Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 114: waiting for you to grow up

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Chapter 114 Looking forward to your growing up

Yes, before deciding to choose the path of becoming a priest, before Yulia disappeared from his presence, before Lara, who brought the storm, appeared, Ulysses once had such a hazy and hazy feeling for Sister Mira. Naive feelings.

At that time, he actually didn't even understand what love was. He simply liked to go to Sister Mila's house and feel the unique violet fragrance of Sister Mila in the room full of ancient books.

The reason why he likes going to Sister Mira's house so much is not simply because of the books that record the crystallization of human wisdom, but also because of his little thought.

For him, who grew up in Mila Village, sister Mila from the legendary dragon country Agunis is a real princess. Gentle, kind, kind, never put on airs, always entertained him and Lasha, Yulia's delicious snacks.

At that time, he didn't quite understand such shy feelings. It was not until Sister Mira left the village that he felt that he had lost something very important, and his heart was empty.

He had thought that Sister Mila would come back soon, so he waited for a month, two months, half a year, a year... Until the village chief told everyone that Sister Mila would probably not come back, he didn't understand the tenderness The beautiful figure no longer smiles at him, entertaining him with warm black tea and delicious snacks.

Many things are lost and never come back, and that's what Ulysses learned growing up.

For the people in the village, they just said goodbye to an eldest lady who should never belong to the village. For Ulysses, what he lost was Sister Mira, who used to use it when he was helpless. Black tea and snacks warm his beautiful princess.

After that, he realized that he was not a prince after all, and he couldn't be with a princess like Mila. So he sealed his once hazy feelings in his heart, worked harder to train his light magic, and moved toward his ideal of priesthood.

It's not that I forgot Sister Mila, I just knew that I couldn't be with her, so I turned everything she had into the most precious treasure, and cherished it in my heart. Only in the dead of night will I occasionally think of everyone. The time we were together, that beautiful summer.

If it wasn't for this dream that will only last forever in the summer, if it wasn't for reuniting with Lasha, Yulia, and Sister Mila in that summer, this kind of relationship might not really come back.

After all, because of the sudden separation, Ulysses had subconsciously avoided the reality of Sister Mira leaving him. In his mind, Sister Mira was never "parting", but only "going out" for a short time.

He even had a small expectation that after he became a priest and returned to Mira Village, he could see the beautiful princess again. Whether she was married or had a child, he was willing to show her the happiest smile.

When he was young, he couldn't understand such hazy feelings, and when he grew up, he had already separated from her, so at least he could smile at her and give her the most sincere blessing.

It's not like Lala's unforgettable painful memories that her heart will crack when she thinks of it. What Sister Mira brought him is the best and happiest time, the summer sunshine that never fades in her memory.

In that summer, her smile, her tenderness, had been transformed into the most beautiful gems, secretly stored in Ulysses' secret time box.

However, here, the small box was opened again. And only this summer, it can be opened to reveal everything inside.

It was a little Ulysses' longing for the princess in front of him, a memory of a summer afternoon.

After expressing his hazy thoughts in the past, Ulysses waited for Mila-san's answer with an uneasy feeling. This is the first time in his life that he expresses his feelings to a girl. This is a language that has been delayed for a long time. This is a word that can only be said in this world created by Sister Mila.

Will there be an answer? Ulysses didn't know, he just unilaterally said what he couldn't say in the past, and told the girl in front of him what he couldn't express.

Even if it is rejected, it is natural, because in the eyes of Sister Mira here, he is just a child, and there is a huge gap in identity and age with her, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to become a real couple.

And Mila is so beautiful and lovely. As far as Ulysses knew, all the young people in Mira Village seemed to have sent her flowers, although they had never witnessed anyone confessing to her, but there must have been many times at that time.

Faced with Ulysses' sudden confession, Mira was obviously at a loss.

In those beautiful big eyes, first surprise, then confusion, mixed with a hint of anticipation and disbelief.

In the end, all these emotions turned into actions, she smiled and held Ulysses' hand, then placed it in her palm, shaking it gently, as if she was taking care of the most important baby.

"Now, not yet." The words that made Ulysses cold, and he was surprised at that time.

"Now, you are still too young, grow up a little, I will wait for you to grow up." He hugged Ulysses gently, and Mira said sweet words in his ear.

Of course it wasn't rejection, but endless doting and tenderness, which was also her response to Ulysses' confession.

The scent of violets made Ulysses lose his ability to think, and he stayed there until Mila gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

This time, it wasn't the surreptitious kiss in the study; it was soft and natural, with Mira's characteristic fragrance, imprinted all the way into Ulysses' heart.

The boundary between dream and reality, the boundary between memory and reality, collapsed because of this kiss, and Ulysses really couldn't tell whether this world was the real world or a dream from the past.

No matter what kind it is, only the tenderness I feel now will not be false. That is Sister Mila's answer to his confession and acceptance of his heart.

"Actually, I've always liked Xiao You." Accepting Ulysses' confession, Mira's eyes filled with happiness. She stared blankly at Ulysses who had confessed to her, as if she was looking at Ulysses. Like a dream that shouldn't come true.

"Really..." Ulysses felt embarrassed when she was looked at by Mila like that.

"It's good to hear your voice." Mira leaned against Ulysses and looked at the clear sky outside.

"This summer, it's really beautiful."


"Hey!" By the small river in Mira Village, Angela, holding the undead dragon spear Felubedilu, approached Laxia aggressively, ready to be embarrassed.

"Why, just change weapons if you can't beat them. This kind of unworthy thing is really like your style." Lasha sat on the rock and looked down at Angela who was coming to challenge. , a new weapon used to challenge Ulysses.

"La Xia, Xiao An is actually not a bad character, don't say that." Yulia, who was on the side, tried very hard to stop the dispute between La Xia and Angela, but unfortunately it had little effect.

"Yesterday's me was not the current me, and it was a big mistake to think that I would lose to you." Angela lowered her body, and the undead dragon spear Felbedil exuded a very dangerous aura.

Lasha looked at the current Angela in surprise, she could feel that the current she was indeed completely different from the one she was not long ago.

It's not just weapons that have changed, temperament, self-confidence, and spirit are all like changing a person.

Angela like this is indeed qualified to be her opponent.

"Interesting!" Laxia pulled out the big sword beside him and waved it simply.

"Huh!" The giant sword made a low whistling sound, giving people a huge sense of depression.

After consecutive defeats in the hands of Ulysses, Rasha finally began to use the most suitable weapon for her in advance, that is, the dragon-killing destroying sword-style weapon-giant sword.

There is no need for a sharp blade or any magical blessing, all the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance needs is such a weapon that even the stars in the sky can shatter.

Of course, the sword in La Xia's hand is now 108,000 miles away from the level of smashing the stars. At that time, this was indeed the kind of sword she needed, and it was also the sword that could best allow her to exert all her power.

However, in Angela's eyes now, it doesn't matter what weapon Rasha uses, and with the help of the red bridal dress, the ultimate one can only be her.

The humiliation she suffered at La Xia's hands, she wanted to get back intact. Moreover, now she has another reason to defeat Rasha.

Ulysses, just watch, I am the strongest one!

The flames began to burn around Angela, converging into the outline of a half-dragon red snake.

"Dragon?" Lasha looked at the move Angela was using with a curious That's right! "Angela raised her arrogant head, her whole body suddenly tense.

It's about to start, the full blow of the breath of the dragon, although the red bridal dress did not provide him with the huge power at that time after being relieved by Ulysses once, but now she also directly owns the past Unimaginable power.

According to Angela's own estimation, it should be far beyond the general level 6 limit, and it can almost reach the level of level 7. With the help of the undead dragon spear Felbedil, she doesn't believe that she can't win. summer.

"Dragon..." La Xia gently waved the big sword in his hand, causing the sword to make a special low-pitched sound. Although it is still only a prototype, this is the cultivation method of the Divine Sword.

It's not bragging, if there is any swordsmanship in this world that can claim to be No. 1 against dragons, it will only be this.

From the hero Karl who defeated the eight-headed demon dragon Kazaar, inherited from the ancestor of Rasha - Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style.

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