Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Sleeping Beauty (Part 1)

, really, your clothes are all soiled by you. "Accepting the torment that even she can't remember, Angela, who fainted many times in joy and pleasure, looked at the abuser with some complaints.

"I'm sorry." Ulysses just apologized to Angela for the squatting that even he felt was too much, and then changed the pair that was stained with countless golden liquid and Angela's pair. Yan sè's snowy stockings were tucked into the dark dimension.

In fact, when he was helping Angela clean up her body just now, he couldn't help hugging her again, so that Angela, who had finally cleaned up her body a little, had to find another place to clean up.

Fortunately, the red bridal dress has an automatic cleaning function, otherwise she might not even have to wear clothes, and she didn't prepare so many things when she was temporarily summoned.

"Forget it, forgive you." Although she was very tired, Angela, who received the nourishment of Ulysses, really felt very good.

The fullness of the body being filled with hot things, the happiness after hugging each other, and the happiness of confirming one's heart, all these together are the most desired gift for a girl in love, and the fruit harvested in love.

However, it would be great if Ulysses could be more proactive in expressing his love for her. He was too slow in this regard.

So, she had to be more active, this is like a couple in love.

However, if this is achieved, it will be a big problem for the princess who has never received a similar education.

"Thank you." Ulysses breathed a sigh of relief, then felt the condition of his body.

The feeling of exhaustion just now seemed to have never happened, and the body was full of vitality. Although it was far from the feeling of being close to omnipotence like the "Freedom Doll", it was definitely better than when he first entered this desert ruins.

However, despite this, it is still impossible to start the "Freedom Doll" again. This is not the kind of secret method that can be used continuously. After using it once, it is absolutely impossible to start it again without a few days of buffering.

After all, what he and Angela teamed up to defeat was the legendary Demon King of Greed, the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu who once dominated the continent. Even if he only had Long Hún left, he was a peerless powerhouse far beyond him.

If it wasn't for the curse of the abyss that shattered the seemingly indestructible defense, the outcome of the battle would have been unpredictable.

However, in the end it was a victory! This alone is enough to make Ulysses feel extremely gratified.

This means that he has indeed snatched Sister Mira from the Eight-headed Demon Dragon Kashe.

It's not for the reason of protecting world peace and destroying evil. The reason why he, who has also embarked on the road of the devil, tried his best to defeat the eight-headed devil dragon Kashu, was only because of his own wish.

He would never allow the tragedy that happened to Yulia to be repeated on Sister Mila.

In the past, he didn't have that kind of power and could only watch the tragedy happen in front of him, but now that he has the power to change his destiny, he will no longer be able to cry as helplessly as he did back then.

Now, he will use his own hands to change the future that originally belonged to Sister Mira.


"Faced with the cathedral, which is still well-preserved even in the fiercest battle between the eight-headed dragon Kassa and the red king Peggy, Ulysses gave the order.

"Crack! Crack!" The huge black crystal born from the third sword of Ulysses' Demon King Sword, the Sword of the Abyss, slowly moved away, and walked out of the stairs leading to the church.

"What's in here?" Because she was temporarily summoned into the battlefield, Angela didn't know the reason for the eight-headed demon dragon Kassa and Ulysses fighting.

However, it doesn't matter whether she knows or not, as the owner of the red bridal gown, no matter what the situation is, she will stand by Ulysses and fight for him.

This is the essence of a red bridal dress, a burning love, a fiery heart that ignores the so-called justice or jurisprudence.

"It's someone who is very important to me." Ulysses slowly walked down the stairs leading to the church hall, recalling the past.

Sister Mila is a beautiful girl who only moved to Mila Village when he was in her teens. She is gentle, kind, well-informed, and has almost nothing she doesn't know. For the vast majority of children who have never been out of the village, she is a veritable princess from outside, the most honorable size of Mira Village.


For Ulysses, Yulia, and Rasha, she is the real sister, who has given them meticulous care. Although they have only been together for a year or two, her tenderness has been deeply etched into their hearts.

Even the reason why Ulysses decided to go to Taji City for further studies and take the priest exam was because Sister Mira heard her talk about the various benefits of this city when they were together.

The trade is prosperous, the ruler is relatively clean, and more importantly, he can buy a variety of books. Although he failed the priest exam three times in a row, Ulysses knew that it was only his lack of knowledge accumulation, not that the city was not good. .

And most of the books that served as his knowledge enlightenment were borrowed from Sister Mila's study, which also included the special gray book that recorded the secret art of spirit hún.

It can be said that the knowledge obtained from Sister Mila is the key to guide his life, and the gentle sister Mila is his mentor.

If he hadn't met Lala at that time, perhaps his first love would have been this beautiful and gentle beauty.

Lou, wait! Ulysses stopped suddenly, with a sleepy expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Angela took a step forward and looked around cautiously. Are there any remaining enemies nearby?

"It's nothing." Ulysses shook his head, but instead of disappearing, the suspicion in his eyes deepened.

Blank, incomplete, continuous and unstable line, when he carefully recalled what happened when Sister Mira left, he found that he could not remember many details.

How did Mila leave? Why did she leave, as if she had taken someone out of Mira Village to the far north, but Ulysses could hardly remember who that person was.

This is not normal. Mila Village is a very small village. All the children know each other and play games together all the year round. Although he rarely participates in it, most of them remember their appearance.

The person who was taken away by Sister Mila seemed to be from the outside, and she liked to wear red clothes...snake...a huge red snake.

snake? Ulysses found that his memories were full of unreasonable places. If it was a beautiful girl, how could it have anything to do with snakes.

I can't remember at all, not only about the girl who was taken away by Sister Mila, but also more blank spots.

A lot of things that happened that summer, apart from Yulia's unforgettable tragedy, he couldn't even remember what he did that summer.

It was more than just vague memories, it was as if those memories didn't exist at all. In order not to think about Yulia, he took the initiative to seal Yulia's name and everything about her in the depths of his memory.

Because it was too painful, he had to forget: because it was too sad, he couldn't bear it: so in the end, he forgot it all, until Lala appeared in front of him again, he had to remember.

Step by step into the wide hall of the church, Ulysses found that he had lost more blank parts than he had imagined. Perhaps this was his punishment for forgetting Yulia and mocking him for being self-righteous.

But don't worry about them anymore! Even if he knew that he had lost these, Ulysses was no longer so miserable that he even rejected them in his dreams.

Because the past is always the past, and time can never be reversed, so for him, the present is the most important.

Let him make up for the regrets of the past. Whether it's resurrecting Yulia or saving Sister Mira, it all comes from his sincerity and his own wishes.

The power of the Demon King was chosen by him precisely because of these wishes.

Therefore, he is going to move forward, for his own wish, to move forward with his own will.

The ancient cathedral was silent, and in front of the cross representing the brilliance of the Supreme God, Mira, wearing a torn yellow cloak, lay quietly on the altar.

Beside her is a circle of black crystals several meters high. These sharp black crystals are intertwined with each other, forming the last line of defense to protect Mila, and no force is allowed to enter.

Mira, who was guarded by these black crystals, was able to sleep peacefully without being disturbed by any sound. Even in the most fierce battle between the eight-headed magic dragon Kashu and the king of the red world, Peggy, UU read www. Amid the explosive shock that even the earth trembled, the place was still safe and sound, and the earth-shattering sound was not even heard.

This is the absolute guardian that Ulysses created for her. It may not be as powerful as the blood scales of the eight-headed demon dragon Kassa, but as long as Ulysses does not fall, no one can hurt Mira.

The sword of the abyss that was supposed to invade this world and turn everything into darkness, turned into a sword of protection in Ulysses' hands, just to protect this sleeping beauty.

"Release!" Ulysses gave an order softly, and the last line of defense guarding Mira was automatically moved away, showing Mira's soft face.

I don't know if it was because the ceremony overdrafted Mira's physical strength. From the moment she was protected by Ulysses, she lost consciousness and became what she is now.

However, the heartbeat and breathing were normal, and there was no sign of being invaded by the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu's magic power. This was the only place that reassured Ulysses.

"Huh?" Seeing Mira's appearance, Angela showed a surprised expression, and then said a word that completely surprised Ulysses: "Sister?"! .

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