Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 82: fight for you (below)

, hum, that can't be her... and I think she lost consciousness a long time ago, poor puppet. "The Eight-Headed Demon Dragon Kashou has long seen it, this girl named Mira lost her consciousness for some time ago, probably has been dreaming.

In the multi-secret magic level of the dragon family, in the body whose blood is constantly purified, he has a long dream.

This long dream will continue until his eight-headed demon dragon Kashu completely occupies her body, completely swallowing her consciousness, and turning it into food to supplement his spirit.

Die in a dream, she will not have any pain, and her body will completely turn into an eight-headed demon dragon Kashu, this is the cruel dragon reincarnation, a forbidden technique to sacrifice the new life.

"Is that so, I think so too, if Sister Mira, she will definitely choose her own destiny instead of being at the mercy of others." The eight-headed demon dragon Kashu's words completely confirmed Ulysses' guess.

Those eyes that can't see any light are the best proof that Sister Mila has lost her will. This is even more tragic than Yulia at the beginning. At least at the moment when Yulia died, Ulysses saw it. her smile.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, Yulia did smile when she finally handed the wooden sword to Lala.

That smile that let go of something was the last face of Yulia in Ulysses' memory, representing some kind of agreement between her and Lara at that time.

However, Mila, who was like a puppet in the eight-headed dragon, could not see the slightest sober appearance.

"Then what are you going to do? It seems that you know my descendant, but what can you do?" The eight-headed magic dragon Kasui twitched his tail and looked at Ulysses with the same eyes as an ant.

He has the right to use such eyes, because he is the eight-headed dragon Kashu, the devil above the earth and the sky, and the owner of the crown of sin.

"Down with you." Ulysses didn't hesitate.

Although he chose to take Sissi away in front of the Serpent Serpent, but this time there is no other choice, and he must fight.

"Hahahahahaha! It's so interesting that you haven't recognized who I am?" Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kashu looked at Ulysses with pitiful eyes, this little guy probably had his head burned out.

"No, I know you." Ulysses shook hands with the abyss convicting sin, his body sank slightly, and the fingertips of his left hand pressed against the abyss convicting sword.

"Well, this pose." The eight-headed magic dragon Kashu tilted his head, feeling as if he had seen this pose before.

Then, a fang blazing with blood-red flames blasted through the ground, completely tearing one of the eight-headed dragon's head into countless black fragments scattered on the ground.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kakakar's move!" The eight-headed demon dragon Kashu's roar resounded through the sky, how could he forget the move of killing his old enemy who became the hero with that peculiar sword.

This intense pain, the indomitable burst of rushing and killing, and the big sword that marked xìng, aren't all Karl's characteristics!

Apart from a little thinner eyes and different hair and facial features, the human being in front of him is the incarnation of Carl.

"That's right, but it's more than that." Ulysses hugged the unconscious Mila and carefully placed her in a safe corner of the church, then flew to the square and looked at the roaring coldly. The eight-headed magic dragon Kashu.

"Hehehe, interesting, it seems that my resurrection won't be so boring, very good, very good." The eight-headed magic dragon Kashu twisted his neck and didn't stop him when Ulysses took Mira to leave. Because he is now more interested in Ulysses than the offspring that can be used anytime anyway.

"Ask you again, are you willing to give up Sister Mila's body?" Ulysses held the abyss in his hand to convict, leaving all other thoughts behind.

"Hey, that's not good, little guy, it's interesting that you inherited Carl's swordsmanship. I didn't expect to see his successor just about to be resurrected. I really have a fate with him." The eight-headed magic dragon came out. The expression of nostalgia seems to be talking about not his sworn enemy but his best friend.

"Really?" Ulysses also knew that things would not always go as he wished, and it was inevitable to save Sister Mira and the legendary eight-headed dragon Kashu.

The legendary king of greed, Ulysses did not know how strong the demon king who once ruled the earth.

The mí locks around this desert represent only the tip of the iceberg of this Demon King, and his true power is probably more powerful than the sacrificial snake he encountered not long ago.

Moreover, unlike the sacrificial snake that only targeted Sissi from beginning to end, the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu obviously focused all his attention on him.

In this desert ruins, the eight-headed demon dragon Kassa's home court will fight him to the death, which is something no sensible person would ever do.

However, for Ulysses, some people, some things, can't be let go no matter what. Even if he faced the legendary eight-headed demon dragon Kashu, he had to fight.

A tragedy like Yulia's is enough. He never wants to recall the sadness at that time, the despair as if the whole world was swallowed by darkness.

Mila, you will never be the second Yulia.

This time, fight for you!

In the haze, Mira saw that dream again, the dream that she was always having.

In her dream, she leaned against the door of the study and looked at someone. I can't even remember what that person looked like, but every time I have this dream, he will meet her again.

In front of the ancient bookshelf, he opened a book and put it back, opened a book and put it back, opened a book and put it back many times, as if he was looking for something, and seemed to be Why are you anxious.

She wanted to walk over to help him, but her feet and body seemed to be fixed by something, so she couldn't move.

Then, he seemed to have finally found it, and found that particular book.

The constant chirping of insects around the house the moment he opened the book was gone in an instant, replaced by a muffled silence Mila had never encountered such a quiet night in summer.

Through the window of the study, you can see that the brilliance of countless stars in the distant sky gathers together automatically, forming a splendid and beautiful sea of ​​stars. The endless brilliance falls from the sky to this ordinary village. above.

Suddenly the world in front of her became transparent,

Or using "transparency" to describe it is a bit strange, but in her opinion, there is no better word to describe the wonder of that second. The world seemed to embrace her, showing many wonderful laws. And in that, she saw something she shouldn't see.

It was a wonderful thing, gathered into a small group, the light jade that radiated the light of responsibility slightly. In that small group of light jade, it seems to contain endless mysteries. Every time the light flashes, it represents many special laws.

Just looking at Guangyu like that once, she felt that something had changed in her. It was not a physical change, but a higher-level and more important change.

It was as if something had penetrated into her heart, making her whole body feel warm and hot. The cold feeling that had accompanied her since she was born disappeared without knowing it in this warmth.

Her own blood has no temperature. She has known this since she was very young, because her body has always been cold, and it has been like this since she can remember.

No human being, as long as it is alive, can have no temperature: but she does not, just like a cold-blooded creature, her skin has no temperature at all, because her blood is cold.

In order to cover this up, she always wears magic accessories that can increase the temperature of her skin, and she will never untie it even when she takes a bath, fearing that her abnormality will be discovered.

However, this could deceive others, but not herself. No matter how much she hides, she can only accept this terrible truth.

Is she human? When I asked my father this question, I always saw dodging eyes and a perfunctory answer that looked like a lie. So she understood, understood the answer that no one told her, but it was clear to her.

So I am afraid, I have been afraid all the time, my body will not have temperature, it is as cold as a cold-blooded animal, no, maybe she is really such a cold-blooded animal.

Until this moment, this moment, she saw him. When he opened the book, he seemed to no longer belong to this world, extremely mysterious, extremely sacred, like an angel bathed in the morning light.

Unconsciously, she was attracted, and she was fascinated by that kind of charm before she knew it. She felt that her soul was burning hot, and the restless heartbeat even made her have a heart. It feels like I'm about to jump out of my mouth.

What does this flushing, fast heartbeat feel like? Why could she suddenly feel the temperature in her body? For Mira, it was all a secret, her own secret.

Therefore, she will not tell others that this is a secret that belongs to her alone. So handsome and full of charm, she looks like Xiaoyou like the archangel in fairy tales, as long as she knows it alone.

Looking down at his sleeping face without any defense, she smiled and gave the sleeping prince a shallow wěn.

Soft purple long hair drifted past his ears, bringing the fragrance of violets. This was not what a lady like her should do.

However, she couldn't hold back the urge no matter what, even if she knew she was doing something she shouldn't do, she couldn't help but do it.

No matter what she is, no matter whether her body is warm or not, even if it's just a disguise, she hopes that she can be so small for once.

What happened tonight, she will keep it as a secret, a forever secret between her and Xiaoyou.

Life is always so short, and happiness is so rare. This little secret should not hinder anyone. What happened at this moment will become her treasure forever, hidden in the little box in her heart.

Such a happy dream, I really want to keep doing it.

"Boom!" The whole city was shaking. Ulysses, who had spread his black wings, was blasted down from the air by a huge dragon breath. The golden rune wall, which was fully deployed, was only blocked for a second and then completely shattered. If not There is an abyss of sin as the last line of defense, I am afraid that he has been burned to charcoal by this dragon breath.

Strong, unusually strong, almost unmatched, this is Ulysses' judgment on the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu after the round just now.

The legendary dragon king dominated the world with unparalleled defense, but after the actual fight, what Ulysses felt most deeply was the opponent's attack power.

Just the breath of one of the eight dragon heads collapsed all his defenses, knocking him from the sky to the ground. It's hard to imagine what it would have been like just now if the eight dragon heads attacked together.

However, this is not the most difficult part. Although the dragon's breath is ferocious, there are obvious movements before the breath. It is easy for Ulysses, who is very fast, to defend in advance.

The most difficult thing is that Ulysses first experienced the "Dragon Might", the legendary dragon's breath, which has absolute suppressive force on all sub-dragon creatures, and can even directly pronounce their life and death.

This has nothing to do with Ulysses. With the physique of the Demon King, he will not be affected by any curses and breaths. Even if a thousand dragons exude dragon power together, they will not suppress him.

However, the Dragon Might of the Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kashu is different. His Dragon Might actually has an entity.

Ulysses didn't know how he did it, but he could clearly feel the omnipresent sense of stagnation when flying in the air, which greatly reduced his best speed.

The breath just now was precisely because of this special stagnant power that Ulysses could not dodge in the air, and the last attack swept him and knocked him out of the air.

"Hahaha, even that guy Carl didn't dare to fly in front of me. Little guy, you really have the guts. Come on, keep attacking, and see if you have the ability to make me move a step. If you can do it, you have the ability." When Ulysses was sprayed from the air by himself, the eight-headed dragon Kashu couldn't help laughing.

This is the strength, the absolute gap of Chiluǒluǒ, he doesn't even need to move a step here, he can blow this human being who has the courage to challenge himself.

It's really been a long time, this feeling of fighting, this refreshing feeling of the whole body. Sure enough, the body was sluggish for too long, and it took such a fight to warm up.

Not bad, really good, now the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu is not at all angry that Ulysses interrupted his dragon reincarnation ceremony. This kind of battle with just the right physical activity can just make him perform the ritual in the best state. Before this, he had never realized that his body was so dull.

"Really?" Ulysses moved his almost numb wrist and looked coldly at the arrogant eight-headed demon dragon Kashu.

Standing still to receive his attack, the eight-headed magic dragon Kashu obviously didn't know the terrible crime of the abyss.

Being underestimated, the abyss convicts, Ulysses can hear the low voice of the Demon King's sword in his hand, which is a response to those who dare to despise the strongest Demon King's sword.

Then, let him see what the abyss is really like.

"Crack!" The sword of the abyss was inserted into the ground by Ulysses, and the pulse of the entire city gathered here.

The deep power of the earth gathered on the sword of the abyss at high speed, and the sword began to change its appearance.

Two meters, three meters, in the deliberate absorption of Ulysses, the length of the abyss began to extend continuously.

"Oh, isn't this trick that guy Carl knows very well!" The eight-headed dragon Kashu looked at Ulysses' preparations with great interest.

He had seen this trick, and he had seen it more than once. In order to blow his body away, Karl, who was holding the sabotage sword, used this trick on him more than once. This was also one of the few big moves in the so-called Dragon Killing Sword Stance that would make him feel pain.

However, it is just pain, and there is still a level of distance from really breaking his defense and hurting his body. Using this move confidently in front of him, does this human think that this move can be used to a stronger effect than Carl, the creator of the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword.

This joke is so cold.

Feeling it, the deeper, darker Ulysses completely ignored the mockery of the Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kassa, his hand tightly clasped on the hilt of the abyss convicting sword, feeling everything about this sword.

How could Astaroth's sword, the sword that was given to him by the invincible Demon King, only exerted such power.

So, let's get started, wake up...

"Boom!" The whole city was trembling, Ulysses, who had spread his black wings, was blasted down from the air by a huge dragon breath, and the golden rune wall, which was fully deployed, was completely shattered after blocking it for only a second. There is an abyss of sin as the last line of defense, I am afraid that he has been burned to charcoal by this dragon breath.

Strong, unusually strong, almost unmatched, this is Ulysses' judgment on the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu after the round just now.

The legendary dragon king dominated the world with unparalleled defense, but after the actual fight, what Ulysses felt most deeply was the opponent's attack power.

Just the breath of one of the eight dragon heads collapsed all his defenses, knocking him from the sky to the ground. It's hard to imagine what it would have been like just now if the eight dragon heads attacked together.

However, this is not the most difficult part. Although the dragon's breath is ferocious, there are obvious movements before the breath. It is easy for Ulysses, who is very fast, to defend in advance.

The most difficult thing is that Ulysses first experienced the "Dragon Might", the legendary dragon's breath, which has absolute suppressive force on all sub-dragon creatures, and can even directly pronounce their life and death.

This has nothing to do with Ulysses. With the physique of the Demon King, he will not be affected by any curses and breaths. Even if a thousand dragons exude dragon power together, they will not suppress him.

However, the Dragon Might of the Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kashu is different. His Dragon Might actually has an entity.

Ulysses didn't know how he did it, but he could clearly feel the omnipresent sense of stagnation when flying in the air, which greatly reduced his best speed.

The breath just now was precisely because of this special stagnant power that Ulysses could not dodge in the air, and the last attack swept him and knocked him out of the air.

"Hahaha, even that guy Carl didn't dare to fly in front of me. Little guy, you really have the guts. Come on, keep attacking, and see if you have the ability to make me move a step. If you can do it, you have the ability." When Ulysses was sprayed from the air by himself, the eight-headed dragon Kashu couldn't help laughing.

This is the strength, the absolute gap of Chiluǒluǒ, he doesn't even need to move a step here, he can blow this human being who has the courage to challenge himself.

It's really been a long time, this feeling of fighting, this refreshing feeling of the whole body. Sure enough, the body was sluggish for too long, and it took such a fight to warm up.

Not bad, really good, now the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu is not at all angry that Ulysses interrupted his dragon reincarnation ceremony. This kind of battle with just the right physical activity can just make him perform the ritual in the best state. Before this, he had never realized that his body was so dull.

"Really?" Ulysses moved his almost numb wrist and looked coldly at the arrogant eight-headed demon dragon Kashu.

Standing still to receive his attack, the eight-headed magic dragon Kashu obviously didn't know the terrible crime of the abyss.

Being underestimated, the abyss convicts, Ulysses can hear the low voice of the Demon King's sword in his hand, which is a response to those who dare to despise the strongest Demon King's sword.

Then, let him see what the abyss is really like.

"Crack!" The sword of the abyss was inserted into the ground by Ulysses, and the pulse of the entire city gathered here.

The deep power of the earth gathered on the sword of the abyss at high speed, and the sword began to change its appearance.

Two meters, three meters, in the deliberate absorption of Ulysses, the length of the abyss's conviction began to continuously Oh, this trick is not the trick that Carl is quite good at! "The Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kashu watched Ulysses' preparations with great interest.

He had seen this trick, and he had seen it more than once. In order to blow his body away, Karl, who was holding the sabotage sword, used this trick on him more than once. This was also one of the few big moves in the so-called Dragon Killing Sword Stance that would make him feel pain.

However, it is just pain, and there is still a level of distance from really breaking his defense and hurting his body. Using this move confidently in front of him, does this human think that this move can be used to a stronger effect than Carl, the creator of the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword.

This joke is so cold.

Feeling it, the deeper, darker Ulysses completely ignored the mockery of the Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kassa, his hand tightly clasped on the hilt of the abyss convicting sword, feeling everything about this sword.

How could Astaroth's sword, the sword that was given to him by the invincible Demon King, only exerted such power.

So, let's get started, wake up! .

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