Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Infiltrator (Part 1)

When Arhan lìya sorted some messy clothes and walked out of the woods beside the creek, she was greeted by the little devil Aya who had arrived outside the woods waiting to harvest the fruit.

"It seems that you are slowly getting used to it. How is it, as I said, as long as you can accept it, it is very comfortable.,... Aya's face is full of "I know what you are doing here" With an expression suspended in mid-air, she looked at Arce Liya who subconsciously looked at her neck.

There, there is a deep wěn mark, as for who is the person who imprinted this wěn mark, the answer is self-evident.

"This is the path I chose myself." Without refuting Aya's slightly jealous inquiry, Arce lìya embodied the armor that had completely repaired itself, and walked back with steady steps as always. camp.

"I really don't understand. You and the master are the same. It's obviously something you can enjoy. How can you feel so guilty." Aya sighed, headache for the two who were always getting nowhere.

In terms of learning, both of them are geniuses among geniuses, but in terms of learning about love, why are they so clumsy.

Tired, she still had to come to help and pull the strings. She has been watching the two of them, and she knows that they have already chosen each other, but they are too stupid. The Demon King of her own family is, and so is this King of Knights.

Love is obviously so simple, as long as you open your heart, anyone can do things, why do these two people make it so complicated.

"Love, it's really complicated." Standing alone in the woods beside the creek, Ulysses seemed to be able to feel the residual warmth of Arcelia and the few strands of blond hair she fell on him.

Now, he can understand the extremely difficult magic formulas in the Book of Demon Kings, and he can display gorgeous dark forbidden techniques without relying on any Noble Phantasm, but in terms of understanding the hearts of girls, it seems that he is still in Mira Village. He is not as good as.

At least, at that time, he could often see Yulia and Rasha's thoughts and predict their actions. But when he grew up, he couldn't even do that.

Perhaps, this is also the price of growing up. The more knowledge you learn, the harder it is to judge people.

Especially a creature like a female, I'm afraid even the most knowledgeable scholar in this world can't guess what she is thinking.

"Master! Master! Master!" There was a sound of a large animal walking in the woods, followed by a strange creature with two long whiskers on its head and four hooves on the flames walking leisurely from the woods come over.

The big red eyes looked at Ulysses, and then kicked over with a hoof.

""Ding! "This hoof is quite powerful, and Ulysses tried to use the black force in his hand to break the fist lock before taking it.


Hmm..." The owner of the strange red creature yawned lazily on its back, then rubbed his eyes, looking at Ulysses whose wrists were numb from the shock with those half-asleep eyes.

"In order to prevent himself from encountering a combo of people and horses, Ulysses greeted the knight he was familiar with.

"I found the princess and I miss you." Lei lù picked up the red halberd behind her, and pointed in the direction she came from.

Although she didn't say anything, Ulysses could hear her unspoken subtext.

"If you don't go, then I'm going to beat you."

As for whether Lei Lù dared or not, Ulysses was certain of this. He never forgot about the fact that he was almost killed by Lei Lù when he tried to advance.

Speaking of which, Lei lù may not be so good at words, but her mobility is absolutely superb.

"I know." Before Ulysses finished speaking, Lei Lù waved her halberd and pulled him onto her mount with great accuracy.

There was no warning at all, not even the slightest movement in his eyes. This ability to shoot without a sound is exactly what makes Lei lù stronger than Arce lìya.

Ulysses could roughly judge her attack when fighting Arce lìya, but when fighting Lei lù, it was a complete fantasy.

Even if the moves were comparable, Lei Lù's ability to find no omen no matter what she did was a terrifying talent that even Arce Lìya felt inferior to herself.

That is not like the special xìng that human beings have, just like the unpredictable clouds, unrestrained, 〖free〗.

"Let's go." Lei lù hugged Ulysses by the waist, like a robber who robbed the princess, humming a little tune and ordered her mount, the red rabbit, to run all the way to the camp.

It's not gentle at all, it's rough and powerful, but that's what Lei Lù does.

Li Sis didn't bother to resist, and just let Lei lù carry herself forward.

At this position, you can see Lei Lù's pair of ōng parts that keep moving up and down as the mount advances. Although it is not very big, the shape is very perfect, and Ulysses found that even on this ride, Lei Lù maintained a stable center of gravity anytime, anywhere.

It seemed to have become her instinct, as simple as breathing.

The red halberd flashed by, as if it had cut something invisible, and Ulysses also heard a faint scream.

"What's there?" Something that Ulysses couldn't even feel was obviously no ordinary creature.

"I don't know... Just chop and chop..." Lei Lù replied expressionlessly, as if it wasn't her who shot and killed just now.

In the distant snow and ice, perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, it can be said that the dark priest Darwin, who has achieved absolute invisibleness, trembled, and then a large amount of blood oozes from the edge of his right eye.

"What's the matter, how could the eye monster be discovered?" Darwin covered his injured right eye with one hand, and looked into the distance with disbelief.

The substitute for his eyes, which was created by using the magic eye obtained from the devil, has the special ability to perfectly hide any movement in the body, and no matter who looks at it, he will only think that it is an ordinary small insect.

However, just now, the eye monster was slaughtered cleanly by some weapon, and it was obviously not an accidental injury, but the core of the eye monster was accurately found, and then it was fatal.

The eye monsters created by the secret technique were lost in seconds before they even had time to reflect.

Only a red flash was left for him.

The more perfect the secret technique, the higher the backlash against the user. The eye monster, a special phantom worm that can even sneak into the magical barrier, is already equivalent to a part of his body. When it is killed, his eyes also suffered the same degree of damage.

He lost half of his vision in his right eye, and that was the price he paid. Opening his eyes, Darwin, as expected, found half of the world in his eyes blurred.

"It seems that it is still too limited to human thoughts." Darwin, who lost half of his vision in one eye, then closed both eyes.

Demon's Eye, open.

In a field of vision that is clearer than any human eye, you can see the huge beam of light in the distance, which is a natural phenomenon produced by gathering countless magical powers, and it is a terrifying reaction like a storm.

The magical phenomenon gathered there is second only to the breath of the disguised Prince Ivan that Darwin had seen. In terms of total amount, even the newly developed Sun Devil Insects by the organization is far behind.

It is a complete mistake in the organization to keep focusing on the Supreme Divine Religion, the Sorcerer's Guild, and those dark races that have almost become history. Darwin, who has been paying attention to this group of apostles from a long time ago, is almost certain that this unknown organization, which is like emerging from the ground, will be the organization's biggest enemy in the future.

In less than half a year, the strength of this mysterious organization has grown to a terrifying level, and it has become more and more terrifying as time goes by.

Darwin was personally interested in what this monstrous organization would ultimately look like.

So, he followed, and peeked into more. The destination of this organization is obviously somewhere in the south. I don’t know if it’s accidental or not. The focus of the organization’s next action is also a mysterious area in the south.

"Let me continue to look at it." Having lost half of the vision in his right eye, Darwin opened his Noble Phantasm, and once again selected a strange-looking monster from the pages of the book.

"Life will always find a way out for itself, the larva that spreads its wings and flies for me." In Darwin's soft call, the magic worm struggled to get out of the book, and then flew happily around him.

"Go, fly higher, don't get close, just watch from a distance."

Darwin flicked his fingers and flicked the little life he had created towards Heavenly Banquet.

"Beep!" The demon insect born from the demon world happily flew to the sky and became Darwin's other eye. UUkanshu locked the camp where the Apostles were located at a higher position.

"Half of the human body is really inconvenient. It looks like it's better to give up." Feeling the wide field of vision of the magic insect in the air, Darwin could feel the limitations of his human part more than ever.

Just one magical backlash caused irreparable damage, and being hit by a cursed Noble Phantasm almost entered a near-death state. The human body is really too unprepared.

"Zazzas, Zazzas, Nathralata Zazzas."

"Zazzas, Zazzas, Nathralata Zazzas."

"Zazzas, Zazzas, Nathralata Zazzas."

Dark aura began to wrap around Darwin, and a trace of an eye began to appear on his forehead. When the eye was fully opened, a huge demon inscription began to wrap around his body.

Under his feet, a huge magic circle began to take shape with his body as a fulcrum, and quickly swallowed everything around him, forming a hemispherical black space. ! .

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