Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Summer Colors (Part 1)

"Brother, is this the angel's huā? ... Yuliya cherishes the dandelion in her hand, as if the dandelion in her hand is not a wild huā that can be seen everywhere, but a little angel.

"..." Ulysses stared blankly at Lou Liya beside him, not knowing what to say.

This is the memory of Sister Mila, the summer when Yulia was still by his side, that is to say, Yulia here is just Yulia in Sister Mila's memory, just the shadow left in Sister Mila's memory .

However, even if he knew this clearly and knew that Yulia in front of him was illusory, how could Ulysses not be moved when he looked at the pitiful eyes and the eyes that were so reliant on him.

The reason to meet Yulia again like this is entirely because of Mila-san.

Talking about thanks, even though she knew that Sister Mira had been dreaming all the time, Ulysses still thanked this gentle and kind eldest lady and thanked her for bringing him this beautiful dream.

"Yulia, this huā was left by the angel." 1 Carefully took off more white huā, and Ulysses sent them all to Yu Liya's hands.

For him, the little Yulia is his angel. As long as he sees her with his eyes, his mind will be at peace, as long as he hears the sound of her footsteps with his ears, his body will be at peace, as long as he touches her The light spirit hún will rest in peace.

The light she holds will bring happiness to people, and can dispel all darkness, blood, and anxiety.

Of all the lights, it's the warmest and softest.

That is the angel, that is the messenger of God, beautiful and pure, powerful and warm, this is the answer he once told Yulia. Now, this [answer] can all be placed on Yulia.

Yulia is the warmest, softest, and most sacred light in his new world. Just looking at her makes him happy.

"Ah, look, brother! The angel is flying!" Yulia stretched out her hand and watched in surprise as the dandelion in her palm flew into the air in the direction of the wind.

The little white huā seemed to spread his wings, flying in the clear summer sky, looking like a little angel flying in his own sky.

This beautiful moment, this moment of happiness, made Ulysses almost unable to suppress his feelings. He gently hugged Yulia's weak body and watched with her that the breeze that accompanied the summer breeze The distant dandelion, dandelion, scatters its own seeds with the wind. That beautiful flower is the continuation of this flower's life. As long as there is wind, there will be shadows of dandelions.

Yulia once told him one of her dreams, which is to travel to various places and see the scenery all over the continent with her own eyes.

However, this dream was not fulfilled until she died at the end, and almost until she died, she had little chance to leave Mira Village.

I'm sorry, Yu Liya, for not being able to help you fulfill this dream. Looking at the distant Bai Huā, Yu Liya gently stroked Yu Liya's pink hair to prevent her from seeing the endless sadness in her eyes.

"..." Mira, who looked at Yulia and Ulysses hugging from a distance, had envious eyes in her eyes, picked up the easel in her study, and painted this beautiful moment.

In this beautiful summer dream, Ulysses passed the day without incident. There is no enemy that must be defeated here, not even a larger beast, it is exactly what Mila Village looks like in his memory.

Everything here is like the sunshine of this summer, pure and light, and Yulia, who is in good physical condition, even has the strength to learn swordsmanship from Rasha in front of him.

Yulia's sword, Ulysses, looked at Yulia who was wielding the small wooden sword very hard in front of him, and stabbed him one by one, and found some places that he couldn't see at all when he was a child.

"Hey!" Yulia, who was in good physical condition today, wore a small leather armor close to the body and made a very standard thrust.

The hands are parallel to the shoulders, the center of gravity presents a standard cross, the attack is fast and accurate, and there is an incredible beauty, as if the face in her hand is not a sword, but an extension of her body.

Strange, Yulia's swordsmanship is so good? Ulysses looked sleepily at Yulia, who had performed a cross thrust. The result of this move was that he could not even pierce the little paper figurine that was used as a target. Even he who was not skilled in swordsmanship could do whatever he wanted. something that breaks down.

However, now Ulysses can see that Yulia's sword has achieved the extreme perfection that she can achieve. Because her body does not have much strength, Yuliya concentrates all her energy on calculation and calculation. In terms of concentration, when the sword is pierced, it presents an artistic general beauty.

At that time, he thought that Yulia's sword was a failure, but in fact it was not the case at all. What Yulia stabbed was a sword that even he was amazed at now.

"Not bad! Well done, Yulia, a very beautiful one-handed thrust." Rasha happily clapped her hands, applauding for Yulia's thrust just now.

At that time, Ulysses felt that Rasha was applauding to comfort Yulia, but now he truly understands how beautiful Yulia's sword is when he truly looks at it from a height that he has never reached in the past.

Accurate, clean, and without the slightest waste, although the power that can be used is very small, Yulia has used this sword to the point of being impeccable within her ability.

This kind of talent is beyond his reach even now. Although he has an outstanding swordsmanship teacher like Arce Liya, his swordsmanship has barely reached the first-class level now, and that is because he has a field of infinite hope. This kind of cheating ability comes in.

And now, right in front of him, Yulia told him what a real genius is.

She did not gain an instinctual understanding after countless trials and tribulations, and unlike Ulysses, a high-speed sword that was gradually honed in many battles of life and death, Yulia had a natural instinct for sword skills. of insight.

It was like the one-handed cross stab just now, which Lasha only demonstrated to her this morning, and she fully understood it before noon.

Yes, it is comprehension rather than simply learning, which means that in just a few hours, Yulia fully understood this stunt, and successfully used her thin body to perfectly display it.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!" Unlike the comforting applause that Yuliya gave when she was just too desperate for fear of her getting hurt, this time Ulysses really applauded his sister's performance.

Genius, this is the compliment he gave Yulia now. Here are Sister Mira's past memories, there is no falsehood or confusion, so he has to admit that his hand never noticed that his sister is such a genius.

"Thank you! Brother, how am I doing?" Yuliya wiped the sweat on her forehead, and her fair skin revealed a bit of a pink color.

"Very good, Yulia, you are really a genius!" Ulysses smiled, looking at his genius sister.

"Huh" Yulia looked at Ulysses in surprise. She knew her talent in swordsmanship, and she never tried to hide it, but her brother never really took it to heart, she just kept worrying about it. following her.

This is also of course, my brother is very good at reading, but he knows nothing about swordsmanship. I am afraid he cannot understand the difficulty of the cross thrust just now.

"That's it! I've said it many times, Yulia is a real genius. If you're in good health, you can be my opponent!" La Xia hugged Yulia's body with a grin, and then walked to the betrayal. In front of the paper figurine that was the target, he took down the paper figurine.

"Look, it's accurate, the instant hit has this effect." Lasha showed the paper figure to Ulysses.

Now Ulysses can easily see the difference between this paper and just now.

That's a point, a point that represents death.

If the paper figurine of this target is regarded as the human body, this point is located in a certain area between the two lungs in the ōng cavity, which is a crucial area for human beings.

An organ is there, about 2, 1 to the left of the midline and 1 to the right of the midline. Equivalent to the fifth intercostal space on the left, about 8 cm from the midline.

On the entire paper figurine, only that point was pierced.

In the real world, if this point is pierced, it will cause massive bleeding in the body, and the collapse of the entire blood circulation system is undoubtedly fatal.

In Ulysses' mind, he could even imagine the moment when a dexterous swordsman holding a rapier pierced the opponent's heart with this thrust.

Increase the speed of the sword that Yulia just stabbed a little more, and these two moments can be completely overlapped.

"The right side of the heart." Ulysses couldn't help but say the location of that point, the fatal point of human beings.

"That's right, a cross stab in the middle, a one-handed kill, this is a high-level skill among high-ranking players.

Rasha placed her finger directly on that point and explained to Ulysses the secret of Yulia's sword.

"This stab is really amazing. The most difficult part of the mid-cross stab can be accomplished only by grasping the momentary opportunity. There is no way to stab such a point without concentrating all of your strength on one point."

"To do this, the rhythm of the hands, feet, shoulders, and breathing must be uniform. There can be no hesitation when drawing out the sword, focus on that point at first, and then use the center of gravity of the cross "

Later, in order to truly demonstrate this sword, La Xia went to the number one bad boy in the village, "Bake, I challenge you!"

"Haha, just in time, I'm looking for you. Laxia, today is your doom, and I just learned the second style of uncle's breaking mountain boxing! Take it!" The confident Bake hooked his finger to Laxia, Activate the full-level "Defiant" skill.

"Ah ah ah! Destroying the sky and destroying the earth and breaking the mountains and waves!" The future warrior began to advance by leaps and bounds, looking like a huge wild boar in the jungle.

Then, Ulysses saw, and saw the power of this cross thrust that Yulia, who was unable to show because of her lack of physical strength, couldn't really show it.

Rasha exhaled and stepped, there was no sword in her hand, but the sword was already in her heart.

"Cross stab in the middle!"

He didn't choose to stab this kind of crucifix stab, the original attack method, but Lasha just took a light step forward as if breathing, and then punched the heart of the jungle boar Buck.

"Bang!" Concentrating a little bit of strength knocked the rushing Buck into the air, letting him learn the legendary skill of "how pigs fly to the sky".

At the beginning, Ulysses felt that these were two completely different techniques. Yulia's fast stabbing like a performance, and Rasha's domineering punches were not in the same world at all.

But now he understands that this is really the same technique, but Yulia can only do it to that extent because of her physical limitations, while Rasha can be [free] because of her inherent strength. Transformation can use this sword intent even if there is no sword in hand.

Concentrate a little bit and make an instant attack, this is the essence of the move that Rasha showed him at that time, without a sword in his hand and turning the sword into his own superb state.

In this realm, an extremely powerful body is needed as a carrier, and it is estimated that a warrior with extraordinary talent like La Xia can display it at such a young age.

Ulysses knew that Lasha was strong, and he knew it since he was a child, but he never thought that she was so strong. It can be said that she probably already had a fighting talent beyond that before she reached the seventh-level powerhouse.

That kind of talent belongs to her innate ability, and like Yulia's swordsmanship talent, it can't be learned how to learn.

"Ulysses, how about you practice together. What Yulia can do, you as a brother can do too." In front of Ulysses, he demonstrated "how pigs fly to the sky" After this technique, Rasha looked at Ulysses with expectant eyes.

"Well" If it was really Ulysses in Sister Mira's memory, of course it would be absolutely impossible to accept it because he really knew nothing at that time.

However, the current Ulysses can make a different choice than back then.

"Try it, me and you." Ulysses looked up at the tallest building in the village, and as expected, saw the gentle purple figure.

Today's sister Mila also looked at him and Lasha, Yulia as usual. He actually noticed this when he was a child, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.

It was not until he came here, in this summer dream, that Ulysses realized how precious the time spent in Mira Village was to Sister Mira, and could not be forgotten.

Under the shackles of the dragon's forbidden law, she could no longer get out of this dream and stayed here all the time. But in this world, Ulysses didn't feel the slightest darkness and evil, as if the time at that time had never disappeared, and the sleeping beauty had been indulging in this beautiful summer color.

Her time has been frozen forever, in this gorgeous summer dream.

So, even reluctantly, Ulysses needs to destroy this beautiful summer dream with his own hands.

Choosing to accept Laxia's invitation here is the first step. He will let Sister Mila understand that he has changed and has taken a new step.

"Oh, Ulysses, are you finally going to be serious?" Lasha's eyes lit up, and she started to try.

"Brother?" Yulia looked at her brother worriedly. It was the first time she saw such a free, easy and confident brother.

That feeling, as if my brother suddenly became an adult, handsome and handsome.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time! Ulysses!" Lasha moved her arms and legs, exuding an unusual strong aura from her whole body.

It's different. In Lasha's eyes, Ulysses now has a completely different feeling than usual. It is an unfathomable aura that she can't understand, even close to what her mother Lana brought her. pressure.

Very strong, the current Ulysses is simply too strong. Yes, this is the real Ulysses.

Rasha has always felt that Ulysses is actually gifted with swordsmanship. Although he never admits it himself, he will only wave a few times when he is really forced. But she just had such a feeling, which might be a girl's unique intuition.

Ulysses is very strong, and although everyone doesn't believe it, Rasha has always been sure of this, and has never doubted it.

Now that this intuition has finally been confirmed, Rasha has an indescribable joy, because it means her feelings about Ulysses are completely correct.

Therefore, she can give full play to her real battle. This is not the combat power that she usually has when playing with the guys around her, but the combat power that is really trained in the hands of her mother Lana, which is enough to knock down a bunch of giant monsters.

"Rasha's feeling is really keen." Although he knew that Yun was only Rasha in the memories of Sister Mira in the dream, Ulysses couldn't see any falsehood in her at all.

This means that Sister Mila's understanding of La Xia and Yulia is more profound than that of his older brother, a childhood sweetheart. So in this summer dream, even if he made a different reaction than in the past, they will respond according to their own style.

Such a perfect dream also means that Sister Mila has already fallen deeply into it. Without the interference of external forces, she will never be able to wake up from this dream.

If the eight-headed magic dragon Kashu successfully devoured Sister Mila's body, this summer dream and sister Mila in this dream will probably turn into colorful bubbles and disappear from this world forever.

However, it was not the legendary greedy demon king who finally came here, but another new demon king. Although the result is still that this dream will come to an end, but Ulysses will definitely bring Mila back with her.

Facing the imposing Rasha, Ulysses gently took a step forward.

The sense of oppression on Rasha's body can be said to be insignificant to the current Ulysses, but if it is converted into the average combat power of Rasha's age group, it is simply impossible to appear powerful.

But now Ulysses is indeed completely different from that of Guoben, so he can easily take this step in Rasha's momentum, which means that he can completely ignore the step of Rasha's momentum.

At a very young age, Ulysses also had some expectations for his future. After all, in a boy's dream, there will always be one or two dreams of wielding a big sword in his hand.

But the reality is cruel, Hua is not someone with talent in swordsmanship, and there are super geniuses like La Xia around, it is really difficult for people to have confidence in themselves.

Moreover, in order to protect Yulia and cure her disease, becoming a priest is the most ideal choice.

Although he knew that his talent for light magic was weak, after all, there were still many examples in the history of the mainland who were not originally talented but eventually became priests through unremitting efforts. Ulysses also longed for himself to be that kind of person.

It's a pity that Yulia didn't wait for the day when he became a priest and left this world.

"I'm coming! Ulysses." Facing Ulysses who had become unbelievably strong for some reason, Rasha was unprecedentedly [excited].

Looking at Lasha like this, and looking at Yulia who looked at him worriedly beside him, Ulysses even had the illusion that he didn't come to Mila's dream, but went back to the past, back to that last place. happy summer.

That summer, Yuffie's mother was still there, and Yulia's illness showed no signs of worsening. Bake always came to Lasha to challenge him, and Miss Mira often invited him and them to drink tea and enjoy delicious snacks at her house. .

That was the season when he was full of hope for the future, felt that he could change everything, and that his dreams could be realized as long as he worked hard.

At that time, his biggest expectation of himself was to learn a legendary divine art, a divine art that was said to be irrelevant, as long as one had sufficient comprehension and devotion, even an ordinary priest could complete it.

Its name is Silver's Healing Hand.

"Benevolent and good God of radiance, I am here to pray to you, to make a wish to you, please stretch out your hand. Human blood is blood, flesh is flesh, and bone is bone, repair them with your strength Come on!" The divine radiance lit up in Ulysses' hands, the one that had been his Final Fantasy that summer, now literally dancing in his hand. Although it is not obtained through the orthodox method, the shining hand of silver is [real] here.

With nostalgic eyes, Ulysses gave her the silver healing hand that was born because of Yulia, then turned around and smiled at Rasha.

"Come on, Rasha." "Hey!" Rasha's body flashed, hands, feet, shoulders, and breathing rhythm in unison, hitting Ulysses with a midpoint cross that was ten times fiercer than before. Stab.

"Wow!" Yu Liya was envious at first when she saw the actual combat level crucifix in the center, and then immediately became worried.

Because this stab in the middle of the cross is really very strong, and unlike the move she used, which can only pierce paper figures, it is an explosive assault that can even pierce through rocks.

When her brother was hit, Yulia didn't have time to imagine the uneasy situation, but what happened in front of her made her eyes widen.

Also with wide-eyed eyes, there was Mila who was looking at this place from a distant window.

Not having Rasha's ferocious assault momentum, Ulysses just gently stretched out a finger and pressed against Rasha's menacing right half.

That feeling was as if a piece of grass had pushed up a boulder. Ulysses' casualness and Rasha's concentration formed a stark contrast.

"Drink!" Lasha shook her shoulders, and launched a triple strike at Ulysses with the smallest force from an impossible distance.

The huge punching force sent out a punching style like a knife, and the sound of the punching explosion could be heard clearly even dozens of meters away, and even rolled up Yulia's hair.

However, it didn't work, no matter where Rasha hit, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break through Ulysses' fingers. From start to finish, Ulysses completely suppressed all of Rasha's attacks with just one finger.

This is an absolute gap in strength. Although Rasha's attack is perfect in every way, for Ulysses, whose body and nerves have long been used to the speed of the high-speed sword and the Fallen Angel's light, her actions too slow.

When Rasha punched, Ulysses could find countless flaws, and it was because of the absolute difference in speed that there were flaws that were not flaws. In front of Ulysses who had already crossed the "Zero Realm", Rasha's punches are now surprisingly slow.

So something that has never happened in history happened. In the summer sun, Rasha was knocked down countless times by Ulysses with one finger. No matter how powerful she was, she even used a weapon in the back, but she failed to break through that finger.

"Ha...ha...ha...No way, Ulysses, when did you become so strong?" Lasha collapsed beside the small river, looking at her with incredible eyes, her breathing hadn't changed from beginning to end. of Ulysses.

In the battle, Rasha is naturally clear about what this means, and it means that her attack with all her strength is not even worthy of serious consideration in front of Ulysses.

Although I guessed that Ulysses might be very strong, it was completely beyond Rasha's expectations to be so strong. Because it is too strong, she can't estimate the realm of Ulysses at all, only that she is much stronger than her.

"Huā took a lot of time." Ulysses wiped the sweat from Lasha's forehead and let out a slight sigh.

Really, huā spent too much time, if he really had such power in that summer, he could really achieve this level. Then all the tragedies will not happen.

Weak people are always unable to resist the arrangement of fate, and when the inevitable tragedy comes, people without strength can't do anything. Although he knew better than anyone that this was just Mila's memory, Ulysses couldn't help but imagine whether everything could be changed if he could go back to the past.

It's a pity that magic like Time Rewind has never existed, something that even the **** Aya said could create the world could not do.

The past can never be changed, so what Ulysses can do is to cherish the present and use his own power to create his own future.

Therefore, even if he doesn't want to, he will destroy this dream, which belongs to Sister Mila and his summer dream.

"Comfortable, Ulysses, you will be my enemy from now on, wait for me to become stronger and defeat you." Although he was ravaged by Ulysses' finger all day, Rasha's fighting spirit not only It has not weakened in the slightest, but has become more and more vigorous.

There is nothing happier than doing what you like and doing what you like! For Rasha, who has never been able to find a suitable opponent to hone her sword skills, Ulysses is now the candidate she is most looking forward to.

"See you tomorrow!" With full expectation, La Xia ran back to her home.

"See you tomorrow, Rasha." Ulysses looked at the closed window and stood up.

This world is really too [real], the grass, trees, buildings and village people are all exactly the same as Ulysses remembers.

Ordinary dreams are absolutely impossible to be so perfect, even Ayu's dream, which Ulysses had once been to, couldn't be so [real]. This means that in Sister Mila's memories, there is nothing more important and worthy of protection than this.

This dream, unknowingly, has become everything for Sister Mila.

Under the oppression of the dragon's forbidden technique, she kept dreaming, and then regarded this dream as an eternal world, and could never wake up again.

For other people, even if they can enter this dream, they probably won't understand everything this dream represents. And only Ulysses, who spent the summer with Mira, understood how much hope, how much attachment, and how deep a bond this dream, which was infinitely close to the real world, represented.

Sister Mira, has regarded this dream as her whole life, and all her life has been integrated with this dream.

This summer is over, and what awaits will not be a harvest autumn, a cold winter, a hopeful spring, but another summer, a summer that will never end.

"Brother?" As if feeling some kind of crisis, Yulia began to shake Ulysses' hand vigorously.

Although her strength is really insignificant, not even a tickling. But he still managed to pull Ulysses back from another world.

"What's the matter? Yulia." Ulysses rubbed the head of his lovely sister, as if he was treating a kitten who comforted her.

"Brother, I'm tired, can you take me back?" Yulia blinked and said a lie that wasn't a lie.

She was really tired, but not to the point where she needed to go back to rest. However, just now watching her brother staring at the sky motionless, she suddenly felt a sense of danger.

It seems that in that beautiful sky, something is yòuhuò own brother, taking him to a distant place.

That won't work! That kind of thing, even if God would allow it, she would never allow it.

"Okay." Ulysses carefully hugged Yulia, the warmth and softness in his hands were constantly affecting his consciousness, making him unconsciously assimilated into this dream.

In Ulysses' embrace, Yulia quietly buried her face and looked at her brother with longing eyes.

My brother's embrace was warm and broad. Compared with her brother, she looks like a small child

Cats, no matter how much milk they drink, will not develop their bodies. Such a small body really can't do anything.

I really envy Sister Laxia. She has such a charming mother as Auntie Lana. She will be very, very beautiful in the future, and she will be as beautiful as Auntie Lana. And she, who inherited Yuffie's mother's frail and sickly physique, is probably unlikely to have such a physique.

The summer sun shone on the two of them who went home, emitting a gentle color. Under the azure blue sky, the young brothers and sisters were laughing together. I believe that anyone who sees this warm scene will smile slightly.

However, in Ulysses' gentle smile, there is a deep sadness hidden.

The longer he stayed in this dream, the more uncontrollable his nostalgia for the past became.

Yulia who was in his arms, Rasha who bravely challenged her constantly, and Sister Mila who had been watching him from far away.

For others, this may be just a little bit ordinary, no matter how you look at it, it's just a dream of ordinary village life. But for Ulysses, everyone here, every sound they hear, and every scene they see are memories of the past.

This is Sister Mila's memory, and it is also his memory. The memories of the two are intertwined without knowing it, and they can no longer be separated.

Ulysses' grief was intertwined in this summer dream that should have been full of happiness, so this time the dream was no longer just Mira's dream, but the dream of the two of them together.

"Today's Xiao You suddenly became so handsome." In her room, by the window where she could easily overlook the entire Mila Village, Mila drew these pictures on the side while recalling the pictures she had just seen. on the blank canvas in front of him.

Mila, who started to fall in love with painting, can't remember clearly, it must have been a long time ago. She likes to watch Xiaoyou, Xiaoxia, Xiaoya and the others who are playing together, especially the three. When people are together, no matter how you look at them, you never get tired of watching them.

So one day, she started to paint. There are only those three people in the painting, Xiao You, who is kind and considerate, Xiao Ya, who is frail but hardworking, and Xiao Xia, who is always lively and active.

She adjusted her and drew the picture of him and them together. Whenever she picked up the paintbrush and drew these three people on the blank canvas, she felt extremely happy.

So, she painted a lot of pictures, and she forgot the approximate number, there should be more than a dozen pictures. Every day, she came to the window full of hope, and soon she could see the three of them together.

Sometimes, Xiaoya and Xiaoxia are listening to Xiaoyou tell stories.

Sometimes, it was Xiao Xia who took Xiaoya to practice swordsmanship, while Xiaoyou watched.

Sometimes, other jealous kids from the village would try to break up the three, only to be beaten to the face by an angry Xiao Xia and rolled around.

Occasionally, they would come to her together and enjoy her desserts.

No matter when these three are together, if you can't see them in the village, then it must be in the secret valley not far away.

Between the three, there is a face that makes Mila feel happy. ! .

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