Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Taguig City

What kind of world do you want, what kind of self you want to imagine, these questions have already been solved naturally for Mira, who once built a whole world, and what she gained from being enclosed in eternal nothingness and completing the creation of the world The things that are not even in the category of the eighth level.

So, of course, after being rescued by Ulysses, she received the corresponding gift, which was prepared by the dragon family for the eight-headed demon dragon Kaza, and now it has become her property.

However, it seems that she does not like these things very much.

"It's ugly..." Looking at the blood scales that vaguely appeared on his hands and feet, and the pair of sharp dragon horns on his head, Mila showed a very aggrieved expression.

What she wants is obviously only wings, and she doesn't want these extra burdens at all.

"Shuh!" Just like in the dream, Mila flew up with her six crimson wings lightly and flew to the two people she was familiar with.

She didn't notice that in the process of spreading her wings and flying, some things left on the ground silently turned into red dots and melted into the wings behind her.

It was the remains of Kasa, who had been turned into countless fragments under the flaming long sword of Peggy, the king of the red world, and the keel demon sword that was burnt to black. These Kasa's last legacy can be felt in Mira. After a certain kind of unique breath, all automatically belonged to it.

But all of this was overshadowed by the splendid red light that Mira didn't control when she flew for the first time.

"Xiao An, these are so ugly, is there any way to get them off?" Mira, who flew to Angela's side, scratched the blood scales on her forearm with her hands, apparently not liking this kind of thing at all.

"It doesn't matter, sister, this is only a temporary dragon transformation phenomenon. You just kept breaking through and you couldn't control it, so it will be gone. In the future, these can be controlled, and you will only come out when you need to exert all your strength." Angela, of course, knew what was going on. She looked at Mira's dragon horns and scales with admiration. She could reach this state when she broke through for the first time, which meant that Mira had unlimited potential.

"Really? That's good, these eyes are too sharp." Through her sister's eyes, Mila found that her eyes had also changed. It was fine that her face had become dark purple, but the shape of her pupils had become vertical. The dragon's eye is really not good-looking at all.

She liked the color of violets very much, but the sharp shape couldn't be accepted.

"Sister, the power of longan is very strong." Angela, who also has longan, argued reluctantly.

"I don't like fighting, what do I need such a strong power." Mira obviously has no self-awareness of being a strong man at all. She has never expected this kind of power to make herself weird since she was a child.

Alas, if only it had grown wings. Among these changes, the only thing Mira was satisfied with was the six wings that stretched out behind her back, something she had become accustomed to in her summer dreams, and had almost become a part of her body.

As for why there are these wings, and those different angels, they were still seen in the fantasy picture book that Xiaoyou took her to read in the priest's book. Before she knew it, it became her love for gods and angels. impression.

"Sister Mila, are you healthy?" For Ulysses, as long as Sister Mila can be in front of him in good health, he is already satisfied.

For him who once felt the pain of separation, it was like a dream to be able to talk to his first love like this.

The wound that has been hidden in my heart has also healed because of this change.

Because, now she is in front of him, his sister Mila.

"Thanks to Xiaoyou, you are completely healed, it's too much." Mira worked hard to control her body, trying to remove all the dragon horns, dragon eyes, and scales that were in the way, but unfortunately it had little effect.

As Angela said, it is impossible for her to completely control her power after breaking through. The traces of these dragon transformations are phenomena that are so powerful that they are directly manifested.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what Sister Mila looks like, she's my sister Mila." Ulysses obviously didn't care about Mira's horns and scales, let alone things that would disappear in the future.

"Ah, Xiaoyou has become able to speak, my sister is really happy." Mira smiled and looked at Ulysses, and then stopped trying to hide her dragon-like traces, but looked at him even harder when he grew up .

The time in the dream has no concept at all, so Mila herself doesn't know how long she has been separated from Ulysses, but since Xiao An and Xiao You are already so old to guess, at least several years have passed.

Xiaoyou, who was originally lower than herself, is now even taller than her. Xiao An's department has also developed better than before, and she is already a very beautiful girl.

In contrast, she was still the same as when she was in Mila Village, little has changed. Now it looks like she is the youngest of the three, which is really embarrassing.

However, don't worry, she will definitely grow up, she can feel the life force naturally radiating out of her body, and with so much life force, she will definitely grow up quickly.

"Sister Mila, I'm no longer a child." Ulysses blushed and looked at the princess he longed for. After leaving that summer dream, he felt that he couldn't be the same as in the dream. Face Mila naturally.

Sure enough, is it because of what you did? Things that can be easily done in a dream, in the real world...

"Well, I know, Xiao You has grown up." Mira looked at Ulysses in front of her with ambiguous eyes.

The confessions and answers that happened in Summer Dreams became the secrets shared by the two of them in tacit understanding, and were carefully guarded in the most precious treasure box.

However, even though both of them pretended that nothing had happened, Angela, who was on the side, still found some problems.

That is too obvious, the distance between the two is too close, and what is the atmosphere of staring at each other, the silence is better than the sound!

"Sister, come with us." In order to destroy the sweet and jealous atmosphere, Angela took the initiative to come in and proposed to leave.

"Well, it's time to go." Ulysses also felt that this completely destroyed place was no longer suitable for a long stay. Although the eight-headed demon dragon Kaza should have been burned by Angela's flame, he always felt that nothing was left. Things won't end so easily.

However, he is no longer afraid of the legendary dragon king. If he had to fight, he chose to fight and would not retreat.


"Is this the city Xiaoyou lived in after you left the village?" Mira looked at the big city full of traffic in front of her with curious eyes. The sea breeze blew slowly, bringing with it the smell of sand and salt.

"Well." Ulysses looked at this bustling and lively seaside city with emotion.

Its name is Taji City, and it is the place where he once pinned all his dreams and hopes.

After leaving the place where the eight-headed demon dragon Kaza fell, he, Sister Mira, and Angela marched along the seaside together, and finally arrived here.

Compared to when he left, the city didn't seem to have changed. There are merchants roaming north and south, heavily armed mercenaries, travelers in a hurry, and the unique fishy smell of seafood. The combination of these is this prosperous seaside trading city - Taji City.

Here, he knew the limitations of his knowledge level and what direction he should work towards to become a priest.

Here, he met his best friend Kanka, who helped him get rid of the orcs more than once.

Here, he met the murderer, was killed and then resurrected, and finally embarked on the road of the devil.

This is the city that changed his destiny, the city he set off from, where he has too many memories and too many stories.

For him, it is not an exaggeration to call this place his second hometown. If it wasn't for the encounter with the Book of Demon Kings, he might have stayed in the city for a few years, or even more than ten years, until he really passed the harsh priest exam and put on a white priest robe.

"It turned out to be here, you should be a famous person in this city." When Angela and Ulysses first met, it was on the way of the Apostles to participate in the Radiance Festival, so he was not very clear about his affairs in this city. .

But according to reason, a young and strong man like Ulysses should be the pride of the whole city.

"No, I'm very ordinary here, because when I lived here, I was only a fourth-level mage."

"Just kidding, what can a fourth-level do? And you are obviously a dark swordsman!" For Angela, who was born in the royal family of dragons and whose opponent was also an outrageously strong monster like Lei, it was completely unimaginable for a fourth-level What does Ulysses look like, and he's a wizard profession who can fall in melee with a single sword.

Hearing Angela's words, Ulysses couldn't help but smile, thinking of his youthful years as a mercenary in this city to earn money to buy books.

The fourth-level spellcasting level is indeed not that high. There are at least dozens of spellcasting levels higher than him in the mercenary group in Taji City, but because he is an extremely rare light magic caster, and can be used skillfully Healing techniques and some useful auxiliary magic are quite good in the mercenary world.

However, the money is always insufficient, although only simple rooms are rented, and most of the food is dealt with with water and bread. But because most of the priest's manuals are very valuable, the general low-level tasks are not enough to buy a copy after doing many times. So he cherishes every priest book he buys very much, because every more book he buys, his chances of passing the priest exam will be higher.

Every qualified priest is an outstanding scholar - this sentence is easy to say, but it is really difficult to achieve. Because books are very expensive, it is difficult for people who are not directly trained by noble families or the Supreme God Church to pass the priest exam. Therefore, although the priest test is open to all candidates who have the talent of light magic, very few can pass each year.

On this continent, the average age to become a priest is over forty years old, so the priests in everyone’s impression are mostly kind and elders. Only a very small number of people with talent and a superior learning environment can take office at a very young age. priest.

So now, can you pass the difficult priest exam? Ulysses asked himself.

It should be alright. In the big library of the Ana family, all the priest books are freely open to him. Coupled with the ability of thinking and memory that naturally becomes stronger after becoming a demon king, his understanding of theology is probably dozens of times more than in the past.

As for the magic level, he can even use the healing hand of silver now, not to mention those light magics below the seventh level.

That is to say, as long as he goes to participate, then passing the priest exam is a certainty.

But... Ulysses looked at Angela beside him, and Sister Mila, who was curiously observing the oysters beside the street vendor. Even though they were several meters away, the faint smell of violets was still warm. to his heart.

He is not the one he was in the past... Ulysses' eyes flashed with enlightenment, and a certain trouble disappeared without a sound.


After placing Sister Mira and Angela in a hotel that he was familiar with, Ulysses walked alone on the streets of Taji City.

At dusk, Taji City is bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the pale yellow halo is scattered in every corner of the city, adding a mysterious color to this ancient city.

Such a colorful Ulysses has been seen many, many times, and every time it calms down his impetuous heart. This ancient city seems to use history to tell him that everything about human beings is insignificant in the face of the long river of time, so the troubles are mostly ridiculous.

As an ordinary person, you only need to work hard to be yourself. There is nothing wrong with persistently pursuing your ideals, but you should take a break every now and then.

Although he is now a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from "ordinary people", Ulysses also felt that he should relax.

The recent battle is indeed very fulfilling, and the power that can be consumed is really quite a lot. The power that was overdrawn in the battle with the eight-headed demon dragon Kasa has not been fully recovered until now.

"Hehe, I really miss it here." Unconsciously, Ulysses walked to a familiar place, which used to be his "home" in Taji City.

However, before leaving Taji City, the place was completely destroyed by the sudden attack of the seventh-level powerhouses, and now Ulysses is in front of a green meadow.

Already far from the north, the breath of the sky exudes infinite vitality here, covering all traces of that battle, and making Ulysses no longer able to find the shadow of his former home.

However, this is also a matter of course. The physical substance will eventually be damaged. The small building is on the verge of disrepair. Even if there is no attack from those people, it may not last a few years without repairs.

The reason why I chose this place as my residence in Taji City is because the rent is cheap and quiet. I remember that Kanka came here for refuge more than once.

Speaking of which, Kanka didn't know where he went now. Last time, he was going to give him the love letter that Shandi helped to write, but it turned out that he seemed to have escaped from the City of Glory because of some problems.

As for what the problem was, according to the information he heard later, it seemed that he had done something very rude to a certain orc princess who came to study.

I can only say that no matter where I go, Kanka is still that Kanka, a lion who has the urge to love every day of the year.

After reminiscing about his former home, Ulysses stopped by another place he was familiar with—the Mercenary Guild.

This is always his first place to consider when he's on a tight leash. Although Taji City is a trading city, there are many ways to make money, but unfortunately they are all work that requires a lot of effort and time. For Ulysses, who just wants to earn living expenses and book money in a short time, this is the best place. Suitable place.

After all, his goal in life is not to become a wealthy businessman, but to become an outstanding priest.

As soon as he walked into the mouth of the mercenary union, Ulysses heard those familiar voices.

"Hey! Have you gone to the caravan in the south together? The Dot caravan is organizing a temporary alliance. Friends in the same direction will join in quickly. Our alliance is going to hire the best mercenary group here at a big price, only 10% of the total. money."

"Viscount York of this city issued a bounty, a thousand gold to buy the heart of the White Night Dolphin, how much you can get, is there any water magician willing to hunt the White Night Dolphin with our team at night. Our team is equipped with first-class equipment and has abundant marine fishing. Experience, I believe that will never come back empty-handed.”

"The Gale Group is recruiting! All fighters and wizards above level three, no matter what type, are recruited by this group, and the treatment is definitely the best in this city. This group has a long history and has completed the highest red-level task. , absolutely reputable, come on."

The red mission - that represents a dangerous mission that is enough to cause a huge threat to an entire city, forcing the city united frontier to issue the highest alert mission. Mercenaries or mercenary groups that can complete this type of mission automatically receive many city benefits.

Ulysses still remembered the red mission, the dangerous mission issued by all the forces of Taji City, including the Church of the Supreme God, all the nobles, and the Chamber of Commerce, and the opponent was the murderer wearing a white mask.

That mission was finally completed by him, but the biggest losses during the mission were actually the three mercenary groups that fought side by side with him. Although he took the initiative to send half of the reward to them, it seemed that the bleeding at that time was too high. Still haven't fully recovered.

Also, it is not so easy to form a qualified and reputable mercenary group. After losing so many sharps all at once, it may take more than a year or two to recover.

"Yo, Ulysses?" A voice that seemed somewhat uncertain came from behind Ulysses, a voice Ulysses was no stranger to.

Speaking of which, this mercenary group was the one he almost joined in the beginning.

This is the mad beast regiment where Kanka is located.

At the beginning, under the temptation of Kanka many times, Ulysses almost entered the beast army. To be precise, if he hadn't obtained the Devil's Book, I'm afraid he would really join the group in a few months.

After all, although the mercenary life is free, some lucrative tasks cannot be completed by oneself anyway. After failing the priest exam three times, Ulysses found that the books he bought were still not enough. At that time, I felt that I should almost find a mercenary group to join.

And since you want to join, you should naturally find a suitable one for yourself. Among the mercenary groups in Taji City, Ulysses had friendly cooperation with the top three. Among them, the invisibly No. 1 Wild Beast Corps became the first choice because of Kanka.

"Long time no see, head." Ulysses looked at the big furry face of the head of the Wild Beast Corps, and couldn't help showing a nostalgic expression.

It's really been a long time since I saw this, this particularly big hairy face.

"Hahaha, it really is you. I just watched it for a long time and thought I was wrong. Why, the **** kid Kanka didn't mix with you." The head of the Wild Beast Corps patted Ulysses on the shoulder, hearty. laughed out loud.

The great friendship between Ulysses and Kankana, the deputy head of the Wild Beast Corps, spanned the races, but it was a topic that the entire Wild Beast Corps had been talking about.

In this era of peace in the world, although human discrimination against orcs is far less serious than in the past, the invisible walls that exist because of racial barriers still exist, and people like Ulysses can carelessly mix with their orc warriors. The people who are with him are always the minority among the few. Coupled with Ulysses' rare identity as a light magician, it is impossible not to be noticed.

"That guy Kanka ran away in trouble again." Ulysses seemed to be back in the past when he always covered Kanka, remembering that Kanka caused trouble for the Wild Beast Corps at that time.

"Wow, hahaha, I knew that kid will not change his stubbornness, and he will be like that no matter where he goes." The head of the Wild Beast Corps, who knew what kind of virtue his deputy head was, laughed wildly.

Ulysses could see that after learning about Kanka's latest news, the head with a cheerful personality seemed very happy.

In his memory, the head of the Wild Beast Corps almost regarded Kanka as his son. No matter how much trouble he caused, he never cared.

"Come, go out for a drink with me, it's rare that your kid is back, how can you not drink." The head of the Wild Beast Corps grabbed Ulysses and pulled him from the hall of the mercenary union like a chicken. out.

With a wry smile, Ulysses could only accompany the drunken leader to enjoy the long-lost orc-style celebration in the rough tavern.

Fortunately, the head of the Wild Beast Corps is at least not as shameless as Kanka. He tricked Ulysses into drinking the juice mixed with high alcohol, and then instigated a certain tavern girl to educate Ulysses. ".

That time, it was a rare time when Ulysses was so embarrassed and fled, he almost broke off with Kanka.

"You, I knew for a long time that you would become a big man." Opposite Ulysses, the head of the Wild Beast Corps, who had already filled two bottles of spirits, began to speak with a big tongue.

"Kanka kid, not everyone can make friends. Don't look at that kid's personality, he is quite accurate. You know he has a cousin, that guy is amazing now."

Ulysses gently drank the fruit wine without any alcohol taste, listened to the words of the head of the Wild Beast Corps, and returned to that simple day in a trance.

"Kanka, although it's not my cub, but I have grown up watching this **** since I was a child, and I introduced him to him for the first time." After the drinking was aroused, the head of the Wild Beast Corps began to talk more He kept talking about the scandals of Kanka's childhood.

"At that time, I was really taken aback when he brought you to our group and said that you will be his best buddy from now on."

"The first time I saw you, you were still thin, as if a gust of wind would blow you down. I really didn't see anything good. To be honest, I was really worried that Kanka was deceived."

"But later, your hand therapy is really good, I took it. Our clan is really strong in combat, but none of them take injuries seriously. This is really a big problem. You are here. Helped a lot."

"Now I can finally see it. Kancana really has a good eye. Don't admit it, now you are completely different from then."

"Really?" Ulysses looked at himself and found that there shouldn't be much change.

"Hehe, what are you pretending to be stupid, I know, you killed that monster, Ulysses." The head of the Wild Beast Corps poured another bottle of wine, and his eyes became even redder.

"Uh..." Ulysses was a little surprised, and he always asked Aya to take charge of the affairs at that time.

"Stupid, we were the only ones who participated in destroying the monster at that time. Later, a little girl in a cloak went to hand in the task. Someone saw that little girl with you and wanted to deceive anyone. Don't treat us idiots too much. Underestimate it, our three commanders have long known." The commander of the Wild Beast Corps patted Ulysses' hand with red eyes and said sincerely:

"Thanks, brother."

"It's nothing. At that time, you made a lot of effort, and many people died. It wasn't your attack. Later, I couldn't defeat that monster so easily." Ulysses told the truth, without the full strength of the three mercenary groups. Attack, it is impossible for him to truly understand the horror of that murderer's undead body.

It was precisely because he understood the horror of the murderer and saw the tragedy of Fali that happened in front of him that he had the consciousness to liberate the abyss and punish his sins.

"We didn't receive the money so smoothly, but we really need it, and we can only owe you a huge favor. Since we're here again, if you have something to do, just tell us. No other place. Well, we still have some power here." For Ulysses' choice of splitting the bounty at that time, the head of the Wild Beast Corps was sincerely grateful, without the bounty their regiment would go bankrupt.

The cost of continuing to maintain the size of the mercenary regiment and the pensions for the dead and wounded add up to an astronomical figure. There are too many brothers who died at the hands of that murderer.

"Well, then tell me what happened here after I went out." Ulysses felt that he needed to know the changes in the city while he was away.

"Actually, it hasn't changed much. Those who should do business should do business, and those who should run away should run away. As for the change, the biggest change is actually not here, but the kingdom. You know that the royal family in this country relies on usurping the throne, right?" The head of the Wild Beast Corps took a sip and told the truth that even a three-year-old child knew.

"Yeah." Although he didn't care much about politics, Ulysses still knew something about the royal family of Taya.

"No one will believe it. The former king's family that was destroyed at the beginning actually ran out, and not only ran out, but also pulled out a team of people, what is it called the Skeleton Corps or something. Just last fall, this Skeleton Corps After returning from overseas, he landed from us and pushed it all the way to the capital." Speaking of this important event, the head of the Wild Beast Corps blushed.

"When those guys came up from the pier, no one thought that they were the former royal party, and there were thousands of people combined. As a result, these thousands of people directly pushed down the capital and killed all those who usurped the throne. ."

"I heard that their leader is the eldest son of the previous king. He is a fierce and ruthless hand. Not only is he a talent, but he also has a group of fierce guys. Now, the territory of Taya has been expanded by one third. already."

"Now that the prince is king, it sounds like a novel."

"Yeah." Ulysses felt the same way.

"However, that guy is not as good as you. I have seen that prince, and he is much worse than you are now."

"Huh?" Ulysses looked at the head of the Wild Beast Corps, who was already drunk and unconscious.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm about to advance myself, so I know what it tastes like. Ulysses, to be honest, I even think you're a monster now, how can you be so strong in such a short time. ."

"The king who is now called a genius and powerhouse is nothing compared to you."

After taking the last sip of the wine from the bottle, the eyes of the head of the Wild Beast Corps suddenly became sober.

"It's amazing, Kancana really got it right."

"Actually, a lot of things happened." Ulysses also shouted a bottle of wine.

It's just a low-degree ale, but for Ulysses, who gets drunk almost as soon as he drinks, this means he's willing to let go of his body and mind and drink it well.

"Life is like that. I'll ask you to take good care of that guy Kanka in the future. This little brat will grow and won't come to this city again." The head of the Wild Beast Corps His eyes were a little lonely, those are the eyes that only the elders who saw their children grew up and left the nest.

"Kanka will live very well." Ulysses remembered that Kanka, who accompanied Lasha on his travels, could complete such a daunting task. There is no place in this world that Kanka can't go to.

"Hahahaha, cheers to Kankana bastard." The head of the Wild Beast Corps ordered another bottle of spirits, then laughed and toasted Ulysses.

"Cheers to Kanka's happiness." Although Kankana is said to be a once-in-a-lifetime love, Ulysses still sends blessings to his best friend.

"Ah!" Kanka, who was hiding from the bear clan princess guard in a tree hole in the northern continent, sneezed heavily.

Don't get me wrong, Kanka, the handsome lion, will not fall on the same ridge twice. This time the princess of the bear clan is not the one from Taji City, but the princess of the polar bear clan in the north. She is three meters tall and has a waist circumference of two Mi, is said to be a lady.

A lady is not a lady or something, Kanka doesn't know, I just remember that when she was pushed down, she felt good, and she was very stamina when rolling around...

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