Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 133: Lapis's mind

, thank you, then the creator Ulysses, please give orders to Lapis. "' Lapis's melodious voice like a lark returned to Ulysses' ears, making him seem to have returned to that battlefield.

At that time, Lapis was injured in the battle just like him. In order to help him defeat the powerful enemies one after another, this little magic elf turned into the strongest black lily armor, blocking countless Heavy hits.

Without her, it would be impossible for him to rush through the countless battlefields, and finally reach the end point where the insect princess was and save Lasha.

Lapis paid a huge price for this. Widowmaker was almost torn apart, and Lapis herself had to go into a long sleep to recover from her injuries.

He owed her too much.

At this time, he had a lot to say to her, thank her for her help all the time, and thank her for her unscrupulous contributions to him, but this is a battlefield, and there is no room for so many words, so a thousand words were finally turned into one sentence: "Lapis, fight with me."

"Understood, creator!" Lapis's phantom emerged from behind Ulysses, and Jin Sè's eyes flashed a sharp light.

Even in the face of overwhelming attacks, the number of enemies is thousands of times more than here,

But the pair did not have the slightest worry, standing in this violent storm, shining like stars.

Several transparent shields appeared around Ulysses, blocking the breath of several steel sea dragon beasts for him. These shields are the newly completed armament of Lapis, whose strength and size can be adjusted freely. .

"Creator, Lapis wants Promea of ​​the sun." For the first time in history, Lapis told Ulysses what she wanted.

"Light Furnace? Okay." Although what Labis wanted was a secret treasure in the legend of ancient magic, Ulysses immediately took it out of the dark dimension without any hesitation.

It was a crystal bottle the size of a finger, emitting a beautiful soft light all the time. In the most [center] position, a small elf-like light spot is spinning around leisurely.

Promea of ​​the sun, the legendary furnace of light, the fragment of the sun, the heart of the sun, these are all its names, representing the spirit of the power of the sun.

This is one of the highest masterpieces of the fusion of starry sky magic and space magic. It is a nobility treasure created with the crystals of light collected from the endless void. A magical treasure of heat.

Even at the end of the ancient language magic that used human life as a material to develop to an unimaginable height, there are only two light furnaces that have actually been manufactured, and the rest are incomplete, and one of them is now in the palm of Ulysses. The trophy he and the mysterious warrior got after killing Sun Butterfly.

As the crystallization of the highest-level Noble Phantasm in the age of ancient magic, humans have never been able to create a similar legendary treasure after the age of ancient magic.

"Creator, can you agree to one request from Lapis?" Holding the sun's Promea, the legendary light furnace tightly in his palm, Lapis's eyes became full of desire.

In fact, that should not be allowed, especially at this time, let alone say it.

However, she had waited too long, and after witnessing a certain moment, that little miss could no longer be controlled.

Therefore, no matter how she suppressed it, she could not suppress it. As a created magic elf, as a spiritual being with infinite possibilities, she also had a wish, a very extravagant wish.

She is willing to be the eyes of Ulysses, the ears of Ulysses, the hands of Ulysses, the feet of Ulysses.

For this, a wish was born.

"What is it?" Ulysses shook his wrist and waved several black sword energy, slashing the oncoming water waves, and then with a backhand sword, he chopped off the white magic arrow shot from a distance.

"Please take the most important thing from Lapis like lùlù." Lapis looked at Ulysses with anticipation and anxiety while holding the small light furnace in her hands.

That look was not unfamiliar to Ulysses.

That is the look that is willing to entrust everything, including body and mind, to him: that is the look that connects spirit, life, and everything with him: that is the look that will fight side by side with him without hesitation, no matter what The eyes of a girl who will never leave.

That is, the eyes that are willing to die for him.

"Okay, Lapis, are you really ready?" Ulysses smiled and looked at Lapis, his loyal fifth apostle, who had been injured too many times for himself.

It is no longer necessary to refuse, to hesitate any more, to be heart-to-heart, and to have absolute trust without reservation. Labis has already reached it.

Like lùlù, she has proved her loyalty with her own life, and she has the qualifications of a full apostle for a long time.

"Take most important thing...

My creator Lapis is also smiling, and then put the treasure in her hand. Yiguang Jing Furnace merged into his own mouth.

"Fusion evolution" is the ability of Lapis to awaken from this deep sleep. After repairing the damage of the last war, in order to further strengthen her ability, she entered into a longer deduction.

In the end, the fastest way to increase one's creator is to use her spiritual qualities as the core to fuse an item with huge energy, so that the creator's combat effectiveness can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

What she chose was the Noble Phantasm that gave birth to the Sun Butterfly, the Promea of ​​the Sun, and the legendary Light Furnace. This Noble Phantasm was in the hazy stage of giving birth to self-wisdom, and possessed extremely powerful energy. is the best carrier.

And the light furnace, which has a spiritual life, will undergo a truly reborn change and become a special weapon.

"Pop!" In Lapis's translucent body, the light fine furnace made a slight cracking sound, and then turned into countless light spots, swimming happily in Lapis' body.

Lapis looked at the sun fragments in her body with soft eyes. She is not Howl, and she will not make the mistake of being burned out by the power of the sun, and she will not make the mistake of being stunned by the power of the sun. She is created by the power of the infinite horizon. Spiritual life, she was born from the very beginning to control powerful tools.

As far as herself is concerned, Lapis does not have any combat power. Her specialties are "control" and "evolution" Widowmaker, whether it is a light furnace, it is a tool for her fusion control. When the fusion is completed, she It's the sprite of these tools.

When the little elf light spot at the core of the light furnace also merged into Lapis' body, Lapis's whole body exudes the golden color of the people, it is the color of the sun, the new Promea of ​​the sun birth certificate.

Promea of ​​the new sun, possessing complete wisdom, not only will not make people mad, but will protect their masters and dedicate the most perfect sun power to their masters.

The miracles in this column can only be created by Lapis. The power of the sun is definitely not something that ordinary people can control. It is one of the most powerful forces in this world. Even if it is only the power of sun fragments, it is not something that human beings should possess.

The emperors of the ancient magic at the end of the magic couldn't do it either. They just used the light furnace as the power source of the floating city, so that the sky city representing the highest achievement of magic floated forever above the forest fruit in the holy land. The people who merged with the Light Furnace, without exception, were the result of Hal's. They were burnt out by the terrifying power of the sun, and even the body of the insect veins could not bear that kind of power, and eventually vanished into ashes.

A brand new, golden light furnace appeared in front of Lapis, and then gently landed on Ulysses' hand.

The moment he came into contact with this golden furnace, Ulysses knew how heavy it was.

In fact it is very light, almost like a feather, but it has everything that Lapis has in it.

The spirit of Lapis, the life of Lapis, the spirit of Lapis, all gathered in this small light furnace.

Lapis once again made a huge sacrifice for Ulysses. She sacrificed her life and everything, and lodged herself in this light furnace, and turned into fragments of the sun that came to Ulysses' palm.

This golden light furnace is the new life form of Lapis, and handing this to Ulysses means she entrusts everything to Ulysses.

Her life, her spirit, her everything, everything, was given to Ulysses, and no matter what path he chose, she would go with him to the end of the world.

"I, take it!" Ulysses let go of his heart while holding the Light Furnace, which represented everything in Lapis.

At this moment the hearts of the two were connected, and there was no longer the slightest gap.

The initial responsibility, the later vision, the awareness of knowing what to do, and the goal of changing the form of life.

"Be your eyes, your ears, your hands, your feet Lapis, and be with you." This is Lapis's belief, the mission of the Fifth Apostle.

Sincerely for you, this is the expression of Lapis's love, without any return, without any pity and hug, just be together, the world is perfect.

As long as the two are together, no matter where they are, it is a beautiful paradise. As long as they fight side by side, they are not afraid of any kind of battlefield: even if she gave up her life and turned it into such a form, she has no regrets, just because her wish.

The golden light spread out in Ulysses' hands, turning into a gorgeous golden coat covering him.

This is the incarnation of Promea of ​​the sun, this is the perfect posture of the magic elf, this is the sun armor forged for him by Lapis, who accompanies Ulysses. ! .

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