a big problem.

A demon king-level crystal charm medicine is not something that humans can fight against. Even those Shajis who have no body and logically will not be affected by any drugs, are all stumbling around at this moment, looking at Ulysses with fiery eyes.

Those charming eyes are enough to make any man fascinated, and they are the most charming eyes that can provoke the inner desires of human beings. The Sakis, who were originally the subspecies of the legendary race "Sakibas", have become even more beautiful and charming.

With this unusual aura, even the black swan, who tightly wrapped the body of the sword hero Lara, was slightly affected. Those beautiful and hateful eyes, there was a secret confusion at some point.

The only one who is not affected is, of course, the magic princess from the ancient hell, the Valak in the shape of a young angel on the throne of the two-headed dragon. After discovering that she was being affected by something, she completely sealed off the space around her, and activated the orb in the hand of the white dragon on the right side of the two-headed dragon to purify the surrounding air and remove those difficult to detect. The crystal breath dissipated cleanly.

Ulysses is trying to be patient. He has never been so desperate to suppress his impulses as he is now. Unlike before, this time he noticed his huge flaw, which was an unavoidable weakness after inheriting part of the power of the Demon King named Beluda.

His own desires (especially for women) have become stronger and uncontrolled than before.

He obviously didn't want to inherit this at all! Even if the last bright path leading to starlight cannot be chosen, the one he wants to choose first is the familiar Astaroth first, followed by Lucifer, who used to be the angel of the bright morning light.

It is really unimaginable to choose the path of death that the dark side has experienced once, and he has no sense of morality, and the so-called path of happiness to possess and obtain all beautiful women is not included in the scope of his choice at all.

Only this, he absolutely did not want to choose. Not because he really ignores his own desires, he also understands that his body is not so resistant to that kind of happiness. But the way of sinking into desire and holding everything he wants in his hands is really not suitable for him.

However, he has no right to choose at all. There is no tragedy more tragic than this.

"I don't want to look at the situation clearly, I only want the women I want. It seems that I made a mistake. This is not like the demeanor of the successor of Lord Astaroth." In the struggle) eyes stared at his Ulysses, and the halo on Valak's head became brighter.

At this moment, she seems to be the legendary messenger of God who came to purify evil and bring light to the earth. Even the evil half of the two-headed dragon doesn't look so ugly under this sacred light.

As for the "evil" to be purified, it is naturally the Demon King Ulysses who stared at the little angel with malicious eyes.

"I want you to know that with your current strength, what you want to do to me is still 10,000 years too early. Taking action against me is your biggest mistake." As the master of true knowledge, Valak can be very A clear grasp of the current level of Ulysses.

It is true that she possesses the power of more than one demon king, but no matter which kind of power she has, she is a junior in the junior level, and she is not her current opponent at all. In terms of overall strength, it may not be as good as Lala, who was just defeated by her. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"..." Ulysses said something softly, but because the surrounding space was automatically closed, Varak couldn't hear what he was saying.

Although she won't really kill the demon king's power heir who finally appeared, since he can be seen by several demon kings at the same time, and inherit the abyss of Lord Astaroth's conviction, it shows that he does have the potential to become an excellent demon king.

However, at this stage, the potential is just potential, not enough for him to have the qualifications to command himself. Besides, even in that ancient **** age, she never succumbed to the lascivious and shameless Beluda.

Who would listen to the orders of a lascivious and shameless demon king who has no integrity or morality! Recalling some things in the past, Valak looked at Ulysses with even more unpleasant eyes.

Moreover, he also interrupted her good deeds. If it wasn't for his sudden appearance, she would have turned the girl named Lala into her apostle long ago. This is really getting angrier the more she thinks about it.

"Unlimited killing method, spiral corridor!" In Astaroth's favor, Valak did not intend to destroy Ulysses humanely here, but it was still necessary to give appropriate punishment.

Using the infinite knockdown method derived from Belluda, and locking the guy who inherited Belluda's personality into the infinite corridor is the most suitable solution. It must be closed for at least a few months before she can calm down a little.

Infinite Knockdown and Killing Method, Spiral Corridor - The original spiral corridor, it is said that there are more than 108,000 art paintings of different girls looking happy, and there are plenty of water and food. It is a bad building used to tempt pure girls to fall. , is an evil world that shakes people in unrest.

Of course, there would be none of those things in Valrak's spiral corridors, not even a drop of water.


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