Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 65: wonderful misunderstanding

After Ulysses took Sissi through the woods by the creek, the entire camp began to slowly wake up.

The conscientious and responsible maids are preparing breakfast for everyone under the leadership of Kanai, Arce lìya started the morning swordsmanship practice, Yuffie's mother started the routine morning start, Lei lù....... Sleeping soundly.

It looked no different from an ordinary morning for the team. Whether it was the members of the Apostles' Regiment or the team of the Glorious Academy, they were all smoothly preparing for their departure.

However, this thriving, united and cooperative atmosphere only existed before Ulysses and Sissi appeared.

When he came out of the woods next to the camp, who were so close (mainly Sissi's side), I don't know if it was Ulysses' illusion, he felt as if he was being watched seriously.

Whether it was the two women who were cooking, the magic team who jointly performed magic, and the friends of the group of apostles that Ulysses was familiar with, they all looked at him with some kind of strange eyes, or were at his side. lù Sissi with a mysterious smile.

Shy, nervous, suddenly realized, envious, all kinds of emotions appeared in the eyes of these girls, some of them even fell off their hands.

But soon, many people woke up and began to look at Sissi who was leaning on Ulysses with suspicious eyes. As the selected women, they all remembered the faces of the members of this team clearly without exception.

Among them, there is absolutely no cute girl like a doll next to Ulysses. With such a beautiful appearance and special temperament, if they have seen it once, it is impossible for them not to be impressed.

Is it, is...,


Maybe it's...

All kinds of ambiguous conjectures are recalled in the minds of these girls. Although they are the elites of the selected elites, they are also lovely beginners in the unfamiliar field of love.

"Well, it seems interesting." Unlike Ulysses, who didn't understand anything, Sissi easily understood the meaning of those glances, because they were all "love".

"Humph! That guy is so brave, he actually took action against my lover like this." Hydra, who was in the maid group, was angry. She smelled a smell from Qian Qian's body that she didn't like very much. Said to be the taste of a special race.

That race is said to be the most beautiful and most knowledgeable fantasy species in this world.

It is said that those who are attracted by them can no longer escape their charm.

That kind of natural coquettishness, and the charm that captures people's hearts silently, is their strongest weapon.

Yes, it must be "that".

This is a top priority, if it is really "that" her lover will be taken away!

How could the Lord of Caral allow such a thing!

"Jana, come here, stop making your nutritious milk, there's something important"

"Ah meow?"

"Ah, Yuffie, our little You seems to be entangled by some strange girl." Lana looked at Sissi who was holding Ulysses's hand with great interest. Like Hydra, she also watched A certain essence of that girl came out.

"Strange? Why." Looking at the young and energetic girl beside Ulysses, Yuffie felt a little inferior.

Even though she still looks like a girl because of the power of the Holy Scripture, as a human, she does not have the same mentality as the longevity race, and she always feels that she is no longer young.

"You didn't see, she's not human. This smell is the strongest species that is more powerful than ours." Lana shrugged her nose, and as expected, she smelled the breath that was impressive in her memory. .

In the bloodline of demons, the succubus is almost considered the most beautiful race, born with the ability to charm humans.

But that is only "almost" rather than certain, because on top of the succubus, there is a rare race that is said to have inherited the blood of the most ancient demons, like a legend.

Their name is "Shakibas" which means "beautiful demons who only appear in dreams" in ancient demonic language. According to legend, this race does not even need direct physical contact, it can kill the target Mí it fancy.

In terms of combat power, they may not be the opponents of the succubus who are good at all kinds of powerful magic: but in terms of "charm" and all kinds of strange magic that extends from it, they are undoubtedly the apex of all demon races.

"What, is that race?" Yuffie was shocked. Lana had never conceded defeat to any race in the field of combat, but in another aspect, she confessed that she was inferior to a particular race.

It's not a matter of battle, just because of that realization, that legendary special race, has never had a defeat.

That race is said to be a mysterious race that will take the person you like to another world and never come back.

In history, all the men who had been in contact with that race disappeared without a trace in the end.

Another name of Shakibas is the love killer, the witch of love, and the culprit who has created countless tragedies of lovers breaking up.

"That's right, it's definitely the same, and she's an adult. It seems that if you don't do anything, our little You will be captured." Lana moved her friend to add fuel to the fire.

"Then, what should I do?" Facing this serious problem, Yuffie was quite uneasy. Worrying about her child is also the feeling of someone taking away her lover. Only a mother and lover like her will understand.

"It's okay, I have a plan." Lana looked at Sissi, who was occupying a position beside Ulysses, and began to plan some kind of conspiracy.

Of course, Ulysses didn't know anything about all this.

Although he felt that everyone's eyes were a bit strange at the beginning, he felt that he acted upright and didn't do anything strange, so he didn't need to worry too much.

And things were just as he imagined. Although they were a little surprised at first, the girls from Guanghui Academy quickly accepted Qian Qian and became friends with her.

"What a beautiful hair, what does Xian use to maintain it, tell me, I will definitely keep it a secret." "Ah, so cunning, I also want to know."

"This dress fits really well, and the figure is so good. It's so enviable. Do you have any tips for losing weight?"

Seeing that Sissy was easily liked by everyone, Ulysses shrugged and started looking for his own breakfast.

After working all night last night, he was really hungry, and his stomach was making a "gurgling" protest. Although bread-making could be used to fill the stomach, the maids would be rude to a well-cooked breakfast.

Soon, he stood beside a dining table and put salmon on it. The prawn pizza was exuding the aroma of yòu people. It is really a luxury to eat this kind of food on a long journey.

Before him, Meina had swept half of the food on this table, and now she was working hard to deal with a half-person-high grilled fish. The breakfast is so rich, half of it is due to the blessing of this big eater.

"Ah quack... Huu..." Seeing the arrival of Ulysses, Mina didn't give up the fight at all, and continued to quickly and powerfully destroy the huge grilled fish.

Ulysses didn't eat that much, and the fifteen-inch pizza in front of him could already satisfy all his requirements. After breaking it down with a knife and fork, he began to slowly enjoy his breakfast after a walk.


Is it delicious? "I don't know when, Sissi appeared opposite Ulysses, looking at him enjoying the food with curious eyes.

"Well, not bad." Ulysses didn't have much knowledge of food appreciation, but this pizza was baked to a golden brown and delicious, and the toppings were also very smooth and refreshing, and it tasted full of happiness.

"I'll have some too." Qian Qian tentatively stretched out her finger, picked up a small piece, and slowly ate it.

Huh? Do dolls need to eat too? Ulysses doesn't remember that he added a system to the Styx Doll series that requires food to replenish energy. They should only need to absorb magic power to be able to move freely.

Could it be that after transforming into the Styx, she would want to eat?

"Ah woo wah!" Qian Qian's eyes flashed brightly, there was no false sense of happiness, and she was 100% super satisfied.

"Delicious!" Qian Qian, who had tasted such delicious food for the first time, took another piece at the fastest speed and ate it.

Lissis smiled, then continued to slowly break down the portion on his plate. Since Qian Qian likes it so much, let her eat enough.

However, Sissi's love for pizza is beyond Ulysses' imagination. After she wiped out her share neatly and tried other foods and found that she was not so satisfied, she aimed at Ulysses' plate. The one that hasn't been eaten yet.

"Give it to me!" The very rude Sissi took the share that belonged to him from Ulysses' plate.

"Ah!" Ulysses stared at Sissi, who was enjoying his pizza. It was the first time he had been robbed by them since he met the Shajis.

However, Ulysses' surprise was not over yet. After eliminating Ulysses' share, Sissi stretched and stared at a certain part of Ulysses' face.

Silently, the gentle chún stuck to the cheek of the fool-like Ulysses, enjoying the last happy part.

"It's delicious."

"Crack!" There were two abnormal sounds in the camp.

"It's decided, Kanai, come with me, or I'll swallow you if you don't come!" Hydra fiercely looked at the trembling kitten in front of her with a hideous expression.

"It's really over if it goes on like this, Yuffie, come with me." Lana drew a sword and pointed into the distance. ! .

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