Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Earth Paradise (Part 2)


The loud explosion woke up and temporarily merged with the Serpent Serpent. Hydra with a sweet dream.

A tall figure stood in the way of the sacrificial snake. This time, it had a weapon in its hand, a dark-colored stone spear.

Learning from the ineffectiveness of fist attacks, Helen made a comeback as the most powerful weapon of war in the Apostles.

How difficult Helen is to deal with, Hydra, who has fought with her more than once, naturally knows, that body that is so strong that no attack can penetrate it, it is a foul-like talent in one-on-one battles.

Even if she has a perfect immortality, facing Helen who can't be beaten, she will at most have a draw.

However, this time was not the time, the body she was controlling now, but the body of the sacrificial snake, completely restrained Helen's weapon in the innate.

Hey, now you're not my opponent! Hydra raised her head proudly and took a deep breath.

"Lock!" Helen held up the black long spear in her hand. This spear was a special weapon that she had constructed. The four parts of the Four Heavens Holy Spirit were evenly embedded in the spear body, absorbing the air all the time. Elemental power.

It can be said that the moment the gun was born, the body of this huge rock giant became a camouflaged puppet. All the power of the leylines swallowed up by Helen and the power of the elements absorbed by the four-day holy spirit were gathered here. Put the black spear on.

The body of the Serpent Serpent was so conspicuous that it didn't need to target Helen very precisely to lock the opponent's vital position in an area under the head.

Shooting from that position, this black stone spear could just accurately penetrate the opponent's head. Based on the calculation of the opponent's defensive ability just now, Helen confirmed that this move had more than half of the chances of success.

The earth under Helen's feet began to emerge with huge veins of deep black color, and then the black iron giant-like body began to disintegrate. This was the signal that all the power of the ley lines she had swallowed began to converge on the black stone spear.

The fiery flames, the cold frost, the jumping lightning, the whistling winds, and all kinds of elemental forces were attracted by the Four Heavenly Spirit on this black spear. In a short period of time, this black The power equivalent to several Forbidden Spells is superimposed on the spear.

Perhaps in terms of the total amount of magic power, it is still only one percent of the opponent's. All these forces can be compressed into a single weapon, and after it is a piercing spear specially designed to destroy all defenses, the result is a gun capable of killing dragons.

"Boom!" The body of the black iron giant with a height of 100 meters suddenly shattered, and one of the cold black shadows carried terrifying elemental power and shot at the fatal point under the head of the sacrificial snake.

No sound was heard, because it was faster than the sound, only a low, muffled sound was emitted and then it turned into a streamer.

With an incomparably fast speed, with a dazzling and splendid firelight, it was like a flaming black lightning. Under the cover of countless gravel, it shot to the chin of the sacrificial snake in an instant.

However, what awaits this dragon-killing weapon is the Serpent's first true counterattack.

It's not magic, nor is it some kind of Noble Phantasm. The snake just widened. , and let out the breath he had just inhaled.

The huge wind pressure with unimaginable explosive force directly blew away the black stone spear that represented the strongest attack of Helen at present. In front of him, it was blown away like a straw.

What was blown away together was Helen's thin body. Even if her body is strong enough to ignore the damage of any attack, in front of this terrifying wind pressure, she was blown away without any suspense, just like a piece of paper. which end of .

Hu Hu Zan Complete Victory 1 Hydra felt that if he were in human form, he would definitely raise his finger and make a "" gesture.

Clearing Helen from the fight with great force is the best way Hydra has found to deal with the incorrupt body. Since she can't be beaten no matter what, then simply expel the opponent and keep her away from the battlefield and never come back in a short period of time.

She used this kind of tactics once in the beginning, but unfortunately, because the power she exerted was too small, she couldn't blow Helen away. And this time, the wind pressure roared by the body of the sacrificial snake was used, and it was especially aimed at the wind pressure of Helen alone. It could definitely blow her to the horizon, and I might not be able to find the way back and forth.

Abandoning the defense and disbanding the huge black iron rock giant body was Helen's worst choice.

Well, the biggest hindrance has been removed, it's the perfect time to implement the plan.

"I am a great sacrificial snake, are you ready to offer sacrifices? Now give me that legendary race, the virgin green-haired and golden-eyed girl!" Body, Hydra once again made his request to Ulysses and the Apostles.

Ulysses took a deep breath, if the first request was still a test of attitude. Then, the request of the sacrificial snake, which has truly shown its power, this time is the real persecution.

"Ulysses, be careful, the other party is serious." Arcelia reminded Ulysses of the current situation. At first, the attitude of the other party seemed very casual, and the sound of pawns was a little suspicious.

But there is no doubt that the voice of the sacrificial snake at this moment cannot be rejected, and the attack on Helen just now completely showed its absolute power.

That blow, I am afraid that even Ulysses can't take it head on. A sacrificial snake with such a huge body, even just one breath has overwhelming power, this is the best proof.

"I know, but I won't choose to hand her over." Ulysses' voice was unusually firm, without the slightest hesitation.

Sissi, come to my side, while making a choice, Ulysses gave orders to his own Saki.

Silently, Shirou appeared beside Ulysses and leaned on his shoulder gently.

"Thank you for talking." Simple words represent absolute trust. For Qian Qian, this also does not need to be doubted.

"Then what are you going to do?" Arce lìya looked at the sacrificial snake that seemed to be trying to suppress some kind of emotion, and found that she was beginning to be unable to guess what Ulysses was thinking.

"It seems that I can't beat it." This was not because Ulysses was belittling himself, but because he really didn't find the so-called "weakness" of the opponent.

Due to sufficient time, he confirmed with his own eyes that although the "death" of the other party was not a special life without the concept of death like Lara and Valak, the "death" of the sacrificial snake in front of him was not simple either.

Nine, its "deaths" are evenly distributed into nine points in this huge body. With his attacking ability, even if he has time to cast a thread of death that cuts off life, it is estimated that he can smash one of the "deaths". "

The other sword skills he has mastered, except the one in the Demon King's Sword that he has not yet learned, are not applicable to this sacrificial snake whose body is too huge and the total amount of magic power is too high to belong to the concept of human beings.

The Dark Mark may be able to tear apart the opponent's body accurately, but there must be a way to repair this huge and outrageous body. If there are other moves...

Moreover, this is under the premise that he can really attack the other party and not be blown away like Helen. It can be said that this is the strongest opponent Ulysses has encountered since the master of Kanai he met in the sky above Taji City.

The fake ninth level is just a "fake" compared to the real ninth level. For all people below the ninth level, it doesn't make much difference at all.

"So, Arse lìya, see you in Taji City." Ulysses hugged Sissy tightly in his arms, and the black wing behind him suddenly stretched out.

In the eyes of Jin Sè, who are very similar to Qian Qian, there is absolute confidence in herself.

That's right, the giant sacrificial snake in front of him can't find any weakness, and both attack and defense are infinitely close to perfection. Even if he has mastered the power of the devil, he can't find a way to defeat it for the time being.

However, its purpose was clear from the beginning, it was not aimed at the entire team of the Apostles, but only at one individual in the team.

Then, it had no weakness in the first place, but it had a flaw, a flaw that Ulysses could master and use.

So, let's fly! Take Sissi, take the target that the opponent is aggressively trying to capture, and leave from the air. This is the solution Ulysses has found to solve the current predicament.

Although Ulysses was a little reluctant to leave the team, this is the best way for now, and the way to protect everyone and Sissi at the same time.

"Wow!" The effect of Ulysses' actions was immediate. Seeing Ulysses "lovely" holding Qian Qian in his arms, Qian Qian looked at her with a soft expression, as if she was about to look at her. Looking at Ulysses, Hydra's incarnation of the sacrificial snake instantly burst into anger.

Taking away her lover in front of her eyes, such a humiliation of a bull's head, as a virtuous lady, she can't bear it anymore, and the flame of jealousy almost burns the sky red.

No, absolutely absolutely not! Ulysses, you have been deceived, that is "Shakibas", an extremely vicious race known as a love killer, who specializes in turning couples against each other, and the natural enemy of all ladies!

You were deceived by her! As a virtuous beast lady, how could she watch such a thing happen.

Chase it, chase it up immediately, even if it reaches the ends of the earth, it must be chased, and Ulysses must not be taken away by this coquettish witch!

In "Boom! Boom!", the sacrificial snake burning for love begins a desperate chase... (To be continued.!.

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