Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 59: The Voice of Departure and Confession (Part 1)

After several twists and turns, the "Glorious Academy Southern Historic Site Expedition Team" organized by the Glorious Academy was actually the "Apostle's Mission Pluto Mythology Gem Search Team".

The entire team is centered on the Apostles, but the Radiance Academy also dispatched personnel to join them, forming a terrifying team whose reputation is not particularly loud, but whose combat power is enough to make any country tremble.

The head of the group of apostles is part-time Demon Lord Ulysses.

The deputy commander and the leader of the apostles, Aia, the envoy of the Book of the Demon Lord.

Helen of the First Apostle who had just recovered from the riots.

The second apostle Arce lìya.

Gu, the sixth apostle, Meina, the seventh apostle, Iphia, and her guardian, Hercules, the eighth apostle, Miha, the ninth apostle, Tina, the tenth apostle, Sharon; Maid Pandora (Angela)

Daily Maid Salad, Salad (Hydra Group)

Cat Ear Maid Remy (Kana)

The travel group of pet Shiraz Sofia: Princess Victoria in the mountains and waters.

The ghost and **** Lei lù on the battlefield.

The little princess of Yuke Sophia, the King of Gold, the King of Heroes, and the dark bride of Ulysses ~ Fali.

Then there are several personnel sent by the Radiance Academy, Noah, the Holy Knight of Light.

Theology teacher Yuffie, swordsmanship teacher Lana, student representative Xiandi, and some people who were enthusiastically recommended by the Ana family, formed a team of about a hundred people.

However, no matter how Ulysses looked at it, he felt that there was something wrong with this team with a perfect configuration.

What's wrong with it? Ulysses looked left and right, and read the entire team's roster from beginning to end.

In terms of occupational configuration, this team is absolutely perfect, from life occupations to auxiliary occupations, from combatants to logistics personnel. Among them, the lowest level of the combat occupation also has six levels, and the lowest level of the living occupation is also the master level.

It can be said that each of them is an elite among the elites, and they are definitely not a huā bottle that is not suitable for use. It can be seen that they have all undergone special training, and even the temporary servants have an extraordinary noble demeanor.

what! After reading it over and over ten times, Ulysses finally knew what was wrong!

This entire team, except for him and Hercules, is actually made up of all women, and all of them are full of vitality, young women, ranging from cute girls to mature beauties, and Contains women of all races and regions.

in it. He even saw a real leprechaun, who looked like a half-blood, but with pointed ears and a small body, just like the beautiful leprechauns imagined in fairy tales.

No, not the time to think about it! This kind of situation, no matter how you think about it! No one would organize a team like this, who knew that this was an academic expedition from Guanghui College to the south, but who didn't know it thought it was a shameless emperor traveling with his harem!

It's a pity that when Ulysses realized this, this team with a huge disparity between men and women was already ready to go on the square in front of the Guanghui Academy.

"This is a meaningful extracurricular activity with extremely high academic value. As a member of the long-established Glorious Academy" On the podium in front of the square, the dean of the academy was eloquently expressing his own beliefs His moving speech encouraged the team that was going to the southern region.

Even in the history of Radiance Academy, such a large-scale academic expedition is rare. After all, the Southern Church area is not a diocese directly controlled by the Supreme Church, but a semi-autonomous area with extremely high levels.

At this time, the dispatch of an academic expedition from Guanghui College to the Southern Diocese was regarded by many as an action of historical significance. It can be said that this action has been held by many people with all kinds of hopes from the very beginning.

However, probably not many people know that this special team was built for one person from the beginning, and was called up for one person's wish.

Who is this person, look at the direction the girls in this team are looking at, of course it won't be the old man on the podium. It was a certain black-clad boy in the center of the team, and he knew it.

And this time. A certain young man is having a headache for this extremely unbalanced team.

However, no matter how much trouble Ulysses had for this disparate team of men and women, it was already a given, and he couldn't allow him to change it.

As for how this girl's long-lived team was formed, I would have to ask a certain little devil who always likes to worry about his master's happiness, and a certain clan elders meeting who hoped that the immediate descendants of the family would go crazy.

The beginning of a new day also heralds the beginning of a new beginning. Staring at the sky in the distance, the colorful clouds are just a little bit more beautiful, like a Pingting girl, standing with her head up and shy and happy.

Behind the clouds, the golden sun showed a shy face, the sun shone on this snow-white earth, and in an instant everything was covered with a golden robe.

This is the third day after the "Glorious Academy's Southern Historic Site Expedition Team" left the Shining City. Although it is almost spring, the entire northern continent has not recovered from the icy cold in December when the terrifying angel was absent not long ago. liberate.

At first glance, the earth is still white, and only occasionally a few small animals look at this rare human team curiously from behind the bushes, and they are not afraid at all.

"Sila, is this really caused by the wind blowing from my mother?" Ulysses learned an amazing truth in the luxurious carriage like a small palace.

That is, the source of this super blizzard that made the people of the entire Northern Continent freeze to the point of wanting to crawl into the ground, is his venerable and lovely Mother Ice Phoenix.

"That's right, because Lord Ice Phoenix can't see you, that's how it ends." Little Sila lay lazily in Ulysses' arms, doing her pet duty, stretching out from time to time. His little hand grabbed him once or twice.

After becoming like this for a long time, it seems that not only the size, but also the intelligence has returned to the state of the juvenile. However, it seems that this is not bad, because I can stay in the arms of the lovely little lady aboveboard.

It's just that, for some reason, it seems that I can sense some kind of special murderous aura.

"Gah!" The metal cup beside Helen's right hand was twisted and changed by an invisible force. In less than a few seconds, this beautifully engraved cup, which is known to be a masterpiece at first glance, turned into a small ball the size of a finger.

Then, Helen ate the ball as if nothing had happened. This was the first cup she ate today, and she didn't even remember it herself.

"Hehe." Lying in Ulysses' arms, Silas blinked and looked at Helen, who was sitting motionless, and let out a happy laugh.

"Gah!" Helen's hand trembled slightly, this time a metal pendant on the top of the carriage was compressed. This terrifying compression force is a by-product of her awakening the power of the leylines.

In fact, she now has the urge to compress the little Ice Charm in Ulysses' arms into cookies and eat them.

This urge did not diminish over time, but instead increased.

The consequence of this is that the maid who is responsible for cleaning the carriage every day will be surprised to find that some small things are missing again. From cups to jugs, from ornaments to plates, it was as if an invisible thief had stolen them.

"The rest camp is here!" A loud instruction sounded from the front of the team.

An ultra-long trek is different from a short-term explosive advance, which requires the cooperation of the entire team. So even if Ulysses can really use the light wings to fly at high speed, he can't easily search for the Pluto mythical gems alone. The more helpers there are, the better for such a large-scale search.

Moreover, if he ran to the southern tribal area alone, I am afraid that Helen would be completely out of control again. What will happen to Helen now that he is out of control, Ulysses can only know by listening to her recent record, which was a terrible violence that destroyed the legendary great wizard and Rasputin's grandfather.

So this time, it is the joint action of the whole group of apostles and the Radiance Academy.

The power of collective action is especially evident when traveling.

Stepping out of his ultra-luxurious palace-style carriage, Ulysses saw a lush meadow.

Under normal conditions, of course, there is no such grass in this icy world. However, the power of magic is omnipotent. In this special team, there are not only wizards who can disperse all the ice and snow in a very short period of time, but also can let plants. A fairy who grows in an instant.

The result of the girls who joined the team went all out was the beautiful scene that Ulysses saw at this moment.

A meadow full of life like spring A lively stream, the stream flowing from one end of the mountain to the other. The water in the stream is uncontaminated, and the water is transparent. Ding Dong's crisp sound came into my ears.

The effect of magic continued, and in the few steps that Ulysses got off the carriage, several huā bone buds had already bloomed on this grass.

Roses, orchids, lilies, flowers that could not have appeared in this season and this place, began to compete with each other under the power of natural magic, and even the temperature of the air began to rise, allowing them to open more happily.

"How about it, the power of our magic group." Rasputin, who led the wizards to create this resting place in a short period of time, snorted at Ulysses with pride on his face.

"It's really amazing." Even if he has the power of the Demon King now, Ulysses can't make Huāduo so beautiful and open. It requires not only magic power, but also love for nature.

"Don't underestimate our wizards, the power of magic is the power that can really change everything, and there will be more surprises for you to see later!" Rasputin left confidently.

Even in this talented team, when it comes to pure magical attainments, she is still a well-deserved number one genius. And leading the entire magic group to change the environment is also an unprecedented novel experience for her.

"Meow! The maid team is here." Kana happily waved the handkerchief in his hand. With the full assistance of the Ana family, the demon maid team of the original apostle group has been greatly expanded, from the first five people directly turned over several times.

Of course, the newly added recent maids are all genuine and elite maids, not stupid idiots like a big snake who can't even fry a poached egg.

Even preparing food for 100 people is an easy task for the current maid team. But of course there are also special foods.

"Quick, quick, this is the master's main meal tonight." Kana quietly took out a whip from the secret ingredient storehouse.

"Wow, this is not from Namu..."

"I know, I know, I've seen it in the picture book of the complete list of ingredients."

"This is very difficult to prepare, we have to be careful, we must maintain all the nutrients in it."

"That's right! You must make the most beautiful super soup!" Kana, the head chef of the maid team, wagged his tail, and began to lead his maids to prepare for Ulysses wholeheartedly. A special soup made from a big tonic and a special tonic.

At this time, Ulysses was sitting alone on a piece of bluestone at the end of the magically thawed creek, far away from the team.

He was waiting for someone, someone very important to him.

In my ears, I could hear the energetic voices from the girls in the team over the mountain. The slightly icy wind was blowing from afar, which made people feel that their minds were naturally sober.

Steady and rhythmic footsteps came from the other side of the stream. They were familiar footsteps for Ulysses, footsteps that would not be disturbed at any time.

"Arce lìya!" Ulysses stood up and looked at her who had just walked around the corner.

Today, she also had her hair up and wore steel armor as usual. Although she couldn't see it, the sword whose true appearance was disguised by the power of the wind was on her waist, allowing her to fight anytime, anywhere.

Although it was the first time that Ulysses took the initiative to initiate a date with her, her eyes were very calm when she went to the appointment, and she couldn't see the slightest wavering.

"What's the matter?" It seems that for Arce lìya, the word dating has never existed in her heart. So when Ulysses deliberately asked her to come to this secluded place alone, she didn't feel anything special.

Those emerald eyes are just as stable and beautiful today.

"I" Ulysses opened his mouth, only to find himself suddenly unable to say anything.

He had already thought about it for a long time, and he had seen Arce lìya's past with his own eyes, and knew the sorrow she was carrying and the misfortune she had experienced.

So want to do something for her, at least want to say something to her.

However, when he really saw Arce lìya, Ulysses felt that it was all superfluous.

No matter what happened in the past and how much misfortune she has suffered, Arhan lìya is still Arhan lìya, unlike him who was in so much pain that he voluntarily abandoned his memory, she must have accepted it all.

That's why she was able to comfort him like that and tell him how to face his uneasy heart. Get him out of the dark.

"I want to practice with you again." The comforting words that had been prepared for a long time, the sincere talk finally turned into such a sentence, even Ulysses himself felt stupid.

"Very good, it looks like you've become stronger again." Arcelia didn't doubt Ulysses' purpose, because Ulysses' swordsmanship really surprised her time and time again recently.

Ulysses might not have noticed the terrifying growth rate of Zizi himself, but as the opponent who practiced with him the most, Arce Liya understood his changes better than anyone else.

The biggest advantage of Ulysses in the past was his quick sword and super explosive power. The ability that came from the field of infinite yù hope allowed him to display an extraordinary high-speed sword.

Once the speed of the sword reaches a certain level, it is equal to absolute power, and it can almost ignore the power of the opponent's moves. Even if he could only attack in this way, Ulysses had enough qualifications to become a first-class swordsman.

However, now Ulysses has surpassed that stage, his sword no longer only has "fast" and has obtained "steady" on the basis of that.

Stable and accurate knowing the direction of each sword swing, maintain your center of gravity while swinging the sword quickly. If Ulysses' sword was like a gust of wind that blew past, then now his sword is a spiral storm that can lock the opponent and cut it into pieces.

Alas, why did it become like this, obviously I wanted to talk about the past of Arce lìya... Ulysses summoned the abyss to convict, and shook his head a little bit resenting himself for being too clumsy.

However, regret came to regret. When the abyss came into his hands, and when the opponent's Arce Liya raised the invisible sword in his hand, Ulysses's spirit also began to be highly concentrated.

Everything around seemed to have disappeared, only the sound of wind, water, and fallen leaves remained, and slowly, these sounds disappeared one by one, leaving only the sound of his own heartbeat.

Forget everything around him and leave the world with only the sword in his hand. This is also one of the key points of swordsmanship that Arcelia once taught Ulysses.

However, this is not a basic sword skill, but something that can be naturally comprehended only after the level of sword skill reaches a certain advanced level.

"Drink!" With the sound of the invisible sword in Arce lìya's hand, the battle between the two kicked off.

Ordinary human eyes can no longer see the movements of the two at all, and can only see the footprints one by one on the ground, the traces of the stream's water being cut by something, and the flash of fire in the air like a stroke...empty The water bird that came came, Ulysses tapped his toes on the ground, and immediately waved dozens of crescent-like sword qi, locking all the escape routes of Arce Liya, who was shaken into the air by him.

The wind blew, not a breeze, but a storm that came from the mountains, cutting steel, Arce Liya turned into a stream of light, smashed Ulysses' sword energy, and hit the abyss in his hand continuously. convict.

One step, two steps, three steps Ulysses took seven steps back in a row to offset Arcelia's storm-like impact.

Flipping his wrist, Ulysses used all his strength to create eight huge airlocks.

This is the Bafang Desolate Dragon Lock in the Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword Stance, a stunt specially used to deal with flexible enemies.

However, Arce lìya's figure was faster than the eight dragon locks, so fast that Ulysses couldn't even react.

Before the eight dragon locks could reach their maximum length, they were all cut off by the invisible sword in Arce Liya's hand, and then Ulysses ate Arce Liya's full blast of wind pressure.

An invisible compressed air bomb exploded under Ulysses' feet, blasting his entire body into the sky.

Then, the steel streamer of Arce lìya's incarnation flashed again.

".Ding!.Ding!.Ding!" With seven consecutive crisp sounds, Ulysses once again tried the feeling of being completely suppressed and unable to perform his best moves.

This is the most likely scene in the practice between him and Arce lìya. Although the power, explosiveness, and even the type of his moves surpassed Arce Liya, Arce Liya only needed to use the simplest of these moves to create combos that would overwhelm him.

The gap between the two sides was wider than he had thought in the past: the more he trained, the more he could feel the gap.

It wasn't a simple difference in proficiency. In fact, he also possessed the combat intuition that Arcela had. However, in terms of the understanding of moves and the choice of tactics, the difference between the two sides could be said to determine xìng.

According to reason, the loss of balance, full of flaws, can be regarded as determining the victory of this exercise. I don't know why, when I recalled the lonely figure of Arce lìya on the battlefield at the end, she resolutely chopped off her head. Determined, Ulysses has a feeling that he must not admit defeat here.

He wanted Arce lìya to know his mood at the moment, and to understand his feelings for her. If this cannot be said in words, then it is expressed in swords.

So, don't lose!

In the air, countless sword lights suddenly burst out, just like a beautiful peacock spreading its tail feathers. In the most impossible place, when his body had completely lost his balance, Ulysses swung his fastest sword.

The sword with countless feathers scattered about was unable to approach even the white streamer that Arce Liya had transformed into, and it bounced back to the ground.

Fast, accurate, and possessing terrifying explosive power, this is Arce lìa's evaluation of Ulysses' sword. To be able to use this sword in the most unfavorable situation shows that the current Ulysses is completely different from the past.

Ulysses, who used this sword, was indeed the same as Arce lìya had judged. At this moment, he was completely different from just now.

In the seemingly calm black eyes, there was a fiery emotion that Arce Liya couldn't understand.

In this way, he was expressing his respect to his swordsmanship teacher, to Arce lìya, who always helped him and extended his hand to him when he was most depressed and lost.

Yes, there is no need for comfort. Even in the face of an army of tens of millions of undead, he has never taken a step back. Until the end, he fought dignifiedly, and even the fear of death could not defeat the king, how could he need comfort.

Then, use the sword to repay, and express his heart to the knight in front of him with a sword that is more splendid than ever before. (To be continued! .

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