Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 119: unexpected enemy

Chapter 119: An Unexpected Enemy (Three Chapters)

Sweeping, completely one-sided slaughter... Under the starlight attack that emerged from Ulysses' hands, all the monsters that climbed out of the ground melted like ice and snow that were exposed to the sun.

The hard carapace, agile speed, and special magic talent are all vulnerable in front of the ancient mysterious starlight. This is a starry sky magic that even a powerhouse at the level of the eight-headed demon dragon can be blasted.

Or to change the name, there is nothing wrong with calling it Starry Sky Killing Magic. In that infinitely shining starlight, in just a few minutes, more than 10,000 feared things died in the hands of Ulysses.

This is the first time in his life that Ulysses has committed such a murder and was stained with so much blood. At this moment, he really seems to be the **** of death who has harvested life and wiped out all the monsters that dared to rush to the ground to eat people. Not one left.

So, soon, the entire city could no longer hear the roars of those monsters, and Ulysses' killing operation was carried out extremely thoroughly, directly smashing all the monsters on the ground to smithereens.

"Well, it should have been resolved." Ulysses no longer felt the dark aura unique to underground monsters, the ferocious and bloodthirsty smell, which means that the first phase of the killing operation has ended. .

"Really, Ulysses, you killed too fast, why don't you leave a few for me." Lasha was obviously dissatisfied with Ulysses' neat full-screen attack that wiped out all the monsters, but she was in high spirits I want to fight this group of monsters.

"Sorry, let me leave it alone this time. , Ulysses patted Lasha on the shoulder, and then looked at the light not far away.

This is the brightest place in the entire city, representing the hope of everyone. If such a disaster really happened at that time, it must be this place that is most likely to persist to the end.

The fact is the same as Ulysses thought. Even if such a huge disaster happened, it still remained intact, neither collapsed in the earthquake, nor collapsed in the invasion of monsters, and even actively released a brighter light. .

This is the Church of the Most High, the last bastion of all cities, guarded by the power of magic.

In times of peace, this is a church that listens to people's troubles and asks everyone to pray together. In times of disaster, it is a sanctuary for distributing food made by magic, sheltering refugees, and treating diseases.

Now a whole team of knights were guarding the front of the church, and Ulysses saw the familiar figure in that front, the girl as beautiful as rutile.

With her here, there should be no problem, and you can temporarily entrust the people you value here.

"Rasha, can you wait here for a while?". Looking at the black-haired, black-eyed witch Ulysses, she smiled nostalgically.

"Ulysses, where are you going?". Mira vaguely sensed some Ulysses' thoughts.

"Well, I want to solve the root cause of this disaster. It's probably something related to dragons." Ulysses didn't hide his goal. That was the root cause of this nightmare, and sister Mila was trapped. The culprit in this dream.

"Yeah, I also want to go to such a fun thing, Ulysses, take me with you." Lasha was obviously very interested in that thing and had already tried it.

"I will also come to the dragon's words." Angela held the undead dragon spear Fei lù Bedi lù in her hand, and stared at Ulysses.

"Mel, it's not good to go alone, I'll go with you too." The beautiful blonde girl who was very mysterious to Ulysses also raised the platinum sword in her hand and stood beside him without hesitation. .

"Brother, be careful." Yu Liya knew that she would definitely not be able to go, so she could only send her most sincere blessings.

"Xiao You, do you really decide to go alone?" Mira was also worried, but at the same time she believed in Ulysses' decision.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Ulysses' heart became warm when he saw the girls who were caring about him in front of him.

It was a warm light that he could feel even in the darkness, and a mind as white as an angel's wings was an irreplaceable treasure for him.

"I won't go alone, I will bring the angel by my side." Ulysses rarely made a joke to everyone who cared so much about him.

"Angel, who is that?" Lasha's question is almost everyone's question, where is there an angel here, it is a legendary creature.

"That's it" Ulysses first smiled mysteriously, and then turned into a phantom.

"What?" Lasha didn't even have time to blink when Ulysses hit the back of his head with a knife.

I'm sorry, Lasha, it's too dangerous this time, just get a good night's sleep.

The mysterious blond girl of "Mel" responded a little faster, but she only had time to say the name that Ulysses didn't know why, and she was killed just like Rasha.

"Idiot! You're looking for a dead end." Facing Ulysses' sneak attack, Angela, who was always watching him secretly, made the strongest resistance, but unfortunately she only resisted for a second before falling.

Ulysses, who continuously used the "Shutdown" and "Instant Strike" in the field of infinite yù, looked at the three fainted with embarrassment, then spread out his black wings and wrapped them together in his own wings. .

"Xiaoya, you'll take care of them later, it won't be long. Did you see that big sister with black hair and a white bracelet, you just need to be protected by Laxia and the others by her side. "Well, brother, come on." Yulia nodded, although she didn't know why her brother did this, but she didn't have the slightest suspicion.

For her, her brother can do anything and is the greatest person.

After dealing with Rasha, Yulia and the others, Ulysses, who spread his black wings behind his back, returned to the most important person in the world to him.

"It's been a long time, Miss Mira."

?000 scar enthalpy stems  invade the liver, clothes, handsome thin table, cut Φ eyes, vinegar, beating, blowing, scratching the soil

"Well, Mila, you are the most beautiful angel.... Ulysses did see the angel's Mila, no, it should be the creation **** Mila.

However, although this is true, it is really embarrassing to say it.

"If I were an angel, then Xiaoyou, you would be a god, a great god." In this nightmare-like disaster, Mira's feelings seemed to have changed.

Looking at Ulysses now, she has many, many things to say to him, and many, many questions to ask him. I don't know why, but in the end I couldn't say anything.

What is the feeling of this kind of heart beating, "Bang! Bang!" Why couldn't help but heat up on Xiaoyou's face just by seeing how Xiaoyou looked now.

"No, I can't be a god, I can't ever be." Ulysses smiled, but he has already embarked on the road of the devil, how could he still be related to god.

It is hard to say that it is also a demon.

"Then, Sister Mila, my beautiful angel, let us deal with the last enemy." Ulysses took the initiative to reach out, hugged Sister Mila's weak body in his arms, and then spread his black wings to fly. up to the sky.

The faint scent of violets in his arms made him miss him immensely, but when he was a child, he was only held by Sister Mila, and now he took the initiative to hug Sister Mila.

Fate is such a wonderful thing.

The height of the two continued to climb, and soon they reached a height where they could overlook the entire city of Zelda.

From this point of view, Zelda City can be said to have been destroyed by more than half, and only a few places with special magic protection are still intact. However, because of Ulysses' shot, the worst situation did not happen. There are still many survivors in the entire city. As long as you work hard, there is still hope that the city will be rebuilt with the assistance of all parties.

However, that must be on the premise that the enemy hidden in the ruins is eliminated first. Ulysses had a pretty strong hunch about that thing, that it might be a pretty tough opponent.

"I see, it's there." Ulysses felt the body temperature of Sister Mila in his arms while searching for the core area of ​​the ruins. At this distance, he quickly found the target.

Then, like a meteor falling to Mira's rapid breathing, Ulysses rushed into the interior of the ruins.

As if sensing the invasion of Ulysses, the entire ruins began to glow. When Ulysses struck through the outer defense and brought Mira to the core area, the entire underground ruins began to emit light enough to illuminate the entire underground ruins. white light.

This light came too suddenly, causing the many underground monsters of the aborigines in this world to enter a state of panic in an instant.

They, who have lived in the dark world for a long time, instinctively do not like this kind of light, and hide in succession.

And Ulysses came to a strange building with Mira.

It is an incomparably huge building. Among the buildings in the central area of ​​the underground world, it is located in the most central position. The whole presents a strange posture of big up and down, as if it was reversed and inserted into the earth. triangular cone.

Around this cone, there are three towers that have been damaged. It is these three towers that half of the towers burst out of the ground and launched the summoning of the dragon vein forbidden method "Eye of the Storm" that almost destroyed the entire city of Zelda. Here comes the terrifying storm dragon.

Around the tower and the cone, there are also scattered buildings, which have become the nests of monsters in the passage of time. However, in the light at this moment, the monsters who were used to darkness hid one after another, no longer showing their faces.

Now, in front of Ulysses and Mira, was a wall, a blank wall.

This huge building does not seem to have any entrances, no matter which side is such a blank wall, as if silently rejecting all outsiders.

"What is this?" Ulysses could feel that the entire building was surrounded by a huge magic, and even now he would need a lot of strength to destroy this magic. The magic of the Dragon of the Storm is a forbidden law of one level, and it is a special guardian forbidden law.

"This is the wall of riddles. In a long, long time ago, the builders of the tomb set up the key to open the door of the tomb for those who came later. Only those who know the answer can enter, otherwise what will appear here is not the door, but the door. Trap." Mira jumped out of Ulysses' arms and slid her fingers across the blank wall, and words began to appear where there was nothing. These ancient words represented the wisdom of ancient times, and here The builder's last thoughts.

"Riddle?" No matter how Ulysses looked at it, he thought it was just a bunch of jumbled words, with no rules at all. Not to mention knowing these words, she has never read them.

Obviously, this kind of riddle was different from any one he knew, but it was much more difficult than the one he had solved in that fair.

"There are three riddles written here, and each riddle has only one correct answer [Dara] thinking [answer] while translating the text on the wall.

The first riddle.

An angel came to this world, she brought light and wind, and her smile made people forget all troubles. As long as you see her with your eyes, your mind will be at peace, as long as you hear the sound of her footsteps with your ears, your body will be at peace, and as long as you touch her light, your spirit will be at rest. When she went back, she only left a huā to accompany the heroes who fought with her. What kind of huā was that?

"Dandelion." Ulysses knew the answer because it was his favorite huāduo, the white little huā who accompanies the hero's return home.

The second riddle.

There is a dragon flying beside the angel. It is her most loyal partner and best comrade in arms. It fought for her to the last moment, dyed the sky red with blood, and then slept peacefully on the ancient earth. Who still remembers its name?

"Osiris, the dragon of the sky, the guardian of the pyramid." This time it was Mira who gave the [answer]. In fact, this is knowledge that a normal person would never know. If it wasn't for Mira's library, there was a collection in it. With ancient records about the Angel of the Wind, it is absolutely impossible to know the name of this hero.

This is a tragic dragon hero. According to legend, he and the angel who descended to the earth defeated a powerful demon and sealed him forever at the bottom of the earth. However, because of his severe injuries, he also slept forever. on the earth.

The third riddle.

The devil walks in the gap between darkness and light, and no one knows what he really looks like, and no one can understand what he really thinks. He has a thousand faces, a thousand voices, he is the king of demons, ancient evil, who is he?

"..." Mira wrote the answer, but it was strange that she didn't know what the answer was, because she didn't have the answer to the riddle at all, and she didn't know what she wrote. .

She just put her finger on it involuntarily and completed the final [answer] completely unconsciously. In the blur, he seemed to see Ulysses who smiled at her that night in Mira Village.

"Boom!" The door opened where the wall was supposed to be, and Ulysses could feel the magic guarding this huge building automatically opening the entrance, like a compliment to the person who solved the riddle.

"Let's go, Sister Mila, I'll end this." Ulysses didn't pay attention to the last name on the wall, the one written by Mila himself.

However, Mira noticed it, because it was a name written by her own hand, which gave her an inexplicable feeling.

Mephistopheles, the name of the devil, the name of the taboo.

On the first floor, on the second floor, while Mira was still thinking about that name, Ulysses had taken her to break through the countless traps set by this ruin.

Iron arrow traps that can shoot people into honeycombs, and slash them with one sword.

A giant hammer trap that can flatten a person's head and smash it with a single sword.

Sulfuric acid and poison gas traps are eliminated with one sword.

The death room that released the freezing gas, the sword evaporated.

The constantly rotating meat-grinding gears and the magic ogre with only one big mouth were instantly killed with one sword.

The lightning bombardment of a large range, annihilated with a sword.

High temperature mobile cutting light net, one sword clear.

No matter what kind of traps and ambush, Ulysses only needs one sword, and only one sword is needed to destroy them all, and all the malice is left to ashes.

&2000nbsp; Don't think about complicated ways to get rid of it, don't need to be careful to find a safe way, no matter what is in front of you, Ulysses can completely solve it with only one strike.

A very simple, but absolutely effective method, this level of trapping. For the current Ulysses, it is no longer a threat.

So, in just a few minutes, Ulysses descended to the bottom of the ruins with his lucky angel Mira.

The scenery here gives people a very uncomfortable feeling. The whole ground is like a well of red ocean. I don't know if it is made of blood or something, the water surface is full of this layer. There was a terrifying silence in the air, only the sound of the water flapping gently back here.

In the depths of the red ocean, there was a door, a door that was tightly sealed and locked by hundreds of black chains. Those chains Ulysses can be said to be all too familiar, because he himself was bound by this kind of thing when he fought with Lara.

But now these black-colored thorn dragon locks are full of blood, and there are cracks of different sizes on the sturdy chains. It seems that some force has already invaded this ancient door.

The strange aura that Ulysses vaguely sensed from the sky above Zelda City leaked out from behind this door.

It looks like a dragon, but it's not. Ulysses doesn't think this is the legendary hero of the dragon family, the breath of the dragon in the sky, because this breath is full of darkness and malice, giving him a very uncomfortable feeling.

The chains tied to this door, representing the sign of punishment, are already fragile, to the point that they will shatter with a single touch.

Ulysses didn't know what was behind this, but it was undoubtedly the deepest nightmare in Mila's heart.

At this moment, it is behind this door. "The brilliance of the starry sky, shine here." Ulysses spread his wings, and his fingers gently painted the pattern belonging to the starry sky. Although he knew that Mira, the creator **** of this world, couldn't really be harmed in this world, he still added his own star guardian to her, so that she could watch the battle that was about to happen with peace of mind.

The soft star brilliance turned into a yellow halo guarding Mila's side, representing Ulysses' nostalgia for her.

"Little You" Mira looked at Ulysses in front of her worriedly, she vaguely understood that this was a crucial battle that might change a lot of things.

"Don't worry, Sister Mila, you are my angel. If you look at me, I will definitely win." Ulysses smiled and hugged Sister Mila's warm body, then turned around.

"Wait a minute." Mira's voice came from behind Ulysses. When Ulysses turned around again, he was greeted by a sweet light wěn.

"Bless you with the angel's blessing." Mira's face turned red, sending the most beautiful blessing to Ulysses who was about to enter the battlefield.

"Well, I will be invincible." In this summer dream, Ulysses had the feeling that he could do anything.

Obstacles that he couldn't break before, now he can smash.

What I didn't have time to say before, I can now express it.

Feelings that were previously incomprehensible can now be cherished.

The world created by Sister Mira is no longer a dream for him, but another kind of reality, reflecting the reality of his past.

Therefore, he will give Mira the same reward, and completely end the part of this nightmare, so that Xiao Xia, Xiaoya, Angela, and the people he cherishes in this dream can live happily.

Come on, let him see, what is the root cause of Sister Mila's nightmare, the thing that should not appear in this dream.

"Huh!" The abyss's sinful stroke... passed a beautiful trace, and directly smashed the shaky door into pieces.

Then, an unusually huge aura leaked out from the gap in the door.

It was an aura that made people tremble and mad, even if it was just a little bit, it was far more than the dragon of the storm.

This is a true nightmare-level monster, so strong that even the current Ulysses feels that he has to go all out to have a chance of winning.

It seems to know that the chain outside the door has been released, and it slowly woke up from being sealed in the door, stretched its limbs and pushed open the door that represented bondage.

However, its appearance surprised Ulysses, not because of how huge or ugly it was, but because of its outline.

Although there was a huge change, big enough to stun ordinary people, Ulysses still recognized it.

"Kakari?" Ulysses looked sleepily at the huge monster in front of him and said its name.

What answered Ulysses was a malicious roar.

The current Kakari has completely lost its original appearance. The body that was originally not small has grown ten times larger, and has grown three heads. The color of the fur has also turned into a terrifying blood red color.

The tail that swung back and forth, if you look carefully, it is no longer a tail at all, but a murder weapon with snake teeth.

On its thick neck, there are several black-colored chains, which are the Jingyun dragon locks used to bind the dragons. However, these chains have been torn off, and there are still a lot of bloodstains on them.

It came out of the **** and looked at Ulysses with fierce eyes, and there was no trace of the original stability in those cruel eyes. Obviously, it is now here, no longer the big dog that faithfully guards Mira, but has become something else.

No, maybe that's what it was, Ulysses felt that way. Because that ferocious look is definitely not a disguise, but a look that only true bloodthirsty monsters have.

For Sister Mila, is it the thing she fears the most? Ulysses didn't know what the dragons did to Sister Mira at the beginning.

Now it seems that Kakari, who has been with Sister Mira all the time, is not as simple as he imagined.

This violent and bloodthirsty appearance is the true attitude of Kakari. And on its body, Ulysses really felt the dragon's might similar to the eight-headed demon dragon Kashu, but it also mixed with more dark things, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect it to be you. I didn't notice that your existence would have this meaning at that time." Ulysses slowly raised the abyss in his hand to convict and released his own dark aura.

It was the deepest darkness at the bottom of the abyss, the color of the infinite sea of ​​darkness in Ulysses' heart.

"Roar!" Kakari, who turned into a bloodthirsty three-headed dog, gave an earth-shattering roar to Ulysses.

This terrifying roar passed through the ruins, and directly recalled that in the entire Zelda City, countless people felt infinite fear.

In this world, it is the king of fear, the strongest monster born in the darkest side of this world.

Then, it smashed the ground with one claws, and suddenly rushed towards Ulysses.

Kakari, who is more than 20 meters long and has three heads, feels like a whole mountain is moving. in splashed red water

ō, the huge body not only did not slow down at all, but was as fast as lightning.

And when it charged, strange red flames burned around the body, and these flames and the underground red water reflected each other, as if the entire ocean was burning.

Ulysses swung his sword, and even in his eyes, who had liberated the power of condemnation from the abyss, Kakari's speed was astonishingly fast, giving him no time to fly.

So, he chose to swing the sword faster than it, and before it could reach it, he cut countless wounds on it with the criss-crossing sword nets.

The stench of blood shot out in large quantities, but it did not slow down Kakari's sprint speed in the slightest. With a terrifying momentum, it slammed into Ulysses' high-speed sword and hit him. air.

The power of the curse on the abyss of sin has indeed invaded its body, but it seems to carelessly let the black pollution power corrode its body, and then the upper body is suddenly lifted, and the two huge dog claws are fiercely towards it. next beat.

When the pair of dog paws fell to the ground, it was suddenly dark.

"Lou! Boom! Boom!" Countless black-colored electric snakes danced in the air, hitting ?000 in succession?

The golden runes shone, and Ulysses blocked these lightning bolts with a terrifying power of darkness. The power of these lightnings is probably more than ten times that of ordinary lightnings, but it is obviously not effective against Ulysses with a higher dark attribute.

After discovering this, the dog in the middle of Kakari, who seemed to be furious, raised its head high, and directed a black spit to Ulysses in the air.

"Whoo, whoo, whoo!" The strong electric current sounded particularly harsh in the air. This time, the power of the lightning surpassed the power of darkness, and almost defeated Ulysses' rune ring.

Strong, very strong, this is Ulysses' evaluation of the current Kakari. Whether it's speed, strength, or a series of bursts of lightning and dark magic, it far exceeds that of the larger storm dragon.

Although the black lightning it casts is not much smaller than the wind spear of the Storm Dragon, the power contained in it is more than ten times that of the Storm Dragon. It can be said that this is the first time Ulysses has fought against an opponent who can cast such powerful magical powers.

What's more, this Kakari is not only good at magic. Although the collision just now was simple, no matter the speed, route, or impact, it can be said that there are no flaws. to any waste.

This extraordinary power even surpasses that of a real dragon, like a specially created beast of war.

After the second direct lightning breath was ineffective, a fierce light flashed in Kakari's blood-red eyes, and the whole body was one size smaller. It was replenished by the red sea water on the ground and returned to its original size.

"Phew!" With a harsh muffled sound, a pair of bright red ugly dragon wings grew out of Kakari's back. The pair of dragon wings were also mixed with a lot of blood, exuding a disgusting smell.

"Boom!" Kakari, who had grown wings, flew to a higher position than Ulysses without any hesitation, and then waved his limbs together, shooting out countless purple magic balls.

Hundreds of purple magic **** quickly collided with the rune ring that Ulysses unfolded and exploded continuously. With each explosion, these magic **** will suddenly split apart and turn into countless small balls.

In just a few seconds, Ulysses found that the area around him became extremely heavy. Those magic **** did not directly destroy the defense of his golden rune ring, but they left a large amount of special attribute magic around him.

This incomparably heavy feeling is gravity, these **** are all gravity balls, and when Ulysses noticed this, he had to fall from the air.

The unforgiving Kakari immediately flew over Ulysses, and between the claws, the many small **** scattered just now quickly merged into the ground and gathered into a huge magic circle.

From the sky, a huge purple beam of light fell. This is a beam of light that contains supreme power. The weight of just one beam is enough to crush the mountains. This is the gravity that Kakari wants to reach Ulysses. pressure.

"Gah! Gah!" The golden rune ring guarding Ulysses made an overwhelmed sound, and the runes that formed the ring began to slowly disappear, which meant that the force of this gravitational pressure was about to break through its defensive boundaries.

Facing this gravitational pressure, Ulysses seemed to see another sword in a trance, one that Mina used, and then his Ice Phoenix mother used a better water sword, the kind that was used by the supreme. The feeling of heavy oppression is exactly the same as it is now.

If it was him before he really stepped into the road of the Demon King, I am afraid that this gravitational pressure can completely crush him.

Sure enough, it was stronger than she imagined. The deepest nightmare in Sister Mila's heart represented her irresistible fear.

However, no matter how strong this three-headed Kakari was, he had to win. Ulysses opened his eyes with all his strength, and the context of everything in the world began to clearly appear in his eyes.

A glimmer of insight into all things flashed in the golden eyes, and then a black line extended from Ulysses' hand.

With a gentle wave of the abyss, the line representing the death of all things accurately divided the purple beam of light into two from the middle, and also tore the wings of Kakari who manipulated the beam of light.

Kakari, who was hit by this terrifying blow, exploded with a lot of blood, causing a rain of blood in the entire underground space. splash.

The Kakari in the dream is not a creature in the real world, so it cannot simply be declared dead, but it is easy to chop this purple beam of light into pieces. After all, what constitutes this beam of light is pure gravity attribute magic, not something that Ulysses cannot understand.

"Wow!" Kakari, who fell, turned over quickly, and it seemed that the injury on his back would not have a fatal effect on it.

However, there was a lot of caution in the eyes that were originally dismissive of Ulysses, and of course more murderous intent.

The wound on the back was still bleeding, and Kakari's huge body was shocked, and four flashing purple electric **** appeared beside it, each electric ball constantly emitted dazzling purple electric light, absorbing the dark lightning. After Ulysses' ineffective lesson, it was pure elemental power that made up these electric **** this time.

Lightning magic has always been known as the magic with the most domineering attack Any of these four electric **** has a destructive power equivalent to the level of small forbidden spells. As long as the enemy approaches, it will take the initiative to stick it on it and detonate it. , the nemesis of all melee combat.

Obviously, the attack of Ulysses Abyss Conviction is not as ineffective as it seems. The terrifying power of the curse has already made the arrogant Kakari know what the breath of death is.

After releasing the high-voltage electric ball, Kakari did not pause at all. The dog's head on the left began to spew out a super-high temperature burst fireball more than two meters high, while the dog's head on the right spit out ice **** containing terrifying freezing gas, and at the same time, the tail pointed towards him. Heaven, releasing sharp ice thorns all over the sky.

In the dazzling crimson and splendid silver, the two layers of ice and fire attacked Ulysses, fiercely and quickly, with great malice.

Without any incantations, almost instant bans, and inconceivably huge magical power, this is the most powerful beast born in Sister Mira's dream, representing her worst nightmare.

Chapter 119: An Unexpected Enemy (Three Chapters)

Chapter 119: Unexpected Enemy (Sanhe, to the website)

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